getAcceptedEventType(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IListener
Get accepted event type with index acceptedEventTypeIndex.
getAcceptedEventTypeCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IListener
Get number of accepted event types
getArgument(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IDataOperation
Gets the argument Object (instance of class implementing IArgument) as identified by the argumentIndex parameter.
getArgumentCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IDataOperation
Number of arguments for this data operation
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IEvent
Get the value of a Key=Value pair, containing additional information on the event.
getComponentDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Describes the ILinkableComponent implementation (the class not the instance/Object)

This property must be accessible after the Initialize( ) method has been invoked and until the Finish( ) method has been invoked.

getComponentID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Identifies the specific ILinkableComponent implementation (the class not the instance/Object)

This property must be accessible after the Initialize( ) method has been invoked and until the Finish( ) method has been invoked.

getConversionFactorToSI() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IUnit
Conversion factor to SI ('A' in: SI-value = A * quant-value + B)
getCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IValueSet
Number of elements in the set
getDataOperation(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Get the data operation with index DataOperationIndex.
getDataOperation(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IOutputExchangeItem
Get one of the data operations that can be performed on the output quantity/elemenset.
getDataOperationCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IOutputExchangeItem
The number of data operations that can be performed on the output quantity/elemenset.
getDataOperationsCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Number of data operations
getDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IArgument
Description of the key-value pair.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Additional descriptive information
getDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IEvent
Additional descriptive information
getDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Additional descriptive information
getDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IQuantity
Additional descriptive information
getDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IUnit
Additional descriptive information
getDimension() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IQuantity
Quantity's Dimension
getDiscreteTime(IQuantity, IElementSet, int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IDiscreteTimes
Get n-th discrete time stamp or time span for a specific combination of ElementSet and Quantity.
getDiscreteTimesCount(IQuantity, IElementSet) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IDiscreteTimes
Returns the number of discrete time steps for a specific combination of ElementSet and Quantity
getEarliestInputTime() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
The earliestInputTime property defines earliest time for which the LinkableComponent will invoke the GetValues on other LinkableComponent.
getElementCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Number of elements in the ElementSet
getElementID(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Returns ID of 'ElementIndex'-th element in the ElementSet.
getElementIndex(String) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Index of element 'ElementID' in the elementset.
getElementSet() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IExchangeItem
The ElementSet.
getElementType() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
ElementType of the elementset.
getEnd() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ITimeSpan
Time span's end time stamp
getFaceCount(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Returns the number of faces in an element.
getFaceVertexIndices(int, int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Gives an array with the vertex indices for a face.
getID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IDataOperation
Identification String for the data operation.
getID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Identification String


"River Branch 34", "Node 34"

getID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Identification String
getID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IQuantity
getID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ISpatialReference
Identifier indicating which spatial reference to use
getID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IUnit
Identification String
getInputExchangeItem(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Returns the InputExchangeItem corresponding to the inputExchangeItemIndex provided in the method arguments.
getInputExchangeItemCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Defines the number of input exchange items that can be retrieves with the GetInputExchangeItem( ) method.
getKey() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IArgument
The key (String) in key-value pair.
getModelDescription() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Describes the instance of the LinkableComponent (the instantiated and populated Object)

This property must be accessible after the Initialize( ) method has been invoked and until the Finish( ) method has been invoked.

getModelID() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Identifies the instance of the LinkableComponent (the instantiated and populated Object)

This property must be accessible after the Initialize( ) method has been invoked and until the Finish( ) method has been invoked.

getModifiedJulianDay() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ITimeStamp
Get TimeStamp expressed as ModifiedJulianDateAndTime (JulianDateAndTime - 2400000.5) Number of days since 1858/11/17 12:00:00.00, and fraction of 24hr.
getOffSetToSI() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IUnit
OffSet to SI ('B' in: SI-value = A * quant-value + B)
getOutputExchangeItem(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Returns the OutputExchangeItem corresponding to the outputExchangeItemIndex provided in the method arguments.
getOutputExchangeItemCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Defines the number of output exchange items that can be retrieves from the GetOutputExchangeItem( ) method.
getPower(IDimension.DimensionBase) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IDimension
Returns the power for the requested dimension


For a quantity such as flow, which may have the unit m3/s, the GetPower method must work as follows:

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.AmountOfSubstance) -->returns 0

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.Currency) --> returns 0

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.ElectricCurrent) --> returns 0

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.Length) --> returns 3

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.LuminousIntensity) --> returns 0

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.Mass) --> returns 0

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.Temperature) --> returns 0

myDimension.GetPower(DimensionBase.Time) --> returns -1

getPublishedEventType(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IPublisher
Get provided event type with index providedEventTypeIndex
getPublishedEventTypeCount() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IPublisher
Get number of published event types
getQuantity() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IExchangeItem
The Quantity.
getScalar(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IScalarSet
Value for one of the elements in the set
getSender() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IEvent
ILinkableComponent that generated the event.
getSimulationTime() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IEvent
Current SimulationTime ("-" if not applicable)
getSourceComponent() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Souce linkable component
getSourceElementSet() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Source elementset
getSourceQuantity() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Source quantity
getSpatialReference() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
The SpatialReference defines the spatial reference to be used in association with the coordinates in the ElementSet.
getStart() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ITimeSpan
Time span's begin time stamp
getTargetComponent() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Target linkable component
getTargetElementSet() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Target elementset
getTargetQuantity() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILink
Target quantity
getTimeHorizon() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Defines the time span within which the LinkableComponent can return values without using temporal extrapolation.
getType() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IEvent
Type of event
getUnit() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IQuantity
getValue() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IArgument
Get the value (String) in key-value pair.
getValue() - Method in enum org.openmi.standard.IDimension.DimensionBase
int flag value to a given enum base type.
getValue() - Method in enum org.openmi.standard.IElementSet.ElementType
int flag value to a given enum base type.
getValue() - Method in enum org.openmi.standard.IEvent.EventType
int flag value to a given enum base type.
getValue() - Method in enum org.openmi.standard.IQuantity.ValueType
int flag value to a given enum base type.
getValues(ITime, String) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.ILinkableComponent
Returns a ValuesSet, which is either a ScalarSet or a VectorSet, where the values applies to the time (TimeStamp or TimeSpan) defined in the method arguments and corresponds to the previously added Link, which is identified by the LinkID provided in the method arguments.
getValueType() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IQuantity
Quantity's value type (vector, scalar or ...)
getVector(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IVectorSet
Vector for one of the elements in the set
getVersion() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
The current version number for the populated ElementSet.
getVertexCount(int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Number of vertices for the element specified by the elementIndex.
getXComponent() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IVector
Vector component in X-direction
getXCoordinate(int, int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
X-coord for the vertex with VertexIndex of the element with ElementIndex.
getYComponent() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IVector
Vector component in Y-direction
getYCoordinate(int, int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Y-coord for the vertex with VertexIndex of the element with ElementIndex.
getZComponent() - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IVector
Vector component in Z-direction
getZCoordinate(int, int) - Method in interface org.openmi.standard.IElementSet
Z-coord for the vertex with VertexIndex of the element with ElementIndex.