Interface IDataOperation

public interface IDataOperation

DataOperation interface

Method Summary
 IArgument getArgument(int argumentIndex)
          Gets the argument Object (instance of class implementing IArgument) as identified by the argumentIndex parameter.
 int getArgumentCount()
          Number of arguments for this data operation
 java.lang.String getID()
          Identification String for the data operation.
 void initialize(IArgument[] properties)
          Deprecated. This method should not be a part of the standard since it is not required to be invoked by any outside component. However, in order to avoid changing the standard it will remain in the IDataOperation interface. It is recommended simply to make an empty implementation of this method.
 boolean isValid(IInputExchangeItem inputExchangeItem, IOutputExchangeItem outputExchangeItem, IDataOperation[] selectedDataOperations)
          Validates a specific combination of InputExchangeItem, OutputExchangeItem and a selection of DataOperations.

Method Detail


void initialize(IArgument[] properties)
Deprecated. This method should not be a part of the standard since it is not required to be invoked by any outside component. However, in order to avoid changing the standard it will remain in the IDataOperation interface. It is recommended simply to make an empty implementation of this method.

Intializes the data operation.

properties - Arguments for initialization


java.lang.String getID()
Identification String for the data operation.

Two or more data operations provided by one OutputExchangeItem may not have the same ID.


"Mean value", "Max value", "Spatially averaged", "Accumulated", "linear conversion"


int getArgumentCount()
Number of arguments for this data operation


IArgument getArgument(int argumentIndex)
Gets the argument Object (instance of class implementing IArgument) as identified by the argumentIndex parameter.

argumentIndex -

The index-number of the requested DataOperation(indexing starts from zero)

This method must accept values of argumentIndex in the interval [0, ArgumentCount - 1]. If the argumentIndex is outside this interval an exception must be thrown..

The Argument as identified by argumentIndex.


boolean isValid(IInputExchangeItem inputExchangeItem,
                IOutputExchangeItem outputExchangeItem,
                IDataOperation[] selectedDataOperations)
Validates a specific combination of InputExchangeItem, OutputExchangeItem and a selection of DataOperations. If this combination is valid true should be returned otherwise false should be returned.

inputExchangeItem - The input exchange item.
outputExchangeItem - The output exchange item.
selectedDataOperations - The already selected data operations.
True if the combination of InputExchangeItem, OutputExchangeItem, and the array of dataOperations provided in the methods argument is valid, otherwise false.