Package org.openmi.standard

Interface Summary
IArgument The IArgument interface defines a key - value pair.
IDataOperation DataOperation interface
IDimension Dimension interface
IDiscreteTimes Within and outside modelling exercises, many situations occur where "raw" data is desired at the (discrete) time stamp as it is available in the source component.
IElementSet Data exchange between components in OpenMI is always related to one or more elements in a space, either geo-referenced or not.
IEvent Within modern software systems, events are often applied for all types of messaging.
IExchangeItem ExchangeItem interface
IInputExchangeItem An IInputExchangeItem describes an input item that can be accepted by a LinkableComponent.
ILink Link interface
ILinkableComponent The ILinkableComponent is the key interface in the OpenMI standard.
IListener Listener interface
IManageState Manage State Interface.
IOutputExchangeItem An IOutputExchangeItem describes an output item that can be delivered by a LinkableComponent.
IPublisher Publisher interface
IQuantity Quantity interface
IScalarSet ScalarSet interface (Array of doubles for a certain quantity on a certain elementset).
ISpatialReference SpatialReference interface
ITime Time interface ('Abstract' interface, base for TimeStamp and TimeSpan)
ITimeSpan TimeSpan interface
ITimeStamp TimeStamp interface
IUnit Unit interface
IValueSet ValueSet interface (Base for VectorSet and ScalarSet)
IVector Vector interface
IVectorSet VectorSet interface (Array of vectors for a certain quantity on a certain elementset).

Enum Summary
IDimension.DimensionBase Enumeration for base dimensions
IElementSet.ElementType Shape Type of an Elementset.
IEvent.EventType Enumeration for event types.
IQuantity.ValueType Value(Set)Type for Quantity.