Interface IOutputExchangeItem

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IOutputExchangeItem
extends IExchangeItem

An IOutputExchangeItem describes an output item that can be delivered by a LinkableComponent. The item describes on which elementset a quantity can be provided.

An output exchange item may provide data operations (interpolation in time, spatial interpolation etc.) that can be performed on the output exchange item before the values are delivered to the target ILinkableComponent

Method Summary
 IDataOperation getDataOperation(int dataOperationIndex)
          Get one of the data operations that can be performed on the output quantity/elemenset.
 int getDataOperationCount()
          The number of data operations that can be performed on the output quantity/elemenset.
Methods inherited from interface org.openmi.standard.IExchangeItem
getElementSet, getQuantity

Method Detail


int getDataOperationCount()
The number of data operations that can be performed on the output quantity/elemenset.


IDataOperation getDataOperation(int dataOperationIndex)
Get one of the data operations that can be performed on the output quantity/elemenset.

dataOperationIndex - The index for the data operation [0, DataOperationCount-1].
The data operation for index dataOperationIndex.