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file  cta.h [code]
file  cta_bb_modbuild.h [code]
file  cta_bb_modbuild_utils.h [code]
file  cta_datatypes.h [code]
 Definitions of constants and datatypes that are publically used in COSTA.
file  cta_datetime.h [code]
 Interface description of the default COSTA datetime component.
file  cta_defaults.h [code]
 A list of all default class implementations.
file  cta_errors.h [code]
 Definitions of error return values used by COSTA.
file [code]
file  cta_f77lapack.h [code]
 Package of internally used functions for C/FORTRAN compatibility.
file [code]
file  cta_file.h [code]
 Functions for the implementation of CTA_FILE objects.
file  cta_flush.h [code]
 Flush function for compatibility reasons with FORTRAN.
file  cta_functions.h [code]
 Functions for working with CTA_Function objects. CTA_Function objects can be used to address functions.
file  cta_handles.h [code]
 Description of functions for working with CTA_Handle objects that are being used to access COSTA objects.
file  cta_initialise.h [code]
 CTA_Initialise for COSTA initialisation.
file  cta_interface.h [code]
 Description of the COSTA interface componennt used for communication with user implementation classes.
file  cta_matrix.h [code]
 The interface description of the COSTA matrix component. For user implementation see cta_usr_matrix.h.
file  cta_metainfo.h [code]
file  cta_method.h [code]
 The interface description of the COSTA method component (this component is still under construction). For user implementation see cta_usr_method.h.
file  cta_modbuild_b3b.h [code]
file  cta_modbuild_b3b_utils.h [code]
file  cta_modbuild_par.h [code]
file  cta_modbuild_sp.h [code]
file  cta_model.h [code]
 Interface description of the COSTA default model component. For user implementation see cta_usr_model.h.
file  cta_model_utilities.h [code]
 A set of utilities that simplify the creation of COSTA model components.
file  cta_modelcombiner.h [code]
file  cta_obsdescr.h [code]
 Interface description of the COSTA default observation descriptor component. For user implementation see cta_usr_obs_descr.h.
file  cta_obsdescr_table.h [code]
file  cta_pack.h [code]
 The interface description of the COSTA pack component.
file  cta_par.h [code]
 Interface for creating parallel applications with COSTA.
file  cta_reltable.h [code]
 Relation table component that defines a relation between two elements (ordered) sets of elements.
file  cta_stoch_observer.h [code]
 Interface description of the COSTA default stochastic observer component. For user implementation see cta_usr_stoch_observer.h.
file  cta_string.h [code]
 Interface description of the default COSTA string component.
file  cta_system.h [code]
 Macros for handing system dependent issues.
file  cta_time.h [code]
 Interface description of the default COSTA time component.
file  cta_tree.h [code]
 Interface description of the COSTA tree component.
file  cta_treevector.h [code]
 Interface description of the COSTA default tree-vector component.
file  cta_usr_matrix.h [code]
 In this file a description is given of the interface of user matrix functions. When creating your own user matrix class use the following as template.
file  cta_usr_method.h [code]
 In this file a description is given of the interface of user method functions. When creating your own user method class use the following as template.
file  cta_usr_model.h [code]
 In this file a description is given of the interface of user model functions. When creating your own user model class use the following as template.
file  cta_usr_obs_desc.h [code]
 In this file a description is given of the interface of user observation descriptor functions. When creating your own user observation descriptor class use the following as template.
file  cta_usr_stoch_observer.h [code]
 In this file a description is given of the interface of user stochastic observer functions. When creating your own user stochastic observer class use the following as template.
file  cta_usr_vector.h [code]
 In this file a description is given of the interface of user vector functions. When creating your own vector class use the following as template.
file  cta_util_methods.h [code]
 Utility routines for creating data assimilation methods.
file  cta_util_sort.h [code]
 Interface to the sorting utility functions of COSTA. This header file handles the C/FORTRAN interfacing.
file  cta_util_statistics.h [code]
 Utility for calculating a realization of a standard normal distribution.
file  cta_vector.h [code]
 Interface description of the default COSTA vector componennt. For user implementation see cta_usr_vector.h.
file  cta_xml.h [code]
 Utilities for XML access: reading/writing of trees from/to a XML file.
file  ctai.h [code]
 Definition of MIN(a,b) and MAX(a,b).
file  ctai_datatypes.h [code]
 Utility functions for working with data types.
file  ctai_handles.h [code]
 Utility functions for working with CTA_Handle objects.
file  ctai_stoch_observer.h [code]
 Utility for stochastic observer object.
file  ctai_string.h [code]
 Internal string utility functions.
file  ctai_vector.h [code]
 Utilities for working with CTA_Vector objects.
file  ctai_xml.h [code]
 Utilities for XML access: reading/writing of trees from/to a XML file.
file  f_cta_utils.h [code]
 String utility functions for FORTRAN / C compatibility.
file  modbuild_sp_model_template.h [code]
file  sqlite3.h [code]

Generated on Wed Feb 6 14:16:43 2008 for COSTA by  doxygen 1.4.4