cta_util_statistics.h File Reference

Utility for calculating a realization of a standard normal distribution. More...

#include "cta_system.h"

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CTAEXPORT void CTA_rand_seed (int seed)
 Initialize the random generator.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_rand_u (double *x)
 Get an uniform random number from the interval [0 1].
CTAEXPORT int CTA_rand_n (double *x)
 Get a random number from a normal distribution whit mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Detailed Description

Utility for calculating a realization of a standard normal distribution.

This is just a set of utility routines it does not define any COSTA component

Definition in file cta_util_statistics.h.

Function Documentation

CTAEXPORT int CTA_rand_n ( double *  x  ) 

Get a random number from a normal distribution whit mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

x O receives the random number
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT void CTA_rand_seed ( int  seed  ) 

Initialize the random generator.

only initialize the random generator once.
seed I some positive initial seed
CTAEXPORT int CTA_rand_u ( double *  x  ) 

Get an uniform random number from the interval [0 1].

x O receives the random number
error status: CTA_OK if successful

Generated on 4 Mar 2014 for OpenDA by  doxygen 1.6.1