cta_reltable.h File Reference

Relation table component that defines a relation between two elements (ordered) sets of elements. More...

#include "cta_system.h"
#include "cta_handles.h"
#include "cta_datatypes.h"
#include "cta_vector.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef CTA_Handle CTA_RelTable


CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Create (CTA_RelTable *hreltable)
 Create a relation table.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Free (CTA_RelTable *hreltable)
 Free a relation table object.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Apply (CTA_RelTable hreltable, CTA_Handle hfrom, CTA_Handle hto)
 Copy elements according to relation table.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_ApplyInv (CTA_RelTable hreltable, CTA_Handle hfrom, CTA_Handle hto)
 Copy elements according to inverse of relation table.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_SetSelect (CTA_RelTable hreltable, CTA_Vector vselect)
 Set a relation table A Set a relation table that defines a selection of elements.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Count (CTA_RelTable hreltable, int *nelt)
 Get the number of elements that are copied when the table is applied.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_SetTableCombine (CTA_RelTable hreltable, CTA_RelTable hrel1, int inverse1, CTA_RelTable hrel2, int inverse2)
 Set a relation table that is combination of two relation tables.
int CTAI_RelTable_Apply (CTA_RelTable hreltable, CTA_Handle hfrom, CTA_Handle hto, int inverse)
 Apply relation table to two components.

Detailed Description

Relation table component that defines a relation between two elements (ordered) sets of elements.

Relation tables are used to define a relation between elements in sets. Examples are the elements of a vector, matrix, tree vector or in a stochastic observer.

The Relation table can be used for copying elements from one set to the other optionally using interpolation (not yet supported).

Definition in file cta_reltable.h.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 42 of file cta_reltable.h.

Function Documentation

CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Apply ( CTA_RelTable  hreltable,
CTA_Handle  hfrom,
CTA_Handle  hto 

Copy elements according to relation table.

we currently only support copying of elements between two vector instances. Other types of COSTA object will be supported when needed in later versions
hreltable I handle of relation table
hfrom I Origin object to copy data from
hto I Target object to copy data to
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_ApplyInv ( CTA_RelTable  hreltable,
CTA_Handle  hfrom,
CTA_Handle  hto 

Copy elements according to inverse of relation table.

we currently only support copying of elements between two vector instances. Other types of COSTA object will be supported when needed in later versions
hreltable I handle of relation table
hfrom I Origin object to copy data from
hto I Target object to copy data to
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Count ( CTA_RelTable  hreltable,
int *  nelt 

Get the number of elements that are copied when the table is applied.

hreltable I relation table
nelt O number of elements that are copied
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Create ( CTA_RelTable hreltable  ) 

Create a relation table.

hreltable O created relation table
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_Free ( CTA_RelTable hreltable  ) 

Free a relation table object.

hreltable IO relation table to be freed, value is set to CTA_NULL on return.
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_SetSelect ( CTA_RelTable  hreltable,
CTA_Vector  vselect 

Set a relation table A Set a relation table that defines a selection of elements.

hreltable O relation table that is set
vselect I (integer) vector with indices of elements from the target set that are selected.
error status: CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_RelTable_SetTableCombine ( CTA_RelTable  hreltable,
CTA_RelTable  hrel1,
int  inverse1,
CTA_RelTable  hrel2,
int  inverse2 

Set a relation table that is combination of two relation tables.

Set a relation table that is the combination of two exisiting relation tables. It is possible to use the inverse of the relation tables when needed A usefull application of this method is to create a relation table that defines a relation between a subset of elements from set1 and a subset of the elements of set2. In order to set a relation table of this kind first create two relation tables: hrel1 elements from set 1 that have a relation with the elements from set 2, hrel2 elements from set 2 that have a relation with the elements from set 1

The combined relation table of hrel1 and inverse(hrel2) is a relation table that spcifies the relation of a subset of elements from set1 and a subset of elements from set2.

hreltable O relation table that is set
hrel1 I first relation table
inverse1 I use inverse of hrel1 (CTA_TRUE/CTA_FALSE)
hrel2 I first relation table
inverse2 I use inverse of hrel2 (CTA_TRUE/CTA_FALSE)
error status: CTA_OK if successful
int CTAI_RelTable_Apply ( CTA_RelTable  hreltable,
CTA_Handle  hfrom,
CTA_Handle  hto,
int  inverse 

Apply relation table to two components.

reltable (I) Data of relation table
hrom (I) Source set of elements
hto (IO) Target set (some will be overwitten)
iverse (I) CTA_TRUE/CTA_FALSE apply inverse table
error status: CTA_OK if successful
Internal routine not a user routine

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