cta_sobs_netcdf.h File Reference

Netcdf user implementation of the stochastic observer interface. More...

#include "cta_f77blas.h"
#include "cta_datatypes.h"
#include "cta_handles.h"
#include "cta_functions.h"
#include "cta_sobs.h"
#include "cta_obsdescr.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  CTAI_OMI_database
struct  CTAI_SObs_netcdf


void CTA_SObs_netcdf_initialise ()
 Initialization function for defining the SObs_netcdf class.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Create_Size (int *memsize, int *retval)
 Implementation function that is part of object create process.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Create_Init (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Handle userdata, int *retval)
 Implementation function that is part of object create process.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_CreateSel (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *obsin, CTA_Handle *userdata, CTAI_SObs_netcdf *obsout, int *retval)
 Create a new stochastic observer that is subset of existing stochastic observer.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Count (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, int *nmeasr, int *retval)
 Count the number of measurements.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetVals (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Vector *hvec, int *retval)
 Get a vector with the measurements.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetTimes (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Vector *hvec, int *retval)
 Get times associated with the measurements.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetVariances (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Vector *hvec, int *returnvar, int *retval)
 Get variance of probability density function of the mesurements.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetRealisation (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Vector *hvec, int *retval)
 Draw random values (measurements) according to the probability density function of the mesurements.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetCovMat (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Matrix *hmat, int *retval)
 Get covariance matrix of probability density function of the measurements.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_export (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, CTA_Handle *userdata, int *retval)
 Export a CTAI_SObs object to file or standard output.
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Free (CTAI_SObs_netcdf *x, int *retval)
 Free the object data and associated resources.

Detailed Description

Netcdf user implementation of the stochastic observer interface.

Definition in file cta_sobs_netcdf.h.

Function Documentation

void CTA_SObs_netcdf_initialise (  ) 

Initialization function for defining the SObs_netcdf class.

no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Count ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
int *  nmeasr,
int *  retval 

Count the number of measurements.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
nmeasr O receives number of measurements
retval O receives the return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Create_Init ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Handle  userdata,
int *  retval 

Implementation function that is part of object create process.

userdata must contain handle of COSTA string giving the NETCDF database name.
x IO pointer to object data of stochastic observer
userdata I pointer to user data
retval O receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Create_Size ( int *  memsize,
int *  retval 

Implementation function that is part of object create process.

memsize O receives size of new CTAI_SObs_netcdf object
retval O receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_CreateSel ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf obsin,
CTA_Handle userdata,
CTAI_SObs_netcdf obsout,
int *  retval 

Create a new stochastic observer that is subset of existing stochastic observer.

userdata must contain handle of COSTA string giving the selection condition.
This function fills in the object data of the new stochastic observer. The handle is created by CTA_SObs_CreateSel().
obsin I pointer to object data of the existing stochastic observer
userdata I pointer to userdata
obsout O pointer to object data of the new COSTA-stochastic observer, must exist before calling
retval I receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_export ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Handle userdata,
int *  retval 

Export a CTAI_SObs object to file or standard output.

output to file (userdata must contain handle of COSTA file)
x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
userdata I user data
retval O receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_Free ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
int *  retval 

Free the object data and associated resources.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
retval O receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetCovMat ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Matrix hmat,
int *  retval 

Get covariance matrix of probability density function of the measurements.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
hmat O handle of matrix that receives the covariance matrix; must exist before calling
retval O receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetRealisation ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Vector hvec,
int *  retval 

Draw random values (measurements) according to the probability density function of the mesurements.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
hvec O handle of vector that receives the draw (measurements); must exist before calling
retval O receives return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetTimes ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Vector hvec,
int *  retval 

Get times associated with the measurements.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
hvec O handle of vector that receives the associated times, must exist before calling
retval O receives the return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetVals ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Vector hvec,
int *  retval 

Get a vector with the measurements.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
hvec O handle of vector that receives the measurements, must exist before calling
retval O receives the return value
no return value
void CTAI_SObs_netcdf_GetVariances ( CTAI_SObs_netcdf x,
CTA_Vector hvec,
int *  returnvar,
int *  retval 

Get variance of probability density function of the mesurements.

x I pointer to object data of stochastic observer
hvec I handle of the vector that receives the variances, must exist before calling
returnvar O flag: TRUE for getting variance, FALSE for getting standard deviation
retval O receives return value
no return value

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