Function |
Reference |
bepaal_tijdstap |
Determine timestep of given time axis.
blok_select |
Select Dia blocks with specified parameter-value pairs.
cmp_taxis |
Compute time axis for Donar timeseries.
combineRKS |
Combine two or more RKS (Reeksadministratie) blocks.
combineTPS |
Combine two or more TPS (Tijdreeksperiodestatus) blocks.
datenum2long |
Convert Matlab datenum to date with format yyyymmdd,
time with format HHmm and time with format HHMMSS.
datenum2str |
Convert a Matlab datenum to a string with format: yyyymmddHHMM.
duration |
Calculate duration of a timeunit in Matlab datenum units.
emptyMUX |
Make default MUX (Multiplex administratie) block.
emptyRGH |
Make default RGH (Raaigeldigheid administratie) block.
emptyTPS |
Make default TPS (Tijdreeksperiode administratie) block.
emptyW3H |
Make default W3H (W3H administratie) block.
emptyWRD |
Make default WRD (Waarde administratie) block.
emptyblok |
Make an empty Donar data block.
emptydia |
Create an empty dia.
long2datenum |
Convert two Longs with date with format yyyymmdd and time
with format HHMM to Matlab datenum format.
readdia_R14 |
Read a DIA file to a Matlab structure.
readqinsy |
Read or scan Qinsy datafile using mex-file
readrwslod |
Scan or read rwslod data file using mex file
set_taxis |
Make RKS or TPS block by specifying begintime, endtime,
timeunit and timestep.
splitlongdate |
Split one or more dates of the form yyyymmddHHMM into
date: yyyymmdd and time: HHMM.
writedia_R14 |
Write DIA structure to file.