Alphabetical Function Reference:

Function Reference
bepaal_tijdstap Determine timestep of given time axis.
blok_select Select Dia blocks with specified parameter-value pairs.
cmp_taxis Compute time axis for Donar timeseries.
combineRKS Combine two or more RKS (Reeksadministratie) blocks.
combineTPS Combine two or more TPS (Tijdreeksperiodestatus) blocks.
datenum2long Convert Matlab datenum to date with format yyyymmdd, time with format HHmm and time with format HHMMSS.
datenum2str Convert a Matlab datenum to a string with format: yyyymmddHHMM.
duration Calculate duration of a timeunit in Matlab datenum units.
emptyMUX Make default MUX (Multiplex administratie) block.
emptyRGH Make default RGH (Raaigeldigheid administratie) block.
emptyTPS Make default TPS (Tijdreeksperiode administratie) block.
emptyW3H Make default W3H (W3H administratie) block.
emptyWRD Make default WRD (Waarde administratie) block.
emptyblok Make an empty Donar data block.
emptydia Create an empty dia.
long2datenum Convert two Longs with date with format yyyymmdd and time with format HHMM to Matlab datenum format.
readdia_R14 Read a DIA file to a Matlab structure.
readqinsy Read or scan Qinsy datafile using mex-file
readrwslod Scan or read rwslod data file using mex file
set_taxis Make RKS or TPS block by specifying begintime, endtime, timeunit and timestep.
splitlongdate Split one or more dates of the form yyyymmddHHMM into date: yyyymmdd and time: HHMM.
writedia_R14 Write DIA structure to file.