
Function readrwslod

  Scan or read rwslod data file using mex file


   locs = readrwslod(fname)       (scan file)
   locs = readrwslod(fname, locs) (read file)


   fname: String, name of rwslod file. If this is the only input argument,
          the output argument will only contain the header data.
   locs:  Struct array, this value must be equal to or a subset of the 
          output of an earlier call to readrwslod. It tells the function 
          which data to retrieve from file.


   locs: Struct array
         If called with only filename (scanning mode), readrewslod will
         only return the header fields. A struct array with the following
         fields is returned:
         +----longdate (double)
         +----sLoccod (char array)
         +----raailocatie (double array)
         +----aantal (double)
         +----marker (double)
         If called with 2 argumenets (read mode) a more elaborate struct
         array is returned:
         +----longdate (double)
         +----sLoccod (char array)
         +----raailocatie (double array)
         +----aantal (double)
         +----marker (double)
         +----xy (int32 array)
         +----z (int32 array)
         +----lBegdat (double)
         +----iBegtyd (double)
         +----lEnddat (double)
         +----iEndtyd (double)


       locs = readrwslod(fname);
       data = readrwslod(fname,locs(2:2:end));

See also:
