cta_xml.h File Reference

Utilities for XML access: reading/writing of trees from/to a XML file. More...

#include "cta_system.h"
#include "cta_tree.h"
#include "cta_string.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


CTAEXPORT int CTA_XML_Read (CTA_String hfname, CTA_Tree *hroot)
 Read a COSTA XML file into a new tree.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_XML_Write (CTA_String hfname, CTA_Tree hroot)
 Write a tree to a COSTA XML file.

Detailed Description

Utilities for XML access: reading/writing of trees from/to a XML file.

This is just a set of utility routines it does not define any COSTA component

Definition in file cta_xml.h.

Function Documentation

CTAEXPORT int CTA_XML_Read ( CTA_String  hfname,
CTA_Tree hroot 

Read a COSTA XML file into a new tree.

hfname I file name of XML file to read
hroot O handle of a new COSTA tree
CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_XML_Write ( CTA_String  hfname,
CTA_Tree  hroot 

Write a tree to a COSTA XML file.

hfname I file name of XML file to write
hroot I handle of a COSTA tree
CTA_OK if successful

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