cta_tree.h File Reference

Interface description of the COSTA tree component. More...

#include "cta_system.h"
#include "cta_handles.h"
#include "cta_datatypes.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef CTA_Handle CTA_Tree


CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_Create (CTA_Tree *htree)
 Create a new COSTA tree instance.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_Free (CTA_Tree *htree)
 Free the COSTA tree instance.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_AddHandle (CTA_Tree htree, const char *name, CTA_Handle hitem)
 Add a COSTA handle to the COSTA tree.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_CountHandles (CTA_Tree htree, CTA_String path, int *count)
 Count the number of COSTA handles specified by the given path.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_CountHandlesStr (CTA_Tree htree, char *path, int *count)
 Count the number of COSTA handles specified by the given path.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetHandle (CTA_Tree htree, CTA_String path, CTA_Handle *hitem)
 Get a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetValue (CTA_Tree htree, CTA_String path, void *value, CTA_Datatype datatype)
 Get the value of a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetHandleStr (CTA_Tree htree, char *str, CTA_Handle *hitem)
 Get a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetValueStr (CTA_Tree htree, char *str, void *value, CTA_Datatype datatype)
 Get the value of a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_CountItems (CTA_Tree htree, int *count)
 Count the number of elements on the current level of the COSTA tree.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetItem (CTA_Tree htree, int index, CTA_Handle *hitem)
 Get a handle (by index) on the current level of the COSTA tree.
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetItemValue (CTA_Tree htree, int index, void *value, CTA_Datatype datatype)
 Get the value of a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by index).
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_Print (CTA_Tree htree)
 Print a COSTA tree to STDOUT.

Detailed Description

Interface description of the COSTA tree component.

Store data in a CTA_Tree object in tree form. Access the members in the following way: branch1\subbranch\member or branch1/branch2/member

Definition in file cta_tree.h.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 36 of file cta_tree.h.

Function Documentation

CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_AddHandle ( CTA_Tree  htree,
const char *  name,
CTA_Handle  hitem 

Add a COSTA handle to the COSTA tree.

htree IO handle of the tree object (parent)
name I name of the COSTA item
hitem I handle of the COSTA item to add (do not free the object after adding it to the tree)
CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_CountHandles ( CTA_Tree  htree,
CTA_String  path,
int *  count 

Count the number of COSTA handles specified by the given path.

htree I handle of the tree object
path I path of the item, separated by / or \
count O receives the number of items found
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case of not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_CountHandlesStr ( CTA_Tree  htree,
char *  path,
int *  count 

Count the number of COSTA handles specified by the given path.

htree I handle of the tree object
path I path of the item, separated by / or \
count O receives the number of items found
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case of not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_CountItems ( CTA_Tree  htree,
int *  count 

Count the number of elements on the current level of the COSTA tree.

htree I handle of the tree level
count O receives the number of elements on the current tree level
CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_Create ( CTA_Tree htree  ) 

Create a new COSTA tree instance.

htree O receives handle of created tree
CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_Free ( CTA_Tree htree  ) 

Free the COSTA tree instance.

htree IO handle of the tree instance, replaced by CTA_NULL on return
CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetHandle ( CTA_Tree  htree,
CTA_String  path,
CTA_Handle hitem 

Get a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).

In case of trees with default values, returns the default value.
The returned handle must not be freed.
htree I handle of the tree object
path I path of the item, separated by / or \
hitem O receives the handle of the COSTA item, or CTA_NULL in case not found, do not free this handle.
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case of not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetHandleStr ( CTA_Tree  htree,
char *  str,
CTA_Handle hitem 

Get a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).

In case of trees with default values, returns the default value.
The returned handle must not be freed.
htree I handle of the tree object
str I C string describing path of the item, separated by / or \
hitem O receives the handle of the COSTA item, or CTA_NULL in case of not found, do not free this handle
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case of not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetItem ( CTA_Tree  htree,
int  index,
CTA_Handle hitem 

Get a handle (by index) on the current level of the COSTA tree.

htree I handle of the tree level
index I index of the item to return, 1 <= index <= CTA_Tree_CountItems()
hitem O receives handle of the item at given index
CTA_OK if successful
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetItemValue ( CTA_Tree  htree,
int  index,
void *  value,
CTA_Datatype  datatype 

Get the value of a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by index).

In case of trees with default values, returns the default value.
htree I handle of the tree instance
index I index of the item
value O receives value of the COSTA item, or CTA_NULL in case of not found
datatype I data type of the value specified
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetValue ( CTA_Tree  htree,
CTA_String  path,
void *  value,
CTA_Datatype  datatype 

Get the value of a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).

In case of trees with default values, returns the default value.
htree I handle of the tree object
path I COSTA string describing path of the item, separated by / or \
value O receives the value of the COSTA item, or CTA_NULL in case of not found
datatype I data type of parameter value, must be the same as item in tree
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case of not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_GetValueStr ( CTA_Tree  htree,
char *  str,
void *  value,
CTA_Datatype  datatype 

Get the value of a COSTA handle from the COSTA tree (by path).

In case of trees with default values, returns the default value.
htree I handle of the tree instance
str I C string describing path of the item, separated by / or \
value O receives the value of the COSTA item, or CTA_NULL in case of not found
datatype I data type of the value specified
CTA_OK if successful or CTA_ITEM_NOT_FOUND in case of not found
CTAEXPORT int CTA_Tree_Print ( CTA_Tree  htree  ) 

Print a COSTA tree to STDOUT.

htree I handle of the tree
CTA_OK if successful

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