! Module to defer logging to a function that can be set using the set_logger function module logging_module use iso_c_utils use typesandkinds use typesandkinds, only: slen use xmpi_module implicit none integer,save :: logfileid integer,save :: errorfileid integer,save :: warningfileid !integer,save :: pardatfileid abstract interface subroutine ilogger(level, msg) use iso_c_binding use iso_c_utils integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: level !< severity character(c_char), intent(in) :: msg(MAXSTRINGLEN) !< c message null terminated end subroutine ilogger end interface procedure(ilogger), pointer :: logging_callback => null() ! Levels correspond to log4net and log4j integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_ALL = 0 integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_DEBUG = 1 integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_INFO = 2 integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_WARN = 3 integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_ERROR = 4 integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_FATAL = 5 integer, parameter, public :: LEVEL_OFF = 6 include 'writeloginterface.inc' contains subroutine set_logger(c_callback) bind(C, name="set_logger") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::set_logger type(c_funptr), value :: c_callback ! Set a callback that will be cauled with new messages call c_f_procpointer(c_callback, logging_callback) end subroutine set_logger subroutine logmsg(level, msg) integer(c_int), intent(in) :: level character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg character(c_char) :: c_string(MAXSTRINGLEN) if (associated(logging_callback)) then c_string = string_to_char_array(msg) call logging_callback(level, c_string) end if end subroutine logmsg subroutine start_logfiles(error) implicit none integer :: error if (xmaster) then logfileid = generate_logfileid() if (xmaster) open(logfileid, file='XBlog.txt', status='replace') errorfileid = generate_logfileid() if (xmaster) open(errorfileid, file='XBerror.txt', status='replace') warningfileid = generate_logfileid() if (xmaster) open(warningfileid, file='XBwarning.txt', status='replace') if (logfileid < 0 .or. errorfileid < 0 .or. warningfileid < 0) error = 1 endif ! xmaster if (error==1) then write(*,*) 'Error: not able to open log file. Stopping simulation' stop endif end subroutine start_logfiles subroutine close_logfiles if (xmaster) then close(logfileid ) close(errorfileid, STATUS='DELETE' ) close(warningfileid ) endif end subroutine close_logfiles subroutine get_logfileid(lid,eid,wid) implicit none integer, intent(out) :: lid,eid,wid lid = logfileid eid = errorfileid wid = warningfileid endsubroutine get_logfileid function generate_logfileid() result (tryunit) implicit none integer :: tryunit,error logical :: fileopen tryunit = 98 fileopen = .true. error = 0 do while (fileopen) inquire(tryunit,OPENED=fileopen) if (fileopen) then tryunit=tryunit-1 endif if (tryunit<=10) then tryunit = -1 fileopen = .false. return endif enddo end function generate_logfileid subroutine progress_indicator(initialize,curper,dper,dt) implicit none logical,intent(in) :: initialize ! initialize current progress indicator real*8,intent(in) :: curper ! current percentage done real*8,intent(in) :: dper ! steps in percentage between output real*8,intent(in) :: dt ! steps in time (s) between output ! whichever reached earlier (dper,dt) will determin output ! internal real*8,save :: lastper,lastt real*8 :: tnow integer*4 :: count,count_rate,count_max if (initialize) then lastper = 0.d0 call system_clock (count,count_rate,count_max) lastt = dble(count)/count_rate else call system_clock (count,count_rate,count_max) tnow = dble(count)/count_rate if (curper>=lastper+dper .or. tnow>=lastt+dt) then call writelog('ls','(f0.1,a)',curper,'% done') if (curper>=lastper+dper) then lastper = curper-mod(curper,dper) else lastper = curper endif lastt = tnow endif endif end subroutine progress_indicator subroutine report_file_read_error(filename) use xmpi_module, only: halt_program implicit none character(*) :: filename call writelog('lswe','','Error reading file ''',trim(filename),'''') call writelog('lswe','','Check file for incorrect decimal format,', & ' doubles instead of integers, line breaks and tab characters') call halt_program end subroutine report_file_read_error subroutine writelog_startup() use xmpi_module use typesandkinds, only: slen implicit none character(len=8) :: date character(len=10) :: time character(len=5) :: zone ! subversion information include 'version.def' ! get current working directory (gcc only) #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" character(slen) :: cwd call getcwd(cwd) #endif include 'version.dat' call date_and_time(DATE=date, TIME=time, ZONE=zone) if (xmaster) then call writelog('ls','','**********************************************************') call writelog('ls','',' Welcome to XBeach ') call writelog('ls','',' ') call writelog('ls','','version 1.24.5867-BOI-phase1 ') call writelog('ls','',' date ',trim(Build_Date) ) call writelog('ls','',' URL: ',trim(Build_URL) ) call writelog('ls','','**********************************************************') call writelog('ls','',' ') call writelog('ls','','Simulation started: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss time zone (UTC)') call writelog('ls','',' '//date //' '//time(1:2)//':'//time(3:4)//':'//time(5:6)//' '//zone) call writelog('ls','',' ') #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H call writelog('ls','',' running in: ',cwd) #endif call writelog('ls','','General Input Module') #ifdef USEMPI call writelog('ls','','MPI version, running on ',xmpi_size,'processes') #endif endif end subroutine writelog_startup #ifdef USEMPI subroutine writelog_mpi(mpiboundary,error) use xmpi_module implicit none integer, intent(in) :: error integer, intent(in) :: mpiboundary if (xmaster) then if (error==1) then call writelog('elws','','Unknown mpi division ',mpiboundary) call halt_program elseif (error==2) then call writelog('elws','','Number of domains specified does not match available number of computation cores ') call halt_program elseif (error==3) then call writelog('elws','','Number of mpi domains in M-direction is greater than nx/4') call writelog('elws','','XBeach cannot split into separate model domains.') call writelog('elws','','Reduce number of mpi-domains in M-direction.') call halt_program elseif (error==4) then call writelog('elws','','Number of mpi domains in N-direction is greater than ny/4') call writelog('elws','','XBeach cannot split into separate model domains.') call writelog('elws','','Reduce number of mpi-domains in N-direction.') call halt_program elseif (error==5) then call writelog('lws','','Number of mpi domains in M-direction is greater than nx/8') call writelog('lws','','Reduce number of mpi-domains in M-direction for efficiency.') elseif (error==6) then call writelog('lws','','Number of mpi domains in N-direction is greater than ny/8') call writelog('lws','','Reduce number of mpi-domains in M-direction for efficiency.') else call writelog('ls','','processor grid: ',xmpi_m,' X ',xmpi_n) endif endif end subroutine writelog_mpi #endif subroutine writelog_finalize(tbegin, n, t, nx, ny, t0, t01) use xmpi_module implicit none integer :: n,nx,ny real*8 :: tbegin,tend real*8 :: t,duration,dt,performance real*8, optional :: t0,t01 #ifdef USEMPI real*8 :: t1 #endif if (xmaster) then call cpu_time(tend) duration = tend-tbegin dt = t/n performance = duration/(nx+1)/(ny+1)/n call writelog('ls','','Duration : ',duration,' seconds' ) call writelog('ls','','Timesteps : ',n ) call writelog('ls','','Average dt : ',dt,' seconds' ) call writelog('ls','','Unit speed : ',performance,' seconds/1' ) #ifdef USEMPI if (present(t0) .and. present(t01)) then t1 = MPI_Wtime() call writelog('ls','','MPI timing : procs : ',xmpi_size ) call writelog('ls','',' seconds : total : ',t1-t0, ' seconds') call writelog('ls','',' loop : ',t1-t01,' seconds') endif #endif call writelog('ls','','End of program xbeach') endif call close_logfiles ! reset callback logging_callback => null() end subroutine writelog_finalize subroutine writelog_distribute(destination,display) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: destination character(*), intent(in) :: display integer :: level logical :: has_logger has_logger = associated(logging_callback) if (xmaster) then level = 0 if (scan(destination,'s')>0) then level = 1 end if if (scan(destination,'l')>0) then level = 2 if (.not. has_logger) then ! Don't log to screen if callback is associated write(6,*) trim(display) end if write(logfileid,*) trim(display) end if if (scan(destination,'w')>0) then level = 3 write(0,*) trim(display) write(warningfileid,*) trim(display) end if if (scan(destination,'e')>0) then level = 4 write(0,*) trim(display) write(errorfileid,*) trim(display) end if call logmsg(level, trim(display)) endif end subroutine writelog_distribute include 'writelog.inc' end module logging_module