module xmpi_module !#define SHIFT_TIMER #ifdef USEMPI use mpi implicit none save #ifndef HAVE_MPI_WTIME real*8, external :: MPI_Wtime #endif logical :: bcast_backtrace = .false. integer, parameter :: MPIBOUNDARY_Y = 1 integer, parameter :: MPIBOUNDARY_X = 2 integer, parameter :: MPIBOUNDARY_AUTO = 3 integer, parameter :: MPIBOUNDARY_MAN = 4 ! We use two communicators: ! xmpi_ocomm and xmpi_comm ! xmpi_comm will contain all computing processes ! xmpi_ocomm will contain all computing processes + one process ! that will do most of the output, hoping that the output can be ! done in parallel with computing integer :: xmpi_orank ! mpi rank of this process in xmpi_ocomm integer :: xmpi_osize ! number of mpi processes in xmpi_ocomm integer :: xmpi_ocomm ! mpi communicator to use for the I/O integer :: xmpi_omaster ! rank of master process = rank of io-process in xmpi_ocomm integer :: xmpi_imaster ! rank of master process of computational processes in xmpi_ocomm ! integer :: xmpi_rank ! mpi rank of this process in xmpi_comm integer :: xmpi_size ! number of mpi processes in xmpi_comm integer :: xmpi_comm ! mpi communicator to use in xmpi_comm integer :: xmpi_master ! rank of master process in xmpi_comm integer :: xmpi_m ! 1st dimension of processor ! grid integer :: xmpi_n ! 2nd dimension of processor ! grid integer :: xmpi_pcol ! my column in processor grid (starting at 1) integer :: xmpi_prow ! my row in processor grid (starting at 1) integer :: xmpi_left ! left neighbour integer :: xmpi_right ! right neighbour integer :: xmpi_bot ! bottom neighbour integer :: xmpi_top ! top neighbour logical :: xmpi_isleft ! submatrix is at the left side ! ie: shares first column with ! global matrix logical :: xmpi_isright ! submatrix is at the right side ! ie: shares last column with ! global matrix logical :: xmpi_istop ! submatrix is at the top side ! ie: shares first row with ! global matrix logical :: xmpi_isbot ! submatrix is at the bottom side ! ie: shares first row with ! global matrix logical :: xmaster ! .true. if process is the master process ! ! of the computing processes logical :: xomaster ! .true if this process is the output process ! ! in xmpi_ocomm logical :: xcompute ! .true. if this is a compute process ! ! ! ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 y-axis ! X 1 x x x x x x x ! a 2 x x x x x x x ! x 3 x x x x x x x ! i 4 x x x x x x x ! s 5 x x x x x x x ! ! integer, parameter :: SHIFT_X_U = 1 ! shift in x direction from high to low: from bottom to top integer, parameter :: SHIFT_X_D = 2 ! shift in x direction from low to high: from top to bottom integer, parameter :: SHIFT_Y_R = 3 ! shift in y direction from low to high: from left to right integer, parameter :: SHIFT_Y_L = 4 ! shift in y direction from high to low: from right to left integer, parameter :: SHIFT_R = 5 ! shift in 1d array from left to right integer, parameter :: SHIFT_L = 6 ! shift in 1d array from right to left #ifdef USEMPE integer :: event_output_start integer :: event_output_end integer :: event_write_start integer :: event_write_end integer :: event_coll_start integer :: event_coll_end #endif #else implicit none save integer, parameter :: xmpi_rank = 0 integer, parameter :: xmpi_orank = 0 integer, parameter :: xmpi_size = 1 logical, parameter :: xmaster = .true. logical, parameter :: xomaster = .true. logical, parameter :: xcompute = .true. logical, parameter :: xmpi_isleft = .true. logical, parameter :: xmpi_isright = .true. logical, parameter :: xmpi_istop = .true. logical, parameter :: xmpi_isbot = .true. integer, parameter :: xmpi_pcol = 1 integer, parameter :: xmpi_prow = 1 #endif #ifdef USEMPI interface xmpi_bcast module procedure xmpi_bcast_array_integer module procedure xmpi_bcast_array_integer_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_array_logical module procedure xmpi_bcast_array_logical_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_array_real8 module procedure xmpi_bcast_array_real8_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_char module procedure xmpi_bcast_char_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_complex16 module procedure xmpi_bcast_complex16_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_integer module procedure xmpi_bcast_integer_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_integer8 module procedure xmpi_bcast_integer8_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_logical module procedure xmpi_bcast_logical_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_matrix_integer module procedure xmpi_bcast_matrix_integer_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_matrix_real8 module procedure xmpi_bcast_matrix_real8_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_real4 module procedure xmpi_bcast_real4_3 module procedure xmpi_bcast_real8 module procedure xmpi_bcast_real8_3 end interface xmpi_bcast interface xmpi_allreduce module procedure xmpi_allreduce_r0 module procedure xmpi_allreduce_r1 module procedure xmpi_allreduce_i0 end interface xmpi_allreduce interface xmpi_reduce module procedure xmpi_reduce_r0 module procedure xmpi_reduce_i0 module procedure xmpi_reduce_r1 module procedure xmpi_reduce_r2 module procedure xmpi_reduce_i1 end interface xmpi_reduce interface xmpi_sendrecv module procedure xmpi_sendrecv_r1 module procedure xmpi_sendrecv_r2 module procedure xmpi_sendrecv_r3 module procedure xmpi_sendrecv_i1 module procedure xmpi_sendrecv_i2 end interface xmpi_sendrecv interface xmpi_shift module procedure xmpi_shift_r2 module procedure xmpi_shift_i2 module procedure xmpi_shift_r3 module procedure xmpi_shift_i3 module procedure xmpi_shift_r2_l module procedure xmpi_shift_r3_l end interface xmpi_shift interface xmpi_shift_ee module procedure xmpi_shift_ee_r2 module procedure xmpi_shift_ee_r3 end interface xmpi_shift_ee interface xmpi_shift_uu module procedure xmpi_shift_uu_r2 module procedure xmpi_shift_uu_r3 end interface xmpi_shift_uu interface xmpi_shift_vv module procedure xmpi_shift_vv_r2 module procedure xmpi_shift_vv_r3 end interface xmpi_shift_vv interface xmpi_shift_zs module procedure xmpi_shift_zs_r2 module procedure xmpi_shift_zs_r3 end interface xmpi_shift_zs interface xmpi_send module procedure xmpi_send_r0 module procedure xmpi_send_i0 module procedure xmpi_send_l0 module procedure xmpi_send_r1 module procedure xmpi_send_r2 module procedure xmpi_send_r3 module procedure xmpi_send_r4 module procedure xmpi_send_i1 module procedure xmpi_send_l1 end interface xmpi_send #endif contains #ifdef USEMPI subroutine xmpi_initialize ! initialize mpi environment implicit none integer ierr,color,errhandler,r external comm_errhandler ierr = 0 ! Message buffers in openmpi are not initialized so this call can give a vallgrind error ! ! call MPI_Init(ierr) call MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(comm_errhandler,errhandler,ierr) call MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(MPI_COMM_WORLD,errhandler,ierr) #ifdef USEMPE call MPE_Log_get_solo_eventid(event_output_start) call MPE_Log_get_solo_eventid(event_output_end) call MPE_Log_get_solo_eventid(event_write_start) call MPE_Log_get_solo_eventid(event_write_end) call MPE_Log_get_solo_eventid(event_coll_start) call MPE_Log_get_solo_eventid(event_coll_end) call MPE_Describe_event(event_output_start,'out_start','red') call MPE_Describe_event(event_output_end,'out_end','blue') call MPE_Describe_event(event_write_start,'write_start','orange') call MPE_Describe_event(event_write_end,'write_end','green') call MPE_Describe_event(event_coll_start,'coll_start','white') call MPE_Describe_event(event_coll_end,'coll_end','white') #endif xmpi_ocomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD call MPI_Comm_rank(xmpi_ocomm,xmpi_orank,ierr) call MPI_Comm_size(xmpi_ocomm,xmpi_osize,ierr) if (xmpi_osize < 2) then print *,'Number of MPI processes must be 2 or greater, but is:',xmpi_osize call halt_program(.false.) endif xmpi_omaster = 0 xomaster = (xmpi_orank == xmpi_omaster) xcompute = .not. xomaster ! ! Create the compute communicator. This will contain all ! processes in xmpi_iocomm except process xmpi_master ! color = 1 if(xmpi_orank == xmpi_omaster) color = 0 call MPI_Comm_split(xmpi_ocomm,color,1,xmpi_comm,ierr) call MPI_Comm_rank(xmpi_comm,xmpi_rank,ierr) call MPI_Comm_size(xmpi_comm,xmpi_size,ierr) call MPI_Comm_set_name(xmpi_comm,'xmpi_comm',ierr) call MPI_Comm_set_name(xmpi_ocomm,'xmpi_ocomm',ierr) xmpi_master = 0 xmaster = (xmpi_rank == xmpi_master) ! ! on the output process, xmpi_comm and xmpi_rank ! are of no use, so give them values that will trigger ! errors when used: ! if (xomaster) then xmpi_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL xmpi_rank = -123 xmaster = .false. endif ! ! Let the I/O process know how many computational processes there are: ! if(xomaster) then xmpi_size = xmpi_osize - 1 endif xmpi_imaster = 1 ! sanity check for xmpi_orank_to_rank and xmpi_rank_to_orank r = xmpi_orank_to_rank(xmpi_orank) if (r .ne. xmpi_rank) then print *,'Wrong conversion from xmpi_orank',xmpi_orank,'to xmpi_rank',r call halt_program endif r = xmpi_rank_to_orank(xmpi_rank) if (r .ne. xmpi_orank) then print *,'Wrong conversion from xmpi_rank',xmpi_rank,'to xmpi_orank',r call halt_program endif end subroutine xmpi_initialize integer function xmpi_orank_to_rank(r) ! given rank r in xmpi_ocomm, return rank in xmpi_comm integer, intent(in) :: r integer rr rr = r-1 if (rr .lt. 0) rr = -123 xmpi_orank_to_rank = rr end function xmpi_orank_to_rank integer function xmpi_rank_to_orank(r) ! given rank r in xmpi_comm, return rank in xmpi_ocomm integer, intent(in) :: r if (r .eq. -123) then xmpi_rank_to_orank = 0 else xmpi_rank_to_orank = r+1 endif end function xmpi_rank_to_orank subroutine xmpi_finalize ! ends mpi environment, collective subroutine implicit none integer ierr call MPI_Finalize(ierr) end subroutine xmpi_finalize subroutine xmpi_abort ! to be used if program has to end, and there is no way ! to tell other processes about this fact implicit none integer ierr call MPI_Abort(xmpi_comm,1,ierr) stop 1 end subroutine xmpi_abort !____________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_determine_processor_grid(m,n,divtype,mmanual,nmanual,cyclic,error) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: m,n,mmanual,nmanual ! the dimensions of the global domain integer, intent(in) :: cyclic integer, intent(in) :: divtype integer, intent(out) :: error integer mm,nn, borderlength, min_borderlength ! determine the processor grid (xmpi_m ampi_n), such that ! - xmpi_m * xmpi_n = xmpi_size ! - the total length of the internal borders is minimal min_borderlength = 1000000000 error = 0 select case(divtype) case(MPIBOUNDARY_Y) ! Force all subdivisions to run along y-lines xmpi_m=xmpi_size xmpi_n=1 case(MPIBOUNDARY_X) ! Force all subdivisions to run along x-lines xmpi_m=1 xmpi_n=xmpi_size case (MPIBOUNDARY_AUTO) do mm = 1,xmpi_size nn = xmpi_size/mm if (mm * nn .eq. xmpi_size) then borderlength = (mm - 1)*n + (nn -1)*m if (borderlength .lt. min_borderlength) then xmpi_m = mm xmpi_n = nn min_borderlength = borderlength endif endif enddo case (MPIBOUNDARY_MAN) if (mmanual * nmanual .ne. xmpi_size) then error = 2 return endif xmpi_m = mmanual xmpi_n = nmanual case default error = 1 return end select ! The layout of the processors is as follows: ! example 12 processors, xmpi_m=3, xmpi_n=4: ! 0 3 6 9 ! 1 4 7 10 ! 2 5 8 11 ! top ! left X right ! bot ! Left neighbour: xmpi_left = xmpi_rank - xmpi_m xmpi_isleft = .false. if (xmpi_left .lt. 0) then select case (cyclic) case(0) xmpi_left = MPI_PROC_NULL xmpi_isleft = .true. case(1) xmpi_left = xmpi_left + xmpi_m*xmpi_n end select endif ! Right neighbour: xmpi_right = xmpi_rank + xmpi_m xmpi_isright = .false. if (xmpi_right .ge. xmpi_size) then select case (cyclic) case(0) xmpi_right = MPI_PROC_NULL xmpi_isright = .true. case(1) xmpi_right = xmpi_right - xmpi_m*xmpi_n end select endif ! Upper neighbour: if (mod (xmpi_rank,xmpi_m) .eq. 0) then xmpi_top = MPI_PROC_NULL xmpi_istop = .true. else xmpi_top = xmpi_rank - 1 xmpi_istop = .false. endif ! Lower neighbour: if (mod (xmpi_rank+1,xmpi_m) .eq. 0) then xmpi_bot = MPI_PROC_NULL xmpi_isbot = .true. else xmpi_bot = xmpi_rank + 1 xmpi_isbot = .false. endif ! my row and column (starting with 1,1) xmpi_pcol = xmpi_rank/xmpi_m xmpi_prow = xmpi_rank - xmpi_pcol*xmpi_m xmpi_pcol = xmpi_pcol+1 xmpi_prow = xmpi_prow+1 end subroutine xmpi_determine_processor_grid !____________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_logical(x,toall) implicit none logical, dimension(:) :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_logical subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_logical_3(x,src,comm) implicit none logical, dimension(:) :: x integer, intent(in) :: src integer, intent(in) :: comm integer ierror,l l = size(x) call MPI_Bcast(x, l, MPI_LOGICAL, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_logical_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_logical(x,toall) implicit none logical x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_logical subroutine xmpi_bcast_logical_3(x,src,comm) implicit none logical x integer, intent(in) :: src integer, intent(in) :: comm integer ierror call MPI_Bcast(x, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_logical_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_real8(x,toall) implicit none real*8, dimension(:) :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_real8 subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_real8_3(x,src,comm) implicit none real*8, dimension(:):: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror,l l = size(x) call MPI_Bcast(x, l, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_real8_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_real8(x,toall) implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:) :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_real8 subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_real8_3(x,src,comm) implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:) :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror,l l = size(x) call MPI_Bcast(x, l, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_real8_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_integer(x,toall) implicit none integer, dimension(:,:) :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_integer subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_integer_3(x,src,comm) implicit none integer, dimension(:,:) :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror,l l = size(x) call MPI_Bcast(x, l, MPI_INTEGER, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_matrix_integer_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_integer(x,toall) implicit none integer, dimension(:) :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_integer subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_integer_3(x,src,comm) implicit none integer, dimension(:) :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror,l l = size(x) call MPI_Bcast(x, l, MPI_INTEGER, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_array_integer_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_real4(x,toall) implicit none real*4 :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_real4 subroutine xmpi_bcast_real4_3(x,src,comm) implicit none real*4 :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror call MPI_Bcast(x, 1, MPI_REAL, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_real4_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_real8(x,toall) implicit none real*8 :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_real8 subroutine xmpi_bcast_real8_3(x,src,comm) implicit none real*8 :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror call MPI_Bcast(x, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_real8_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer(x,toall) implicit none integer x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer_3(x,src,comm) implicit none integer :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror call MPI_Bcast(x, 1, MPI_INTEGER, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer8(x,toall) implicit none integer*8 :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer8 subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer8_3(x,src,comm) implicit none integer*8 :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror call MPI_Bcast(x, 1, MPI_INTEGER8, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_integer8_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_complex16(x,toall) implicit none complex*16 :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_complex16 subroutine xmpi_bcast_complex16_3(x,src,comm) implicit none complex*16 :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer ierror call MPI_Bcast(x, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, src, comm, ierror) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_complex16_3 subroutine xmpi_bcast_char(x,toall) implicit none character(len=*) :: x include '' end subroutine xmpi_bcast_char subroutine xmpi_bcast_char_3(x,src,comm) ! ! wwvv convert string to integer array, ! broadcast integer array and convert back ! Not very efficient, but this routine is seldom called ! and now it works for every taste of fortran90 ! implicit none character(len=*) :: x integer, intent(in) :: src,comm integer :: l,i,rank,ierr integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: sx call MPI_Comm_rank(comm,rank,ierr) if (rank == src) then l = len_trim(x) endif call xmpi_bcast(l,src,comm) allocate(sx(l)) if (rank == src) then do i = 1,l sx(i) = ichar(x(i:i)) enddo endif call xmpi_bcast(sx,src,comm) if ( rank /= src) then x = ' ' do i = 1,l x(i:i) = char(sx(i)) enddo endif deallocate(sx) end subroutine xmpi_bcast_char_3 subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_r1(sendbuf,dest,recvbuf,source) implicit none real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: sendbuf real*8, dimension(:), intent(out) :: recvbuf integer, intent(in) :: dest,source integer :: ierror integer :: n n = size(sendbuf) call MPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf,n,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,dest,100, & recvbuf,n,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,source,100, & xmpi_comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_r1 subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_r2(sendbuf,dest,recvbuf,source) implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: sendbuf real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: recvbuf integer, intent(in) :: dest,source integer :: ierror integer :: n n = size(sendbuf) call MPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf,n,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,dest,101, & recvbuf,n,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,source,101, & xmpi_comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_r2 subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_r3(sendbuf,dest,recvbuf,source) implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: sendbuf real*8, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: recvbuf integer, intent(in) :: dest,source integer :: ierror integer :: n n = size(sendbuf) call MPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf,n,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,dest,101, & recvbuf,n,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,source,101, & xmpi_comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_r3 subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_i1(sendbuf,dest,recvbuf,source) implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: sendbuf integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: recvbuf integer, intent(in) :: dest,source integer :: ierror integer :: n n = size(sendbuf) call MPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf,n,MPI_INTEGER,dest,102, & recvbuf,n,MPI_INTEGER,source,102, & xmpi_comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_i1 subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_i2(sendbuf,dest,recvbuf,source) implicit none integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: sendbuf integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: recvbuf integer, intent(in) :: dest,source integer :: ierror integer :: n n = size(sendbuf) call MPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf,n,MPI_INTEGER,dest,103, & recvbuf,n,MPI_INTEGER,source,103, & xmpi_comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_sendrecv_i2 subroutine xmpi_allreduce_r0(x,op) implicit none real*8,intent(inout) :: x integer,intent(in) :: op real*8 :: y integer :: ierror y = x call MPI_Allreduce(y,x,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,op,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_allreduce_r0 subroutine xmpi_allreduce_r1(x,op) implicit none real*8,dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x real*8,dimension(:), allocatable :: y integer,intent(in) :: op integer :: ierror allocate(y(size(x))) y = x call MPI_Allreduce(y,x,size(x),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,op,xmpi_comm,ierror) deallocate(y) end subroutine xmpi_allreduce_r1 subroutine xmpi_allreduce_i0(x,op) implicit none integer,intent(inout) :: x integer,intent(in) :: op integer :: y integer :: ierror y = x call MPI_Allreduce(y,x,1,MPI_INTEGER,op,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_allreduce_i0 subroutine xmpi_reduce_r0(x,y,op) implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: x real*8, intent(out) :: y integer, intent(in) :: op integer :: ierror call MPI_Reduce(x,y,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,op,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_reduce_r0 subroutine xmpi_reduce_r1(x,y,op) implicit none real*8,dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real*8,dimension(:), intent(out) :: y integer, intent(in) :: op integer :: ierror call MPI_Reduce(x,y,size(x),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,op,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_reduce_r1 subroutine xmpi_reduce_r2(x,y,op) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: x real*8,dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: y integer, intent(in) :: op integer :: ierror call MPI_Reduce(x,y,size(x),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,op,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_reduce_r2 subroutine xmpi_reduce_i0(x,y,op) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: x integer, intent(out) :: y integer, intent(in) :: op integer :: ierror call MPI_Reduce(x,y,1,MPI_INTEGER,op,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_reduce_i0 subroutine xmpi_reduce_i1(x,y,op) implicit none integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: x integer,dimension(:),intent(out) :: y integer,intent(in) :: op integer :: ierror call MPI_Reduce(x,y,size(x),MPI_INTEGER,op,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_reduce_i1 ! ! shift routines: x(m,n) is the matrix in this process ! direction = 'u': shift up, send to top x(2,:) , receive from bot x(m,:) ! direction = 'd': shift down, send to bot x(m-1,:), receive from top x(1,:) ! direction = 'l': shift left, send to left x(:,2), receive from right x(:,n) ! direction = 'r': shift right, send to right x(:,n-1), receive from left x(:,1) ! ! also 'm:', '1:', ':n' and ':1' can be used, easier to remember: ! 'm:' : x(m,:) will be replaced, except for a far bottom process ! '1:' : x(1,:) will be replaced, except for a far top process ! ':n' : x(:,n) will be replaced, except for a far right process ! ':1' : x(:,1) will be replaced, except for a far left process subroutine xmpi_shift_r2(x,direction) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: x character(len=*),intent(in) :: direction integer :: m,n m = size(x,1) n = size(x,2) select case(direction) case('u','m:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(2,:),xmpi_top, x(m,:),xmpi_bot) case('d','1:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(m-1,:),xmpi_bot, x(1,:),xmpi_top) case('l',':n') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,2),xmpi_left, x(:,n),xmpi_right) case('r',':1') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,n-1),xmpi_right,x(:,1),xmpi_left) case default if(xmaster) then write (*,*) 'Invalid direction parameter for xmpi_shift_r2: "'// & direction//'"' call halt_program endif end select end subroutine xmpi_shift_r2 subroutine xmpi_shift_i2(x,direction) implicit none integer, dimension (:,:), intent(inout) :: x character(len=*), intent(in) :: direction integer :: m,n m = size(x,1) n = size(x,2) select case(direction) case('u','m:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(2,:), xmpi_top, x(m,:),xmpi_bot) case('d','1:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(m-1,:), xmpi_bot, x(1,:),xmpi_top) case('l',':n') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,2), xmpi_left, x(:,n),xmpi_right) case('r',':1') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,n-1), xmpi_right,x(:,1),xmpi_left) case default if(xmaster) then write (*,*) 'Invalid direction parameter for xmpi_shift_r2: "'// & direction//'"' call halt_program endif end select end subroutine xmpi_shift_i2 subroutine xmpi_shift_r3(x,direction) implicit none real*8, dimension (:,:,:), intent(inout) :: x character(len=*), intent(in) :: direction integer :: m,n,l m = size(x,1) n = size(x,2) l = size(x,3) select case(direction) case('u','m:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(2,:,:), xmpi_top, x(m,:,:),xmpi_bot) case('d','1:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(m-1,:,:),xmpi_bot, x(1,:,:),xmpi_top) case('l',':n') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,2,:), xmpi_left, x(:,n,:),xmpi_right) case('r',':1') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,n-1,:),xmpi_right,x(:,1,:),xmpi_left) case default if(xmaster) then write (*,*) 'Invalid direction parameter for xmpi_shift_r3: "'// & direction//'"' call halt_program endif end select end subroutine xmpi_shift_r3 subroutine xmpi_shift_i3(x,direction) implicit none integer, dimension (:,:,:), intent(inout) :: x character(len=*), intent(in) :: direction integer :: m,n,l m = size(x,1) n = size(x,2) l = size(x,3) select case(direction) case('u','m:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(2,:,:), xmpi_top, x(m,:,:),xmpi_bot) case('d','1:') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(m-1,:,:),xmpi_bot, x(1,:,:),xmpi_top) case('l',':n') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,2,:), xmpi_left, x(:,n,:),xmpi_right) case('r',':1') call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,n-1,:),xmpi_right,x(:,1,:),xmpi_left) case default if(xmaster) then write (*,*) 'Invalid direction parameter for xmpi_shift_i3: "'// & direction//'"' call halt_program endif end select end subroutine xmpi_shift_i3 ! translation from nx+1, ny+1 to m and n ! ! m=nx+1 nx=m-1 ! n=ny+1 ny=n-1 ! ! variabele l->r r->l b->t t->b ! r l u d shift ! SHIFT_Y_R SHIFT_Y_L SHIFT_X_U SHIFT_X_D ! ee,rr m-3:m-2,: 3:4,: :,n-3:n-2 :,3:4 ! 1:2,: m-1:m,: :,1:2 :,n-1:n ! ! uu m-3,: 2:3,: :,n-3:n-2 :,3:4 ! 1,: m-2,m-1,: :,1:2 :,n-1:n ! ! vv m-3:m-2,: 3:4,: :,n-3 :,2:3 ! 1:2,: m-1:m,: :,1 :,n-2:n-1 ! ! zs,ccg,zb m-2,: 3,: :,n-2 :,3 ! 2,: m-1,: :,2 :,n-1 ! ! Dus: ! i p j q ! ! 1 <-> m-3 1 <-> n-3 ! 2 <-> m-2 2 <-> n-2 ! 3 <-> m-1 3 <-> n-1 ! 4 <-> m 4 <-> n ! ! p=m-4+i q=n-4+j ! About the _l subroutines: ! ! xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,2): columns 1:2 are filled in (aka updated) ! xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,4): columns n-1,n are filled in (aka updated) ! xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,2): rows 1:2 are filled in (aka updated) ! xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,4): rows m-1,m are filled in (aka updated) ! subroutine xmpi_shift_r2_l(x,direction,i1,i2) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: x integer, intent(in) :: direction integer, intent(in) :: i1,i2 integer :: m,n,s1,s2,r1,r2 integer, parameter :: nbord = 2, nover = 2*nbord ! nover is the number of overlapping rows/columns ! s1,s2 will contain the indices of the first and last row/column to send ! r1,r2 will contain the indices of the first and last row/column to send ! mn will contain the 1st or 2nd dimension as appropriate: ! shift in x direction: mn = m (= nx+1) ! shift in y direction: mn = n (= ny+1) m = size(x,1) n = size(x,2) ! sanity check select case(direction) case(SHIFT_Y_R,SHIFT_Y_L,SHIFT_X_U,SHIFT_X_D) continue case default if (xmaster) then write(*,*) 'Invalid value for direction in xmpi_shift_r2_l ',direction call halt_program endif endselect select case(direction) case(SHIFT_Y_R) s1 = n - nover + i1 s2 = n - nover + i2 r1 = i1 r2 = i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,s1:s2),xmpi_right,x(:,r1:r2),xmpi_left) case(SHIFT_X_D) s1 = m - nover + i1 s2 = m - nover + i2 r1 = i1 r2 = i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(s1:s2,:),xmpi_bot, x(r1:r2,:),xmpi_top) case(SHIFT_Y_L) s1 = i1 s2 = i2 r1 = n - nover + i1 r2 = n - nover + i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,s1:s2),xmpi_left, x(:,r1:r2),xmpi_right) case(SHIFT_X_U) s1 = i1 s2 = i2 r1 = m - nover + i1 r2 = m - nover + i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(s1:s2,:),xmpi_top, x(r1:r2,:),xmpi_bot) endselect end subroutine xmpi_shift_r2_l subroutine xmpi_shift_r3_l(x,direction,i1,i2) ! implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:,:),intent(inout) :: x integer, intent(in) :: direction integer, intent(in) :: i1,i2 integer :: m,n,s1,s2,r1,r2 integer, parameter :: nbord = 2, nover = 2*nbord ! nover is the number of overlapping rows/columns ! s1,s2 will contain the indices of the first and last row/column to send ! r1,r2 will contain the indices of the first and last row/column to send ! mn will contain the 1st or 2nd dimension as appropriate: ! shift in x direction: mn = m (= nx+1) ! shift in y direction: mn = n (= ny+1) m = size(x,1) n = size(x,2) ! sanity check select case(direction) case(SHIFT_Y_R,SHIFT_Y_L,SHIFT_X_U,SHIFT_X_D) continue case default if (xmaster) then write(*,*) 'Invalid value for direction in xmpi_shift_r2_l ',direction call halt_program endif endselect select case(direction) case(SHIFT_Y_R) s1 = n - nover + i1 s2 = n - nover + i2 r1 = i1 r2 = i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,s1:s2,:),xmpi_right,x(:,r1:r2,:),xmpi_left) case(SHIFT_X_D) s1 = m - nover + i1 s2 = m - nover + i2 r1 = i1 r2 = i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(s1:s2,:,:),xmpi_bot, x(r1:r2,:,:),xmpi_top) case(SHIFT_Y_L) s1 = i1 s2 = i2 r1 = n - nover + i1 r2 = n - nover + i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(:,s1:s2,:),xmpi_left, x(:,r1:r2,:),xmpi_right) case(SHIFT_X_U) s1 = i1 s2 = i2 r1 = m - nover + i1 r2 = m - nover + i2 call xmpi_sendrecv(x(s1:s2,:,:),xmpi_top, x(r1:r2,:,:),xmpi_bot) endselect end subroutine xmpi_shift_r3_l subroutine xmpi_shift_ee_r2(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,2) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,2) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_ee_r2:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt,size(x,1),size(x,2) #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_ee_r2 subroutine xmpi_shift_ee_r3(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,2) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,2) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_ee_r3:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_ee_r3 subroutine xmpi_shift_uu_r2(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,2) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,2,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,1) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_uu_r2:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_uu_r2 subroutine xmpi_shift_uu_r3(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,2) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,2,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,1) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_uu_r3:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_uu_r3 subroutine xmpi_shift_vv_r2(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,1) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,2,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,2) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_vv_r2:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_vv_r2 subroutine xmpi_shift_vv_r3(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,1,1) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,2,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,4) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,1,2) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_vv_r3:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_vv_r3 subroutine xmpi_shift_zs_r2(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,2,2) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,2,2) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_zs_r2:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_zs_r2 subroutine xmpi_shift_zs_r3(x) implicit none real*8,dimension(:,:,:),intent(inout) :: x #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER real*8 ttt call xmpi_barrier ttt=MPI_Wtime() #endif call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_R,2,2) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_Y_L,3,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_U,3,3) call xmpi_shift(x,SHIFT_X_D,2,2) #ifdef SHIFT_TIMER call xmpi_barrier if(xmaster)print *,'shift_zs_r3:',MPI_Wtime()-ttt #endif end subroutine xmpi_shift_zs_r3 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_r0(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to real*8, intent(inout) :: x integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, to, 1011, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, from, 1011, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_r0 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_i0(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to integer, intent(inout) :: x integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, 1, MPI_INTEGER, to, 1012, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, 1, MPI_INTEGER, from, 1012, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_i0 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_l0(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to logical, intent(inout) :: x integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, to, 1013, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, from, 1013, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_l0 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_r1(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to real*8, intent(inout) :: x(:) integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, to, 1014, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, from, 1014, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_r1 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_r2(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to real*8, intent(inout) :: x(:,:) integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, to, 1018, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, from, 1018, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_r2 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_r3(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to real*8, intent(inout) :: x(:,:,:) integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, to, 1019, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, from, 1019, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_r3 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_r4(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to real*8, intent(inout) :: x(:,:,:,:) integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, to, 1020, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, size(x), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, from, 1020, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_r4 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_i1(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to integer, intent(inout) :: x(:) integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, size(x), MPI_INTEGER, to, 1015, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, size(x), MPI_INTEGER, from, 1015, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_i1 !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine xmpi_send_l1(from,to,x) ! use this to send to one process, in communicator xmpi_ocomm ! receiver and sender call this same subroutine with the same ! from and to integer, intent(in) :: from,to logical, intent(inout) :: x(:) integer ier ! MPI_SEND(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, DEST, TAG, COMM, IERROR) ! MPI_RECV(BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE, SOURCE, TAG, COMM, STATUS, IERROR) if (from .eq. to) return if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(x, size(x), MPI_LOGICAL, to, 1016, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Recv(x, size(x), MPI_LOGICAL, from, 1016, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) endif end subroutine xmpi_send_l1 !________________________________________________________________________________ ! following sends one integer from 'from' to 'to'. ! The receive by 'to' is done using a sleep/MPI_Test cycle ! to prevent cpu usage when waiting for the message. ! 'from' and 'to' in xmpi_ocomm subroutine xmpi_send_sleep(from,to) use sleeper integer, intent(in) :: from,to integer :: ier, request integer :: buf = 0 logical :: flag if (xmpi_orank .eq. from) then call MPI_Send(buf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, to, 1017, xmpi_ocomm, ier) elseif (xmpi_orank .eq. to) then call MPI_Irecv(buf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, from, 1017, xmpi_ocomm, request, ier) do call MPI_test(request, flag, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier) if (flag) exit call myusleep(2000) ! sleep 2 milliseconds enddo endif end subroutine xmpi_send_sleep !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine testje implicit none real*8, dimension(10,10) :: x real*8, dimension(10,10,10) :: y call xmpi_shift_ee(x) call xmpi_shift_uu(x) call xmpi_shift_vv(x) call xmpi_shift_zs(x) call xmpi_shift_ee(y) call xmpi_shift_uu(y) call xmpi_shift_vv(y) call xmpi_shift_zs(y) end subroutine testje subroutine xmpi_barrier(toall) implicit none logical, intent(in), optional :: toall integer ierror,comm comm = xmpi_comm if (present(toall)) then if(toall) then comm = xmpi_ocomm endif endif call MPI_Barrier(comm,ierror) end subroutine xmpi_barrier ! ! get a row from a matrix in the same processor column ! subroutine xmpi_getrow(a,n,l,prow,b) implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: a ! the matrix integer, intent(in) :: n ! number of elements in the row character, intent(in) :: l ! '1': get first row ! 'm': get last row integer, intent(in) :: prow ! row number of process ! to get the row from real*8, dimension(:), intent(out) :: b ! the row from process prow ! Note: a and l are only needed at the sending process integer :: row,ierror integer :: ll,dest,source,tag,r real*8, dimension(n) :: rowdata integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: requests source = (xmpi_pcol-1)*xmpi_m + prow -1 ! Sending process ll = 1 if (source .eq. xmpi_rank) then ! the sending process select case(l) case('1') ll = 1 case('m') ll = size(a,1) case default write(*,*) 'Error in xmpi_getrow, l="'//l//'"' call halt_program end select rowdata = a(ll,:) allocate(requests(xmpi_m-1)) dest = (xmpi_pcol-1)*xmpi_m ! First receiving process r = 0 do row = 1,xmpi_m if (dest .eq. xmpi_rank) then ! do no send to myself b = rowdata ! but copy else r = r + 1 tag = dest call MPI_Isend(rowdata(1), n, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & dest, tag, xmpi_comm, requests(r), ierror) endif dest = dest + 1 ! next receiving process enddo call MPI_Waitall(r,requests,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE,ierror) deallocate(requests) else ! receiving process tag = xmpi_rank call MPI_Recv(b, n, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & source, tag, xmpi_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierror) endif ! wwvv if this is needed often, than a neat subroutine, using ! column communicators and MPI_Bcast would be appropriate end subroutine xmpi_getrow #endif subroutine halt_program(normal) logical,intent(in),optional :: normal logical :: lnormal integer :: ierr if(present(normal)) then lnormal = normal else lnormal = .true. endif write(0,*) 'halt_program called by process', xmpi_orank if (lnormal) then call backtrace endif #ifdef USEMPI if (lnormal) then call xmpi_abort else call MPI_Abort(xmpi_ocomm,1,ierr) endif #else stop 1 #endif end subroutine halt_program end module xmpi_module #ifdef USEMPI subroutine comm_errhandler(comm,error_code) use mpi use xmpi_module implicit none integer comm,error_code character(MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING) e character(MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME) o integer r,ier,ra call MPI_Comm_get_name(comm,o,r,ier) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ra,ier) write(0,*) 'MPI process #',ra,'in ',o(1:r),' generated an error:',error_code call MPI_Error_string(error_code,e,r,ier) write(0,*) e(1:r) call halt_program end subroutine comm_errhandler #endif #define MBACKTRACE #ifdef __GFORTRAN__ #if __GNUC__ >=4 #if __GNUC_MINOR__ >=8 #undef MBACKTRACE #endif #endif #endif #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER #undef MBACKTRACE subroutine backtrace use ifcore call tracebackqq('traceback:',-1) end subroutine backtrace #endif #ifdef MBACKTRACE subroutine backtrace implicit none integer, pointer :: x => null() write(0,*) 'no backtrace for this compiler' write(0,*) 'forcing a segmentation fault ...' x = 0 print *,x end subroutine backtrace #endif