!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2011 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module vegetation_module implicit none private type vegie character*256 :: name integer :: nsec ! Number of vegetation stands per unit horizontal area [m-2] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: ah ! Vegetation height [m] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: Cd ! Vertically integrated drag coefficient [-] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: bv ! Width of vegetation stands integer , dimension(:) , allocatable :: N ! Number of vegetation stands per unit horizontal area [m-2] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: Dragterm1 ! Dragterm in short wave attenuation [] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: Dragterm2 ! Dragterm in long wave attenuation [] integer , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: vegtype ! spatial mapping of vegetation types [-] end type type(vegie), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: veg public vegie_init public vegatt contains subroutine vegie_init(s,par) use params use spaceparams use readkey_module use filefunctions use logging_module use interp IMPLICIT NONE type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s character(1) :: ch integer :: i,j,fid,ier !integer, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: vegtype include 's.ind' include 's.inp' ! Read files with vegetation properties: ! file 1: list of species ! file 2: vegetation properties per specie (could be multiple files) ! file 3: distribution of species oevr space if (par%vegetation == 0) then return endif fid=create_new_fid() ! see filefunctions.F90 call check_file_exist(par%vegiefile) open(fid,file=par%vegiefile) ier=0 i=0 do while (ier==0) read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)ch if (ier==0)i=i+1 enddo par%nveg=i rewind(fid) allocate(veg(par%nveg)) do i=1,par%nveg read(fid,'(a)')veg(i)%name ! set vegetation name enddo close(fid) ! allocate and read specie specific vegetation properties do i=1,par%nveg ! for each specie call check_file_exist(veg(i)%name) veg(i)%nsec = readkey_int(veg(i)%name,'nsec', 1, 1, 10 ) allocate (veg(i)%ah(veg(i)%nsec)) allocate (veg(i)%Cd(veg(i)%nsec)) allocate (veg(i)%bv(veg(i)%nsec)) allocate (veg(i)%N(veg(i)%nsec)) allocate (veg(i)%Dragterm1(veg(i)%nsec)) allocate (veg(i)%Dragterm2(veg(i)%nsec)) veg(i)%ah = readkey_dblvec(veg(i)%name,'ah',veg(i)%nsec,size(veg(i)%ah),0.1d0,0.05d0,20.d0) ! Think about default values... veg(i)%Cd = readkey_dblvec(veg(i)%name,'Cd',veg(i)%nsec,size(veg(i)%Cd),0.1d0,0.05d0,20.d0) ! Think about default values... veg(i)%bv = readkey_dblvec(veg(i)%name,'bv',veg(i)%nsec,size(veg(i)%bv),0.1d0,0.05d0,20.d0) ! Think about default values... veg(i)%N = nint(readkey_dblvec(veg(i)%name,'N',veg(i)%nsec,size(veg(i)%bv),0.1d0,0.05d0,20.d0)) ! Jaap: quick&dirt transform real into integer veg(i)%Dragterm1 = 0.5d0/sqrt(par%px)*par%rho*veg(i)%Cd*veg(i)%bv*veg(i)%N ! Drag coefficient based on first part equation 6.5 Suzuki, 2011 veg(i)%Dragterm2 = 0.5d0*veg(i)%Cd*veg(i)%bv*veg(i)%N enddo ! read spatial distribution of species: ! vegtype = 1 corresponds to first vegetation specified in vegiefile allocate (veg(1)%vegtype(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) fid=create_new_fid() ! see filefunctions.F90 call check_file_exist(par%vegiemapfile) open(fid,file=par%vegiemapfile) do j=1,s%ny+1 ! Is this the right way to do it in a module read(fid,*,iostat=ier)(veg(1)%vegtype,i=1,s%nx+1) if (ier .ne. 0) then !Jaap doesn't work !call report_file_read_error(par%vegiemapfile) endif end do close(fid) !distrubue vegtype over species !allocate (veg(i)%vegtype(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) !do i=1,par%nveg ! where (vegtype == i) ! veg(i)%vegtype = i ! endwhere !enddo end subroutine vegie_init subroutine vegatt(s,par) use params use spaceparams use readkey_module use filefunctions use interp type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s ! Attenuation by vegetation is computed in wave action balance (swvegatt) and the momentum balance (lwvegatt); call swvegatt(s,par) call lwvegatt(s,par) end subroutine subroutine swvegatt(s,par) use params use spaceparams use readkey_module use filefunctions use interp type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s integer :: i,j,m,ind ! indices of actual x,y point real*8 :: aht,hterm,htermold,Dvgt real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: Dvg,kmr include 's.ind' include 's.inp' kmr = min(max(s%k, 0.01d0), 100.d0) ! Set dissipation in vegetation to zero everywhere for a start Dvg = 0.d0 do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 ind = veg(1)%vegtype(i,j) htermold = 0.d0 if (ind>0) then do m=1,veg(ind)%nsec ! restrict vegetation height to water depth aht = min(veg(ind)%ah(m),hh(i,j)) ! compute hterm based on ah hterm = (sinh(kmr(i,j)*aht)**3+3*sinh(kmr(i,j)*aht))/(3.d0*kmr(i,j)*cosh(kmr(i,j)*hh(i,j))**3) ! compute dissipation based on aht and correct for lower elevated dissipation layers Dvgt = veg(ind)%Dragterm1(m)*(0.5d0*kmr(i,j)*par%g/s%sigm(i,j))**3*(hterm-htermold)*H(i,j)**3 ! save hterm to htermold to correct possibly in next vegetation section htermold = hterm ! add dissipation current layer Dvg(i,j) = Dvg(i,j) + Dvgt enddo endif enddo enddo ! store dissipation due to vegetation in s% s%Dveg = Dvg end subroutine swvegatt subroutine lwvegatt(s,par) use params use spaceparams use readkey_module use filefunctions use interp type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s integer :: i,j,m,ind ! indices of actual x,y point real*8 :: aht,ahtold,hterm,htermold,Fvgt real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: Fvg,kmr include 's.ind' include 's.inp' kmr = min(max(s%k, 0.01d0), 100.d0) Fvg = 0.d0 do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 ind = veg(1)%vegtype(i,j) ahtold = 0.d0 htermold = 0.d0 if (ind>0) then do m=1,veg(ind)%nsec ! restrict vegetation height to water depth aht = min(veg(ind)%ah(m),hh(i,j)) ! mean and long wave flow ! compute forcing current layer based on aht and correct for previous layers Fvgt = (aht-ahtold)/hh(i,j)*veg(ind)%Dragterm2(m)*uu(i,j)*vmagu(i,j) ! short wave flow (approach according to Myrhaug and Holmedal, 2011 Coastal Engineering) ! Here we assume linear waves for a start ! hterm = 1.d0(2.d0*cosh(kmr(i,j)*hh(i,j))**2)* & ! (1.d0/(2.d0*kmr(i,j))*sinh(2.d0*kmr(i,j)*aht) + aht) ! eq 19 ! Fvgt = Fvgt - veg(ind)%Dragterm2(m)*(hterm-htermold)*urms(i,j)**2 ! save aht to ahtold to correct possibly in next vegetation section ahtold = aht htermold = hterm ! add Forcing current layer Fvg(i,j) = Fvg(i,j) + Fvgt enddo endif enddo enddo s%Fveg = Fvg end subroutine lwvegatt end module vegetation_module