module spaceparams implicit none type spacepars include 'spacedecl.gen' #ifdef USEMPI ! ! administration of the lay-out of the distributed matrices ! In the following: p is the MPI-process number: p = 0 .. numprocs-1 ! The array indices start with 1, so, for example, is(2) describes ! the situation for process rank 1. ! a is the global matrix, b is a local matrix on process p. ! ! is(:) and js(:) describe the location of the submatrix in process p: ! b(1,1) coincides with a(is(p+1),js(p+1)) ! ! lm(:) and ln(:) describe the extend of b: ! the dimensions of b on p are (lm(p+1),ln(p+1)) ! b concides with ! a(is(p+1):is(p+1)+lm(p+1)-1,js(p+1):js(p+1)+ln(p+1)-1) ! ! isleft(:), isright(:), istop(:), isbot(:) tell if ! matrix b respectively map from a: ! the first column ! the last column ! the first row ! lhe last row ! integer, dimension(:), pointer :: is => NULL() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: js => NULL() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: lm => NULL() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ln => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isleft => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isright => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: istop => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isbot => NULL() #endif end type spacepars #ifdef USEMPI ! This interface an cause complains by memcache because the it is conditional on uninitialized variables. ! I don't think this is an error interface space_distribute module procedure space_distribute_matrix_real8 module procedure space_distribute_matrix_integer module procedure space_distribute_block_real8 module procedure space_distribute_block_integer module procedure space_distribute_block4_real8 module procedure space_distribute_vector module procedure space_distribute_block_vector end interface space_distribute interface space_shift_borders module procedure space_shift_borders_matrix_real8 module procedure space_shift_borders_block_real8 end interface space_shift_borders interface space_collect module procedure space_collect_block_real8 module procedure space_collect_block_integer module procedure space_collect_block4_real8 module procedure space_collect_block4_integer module procedure space_collect_matrix_real8 module procedure space_collect_matrix_integer end interface space_collect interface compare module procedure comparei2 module procedure comparer2 module procedure comparer3 end interface compare #endif interface printsum module procedure printsum0 module procedure printsum1 module procedure printsum2 module procedure printsum3 module procedure printsum4 module procedure printsumi0 module procedure printsumi1 module procedure printsumi2 module procedure printsumi3 module procedure printsumi4 end interface printsum contains subroutine indextos(s,index,t) use mnemmodule use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none type (spacepars), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in) :: index type(arraytype), intent(out) :: t if (index .lt. 1 .or. index .gt. numvars) then call writelog('els','(a,i3,a)','invalid index ',index,' in indextos. Program will stop') call halt_program endif select case(index) include 'indextos.gen' end select end subroutine indextos ! Generated subroutine to allocate the scalars in s subroutine space_alloc_scalars(s) use mnemmodule implicit none type(spacepars),intent(inout) :: s include 'space_alloc_scalars.gen' end subroutine space_alloc_scalars ! Generated subroutine to allocate all arrays in s subroutine space_alloc_arrays(s,par) use mnemmodule use params implicit none type(spacepars),intent(inout) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par include 'space_alloc_arrays.gen' end subroutine space_alloc_arrays #ifdef USEMPI ! ! consistency check: in general, all distributed matrices and blocks ! should have the following properties: ! ! a is distributed matrix in this process ! al is distributed matrix in left neighbour process ! ar is distributed matrix in right neighbour process ! at is distributed matrix in top neighbour process ! ab is distributed matrix in bottom neighbour process ! ! a(:,2) = al(:,ny+1) ! a(2,:) = at(nx+1,:) ! except the first and last elements of these arrays ! ! ! When all these checks are ok on every process, automatically care ! has been taken for the other neighbours ! ! constencycheck for mnem ! if mnem = 'ALL' then all subroutine space_consistency(s,mnem) use mnemmodule implicit none type(spacepars) :: s character(len=*) :: mnem integer :: j,jmin,jmax type(arraytype) :: t if(mnem .eq. 'ALL') then jmin = 1 jmax = numvars else jmin = chartoindex(mnem) jmax = jmin endif do j=jmin,jmax call indextos(s,j,t) select case(t%type) case('r') select case (t%rank) case(0) !call compare(t%r0,t%name) case(1) !call compare(t%r1,t%name) case(2) call compare(t%r2,t%name) case(3) call compare(t%r3,t%name) case(4) !call compare(t%r4,t%name) end select ! rank case('i') select case (t%rank) case(0) !call compare(t%i0,t%name) case(1) !call compare(t%i1,t%name) case(2) call compare(t%i2,t%name) case(3) !call compare(t%i3,t%name) case(4) !call compare(t%i4,t%name) end select ! rank end select ! type enddo end subroutine space_consistency subroutine comparer2(x,s) use xmpi_module use mnemmodule implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:) :: x character(len=*) :: s real*8, parameter :: eps=1.0d-60 integer :: m integer :: n real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: c real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: r real*8, dimension(2) :: dif,difmax character*100 :: warning select case(s) case (mnem_tideinpz) return end select m=size(x,1) n=size(x,2) allocate(c(m)) allocate(r(n)) c = x(:,1) call xmpi_shift(x,':1') dif(1) = sum(abs(c(2:m-1)-x(2:m-1,1))) dif(2) = sum(abs(c(1:m )-x(1:m ,1))) x(:,1) = c call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (:,1) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif c = x(:,n) call xmpi_shift(x,':n') dif(1) = sum(abs(c(2:m-1)-x(2:m-1,n))) dif(2) = sum(abs(c(1:m )-x(1:m ,n))) x(:,n) = c call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (:,n) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif r = x(1,:) call xmpi_shift(x,'1:') dif(1) = sum(abs(r(2:n-1)-x(1,2:n-1))) dif(2) = sum(abs(r(1:n )-x(1,1:n ))) x(1,:) = r call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (1,:) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif r = x(m,:) call xmpi_shift(x,'m:') dif(1) = sum(abs(r(2:n-1)-x(m,2:n-1))) dif(2) = sum(abs(r(1:n )-x(m,1:n ))) x(m,:) = r call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (m,:) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif end subroutine comparer2 subroutine comparei2(x,s) use xmpi_module implicit none integer, dimension(:,:) :: x character(len=*) :: s integer, parameter :: eps=0 integer :: m integer :: n integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: c integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: r integer, dimension(2) :: dif,difmax character*100 :: warning m=size(x,1) n=size(x,2) allocate(c(m)) allocate(r(n)) c = x(:,1) call xmpi_shift(x,':1') dif(1) = sum(abs(c(2:m-1)-x(2:m-1,1))) dif(2) = sum(abs(c(1:m )-x(1:m ,1))) x(:,1) = c call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (:,1) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif c = x(:,n) call xmpi_shift(x,':n') dif(1) = sum(abs(c(2:m-1)-x(2:m-1,n))) dif(2) = sum(abs(c(1:m )-x(1:m ,n))) x(:,n) = c call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (:,n) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif r = x(1,:) call xmpi_shift(x,'1:') dif(1) = sum(abs(r(2:n-1)-x(1,2:n-1))) dif(2) = sum(abs(r(1:n )-x(1,1:n ))) x(1,:) = r call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (1,:) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif r = x(m,:) call xmpi_shift(x,'m:') dif(1) = sum(abs(r(2:n-1)-x(m,2:n-1))) dif(2) = sum(abs(r(1:n )-x(m,1:n ))) x(m,:) = r call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (m,:) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif end subroutine comparei2 subroutine comparer3(x,s) use xmpi_module implicit none real*8, dimension(:,:,:) :: x character(len=*) :: s real*8, parameter :: eps=1.0d-60 integer :: m,n,l real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: c real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: r real*8, dimension(2) :: dif,difmax character*100 :: warning m=size(x,1) n=size(x,2) l=size(x,3) allocate(c(m,l)) allocate(r(n,l)) c = x(:,1,:) call xmpi_shift(x,':1') dif(1) = sum(abs(c(2:m-1,:)-x(2:m-1,1,:))) dif(2) = sum(abs(c(1:m,:) -x(1:m ,1,:))) x(:,1,:) = c call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (:,1) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif c = x(:,n,:) call xmpi_shift(x,':n') dif(1) = sum(abs(c(2:m-1,:)-x(2:m-1,n,:))) dif(2) = sum(abs(c(1:m ,:)-x(1:m ,n,:))) x(:,n,:) = c call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (:,n) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif r = x(1,:,:) call xmpi_shift(x,'1:') dif(1) = sum(abs(r(2:n-1,:)-x(1,2:n-1,:))) dif(2) = sum(abs(r(1:n ,:)-x(1,1:n ,:))) x(1,:,:) = r call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (1,:) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif r = x(m,:,:) call xmpi_shift(x,'m:') dif(1) = sum(abs(r(2:n-1,:)-x(m,2:n-1,:))) dif(2) = sum(abs(r(1:n ,:)-x(m,1:n ,:))) x(m,:,:) = r call xmpi_reduce(dif,difmax,MPI_SUM) if(xmaster) then warning=' ' if (sum(difmax) .gt. eps) then warning = '<===++++++++++++++++++++++' endif write (*,*) 'compare (m,:) '//trim(s)//': ',difmax,trim(warning) endif end subroutine comparer3 ! copies scalars from sg to sl on xmaster, and distributes ! them subroutine space_copy_scalars(sg,sl) use mnemmodule implicit none type(spacepars),intent(inout) :: sg,sl type(arraytype) :: tg,tl integer :: j do j = 1,numvars call indextos(sg,j,tg) if (tg%rank .eq. 0) then call indextos(sl,j,tl) select case (tg%type) case('i') tl%i0 = tg%i0 case('r') tl%r0 = tg%r0 end select endif enddo end subroutine space_copy_scalars ! The scalars are needed for allocating the arrays, ! we distribute them here: subroutine space_distribute_scalars(sl) use mnemmodule use xmpi_module type (spacepars) :: sl type (arraytype) :: tl integer :: i do i=1,numvars call indextos(sl,i,tl) if (tl%rank .eq. 0) then if (tl%type .eq. 'i') then call xmpi_bcast(tl%i0) else call xmpi_bcast(tl%r0) endif endif enddo end subroutine space_distribute_scalars subroutine space_distribute_matrix_real8(sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: b call matrix_distr(a,b,sl%is,sl%lm,sl%js,sl%ln,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) end subroutine space_distribute_matrix_real8 subroutine space_distribute_matrix_integer(sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: a integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: b call matrix_distr(a,b,sl%is,sl%lm,sl%js,sl%ln,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) end subroutine space_distribute_matrix_integer subroutine space_distribute_block_real8(sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl real*8, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: b integer :: i do i=1,size(b,3) ! assuming that b is allocated on all processes call matrix_distr(a(:,:,i),b(:,:,i),sl%is,sl%lm,sl%js,sl%ln,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo end subroutine space_distribute_block_real8 subroutine space_distribute_block_integer(sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: a integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: b integer :: i do i=1,size(b,3) ! assuming that b is allocated on all processes call matrix_distr(a(:,:,i),b(:,:,i),sl%is,sl%lm,sl%js,sl%ln,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo end subroutine space_distribute_block_integer subroutine space_distribute_block4_real8(sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: b integer :: i,j do i=1,size(b,3) do j=1,size(b,4) call matrix_distr(a(:,:,i,j),b(:,:,i,j),sl%is,sl%lm,sl%js,sl%ln,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo enddo end subroutine space_distribute_block4_real8 subroutine space_distribute_vector(xy,sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none ! Not sure what this xy is doing here. character, intent(in) :: xy type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: a real*8, dimension(:), intent(out) :: b integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ijs,lmn if(xy .eq.'x') then ijs => sl%is lmn => sl%lm else ijs => sl%js lmn => sl%ln endif call vector_distr_send(a,b,ijs,lmn,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) end subroutine space_distribute_vector subroutine space_distribute_block_vector(xy,sl,a,b) use xmpi_module use general_mpi_module implicit none character, intent(in) :: xy type (spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: b integer :: i !DF do i=1,sl%ntheta do i=1,size(b,2) call space_distribute(xy,sl,a(:,i),b(:,i)) enddo end subroutine space_distribute_block_vector subroutine space_distribute_space(sg,sl,par) use xmpi_module use logging_module use general_mpi_module use params use mnemmodule implicit none type(spacepars), intent(inout) :: sg type(spacepars), intent(inout) :: sl type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,j,lid,eid, wid real*8, pointer, dimension(:) :: vectorg, vectorl type (arraytype) :: tg, tl ! ! This subroutine takes care that all contents of the global ! space is distributed to the local space. ! ! allocate scalars call space_alloc_scalars(sl) ! copy scalars to sl, only on master ! distributing will take place later if(xmaster) then call space_copy_scalars(sg,sl) endif ! copy scalars to all processes, nx and ny will be adapted later call space_distribute_scalars(sl) ! Also, the isleft, isright, istop and isbot logicals from ! the xmpi module are put in sg and sl. ! ! ! Distribute is,js,ln,lm,isleft,isright,istop,isbot ! if(xmaster) then allocate(sg%is(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%js(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%lm(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%ln(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%isleft(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%isright(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%istop(xmpi_size)) allocate(sg%isbot(xmpi_size)) endif allocate(sl%is(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%js(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%lm(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%ln(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%isleft(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%isright(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%istop(xmpi_size)) allocate(sl%isbot(xmpi_size)) if(xmaster) then call det_submatrices(sg%nx+1, sg%ny+1, xmpi_m, xmpi_n, & sg%is, sg%lm, sg%js, sg%ln, & sg%isleft, sg%isright, sg%istop, sg%isbot) call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','MPI implementation: ') call writelog('sl','','Distribution of matrix on processors') call writelog('sl','',' proc is lm js ln') do i=1,xmpi_size call writelog('sl','(i5,i5,i5,i5,i5)',i-1,sg%is(i),sg%lm(i),sg%js(i),sg%ln(i)) enddo call writelog('ls','',' proc left right top bot') do i=1,xmpi_size call writelog('ls','',i-1,sg%isleft(i),sg%isright(i),sg%istop(i),sg%isbot(i)) enddo call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') endif if (xmaster) then sl%is = sg%is sl%js = sg%js sl%lm = sg%lm sl%ln = sg%ln sl%isleft = sg%isleft sl%isright = sg%isright sl%istop = sg%istop sl%isbot = sg%isbot endif call xmpi_bcast(sl%is) call xmpi_bcast(sl%js) call xmpi_bcast(sl%lm) call xmpi_bcast(sl%ln) call xmpi_bcast(sl%isleft) call xmpi_bcast(sl%isright) call xmpi_bcast(sl%istop) call xmpi_bcast(sl%isbot) ! ! compute the values for local nx and ny ! sl%nx = sl%lm(xmpi_rank+1) - 1 sl%ny = sl%ln(xmpi_rank+1) - 1 ! ! allocate all arrays in sl ! call space_alloc_arrays(sl,par) ! for each variable is sg, find out how to distribute it ! and distribute ! do i = 1,numvars if(xmaster) then call indextos(sg,i,tg) endif call indextos(sl,i,tl) select case (tl%btype) case('b') ! have to broadcast this select case (tl%type) case('i') select case(tl%rank) case(0) ! do nothing, scalars are already in place ! Have to be prudent here. all scalars are broadcasted, exept nx ! and ny !if (tl%name .ne. mnem_nx .and. tl%name .ne. mnem_ny) then ! if(xmaster) then ! tl%i0 = tg%i0 ! endif ! call xmpi_bcast(tl%i0) !endif case(1) if(xmaster) then tl%i1 = tg%i1 endif call xmpi_bcast(tl%i1) case default goto 100 end select ! rank case('r') select case(tl%rank) case(0) ! do nothing here, scalars are already in place ! Have to be prudent here. all scalars are broadcasted, exept nx ! and ny ! here only real*8 is broadcasted, so no check necessary here !if(xmaster) then ! tl%r0 = tg%r0 !endif !call xmpi_bcast(tl%r0) case(1) if(xmaster) then tl%r1 = tg%r1 endif call xmpi_bcast(tl%r1) case(2) if(xmaster) then tl%r2 = tg%r2 endif call xmpi_bcast(tl%r2) case default goto 100 end select ! rank case default goto 100 end select ! type case('d') ! have to distribute this select case(tl%type) case ('i') select case(tl%rank) case(1) select case(tl%name) case(mnem_istruct) call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case(mnem_iwl) call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case default goto 100 end select case(2) call space_distribute(sl,tg%i2,tl%i2) case(3) call space_distribute(sl,tg%i3,tl%i3) case default goto 100 end select ! rank case ('r') select case(tl%rank) case(1) select case(tl%name) ! Robert: these don't exist anymore? ! case(mnem_xz,mnem_xu) ! call space_distribute_vector('x',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) ! case(mnem_yz, mnem_yv, mnem_bi) case(mnem_bi) call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case(mnem_runup) ! Not sure why vector expects a name.... ! This name is x or y, it relates to the length of the vector. call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case(mnem_hrunup) ! Not sure why vector expects a name.... ! This name is x or y, it relates to the length of the vector. call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case(mnem_xhrunup) ! Not sure why vector expects a name.... ! This name is x or y, it relates to the length of the vector. call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case(mnem_strucslope) call space_distribute_vector('y',sl,tg%r1,tl%r1) case default goto 100 end select case(2) call space_distribute(sl,tg%r2,tl%r2) case(3) call space_distribute(sl,tg%r3,tl%r3) case(4) call space_distribute(sl,tg%r4,tl%r4) case default end select ! rank case default goto 100 end select ! type case('2') ! the umean case ! dimension 2,s%ny+1 if(xmaster) then allocate(vectorg(sg%ny+1)) endif allocate(vectorl(sl%ny+1)) ! Let's keep this 2 case explicit. (because tg%r2 is only known on master) ! This one is distributed as 2 vectors. do j=1,2 if (xmaster) then vectorg = tg%r2(j,:) endif call space_distribute("y", sl,vectorg,vectorl) tl%r2(j,:) = vectorl enddo if(xmaster) then deallocate(vectorg) endif deallocate(vectorl) case default goto 100 end select ! btype enddo ! numvars return 100 continue call writelog('sel','',xmpi_rank,': Error in space_distribute_space, trying to distribute:') call get_logfileid(lid,eid, wid) call printvar(tl,lid,eid, wid) call halt_program return end subroutine space_distribute_space subroutine space_shift_borders_matrix_real8(a) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none real*8, intent(inout),dimension(:,:) :: a call shift_borders_matrix_real8(a,xmpi_left,xmpi_right, & xmpi_top,xmpi_bot,xmpi_comm) end subroutine space_shift_borders_matrix_real8 subroutine space_shift_borders_block_real8(a) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none real*8, intent(inout),dimension(:,:,:) :: a integer i do i=1,size(a,3) call shift_borders_matrix_real8(a(:,:,i),xmpi_left,xmpi_right,& xmpi_top,xmpi_bot,xmpi_comm) enddo end subroutine space_shift_borders_block_real8 ! ! wwvv a subtle point with the collect subroutines: the second ! argument: the matrix wherein the submatrices are to be collected, ! does not have to be available on the non-master processes, so ! the dimensions are not defined. ! The third argument is always defined, on master and non-master ! processes, so its dimensions (notably the 3rd in the block subroutines ! are available ! ! parameters of the space_collect routines: ! s: spacepars: LOCAL s ! a: output: in this matrix the submatrices are collected ! b: input: the local submatrix subroutine space_collect_block_real8(s,a,b) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s real*8, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: b integer i do i = 1,size(b,3) call matrix_coll(a(:,:,i),b(:,:,i),s%is,s%lm,s%js,s%ln, & s%isleft,s%isright,s%istop,s%isbot, & xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo end subroutine space_collect_block_real8 subroutine space_collect_block_integer(s,a,b) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: a integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: b integer i real*8, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ra,rb integer :: m,n,o m = size(b,1) n = size(b,2) o = size(b,3) allocate(rb(m,n,o)) if (xmaster) then m = size(a,1) n = size(a,2) o = size(a,3) allocate(ra(m,n,o)) else allocate(ra(1,1,1)) endif rb = b do i = 1,o call matrix_coll(ra(:,:,i),rb(:,:,i),s%is,s%lm,s%js,s%ln, & s%isleft,s%isright,s%istop,s%isbot, & xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo if (xmaster) then a = ra endif deallocate(ra,rb) end subroutine space_collect_block_integer subroutine space_collect_block4_real8(s,a,b) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: b integer i,j do j = 1,size(b,4) do i = 1,size(b,3) call matrix_coll(a(:,:,i,j),b(:,:,i,j),s%is,s%lm,s%js,s%ln, & s%isleft,s%isright,s%istop,s%isbot, & xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo enddo end subroutine space_collect_block4_real8 subroutine space_collect_block4_integer(s,a,b) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: a integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: b integer i,j do j = 1,size(b,4) do i = 1,size(b,3) call matrix_coll(a(:,:,i,j),b(:,:,i,j),s%is,s%lm,s%js,s%ln, & s%isleft,s%isright,s%istop,s%isbot, & xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) enddo enddo end subroutine space_collect_block4_integer subroutine space_collect_matrix_real8(s,a,b) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: a real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: b call matrix_coll(a,b,s%is,s%lm,s%js,s%ln, & s%isleft,s%isright,s%istop,s%isbot, & xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) end subroutine space_collect_matrix_real8 subroutine space_collect_matrix_integer(s,a,b) use general_mpi_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: a integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: b ! not used often, so we convert the integers to real*8, ! collect and convert back. ! if this routine becomes heavily used, than a special ! matrix_coll has to be made. (Now we understand why ! C++ has templates) real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ra,rb integer :: m,n m = size(b,1) n = size(b,2) allocate(rb(m,n)) if (xmaster) then m = size(a,1) n = size(a,2) allocate(ra(m,n)) else allocate(ra(1,1)) endif rb = b call matrix_coll(ra,rb,s%is,s%lm,s%js,s%ln, & s%isleft,s%isright,s%istop,s%isbot, & xmpi_master,xmpi_comm) if (xmaster) then a = ra endif deallocate(ra,rb) end subroutine space_collect_matrix_integer #endif #ifdef USEMPI ! ! collects data from processes in master ! using the index number of the variable to be ! collected ! subroutine space_collect_index(sg,sl,index) use xmpi_module use mnemmodule use logging_module type(spacepars) :: sg type(spacepars), intent(in) :: sl integer, intent(in) :: index integer :: lid,eid, wid type(arraytype) :: tg,tl #ifdef USEMPI logical, dimension(numvars) :: avail ! .true.: this item is collected, used to ! prevent double space_collect ! calls for the same item ! #endif #ifdef USEMPI avail = .false. #endif #ifdef USEMPE call MPE_Log_event(event_coll_start,0,'cstart') #endif if(avail(index)) then return endif call indextos(sl,index,tl) if(xmaster) then call indextos(sg,index,tg) endif select case(tl%type) case('i') select case(tl%rank) case(0) ! nothing to do case(2) call space_collect(sl, tg%i2, tl%i2) case(3) call space_collect(sl, tg%i3, tl%i3) case default ! case 1 and 4 are not handled goto 100 end select ! rank case('r') select case(tl%rank) case(0) ! nothing to do case(2) !if (tl%name .eq. mnem_umean) then ! goto 100 !endif call space_collect(sl,tg%r2,tl%r2) case(3) call space_collect(sl,tg%r3,tl%r3) case(4) call space_collect(sl,tg%r4,tl%r4) case default end select ! rank case default end select ! type avail(index) = .true. #ifdef USEMPE call MPE_Log_event(event_coll_start,0,'cend') #endif return 100 continue call writelog('lse','','Problem in space_collect_index with variable ',trim(tg%name ) ) call writelog('lse','','Don''t know how to collect that on the masternode') call get_logfileid(lid,eid, wid) call printvar(tl,lid,eid, wid) call halt_program end subroutine space_collect_index #endif ! printsum* for debugging only ! subroutine printsum0(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*),intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id real*8, intent(in) :: val write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',val end subroutine printsum0 subroutine printsum1(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id real*8, pointer, dimension(:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsum1 subroutine printsum2(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id real*8, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsum2 subroutine printsum3(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id real*8, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsum3 subroutine printsum4(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id real*8, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsum4 subroutine printsumi0(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*),intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: val write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',val end subroutine printsumi0 subroutine printsumi1(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsumi1 subroutine printsumi2(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id integer, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsumi2 subroutine printsumi3(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id integer, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsumi3 subroutine printsumi4(f,str,id,val) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: f character(*), intent(in) :: str integer, intent(in) :: id integer, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: val if (associated(val) ) then write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',sum(val),shape(val) else write(f,*) 'printsum ',id,' ',str,':',' Not allocated' endif end subroutine printsumi4 subroutine printssums(s,str) #ifdef USEMPI use xmpi_module #endif use mnemmodule type (spacepars), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: str integer :: id, f,i type(arraytype) :: t #ifdef USEMPI id = xmpi_rank if (id .gt. 0 ) then return endif #else id=0 #endif f = 100+4*numvars+id+1 write(f, *) 'printsum: ',id,'Start of printssums ',str do i=1,numvars call indextos(s,i,t) select case (t%rank) case (0) if (t%type .eq. 'i') then call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%i0) else call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%r0) endif case (1) if (t%type .eq. 'i') then call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%i1) else call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%r1) endif case (2) if (t%type .eq. 'i') then call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%i2) else call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%r2) endif case (3) if (t%type .eq. 'i') then call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%i3) else call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%r3) endif case (4) if (t%type .eq. 'i') then call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%i4) else call printsum(f,t%name,id,t%r4) endif end select enddo #ifdef USEMPI call printsum(f,'s%is',id,s%is) call printsum(f,'s%js',id,s%js) call printsum(f,'s%lm',id,s%lm) call printsum(f,'s%ln',id,s%ln) #endif end subroutine printssums subroutine printssumso(s) type (spacepars), intent(in) :: s write(*,*)'Start of printssumso' write(*,*)'s%xz',sum(s%xz) write(*,*)'s%yz',sum(s%yz) write(*,*)'s%zs',sum(s%zs) write(*,*)'s%u',sum(s%u) write(*,*)'s%v',sum(s%v) write(*,*)'s%ue',sum(s%ue) write(*,*)'s%ve',sum(s%ve) write(*,*)'s%H',sum(s%H) write(*,*)'s%urms',sum(s%urms) write(*,*)'s%zb',sum(s%zb) write(*,*)'s%hh',sum(s%hh) write(*,*)'s%Fx',sum(s%Fx) write(*,*)'s%Fy',sum(s%Fy) write(*,*)'s%E',sum(s%E) write(*,*)'s%R',sum(s%R) write(*,*)'s%D',sum(s%D) end subroutine printssumso subroutine gridprops (s) IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),target :: s ! Temporary local arrays and variables integer :: i, j real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: xc ! x-coordinate c-points real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: yc ! y-coordinate c-points real*8 :: dsdnu ! surface of cell centered around u-point real*8 :: dsdnv ! surface of cell centered around v-point real*8 :: dsdnz ! surface of cell centered around z-point real*8 :: x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 include 's.ind' include 's.inp' allocate (xc(nx+1,ny+1)) allocate (yc(nx+1,ny+1)) ! x and y were read in grid_bathy.f90 (initialize.f90) and can be either (cartesian) world coordinates or ! XBeach coordinates (xori, yori and alfa are nonzero). Here x and y are transformed to cartesian world coordinates. ! XBeach performs all computations (after implementation of curvi-lineair option) world coordinate grid. ! world coordinates of z-points xz=xori+x*cos(alfa)-y*sin(alfa) yz=yori+x*sin(alfa)+y*cos(alfa) ! world coordinates of u-points do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx xu(i,j)=.5d0*(xz(i,j)+xz(i+1,j)) yu(i,j)=.5d0*(yz(i,j)+yz(i+1,j)) enddo xu(nx+1,j)=1.5d0*xz(nx+1,j)-0.5d0*xz(nx,j) yu(nx+1,j)=1.5d0*yz(nx+1,j)-0.5d0*yz(nx,j) enddo ! world coordinates of v-points if (ny>0) then do i=1,nx+1 do j=1,ny xv(i,j)=.5d0*(xz(i,j)+xz(i,j+1)) yv(i,j)=.5d0*(yz(i,j)+yz(i,j+1)) enddo xv(i,ny+1)=1.5d0*xz(i,ny+1)-0.5d0*xz(i,ny) yv(i,ny+1)=1.5d0*yz(i,ny+1)-0.5d0*yz(i,ny) enddo else xv=xz yv=yz endif ! world coordinates of corner points if (ny>0) then do j=1,ny do i=1,nx xc(i,j)=.25d0*(xz(i,j)+xz(i+1,j)+xz(i,j+1)+xz(i+1,j+1)) yc(i,j)=.25d0*(yz(i,j)+yz(i+1,j)+yz(i,j+1)+yz(i+1,j+1)) enddo xc(nx+1,j)=0.5d0*(xu(nx+1,j)+xu(nx+1,j+1)) yc(nx+1,j)=0.5d0*(yu(nx+1,j)+yu(nx+1,j+1)) enddo do i=1,nx xc(i,ny+1)=0.5d0*(xv(i,ny+1)+xv(i+1,ny+1)) yc(i,ny+1)=0.5d0*(yv(i,ny+1)+yv(i+1,ny+1)) enddo xc(nx+1,ny+1)=1.5d0*xu(nx+1,ny+1)-0.5*xu(nx,ny+1) yc(nx+1,ny+1)=1.5d0*yu(nx+1,ny+1)-0.5*yu(nx,ny+1) else xc=xu yc=yu endif ! dsu do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx dsu(i,j)=((xz(i+1,j)-xz(i,j))**2+(yz(i+1,j)-yz(i,j))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo dsu(nx+1,j)=dsu(nx,j) enddo ! dsz do j=1,ny+1 do i=2,nx+1 dsz(i,j)=((xu(i,j)-xu(i-1,j))**2+(yu(i,j)-yu(i-1,j))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo dsz(1,j)=dsz(2,j) ! Robert -> was i=nx+1 (calculated in loop), so i=1 more likely enddo ! dsv if (ny>0) then do j=1,ny+1 do i=2,nx+1 dsv(i,j)=((xc(i,j)-xc(i-1,j))**2+(yc(i,j)-yc(i-1,j))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo dsv(1,j)=dsv(2,j) ! Robert, need to have this for wave advec dsv(nx+1,j)=dsv(nx,j) enddo else dsv=dsz endif ! dsc if (ny>0) then do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx dsc(i,j)=((xv(i+1,j)-xv(i,j))**2+(yv(i+1,j)-yv(i,j))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo dsc(nx+1,j)=dsc(nx,j) enddo else dsc=dsu endif ! dnu if (ny>0) then do j=2,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 dnu(i,j)=((xc(i,j)-xc(i,j-1))**2+(yc(i,j)-yc(i,j-1))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo enddo dnu(:,1)=dnu(:,2) else dnu=100.d0 endif ! dnz if (ny>0) then do j=2,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 dnz(i,j)=((xv(i,j)-xv(i,j-1))**2+(yv(i,j)-yv(i,j-1))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo enddo dnz(:,1)=dnz(:,2) else dnz=100.d0 endif ! dnv if (ny>0) then do j=1,ny do i=1,nx+1 dnv(i,j)=((xz(i,j+1)-xz(i,j))**2+(yz(i,j+1)-yz(i,j))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo enddo dnv(:,ny+1)=dnv(:,ny) else dnv=100.d0 endif ! dnc if (ny>0) then do j=1,ny do i=1,nx+1 dnc(i,j)=((xu(i,j+1)-xu(i,j))**2+(yu(i,j+1)-yu(i,j))**2)**(0.5d0) enddo enddo dnc(:,ny+1)=dnc(:,ny) else dnc=100.d0 endif if (ny>0) then ! dsdnu do j=2,ny+1 do i=1,nx x1=xv(i ,j ) - xv(i ,j-1) x3=xv(i+1,j-1) - xv(i ,j-1) x2=xv(i+1,j ) - xv(i+1,j-1) x4=xv(i+1,j ) - xv(i ,j ) y1=yv(i ,j ) - yv(i ,j-1) y3=yv(i+1,j-1) - yv(i ,j-1) y2=yv(i+1,j ) - yv(i+1,j-1) y4=yv(i+1,j ) - yv(i ,j ) dsdnu=0.5d0*(abs(x1*y3-x3*y1)+abs(x2*y4-x4*y2)) dsdnui(i,j)=1.d0/dsdnu enddo enddo dsdnui(:,1)=dsdnui(:,2) dsdnui(nx+1,:)=dsdnui(nx,:) ! dsdnv do j=1,ny do i=2,nx+1 x1=xu(i-1,j+1) - xu(i-1,j ) x3=xu(i ,j ) - xu(i-1,j ) x2=xu(i ,j+1) - xu(i ,j ) x4=xu(i ,j+1) - xu(i-1,j+1) y1=yu(i-1,j+1) - yu(i-1,j ) y3=yu(i ,j ) - yu(i-1,j ) y2=yu(i ,j+1) - yu(i ,j ) y4=yu(i ,j+1) - yu(i-1,j+1) dsdnv=0.5d0*(abs(x1*y3-x3*y1)+abs(x2*y4-x4*y2)) dsdnvi(i,j)=1.d0/dsdnv enddo enddo dsdnvi(:,ny+1)=dsdnvi(:,ny) dsdnvi(1,:)=dsdnvi(2,:) ! dsdnz do j=2,ny+1 do i=2,nx+1 x1=xc(i-1,j ) - xc(i-1,j-1) x3=xc(i ,j-1) - xc(i-1,j-1) x2=xc(i ,j ) - xc(i ,j-1) x4=xc(i ,j ) - xc(i-1,j ) y1=yc(i-1,j ) - yc(i-1,j-1) y3=yc(i ,j-1) - yc(i-1,j-1) y2=yc(i ,j ) - yc(i ,j-1) y4=yc(i ,j ) - yc(i-1,j ) dsdnz=0.5d0*(abs(x1*y3-x3*y1)+abs(x2*y4-x4*y2)) dsdnzi(i,j)=1.d0/dsdnz enddo enddo dsdnzi(:,1)=dsdnzi(:,2) dsdnzi(1,:)=dsdnzi(2,:) else dsdnui=1.d0/(dsu*dnu) dsdnvi=1.d0/(dsv*dnv) dsdnzi=1.d0/(dsz*dnz) endif ! alfaz, grid orientation in z-points do j=1,ny+1 do i=2,nx alfaz(i,j)=atan2(yz(i+1,j)-yz(i-1,j),xz(i+1,j)-xz(i-1,j)) enddo alfaz(1,j)=alfaz(2,j) alfaz(nx+1,j)=alfaz(nx,j) enddo ! alfau, grid orientation in u-points do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx alfau(i,j)=atan2(yz(i+1,j)-yz(i,j),xz(i+1,j)-xz(i,j)) enddo alfau(nx+1,j)=alfau(nx,j) enddo ! alfav, grid orientation in v-points if (ny>0) then do i=1,nx+1 do j=1,ny alfav(i,j)=atan2(yz(i,j+1)-yz(i,j),xz(i,j+1)-xz(i,j)) enddo alfav(i,ny+1)=alfav(i,ny) enddo else alfav=alfaz endif do j=1,ny+1 sdist(1,j)=0 do i=2,nx+1 sdist(i,j)=sdist(i-1,j)+dsu(i-1,j) enddo enddo do i=1,nx+1 ndist(i,1)=0 do j=2,ny+1 ndist(i,j)=ndist(i,j-1)+dnv(i,j-1) enddo enddo deallocate (xc) deallocate (yc) end subroutine gridprops end module spaceparams