module wave_instationary_module contains subroutine wave_instationary(s,par) use params use spaceparams use roelvink_module use wave_functions_module use xmpi_module use mnemmodule use interp IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i integer :: j integer :: itheta integer :: dummy integer, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: wete real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dhdx,dhdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,ustw,Erfl real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: km,kmx,kmy,xwadvec,ywadvec,sinh2kh !,wm real*8 , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: xadvec,yadvec,thetaadvec,dd,drr real*8 , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: xradvec,yradvec,thetaradvec real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dkmxdx,dkmxdy,dkmydx,dkmydy,cgxm,cgym,arg,fac real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: wcifacu,wcifacv,hrmsold,uorb real*8 , dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: wcrestpos real*8 :: factime,cs,sn real*8 , save :: waverr include 's.ind' include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(wete)) then allocate(drr (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(wete (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(xadvec (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(yadvec (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(thetaadvec (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(xradvec (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(yradvec (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(thetaradvec (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(dd (nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)) allocate(dhdx (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dhdy (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dudx (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dudy (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dvdx (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dvdy (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(km (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(kmx (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(kmy (nx+1,ny+1)) ! allocate(wm (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(ustw (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(Erfl (nx+1,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(xwadvec (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(ywadvec (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(sinh2kh (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dkmxdx (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dkmxdy (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dkmydx (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(dkmydy (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(cgxm (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(cgym (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(arg (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(fac (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(wcifacu (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(wcifacv (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(hrmsold (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(uorb (nx+1,ny+1)) allocate(wcrestpos (nx+1)) ! wwvv todo: I think these iniailization are superfluous drr = 0.d0 wete = 0.d0 xadvec = 0.d0 yadvec = 0.d0 thetaadvec = 0.d0 xradvec = 0.d0 yradvec = 0.d0 thetaradvec = 0.d0 dd = 0.d0 dhdx = 0.d0 dhdy = 0.d0 dudx = 0.d0 dudy = 0.d0 dvdx = 0.d0 dvdy = 0.d0 km = 0.d0 kmx = 0.d0 kmy = 0.d0 ! wm = 0.d0 ustw = 0.d0 Erfl = 0.d0 xwadvec = 0.d0 ywadvec = 0.d0 sinh2kh = 0.d0 dkmxdx = 0.d0 dkmxdy = 0.d0 dkmydx = 0.d0 dkmydy = 0.d0 cgxm = 0.d0 cgym = 0.d0 arg = 0.d0 fac = 0.d0 uorb = 0.d0 Fx = 0.d0 ! in spacepars Fy = 0.d0 ! in spacepars endif hh = max(hh,par%eps) hrmsold=H ! Calculate once velocities used with and without wave current interaction wcifacu=u*par%wci*min(hh/par%hwci,1.d0) wcifacv=v*par%wci*min(hh/par%hwci,1.d0) tm = (sum(ee*thet,3)/ntheta)/(max(sum(ee,3),0.00001d0)/ntheta) ! Dispersion relation if (par%wci .ne. 0) then if (par%t==par%dt) then sigm = max((sum(sigt,3)/ntheta),0.01d0) call dispersion(par,s) umwci = 0.d0 vmwci = 0.d0 zswci = zs km=k endif km(1,:) = k(1,:) ! boundary condition *assuming zero flow at the boundary) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(km,'1:') #endif factime = 1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt umwci = factime*uu + (1-factime)*umwci vmwci = factime*vv + (1-factime)*vmwci zswci = factime*zs + (1-factime)*zswci arg = min(100.0d0,km*max(hh,par%delta*H)) sigm(1,:) = sqrt( par%g*km(1,:)*tanh(arg(1,:))) ! *( 1.d0+ ((km(1,:)*H(1,:)/2.d0)**2))) ! calculate change in intrinsic frequency kmx = km*dcos(tm) kmy = km*dsin(tm) wm = sigm+kmx*umwci*par%wci*min((zswci-zb)/par%hwci,1.d0)+kmy*vmwci*par%wci*min((zswci-zb)/par%hwci,1.d0) cgym = cg*dsin(tm) + vmwci*min((zswci-zb)/par%hwci,1.d0) cgxm = cg*dcos(tm) + umwci*min((zswci-zb)/par%hwci,1.d0) call slope2D(kmx,nx,ny,dsu,dnv,dkmxdx,dkmxdy) call slope2D(kmy,nx,ny,dsu,dnv,dkmydx,dkmydy) call advecwx(wm,xwadvec,kmx,nx,ny,dsu) ! cjaap: xz or xu? kmx = kmx -par%dt*xwadvec -1.0d0*par%dt*cgym*(dkmydx-dkmxdy) if (ny>0) then kmx(:,ny+1) = kmx(:,ny) ! lateral bc kmx(:,1) = kmx(:,2) ! lateral bc ! wwvv the following has consequences for the // version todo #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(kmx,':n') ! get column kml(:ny+1) from right neighbour call xmpi_shift(kmx,':1') #endif endif call advecwy(wm,ywadvec,kmy,nx,ny,dnv) ! cjaap: yz or yv? kmy = kmy-par%dt*ywadvec + 1.0*par%dt*cgxm*(dkmydx-dkmxdy) if (ny>0) then kmy(:,ny+1) = kmy(:,ny) ! lateral bc kmy(:,1) = kmy(:,2) ! lateral bc ! wwvv the following has consequences for the // version todo #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(kmy,':n') call xmpi_shift(kmy,':1') #endif endif ! update km km = sqrt(kmx**2+kmy**2) ! non-linear dispersion arg = min(100.0d0,km*((zswci-zb)+par%delta*H)) arg = max(arg,0.0001) ! fac = ( 1.d0 + ((km*H/2.d0)**2)*( (8.d0+(cosh(min(4.d0*arg,10.0d0)))**1.d0-2.d0*(tanh(arg))**2.d0 ) /(8.d0*(sinh(arg))**4.d0) ) ) fac = ( 1.d0 + ((km*H/2.d0)**2)) ! use deep water correction instead of expression above (waves are short near blocking point anyway) ! fac = 1.d0 ! Linear sigm = sqrt( par%g*km*tanh(arg)*fac) ! update intrinsic frequency do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = sigm enddo where(km>0.01d0) c = sigm/km ! cg = c*(0.5d0+arg/sinh(2.0d0*arg)) ! Linear cg = c*(0.5d0+arg/sinh(2*arg))*sqrt(fac) ! & to include more ! + km*(H/2)**2*sqrt(max(par%g*km*tanh(arg),0.001d0))/sqrt(max(fac,0.001d0)) ! include wave steepness n=0.5d0+km*hh/sinh(2*max(km,0.00001d0)*hh) elsewhere c = 0.01d0 cg = 0.01d0 n = 1.d0 endwhere ! update k km = min(km,25.d0) ! limit to gravity waves k = km else ! no wave current interaction sigm = max((sum(sigt,3)/ntheta),0.01d0) call dispersion(par,s) endif ! end wave current interaction ! Slopes of water depth call slope2D(max(hh,par%delta*H),nx,ny,dsu,dnv,dhdx,dhdy) call slope2D(wcifacu,nx,ny,dsu,dnv,dudx,dudy) call slope2D(wcifacv,nx,ny,dsu,dnv,dvdx,dvdy) ! ! Calculate once sinh(2kh) where(2*hh*k<=3000.d0) sinh2kh=sinh(min(2*k*max(hh,par%delta*H),10.0d0)) elsewhere sinh2kh = 3000.d0 endwhere if (ntheta>1) then thetamean=(sum(ee*thet,3)/size(ee,3))/(max(sum(ee,3),0.00001d0)/size(ee,3)) else !Dano: Snellius thetamean=asin(sin(theta0-alfaz(1,1))*c/c(1,1))+alfaz(1,1) costh(:,:,1)=cos(thetamean-alfaz) sinth(:,:,1)=sin(thetamean-alfaz) endif ! split wave velocities in wave grid directions theta do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 do itheta=1,ntheta ! wave grid directions theta with respect to spatial grid s,n cs=costh(i,j,itheta) sn=sinth(i,j,itheta) ! split wave velocities over theta bins cgx(i,j,itheta)= cg(i,j)*cs+wcifacu(i,j) cgy(i,j,itheta)= cg(i,j)*sn+wcifacv(i,j) cx(i,j,itheta) = c(i,j)*cs+wcifacu(i,j) cy(i,j,itheta) = c(i,j)*sn+wcifacv(i,j) ! compute refraction velocity ctheta(i,j,itheta)= & sigm(i,j)/sinh2kh(i,j)*(dhdx(i,j)*sn-dhdy(i,j)*cs) + par%wci* & ( cs*(sn*dudx(i,j) - cs*dudy(i,j)) + & sn*(sn*dvdx(i,j) - cs*dvdy(i,j)) ) enddo enddo enddo ! Dano Limit unrealistic refraction speed to 1/2 pi per wave period ctheta=sign(1.d0,ctheta)*min(abs(ctheta),.5*par%px/par%Trep) ! ! transform to wave action ! ee = ee/sigt ! ! Upwind Euler timestep propagation ! call advecxho(ee,cgx,xadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dnu,dsu,dsdnzi,par%dt,par%scheme) if (ny>0) then call advecyho(ee,cgy,yadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dsv,dnv,dsdnzi,par%dt,par%scheme) endif !call advectheta(ee*ctheta,thetaadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dtheta) call advecthetaho(ee,ctheta,thetaadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dtheta,par%scheme)! ee=ee-par%dt*(xadvec+yadvec+thetaadvec) ! ! transform back to wave energy ! ee = ee*sigt ee=max(ee,0.0d0) !Jaap ! ! Energy integrated over wave directions,Hrms ! E=sum(ee,3)*dtheta H=sqrt(E/par%rhog8) do itheta=1,ntheta ee(:,:,itheta)=ee(:,:,itheta)/max(1.d0,(H/(par%gammax*hh))**2) enddo H=min(H,par%gammax*hh) E=par%rhog8*H**2 ! Total dissipation if(trim(par%break) == 'roelvink1' .or. trim(par%break) == 'roelvink2')then call roelvink(par,s,km) else if(trim(par%break) == 'baldock')then call baldock(par,s,km) else if(trim(par%break) == 'janssen')then call janssen_battjes(par,s,km) else if (trim(par%break) == 'roelvink_daly') then cgxm = c*dcos(tm) cgym = c*dsin(tm) call advecqx(cgxm,Qb,xwadvec,nx,ny,dsu) if (ny>0) then call advecqy(cgym,Qb,ywadvec,nx,ny,dnv) Qb = Qb-par%dt*(xwadvec+ywadvec) else Qb = Qb-par%dt*xwadvec endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(Qb,'m:') call xmpi_shift(Qb,'1:') call xmpi_shift(Qb,':1') call xmpi_shift(Qb,':n') #endif call roelvink(par,s,km) endif ! Dissipation by bed friction uorb=par%px*H/par%Trep/sinh(min(max(k,0.01d0)*max(hh,par%delta*H),10.0d0)) Df=0.6666666d0/par%px*par%rho*par%fw*uorb**3 where (hh>par%fwcutoff) Df = 0.d0 end where ! ! Distribution of dissipation over directions and frequencies ! do itheta=1,ntheta ! Only calculate for E>0 FB dd(:,:,itheta)=ee(:,:,itheta)*(D+Df)/max(E,0.00001d0) enddo do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 ! cjaap: replaced par%hmin by par%eps if(hh(i,j)+par%delta*H(i,j)>par%eps) then wete(i,j,1:ntheta)=1 else wete(i,j,1:ntheta)=0 end if end do end do ! ! Euler step dissipation ! ! calculate roller energy balance ! call advecxho(rr,cx,xradvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dnu,dsu,dsdnzi,par%dt,par%scheme) if (ny>0) then call advecyho(rr,cy,yradvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dsv,dnv,dsdnzi,par%dt,par%scheme) endif !call advectheta(rr*ctheta,thetaradvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dtheta) call advecthetaho(rr,ctheta,thetaradvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dtheta,par%scheme) rr=rr-par%dt*(xradvec+yradvec+thetaradvec) rr=max(rr,0.0d0) ! ! euler step roller energy dissipation (source and sink function) ! do itheta=1,ntheta do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 if(wete(i,j,itheta)==1) then ee(i,j,itheta)=ee(i,j,itheta)-par%dt*dd(i,j,itheta) if(par%roller==1) then drr(i,j,itheta) = 2*par%g*BR(i,j)*max(rr(i,j,itheta),0.0d0)/ & sqrt(cx(i,j,itheta)**2 +cy(i,j,itheta)**2) rr(i,j,itheta)=rr(i,j,itheta)+par%dt*(dd(i,j,itheta) & -drr(i,j,itheta)) else if (par%roller==0) then rr(i,j,itheta)= 0.0d0 drr(i,j,itheta)= 0.0d0 endif ee(i,j,itheta)=max(ee(i,j,itheta),0.0d0) rr(i,j,itheta)=max(rr(i,j,itheta),0.0d0) elseif(wete(i,j,itheta)==0) then ee(i,j,itheta)=0.0d0 rr(i,j,itheta)=0.0d0 end if end do end do end do ! ! Bay boundary Robert + Jaap ! ! wwvv ! this has consequences for the parallel version, ! but also, if we do nothing, there are discrepancies ! between ee and rr in the different processes. We need to ! get valid values for ee(nx+1,:,:) and rr(nx+1,:,:) from ! the neighbour below. We cannot postpone this until this ! subroutine ends, because ee and rr are used in this subroutine if (xmpi_isbot) then ee(nx+1,:,:) =ee(nx,:,:) rr(nx+1,:,:) =rr(nx,:,:) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ee,'m:') ! fill in ee(nx+1,:,:) call xmpi_shift(rr,'m:') ! fill in rr(nx+1,:,:) #endif if (par%t>0.0d0) then if (ny>0) then if (xmpi_isleft)then ! Jaap if (trim(par%rightwave)=='neumann') then ! ! Lateral boundary at y=0; ! ee(2:nx+1,1,:)=ee(2:nx+1,2,:) rr(2:nx+1,1,:)=rr(2:nx+1,2,:) elseif (trim(par%rightwave)=='wavecrest') then ! wcrestpos=xz+tan(thetamean(:,2))*(yz(2)-yz(1)) wcrestpos=sdist(:,1)+tan(thetamean(:,2)-alfaz(:,2))*dnv(:,1) do itheta=1,ntheta do i=1,nx+1 call Linear_interp((/-huge(0.d0) ,wcrestpos ,huge(0.d0)/),& (/ee(1,2,itheta),ee(:,2,itheta),ee(nx+1,2,itheta)/),& nx+1,sdist(i,1),ee(i,1,itheta),dummy) call Linear_interp((/-huge(0.d0) ,wcrestpos ,huge(0.d0)/),& (/rr(1,2,itheta),rr(:,2,itheta),rr(nx+1,2,itheta)/),& nx+1,sdist(i,1),rr(i,1,itheta),dummy) ee(i,1,itheta)=max(ee(i,1,itheta),0.d0) rr(i,1,itheta)=max(rr(i,1,itheta),0.d0) enddo enddo endif endif if (xmpi_isright)then if (trim(par%leftwave)=='neumann') then ! ! lateral; boundary at y=ny*dy ! ee(2:nx+1,ny+1,:)=ee(2:nx+1,ny,:) rr(2:nx+1,ny+1,:)=rr(2:nx+1,ny,:) elseif (trim(par%leftwave)=='wavecrest') then ! wcrestpos=xz-tan(thetamean(:,ny))*(yz(ny+1)-yz(ny)) wcrestpos=sdist(:,ny+1)-tan(thetamean(:,ny)-alfaz(:,ny))*dnv(:,ny) do itheta=1,ntheta do i=1,nx+1 call Linear_interp((/-huge(0.d0) ,wcrestpos ,huge(0.d0)/),& (/ee(1,ny,itheta),ee(:,ny,itheta),ee(nx+1,ny,itheta)/),& nx+1,sdist(i,ny+1),ee(i,ny+1,itheta),dummy) call Linear_interp((/-huge(0.d0) ,wcrestpos ,huge(0.d0)/),& (/rr(1,ny,itheta),rr(:,ny,itheta),rr(nx+1,ny,itheta)/),& nx+1,sdist(i,ny+1),rr(i,ny+1,itheta),dummy) ee(i,ny+1,itheta)=max(ee(i,ny+1,itheta),0.d0) rr(i,ny+1,itheta)=max(rr(i,ny+1,itheta),0.d0) enddo enddo endif endif endif endif ! wwvv communicate ee(:,1,:) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ee,':1') ! wwvv and ee(:,ny+1,:) call xmpi_shift(ee,':n') ! wwv and ee(1,:,:) again call xmpi_shift(ee,'1:') #endif ! ! Energy integrated over wave directions,Hrms ! E = sum(ee,3)*dtheta R = sum(rr,3)*dtheta DR = sum(drr,3)*dtheta H = sqrt(E/par%rhog8) waverr=sum(abs(H-hrmsold))/((nx+1)*(ny+1)) ! ! Compute mean wave direction ! if (ntheta>1) then thetamean=(sum(ee*thet,3)/size(ee,3))/(max(sum(ee,3),0.00001d0)/size(ee,3)) endif ! ! Radiation stresses and forcing terms ! ! n=cg/c (Robert: calculated earlier in dispersion relation) Sxx=(n*sum((1.d0+costh**2)*ee,3)-.5d0*sum(ee,3))*dtheta Syy=(n*sum((1.d0+sinth**2)*ee,3)-.5d0*sum(ee,3))*dtheta Sxy=n*sum(sinth*costh*ee,3)*dtheta ! add roller contribution Sxx = Sxx + sum((costh**2)*rr,3)*dtheta Syy = Syy + sum((sinth**2)*rr,3)*dtheta Sxy = Sxy + sum(sinth*costh*rr,3)*dtheta if (ny>0) then do j=2,ny do i=1,nx Fx(i,j)=-(Sxx(i+1,j)-Sxx(i,j))/dsu(i,j) & -(Sxy(i,j+1)+Sxy(i+1,j+1)-Sxy(i,j-1)-Sxy(i+1,j-1))/ & (dnv(i,j-1)+dnv(i,j)+dnv(i+1,j-1)+dnv(i+1,j)) enddo enddo do j=1,ny do i=2,nx Fy(i,j)=-(Syy(i,j+1)-Syy(i,j))/dnv(i,j) & -(Sxy(i+1,j)+Sxy(i+1,j+1)-Sxy(i-1,j)-Sxy(i-1,j+1))/ & (dsu(i-1,j)+dsu(i,j)+dsu(i-1,j+1)+dsu(i,j+1)) enddo enddo else j=1 do i=1,nx Fx(i,j)=-(Sxx(i+1,j)-Sxx(i,j))/dsu(i,j) enddo do i=2,nx Fy(i,j)=-(Sxy(i+1,j)-Sxy(i-1,j))/ (dsu(i-1,j)+dsu(i,j)) enddo endif ! wwvv in the previous, Fx and Fy are computed. The missing elements ! elements are Fx(:,1), Fx(nx+1,:), Fx(:,ny+1) ! Fy(1,:), Fy(nx+1,:), Fy(:,ny+1) ! wwvv so, Fx(:ny+1) and Fy(:ny+1) are left zero and Fx(nx+1,:) and Fy(nx+1,:) ! are made zero. In the parallel case, Fx(:,1) and Fy(1,:) don't get a ! value if the submatrices are not on suitable border. ! I guess that it is necessary to communicate with neighbours the values of these elements #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(Fx,':1') ! shift in Fx(:,1) call xmpi_shift(Fx,'m:') ! shift in Fx(nx+1,:) call xmpi_shift(Fx,':n') ! shift in Fx(:,ny+1) call xmpi_shift(Fy,'1:') ! shift in Fy(1,:) call xmpi_shift(Fy,'m:') ! shift in Fy(nx+1,:) call xmpi_shift(Fy,':n') ! shift in Fy(:,ny+1) #endif ! wwvv todo the following has consequences for // version if(xmpi_istop) then Fy(1,:)=Fy(2,:) endif if(xmpi_isbot) then Fx(nx+1,:) = 0.0d0 Fy(nx+1,:) = 0.0d0 endif if(xmpi_isleft .and. ny>0) then Fx(:,1)=Fx(:,2) ! Fy(:,1)=Fy(:,2) ! ! where (Fy(:,1)>0.d0) Fy(:,1)=0.d0; !Jaap + Bas: Don't do this before calling Dano :-) endif if (xmpi_isright .and. ny>0) then ! Fy(:,ny+1)=Fy(:,ny) ! only a dummy point in non mpi Fx(:,ny+1)=Fx(:,ny) ! only a dummy point in non mpi ! ! where (Fy(:,ny+1)<0.d0) Fy(:,ny+1)=0.d0; !Jaap + Bas: Don't do this before calling Dano :-) endif ! Ad ! urms=par%px*H/par%Trep/(sqrt(2.d0)*sinh(min(max(k,0.01d0)*max(hh,par%delta*H),10.0d0))) urms=uorb/sqrt(2.d0) ! urms=par%px*H/par%Trep/(sqrt(2.d0)*sinh(k*max(hh,par%delta*H))) ustw= E/max(c,sqrt(par%hmin*par%g))/par%rho/max(hh,par%hmin) ! Jaap uwf = ustw*cos(thetamean-alfaz) vwf = ustw*sin(thetamean-alfaz) ! roller contribution ustr=2.*R/max(c,sqrt(par%hmin*par%g))/par%rho/max(hh,par%hmin) ! Jaap ! introduce breaker delay if (par%breakerdelay == 1) then call breakerdelay(par,s) ust = ustw+usd else ust = ustw+ustr endif !lateral boundaries ! wwvv todo the following has consequences for // version if(xmpi_istop) then ust(1,:) = ust(2,:) endif if(xmpi_isleft.and.ny>0) then ust(:,1) = ust(:,2) endif if(xmpi_isright.and. ny>0) then ust(:,ny+1) = ust(:,ny) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ust,'1:') ! get ust(1,:) from above call xmpi_shift(ust,':1') ! get ust(:,1) from left call xmpi_shift(ust,':n') ! get ust(:,ny+1) from right #endif end subroutine wave_instationary end module wave_instationary_module