!============================================================================== ! MODULE SOLVER !============================================================================== ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! october 2009 Pieter Bart Smit New module module solver_module implicit none #ifndef USEMPI ! If mpi is defined, the non-hydrostatic module is NOT included in the compilation ! to avoid unwanted side effects. !****************************************************************************** ! INTERFACE !****************************************************************************** save private !----------------------------- PARAMETERS ----------------------------------- include 'nh_pars.inc' !----------------------------- VARIABLES ----------------------------------- !--- PRIVATE VARIABLES --- logical :: initialized = .false. integer(kind=iKind) :: itmea = 0 ! mean number of iterations integer(kind=iKind) :: itmin = 0 ! minimum number of iterations integer(kind=iKind) :: itmax = 0 ! maximum number of iterations integer(kind=iKind) :: ittot = 0 ! total number of iterations integer(kind=iKind) :: itcal = 0 ! total number calls integer(kind=iKind) :: itnconv = 0 ! total number of matrix calls which didn't converge real(kind=rKind) :: reps = 0.005_rKind real(kind=rKind) :: alpha = 0.94_rKind integer(kind=iKind) :: maxit = 30 real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:) ,allocatable :: residual ! Residual vector real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: work ! work matrix !--- PUBLIC VARIABLES --- ! NONE !--- PUBLIC SUBROUTINES --- public solver_init !Allocates resources public solver_free !Free's resources public solver_solvemat !Solve system !--- PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ! NONE contains ! !****************************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINES/FUNCTIONS !****************************************************************************** ! !============================================================================== subroutine solver_init(nx,ny,par) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! october 2009 Pieter Bart Smit New module !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Initializes Solver ! !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program use params use logging_module !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! type(parameters),intent(in) :: par integer, intent(in) :: nx !Number of x-meshes integer, intent(in) :: ny !Number of y-meshes ! !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- ! - NONE - !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reps = par%solver_acc alpha = par%solver_urelax maxit = par%solver_maxit !Check if solution method is appropriate if (par%solver == 1) then !Solver is SIP if (ny == 0) then call writelog('lse','','SIP solver cannot be used if ny==0') call Halt_program ! endif elseif (par%solver == 2) then !Solver is TRI-DIAG, check if possible if (ny > 2) then call writelog('lse','','Tri-diagonal solver cannot be used if ny>2') call Halt_program !Halt program if maxerror < 2 endif endif !If sol. met. ok -> allocate resources if (par%solver == 1) then !Solver is SIP allocate( work(5,1:nx+1,1:ny+1)); work = 0.0_rKind allocate(residual( 1:nx+1,1:ny+1)); residual = 0.0_rKind elseif (par%solver == 2) then !Solver is TRI-DIAG, check if possible allocate( work(5,1:nx+1,1:ny+1)); work = 0.0_rKind endif initialized = .true. end subroutine solver_init ! !============================================================================== subroutine solver_free !============================================================================== ! if (allocated(residual)) deallocate(residual) if (allocated(work)) deallocate(work) end subroutine solver_free ! !============================================================================== subroutine solver_solvemat( amat , rhs , x , nx, ny, par) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! october 2009 Pieter Bart Smit New module !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! solves matrix ! !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program use params !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: nx !Number of x-meshes integer, intent(in) :: ny !Number of y-meshes real(kind=rKind),dimension(5,nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: amat !the coefficient matrix used in the linear system real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1) ,intent(in) :: rhs !the right-hand side vector of the system of equations real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1) ,intent(inout) :: x !solution of the linear system type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- integer(kind=iKind) :: it !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. initialized) call solver_init(nx,ny,par) if (par%solver == 1) then ! itcal = itcal+1 !Number of times the solver procedure is called residual = 0. call solver_sip ( amat , rhs , x , residual , work , it ,nx, ny) !,reps) ittot = ittot+it !Total number of iterations itmin = min(it,itmin) !Minimum number of iterations itmax = max(it,itmax) !Maximum number of iterations itmea = ittot/itcal !Mean number of iterations if (it>=par%solver_maxit) then itnconv = itnconv+1 !Number of times the solver did not converge endif ! elseif (par%solver == 2) then ! call solver_tridiag(amat,rhs,x,work,nx,ny) ! endif end subroutine solver_solvemat ! !============================================================================== subroutine solver_tridiag ( amat , rhs , x ,cmat ,nx ,ny ) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! october 2009 Pieter Bart Smit New module !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Solves matrix use the thomas (or tri-diagonal) algorithm. The solver is only ! applicable in the 1-DH case but is substantially faster than the SIP method in ! this case ! ! Algorithm is not the most efficient possible as the matrix Amat is still stored ! with 5 diagonals and 3 y-points. (Amat(5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1) as opposed to (Amat(3,s%nx+1)) ! This is easier to incorporate in the more general code. ! ! NOTE: rhs and matrix are not changed. ! !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- ! ! - NONE - ! !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: nx !Number of x-meshes integer, intent(in) :: ny !Number of y-meshes real(kind=rKind),dimension(5,nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: amat !the coefficient matrix used in the linear system real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1) ,intent(in) :: rhs !the right-hand side vector of the system of equations real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1) ,intent(inout) :: x !solution of the linear system real(kind=rKind),dimension(1:nx+1) ,intent(inout) :: cmat !work vector ! !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- integer(kind=iKind) :: i !Index variable integer(kind=iKind) :: jindex !Index variable for superfast1D real (kind=rKind) :: fac !Auxillary variable !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ny>0) then jindex = 2 else jindex = 1 endif fac = amat(1,1,jindex) x(1,jindex) = rhs(1,jindex)/fac !forward elimination do i=2,nx+1 cmat(i) = amat(3,i-1,jindex)/fac fac = amat(1,i,jindex)-amat(2,i,jindex)*cmat(i) x(i,jindex) = (rhs(i,jindex)-amat(2,i,jindex)*x(i-1,jindex))/fac enddo !Backward substitution do i=nx,1,-1 x(i,jindex) = x(i,jindex)-cmat(i+1)*x(i+1,jindex) enddo end subroutine solver_tridiag ! !============================================================================== subroutine solver_sip ( amat , rhs , x , res , cmat , it ,nx, ny) !, acc) !============================================================================== ! ! programmer Marcel Zijlema ! ! Version 1.0 Date 01-07-2002 HYDRO01: first release ! Version 1.1 Date 17-07-2009 Adapted for XBeach (Pieter Smit) ! ! ********************************************************************** ! ! DESCRIPTION ! ! Solves system of equations for the Poisson equation ! for one layer by means of Stone's SIP solver ! ********************************************************************** ! ! INPUT / OUTPUT ARGUMENTS ! implicit none integer(kind=iKind) ,intent(out) :: it !iteration count ! real(kind=rKind) ,intent(out) :: acc !iteration count integer, intent(in) :: nx !Number of x-meshes integer, intent(in) :: ny !Number of y-meshes real(kind=rKind),dimension(5,nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: amat !the coefficient matrix used in the linear system real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1) ,intent(in) :: rhs !the right-hand side vector of the system of equations real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1) ,intent(inout) :: x !solution of the linear system real(kind=rKind),dimension(5,1:nx+1,1:ny+1),intent(inout) :: cmat !the matrix containing an ILU factorization real(kind=rKind),dimension(1:nx+1,1:ny+1) ,intent(inout) :: res !the residual vector ! ! LOCAL VARIABLES ! logical :: iconv = .false. ! indicator for convergence integer(kind=iKind) :: i ! X-direction integer(kind=iKind) :: j ! Y-direction real(kind=rKind) :: bnorm ! 2-norm of right-hand side vector real(kind=rKind) :: epslin ! required accuracy in the linear solver real(kind=rKind) :: p1 ! auxiliary factor real(kind=rKind) :: p2 ! auxiliary factor real(kind=rKind) :: p3 ! auxiliary factor real(kind=rKind) :: rnorm ! 2-norm of residual vector real(kind=rKind) :: ueps ! minimal accuracy based on machine precision ! ! PARAMETERS ! real(kind=rKind),parameter :: small=1.e-15_rKind ! a small number ! ********************************************************************** ! ! I/O ! ! none ! ********************************************************************** ! ! SUBROUTINES CALLED ! ! ! ********************************************************************** ! ! ERROR MESSAGES ! ! none ! ********************************************************************** ! ! PSEUDO CODE ! ! The system of equations is solved using an incomplete ! factorization technique called Strongly Implicit Procedure ! (SIP) as described in ! ! H.L. Stone ! Iterative solution of implicit approximations of ! multidimensional partial differential equations ! SIAM J. of Numer. Anal., vol. 5, 530-558, 1968 ! ! This method constructs an incomplete lower-upper factorization ! that has the same sparsity as the original matrix. Hereby, a ! parameter 0 <= alpha <= 1 is used, which should be around 0.92 ! (when alpha > 0.95, the method may diverge). Furthermore, ! alpha = 0 means standard ILU decomposition. ! ! Afterward, the resulting system is solved in an iterative manner ! by forward and backward substitutions. ! ********************************************************************** ! it = 0 iconv = .false. ! --- construct L and U matrices (stored in cmat) bnorm = 0. do j = 2,ny do i = 2,nx p1 = alpha*cmat(5,i-1,j) p2 = alpha*cmat(3,i,j-1) cmat(2,i,j) = amat(2,i,j)/(1.+p1) cmat(4,i,j) = amat(4,i,j)/(1.+p2) p1 = p1*cmat(2,i,j) p2 = p2*cmat(4,i,j) p3 = amat(1,i,j) + p1 + p2 & - cmat(2,i,j)*cmat(3,i-1,j) & - cmat(4,i,j)*cmat(5,i,j-1) & + small cmat(1,i,j) = 1./p3 cmat(3,i,j) = (amat(3,i,j)-p2)*cmat(1,i,j) cmat(5,i,j) = (amat(5,i,j)-p1)*cmat(1,i,j) bnorm = bnorm + rhs(i,j)*rhs(i,j) enddo enddo bnorm = sqrt(bnorm) epslin = reps*bnorm ueps = 1000.*tiny(0.)*bnorm if ( epslin < ueps .and. bnorm > 0. ) then epslin = ueps end if ! --- solve the system by forward and backward substitutions ! in an iterative manner iconv = .false. do while ( .not. iconv .and. it < maxit ) it = it + 1 rnorm = 0. do j = 2, ny do i = 2, nx res(i,j) = rhs(i,j)-amat(1,i,j)*x(i,j) & -amat(2,i,j)*x(i-1,j) & -amat(3,i,j)*x(i+1,j) & -amat(4,i,j)*x(i,j-1) & -amat(5,i,j)*x(i,j+1) !Calculate norm rnorm = rnorm + res(i,j)*res(i,j) res(i,j) = (res(i,j) - cmat(2,i,j)*res(i-1,j) & - cmat(4,i,j)*res(i,j-1))* & cmat(1,i,j) enddo enddo rnorm=sqrt(rnorm) do j = ny, 2, -1 do i = nx, 2, -1 res(i,j) = res(i,j) - cmat(3,i,j)*res(i+1,j) - cmat(5,i,j)*res(i,j+1) x(i,j) = x(i,j) + res(i,j) enddo enddo if ( rnorm < epslin ) iconv = .true. enddo !acc = rnorm/bnorm end subroutine solver_sip !USEMPI, see start of file #endif end module solver_module