!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODULE OUTPUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module outputmod use xmpi_module use mnemmodule implicit none private public init_output, var_output ! Robert: Add choice of output variables !logical,dimension(999) :: outputindex ! [-] tracks which global variables are to be outputted. integer*4 :: nglobalvar ! number of global output variables integer*4 :: npoints ! number of output points integer*4 :: nrugauge ! number of runup gauges integer :: timings ! 0: no timings, 1 timings output integer*4,dimension(:),allocatable :: pointtype ! 0 = point output, 1 = runup gauge integer*4,dimension(:),allocatable :: xpoints ! model x-coordinate of output points integer*4,dimension(:),allocatable :: ypoints ! model y-coordinate of output points integer*4,dimension(:),allocatable :: nassocvar ! vector with number of output variable per output point integer*4,dimension(:,:),allocatable:: arrayassocvar ! Array with associated index of output variables per point real*8,dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: meanarrays ! Keep time average variables ! Only alive at xmaster integer*4 :: nmeanvar ! number of time-average variables integer*4,dimension(:),allocatable :: meanvec ! keep track of which mean variables are used real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpg,tpp,tpm ! output time points integer*4 :: stpm ! size of tpm integer :: noutnumbers = 0 ! the number of outnumbers integer, dimension(numvars) :: outnumbers ! numbers, corrsponding to mnemonics, which are to be output integer :: ndt,itg,itp,itm,day,ot,itprev real*8,dimension(10) :: tlast10 #ifdef USEMPI logical, dimension(numvars) :: avail ! .true.: this item is collected, used to ! prevent double space_collect ! calls for the same item ! #endif interface outarray module procedure outarray_r0 module procedure outarray_r1 module procedure outarray_r2 module procedure outarray_r3 module procedure outarray_r4 module procedure outarray_i0 module procedure outarray_i1 module procedure outarray_i2 module procedure outarray_i3 module procedure outarray_i4 end interface outarray contains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INITIALISE OUTPUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine init_output(s,sl,par,it) use params use spaceparams use readkey_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),intent(inout) :: s,sl type(parameters) :: par integer :: id,ic,icold,i,ii,index,it character(80) :: line, keyword character(80) :: var, fname integer, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: temparray real*8 :: tg1,tp1,tm1 !!!!! OUTPUT POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! npoints = readkey_int ('params.txt','npoints', 0, 0, 50) nrugauge = readkey_int ('params.txt','nrugauge', 0, 0, 50) timings = readkey_int ('params.txt','timings', 1, 0, 1) if ((npoints+nrugauge)>0) then allocate(pointtype(npoints+nrugauge)) allocate(xpoints(npoints+nrugauge)) allocate(ypoints(npoints+nrugauge)) allocate(nassocvar(npoints+nrugauge)) allocate(temparray(npoints+nrugauge,99)) pointtype(1:npoints)=0 pointtype(npoints+1:npoints+nrugauge)=1 temparray=-1 if (xmaster) then if (npoints>0) then id=0 ! Look for keyword npoints in params.txt open(10,file='params.txt') do while (id == 0) read(10,'(a)')line ic=scan(line,'=') if (ic>0) then keyword=adjustl(line(1:ic-1)) if (keyword == 'npoints') id=1 endif enddo do i=1,npoints read(10,*) xpoints(i),ypoints(i),nassocvar(i),line write(*,'(a,i3,a,i3)') ' xpoint: ',xpoints(i),' ypoint: ',ypoints(i) icold=0 do ii =1,nassocvar(i) ic=scan(line(icold+1:80),'#') ic=ic+icold var=line(icold+1:ic-1) index = chartoindex(var) if (index/=-1) then temparray(i,ii)=index write(*,*)'Point type: "'//trim(var)//'"' else write(*,*)'Unknown point output type: "'//trim(var)//'"' call halt_program endif icold=ic enddo enddo close(10) endif ! npoints>0 if (nrugauge>0) then id=0 ! Look for keyword nrugauge in params.txt open(10,file='params.txt') do while (id == 0) read(10,'(a)')line ic=scan(line,'=') if (ic>0) then keyword=adjustl(line(1:ic-1)) if (keyword == 'nrugauge') id=1 endif enddo do i=1+npoints,nrugauge+npoints xpoints(i)=1 read(10,*) ypoints(i),nassocvar(i),line write(*,'(a,i3)')' ypoints: ',ypoints(i) icold=0 do ii =1,nassocvar(i) ic=scan(line(icold+1:80),'#') ic=ic+icold var=line(icold+1:ic-1) index = chartoindex(var) if (index/=-1) then temparray(i,ii)=index write(*,*)'Point type:"'//trim(var)//'"' else write(*,*)'Unknown point output type: "'//trim(var)//'"' call halt_program endif icold=ic enddo enddo close(10) endif ! nrugauge > 0 endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(nassocvar) call xmpi_bcast(pointtype) call xmpi_bcast(xpoints) call xmpi_bcast(ypoints) call xmpi_bcast(nassocvar) call xmpi_bcast(temparray) #endif ! Tidy up information allocate(arrayassocvar(npoints+nrugauge,maxval(nassocvar))) arrayassocvar(:,:)=temparray(:,1:maxval(nassocvar)) deallocate (temparray) endif ! npoints + nrugauge > 0 !!!!! GLOBAL OUTPUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! outputindex is set in this subroutine. Row number corresponds to line in s.inp. ! Default choice = H,zs,zb,u,v,cc,Su,Sv, dims ! dims is given number 999 !!!!! nglobalvar = readkey_int ('params.txt','nglobalvar', -1, -1, 20) !outputindex = .false. !if (nglobalvar == 0) then ! User wants no output ! outputindex = .false. if (nglobalvar == -1) then ! Default output call add_outmnem('H') call add_outmnem('zs') call add_outmnem('zs0') call add_outmnem('zb') call add_outmnem('hh') call add_outmnem('u') call add_outmnem('v') call add_outmnem('ue') call add_outmnem('ve') call add_outmnem('urms') call add_outmnem('Fx') call add_outmnem('Fy') call add_outmnem('cc') ! todo wwvv: cc does not exist call add_outmnem('ceq') call add_outmnem('Su') call add_outmnem('Sv') call add_outmnem('E') call add_outmnem('R') call add_outmnem('D') call add_outmnem('DR') elseif (nglobalvar == 999) then ! Output all do i=1,numvars call add_outnumber(i) enddo else ! User specified output ! Look for keyword nglobalvar in params.txt id=0 if (xmaster) then open(10,file='params.txt') do while (id == 0) read(10,'(a)')line ic=scan(line,'=') if (ic>0) then keyword=adjustl(line(1:ic-1)) if (keyword == 'nglobalvar') id=1 endif enddo ! Read through the variables lines do i=1,nglobalvar read(10,'(a)')line line=trim(line) ! useless wwvv call add_outmnem(line) end do close(10) endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(noutnumbers) call xmpi_bcast(outnumbers) #endif endif !!!!! TIME-AVEARGE ARRAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nmeanvar = readkey_int ('params.txt','nmeanvar',0,0,15) if (nmeanvar>0) then if(xmaster) then allocate(meanarrays(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,nmeanvar)) endif allocate(meanvec(nmeanvar)) id=0 ! Look for keyword nmeanvar in params.txt if(xmaster) then open(10,file='params.txt') do while (id == 0) read(10,'(a)')line ic=scan(line,'=') if (ic>0) then keyword=adjustl(line(1:ic-1)) if (keyword == 'nmeanvar') id=1 endif enddo ! Read through the variables lines do i=1,nmeanvar read(10,'(a)')line index = chartoindex(trim(line)) if (index/=-1) then meanvec(i)=index write(*,'(a)')' meanvar: '//trim(mnemonics(index)) else write(*,*)'Unknown time-average output type ',trim(line) call halt_program endif end do close(10) endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(meanvec) #endif if(xmaster) then meanarrays = 0.d0 endif endif ! nmeanvar > 0 !!!!! OUTPUT TIME POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! If we want global output then if (nglobalvar/=0) then if(xmaster) then call readkey('params.txt','tsglobal',fname) if (fname/=' ') then open(10,file=fname) read(10,*)ii allocate(tpg(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*)tpg(i) enddo close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintg)+1 allocate(tpg(ii)) do i=1,ii tpg(i)=par%tstart+par%tintg*real(i-1) enddo endif endif !xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpg(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpg) #endif endif ! nglobalvar /=0 ! If we want point output then if ((npoints+nrugauge)>0) then if (xmaster) then call readkey('params.txt','tspoints',fname) if (fname/=' ') then open(10,file=fname) read(10,*)ii allocate(tpp(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*)tpp(i) enddo close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintp)+1 allocate(tpp(ii)) do i=1,ii tpp(i)=par%tstart+par%tintp*real(i-1) enddo endif endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpp(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpp) #endif endif ! (npoints+nrugauge)>0 if (nmeanvar>0) then if(xmaster) then call readkey('params.txt','tsmean',fname) if (fname/=' ') then open(10,file=fname) read(10,*)ii allocate(tpm(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*)tpm(i) enddo close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintm)+1 allocate(tpm(ii)) do i=1,ii tpm(i)=par%tstart+par%tintm*real(i-1) enddo endif endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpm(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpm) #endif endif ! nmeanvar > 0 ! If tp series not defined, then no output wanted, so large timestep if (.not. allocated(tpg)) then allocate(tpg(1)) tpg=par%tstop endif if (.not. allocated(tpp)) then allocate(tpp(1)) tpp=par%tstop endif if (.not. allocated(tpm)) then ! Need minimum two in this array allocate(tpm(2)) tpm(1)=par%tstop tpm(2)=par%tstop+1.d0 endif tg1=minval(tpg,MASK=tpg .gt. par%t) tp1=minval(tpp,MASK=tpp .gt. par%t) tm1=minval(tpm,MASK=tpm .gt. par%t) par%tintm=tpm(2)-tpm(1) stpm=size(tpm) if (min(tg1,tp1,tm1)>0.d0) then ! No output wanted at initialization par%tnext=min(tg1,tp1,tm1) else it=1 call var_output(it,s,sl,par) tg1=minval(tpg,MASK=tpg .gt. 0.d0) tp1=minval(tpp,MASK=tpp .gt. 0.d0) tm1=minval(tpm,MASK=tpm .gt. 0.d0) par%tnext=min(tg1,tp1,tm1) endif end subroutine init_output subroutine add_outnumber(number) use xmpi_module implicit none integer, intent(in) :: number ! to add if (noutnumbers .ge. numvars) then write(*,*)'To many outnumbers asked, max is ',numvars write(*,*)'Program will stop' call halt_program endif noutnumbers = noutnumbers+1 outnumbers(noutnumbers) = number end subroutine add_outnumber subroutine add_outmnem(mnem) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: mnem integer :: i i = chartoindex(mnem) if (i .lt. 1 .or. i .gt. numvars) then if(xmaster) then write(*,*)'Warning: cannot locate variable "',mnem,'", no output for this one' endif return endif call add_outnumber(i) if(xmaster) then write(*,*)'Will generate output for variable "',mnem,'"' endif return end subroutine add_outmnem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUTPUT AT EVERY TIMESTEP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine var_output(it,s,sl,par) use params use spaceparams IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars) :: s,sl type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,ii,tt,k integer :: it,i1,i2,i3 integer :: wordsize integer :: reclen,reclen2,reclenp, idum real*8 :: dtimestep,tpredicted,tnow, t1,t2,t3 character(12) :: fname character(99) :: fname2 real*8,dimension(numvars) :: intpvector integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempvectori real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempvectorr, temp integer,dimension(8) :: datetime real*8,dimension(size(tpg)+size(tpp)+size(tpm)) :: outputtimes type(arraytype) :: t #ifdef USEMPI avail = .false. #endif inquire(iolength=wordsize) 1.d0 reclen=wordsize*(s%nx+1)*(s%ny+1) reclen2=wordsize*(s%nx+1)*(s%ny+1)*(par%ngd)*(par%nd) ! Do only at very first time step if (par%t==par%dt) then ndt=0 tlast10=0.d0 day=0 ot=0 itprev=0 endif ndt=ndt+1 ! Number of calculation time steps per output time step if (nmeanvar/=0) then if (par%t>=tpm(1) .and. par%t<=tpm(stpm)) call makeaverage(s,sl,par) ! Make averages every flow timestep endif if (par%t>=(dble(ot)*par%tstop/500.d0)) then ot=ot+1 ! Predicted time !call cpu_time(tnow) call date_and_time(VALUES=datetime) tnow=day*24.d0*3600.d0+datetime(5)*3600.d0+60.d0*datetime(6)+1.d0*datetime(7)+0.001d0*datetime(8) if (tnow=3600) then write(*,fmt='(a,I3,a,I2,a)')'Time remaining ',& floor(tpredicted/3600.0d0),' hours and ',& nint((tpredicted-3600.0d0*floor(tpredicted/3600.0d0))/60.0d0),& ' minutes' elseif (tpredicted>=600) then write(*,fmt='(a,I2,a)')'Time remaining ',& floor(tpredicted/60.0d0),' minutes' elseif (tpredicted>=60) then write(*,fmt='(a,I2,a,I2,a)')'Time remaining ',& floor(tpredicted/60.0d0),' minutes and ',& nint((tpredicted-60.0d0*floor(tpredicted/60.0d0))),' seconds' else write(*,fmt='(a,I2,a)')'Time remaining ',nint(tpredicted),' seconds' endif endif endif ! Determine if this is an output timestep if (it>itprev) then itprev=it !!!!!!! Start writing output if (it==1) then !!! Only first time round: initialisation of files itp=0 if (xmaster) then !! First time file opening for point output if (npoints+nrugauge>0) then do i=1,npoints+nrugauge if (pointtype(i)==0) then fname(1:5)='point' i1=floor(real(i)/100.d0) i2=floor(real(i-i1*100)/10.d0) i3=i-i1*100-i2*10 else fname(1:5)='rugau' i1=floor(real(i-npoints)/100.d0) i2=floor(real((i-npoints)-i1*100)/10.d0) i3=(i-npoints)-i1*100-i2*10 endif fname(6:6)=char(48+i1) fname(7:7)=char(48+i2) fname(8:8)=char(48+i3) fname(9:12)='.dat' reclenp=wordsize*(nassocvar(i)+1)*1 open(indextopointsunit(i),file=fname,& form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclenp) enddo endif endif ! xmaster !! First time file opening for time-average output itm=0 if(xmaster) then if (nmeanvar>0) then do i=1,nmeanvar call makeaveragenames(meanvec(i),fname2) fname2=trim(fname2) open(indextomeanunit(i),file=fname2, & form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) enddo endif endif ! xmaster !! First time file opening for global output itg=0 if (xmaster) then if (nglobalvar/=0) then open(100,file='xy.dat',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) write(100,rec=1)s%xw write(100,rec=2)s%yw write(100,rec=3)s%x write(100,rec=4)s%y close(100) endif endif ! do i=1,noutnumbers ! j = outnumbers(i) ! open (indextoglobalunit(j),file=mnemonics(i)//'.dat',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) ! enddo endif !! End first time opening !!! Write at every output timestep !!! Write point variables !!! Only write if it is output time for points if (npoints+nrugauge>0) then if (any(abs(par%t-tpp) .le. 0.000001d0)) then itp=itp+1 ! wwvv check if there is any pointtype.eq. 1 ! In that case, we need the values in wetz ! Probably, this test can be coded somewhat smarter #ifdef USEMPI do i=1,npoints+nrugauge if (pointtype(i) .eq. 1) then call space_collect(sl,s%wetz,sl%wetz) exit endif enddo #endif do i=1,npoints+nrugauge !!! Make vector of all s% values at n,m grid coordinate if (pointtype(i)==1) then if (xmaster) then allocate (temp(1:s%nx+1)) temp=(/(k,k=1,s%nx+1)/) ! wwvv wetz ok?, probably not idum = maxval(maxloc(temp*s%wetz(1:s%nx+1,ypoints(i)))) ! Picks the last "1" in temp deallocate(temp) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(idum) #endif call makeintpvector(par,sl,intpvector,idum,ypoints(i)) ! need sl here, because of availability ! of is,js,lm,ln else call makeintpvector(par,sl,intpvector,xpoints(i),ypoints(i)) endif if (xmaster) then allocate(tempvectori(nassocvar(i))) allocate(tempvectorr(nassocvar(i)+1)) tempvectori=arrayassocvar(i,1:nassocvar(i)) tempvectorr(1)=par%t do ii=1,nassocvar(i) tempvectorr(ii+1)=intpvector(tempvectori(ii)) enddo write(indextopointsunit(i),rec=itp)tempvectorr deallocate(tempvectori) deallocate(tempvectorr) endif enddo endif endif !!! Write average variables if(xmaster) then if (nmeanvar>0) then ! Not at the first in tpm as this is the start of averaging. Only output after second in tpm if (any(abs(par%t-tpm(2:stpm)) .le. 0.000001d0)) then itm=itm+1 do i=1,nmeanvar if (mnemonics(meanvec(i))=='Hrms') then ! Hrms meanarrays(:,:,i)=sqrt(meanarrays(:,:,i)) write(indextomeanunit(i),rec=itm)meanarrays(:,:,i) elseif (mnemonics(meanvec(i))=='urms') then ! urms meanarrays(:,:,i)=sqrt(meanarrays(:,:,i)) write(indextomeanunit(i),rec=itm)meanarrays(:,:,i) else ! non-rms variables write(indextomeanunit(i),rec=itm)meanarrays(:,:,i) endif enddo meanarrays=0.0d0 par%tintm=tpm(min(itm+2,stpm))-tpm(itm+1) ! Next averaging period (min to stop array out of bounds) par%tintm=max(par%tintm,tiny(0.d0)) ! to prevent par%tintm=0 after last output endif endif endif ! xmaster !!! Write global variables if (nglobalvar/=0) then if (any(abs(par%t-tpg) .le. 0.000001d0)) then itg=itg+1 do i = 1,noutnumbers #ifdef USEMPI call space_collect_index(s,sl,outnumbers(i)) #endif if(xmaster) then call indextos(s,outnumbers(i),t) select case(t%type) case ('r') select case(t%rank) case(0) call outarray(i,t%r0) case(1) call outarray(i,t%r1) case(2) call outarray(s,i,t%r2) case(3) call outarray(s,i,t%r3) case(4) call outarray(i,t%r4) end select case('i') select case(t%rank) case(0) call outarray(i,t%i0) case(1) call outarray(i,t%i1) case(2) call outarray(i,t%i2) case(3) call outarray(i,t%i3) case(4) call outarray(i,t%i4) end select end select endif ! xmaster enddo ! outnumbers loop endif endif ! end global file writing if(xmaster) then outputtimes=-999.d0 outputtimes(1:itg)=tpg(1:itg) outputtimes(itg+1:itg+itp)=tpp(1:itp) outputtimes(itg+itp+1:itg+itp+itm)=tpm(2:itm+1) ! mean output always shifted by 1 open(999,file='dims.dat',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=wordsize*(7+size(outputtimes))) write(999,rec=1)itg*1.d0,s%nx*1.d0,s%ny*1.d0,par%ngd*1.d0,par%nd*1.d0, & itp*1.d0,itm*1.d0,outputtimes close(999) endif !xmaster ! Determine next time step t1=minval(tpg,MASK=tpg .gt. par%t) t2=minval(tpp,MASK=tpp .gt. par%t) t3=minval(tpm,MASK=tpm .gt. par%t) par%tnext=min(t1,t2,t3) end if ! it > itpref !!! Close files if(xmaster) then if(par%t>=par%tstop) then do i=1,npoints+nrugauge close(indextopointsunit(i)) enddo do i=1,nmeanvar close(indextomeanunit(i)) enddo do i=1,noutnumbers close (indextoglobalunit(i)) enddo end if endif end subroutine var_output #ifdef USEMPI ! ! collects data from processes in master ! using the index number of the variable to be ! collected ! subroutine space_collect_index(sg,sl,index) use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(spacepars) :: sg type(spacepars), intent(in) :: sl integer, intent(in) :: index type(arraytype) :: tg,tl #ifdef USEMPE call MPE_Log_event(event_coll_start,0,'cstart') #endif if(avail(index)) then return endif call indextos(sl,index,tl) if(xmaster) then call indextos(sg,index,tg) endif select case(tl%type) case('i') select case(tl%rank) case(0) ! nothing to do case default ! case 1, 2, 3 and 4 are not handled goto 100 end select ! rank case('r') select case(tl%rank) case(0) ! nothing to do case(2) if (tl%name .eq. mnem_umean) then goto 100 endif call space_collect(sl,tg%r2,tl%r2) case(3) call space_collect(sl,tg%r3,tl%r3) case(4) call space_collect(sl,tg%r4,tl%r4) case default end select ! rank case default end select ! type avail(index) = .true. #ifdef USEMPE call MPE_Log_event(event_coll_start,0,'cend') #endif return 100 continue write(*,*)'Problem in space_collect_index with variable'//trim(tg%name ) write(*,*)"Don't know how to collect that on the masternode" call printvar(tl) call halt_program end subroutine space_collect_index #endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INTERNAL SUBROUTINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine makeintpvector(par,s,intpvector,mg,ng) use params use spaceparams IMPLICIT NONE type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s ! need slocal here, because ! the is,js lm and ln arrays ! on the not-master nodes ! are only in slocal real*8,dimension(:) :: intpvector integer,intent(in) :: mg,ng type(arraytype) :: t integer :: j,m,n real*8 :: value #ifdef USEMPI integer :: i,p,ierr #endif m = mg n = ng #ifdef USEMPI ! ! wwvv argh! for performance, we will not collect each ! matrix or block to master. Each process has to ! determine if it has the values, and then send them. ! ! locate the process who has index m p=-1 do i=1,xmpi_size if (mg .ge. s%is(i) .and. mg .le. s%is(i) + s%lm(i) .and. & ng .ge. s%js(i) .and. ng .le. s%js(i) + s%ln(i)) then m = mg - s%is(i) + 1 ! m and n now the indices for process p n = ng - s%js(i) + 1 p = i-1 exit endif enddo if (p .lt. 0) then write(*,*)'Catastrophic error in makeintpvector' write(*,*)'Cannot find processor for indexes',mg,ng call halt_program endif if (xmpi_rank .eq. p) then #endif do j=1,numvars call indextos(s,j,t) value = -999 ! default select case (t%name) case(mnem_thetamean) value = 270-((s%thetamean(m,n)+s%alfa)*(180/par%px)) ! iwwvv thetamean: is that ! different on each ! process? case(mnem_Fx) value = s%Fx(m,n)*cos(s%alfa)-s%Fy(m,n)*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_Fy) value = s%Fx(m,n)*sin(s%alfa)+s%Fy(m,n)*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_u) value = s%u(m,n)*cos(s%alfa)-s%v(m,n)*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_v) value = s%u(m,n)*sin(s%alfa)+s%v(m,n)*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_ue) value = s%ue(m,n)*cos(s%alfa)-s%ve(m,n)*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_ve) value = s%ue(m,n)*sin(s%alfa)+s%ve(m,n)*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_uwf) value = s%uwf(m,n)*cos(s%alfa)-s%vwf(m,n)*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_vwf) value = s%uwf(m,n)*sin(s%alfa)+s%vwf(m,n)*cos(s%alfa) case default select case(t%rank) case (0) if (t%type .eq.'i') then value = dble(t%i0) else value = t%r0 endif case(1) if (t%type .eq. 'r') then select case(t%name) case (mnem_yz,mnem_yv) value = t%r1(n) case (mnem_xz,mnem_xu) value = t%r1(m) end select endif case (2) if (t%type .eq. 'i') then if (m .le. size(t%i2,1) .and. n .le. size(t%i2,2)) then value = dble(t%i2(m,n)) endif else if (m .le. size(t%r2,1) .and. n .le. size(t%r2,2)) then value = t%r2(m,n) endif endif end select end select intpvector(j) = value enddo #ifdef USEMPI endif ! ! process p has now the intptvector (hopefully!) ! send it now to the master with a simpel send, ! master will receive this ! This is not necessary if master has everything ! if (p .ne. xmpi_master) then if (xmpi_rank .eq. p) then call MPI_Send(intpvector, numvars, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_master, & 311, xmpi_comm, ierr) endif if (xmaster) then call MPI_Recv(intpvector, numvars, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, p, & 311, xmpi_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr) endif ! this barrier is really needed: call xmpi_barrier endif #endif end subroutine makeintpvector !!!! Routine to calculate time-average variables subroutine makeaverage(s,sl,par) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule IMPLICIT NONE type(parameters), intent(IN) :: par type(spacepars), intent(IN) :: s type(spacepars), intent(IN) :: sl integer :: i real*8 :: mult type(arraytype) :: t ! wwvv this subroutine needs all of the arrays in question ! to comfort the compiler i=sl%nx mult = par%dt/par%tintm if(xmaster) then do i=1,nmeanvar #ifdef USEMPI call space_collect_index(s,sl,meanvec(i)) #endif call indextos(s,meanvec(i),t) select case(t%name) case (mnem_Fx) meanarrays(:,:,i) = meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%Fx*cos(s%alfa) - s%Fy*sin(s%alfa)) case (mnem_Fy) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%Fx*sin(s%alfa) - s%Fy*cos(s%alfa)) case (mnem_H) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & s%H**2 case (mnem_urms) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & s%urms**2 case (mnem_u) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%u*cos(s%alfa) - s%v*sin(s%alfa)) case (mnem_v) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%u*sin(s%alfa) - s%v*cos(s%alfa)) case (mnem_ue) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%ue*cos(s%alfa) - s%ve*sin(s%alfa)) case (mnem_ve) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%ue*sin(s%alfa) - s%ve*cos(s%alfa)) case (mnem_uwf) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%uwf*cos(s%alfa) - s%vwf*sin(s%alfa)) case (mnem_vwf) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & (s%uwf*sin(s%alfa) - s%vwf*cos(s%alfa)) case default select case (t%type) case ('i') select case(t%rank) case(2) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & t%i2; case default write(*,*)'Error in makeaverage, variable"'//t%name// & '" is of wrong type' call halt_program end select ! rank case ('r') select case(t%rank) case(2) meanarrays(:,:,i)=meanarrays(:,:,i) + mult* & t%r2; case default write(*,*)'Error in makeaverage, variable"'//t%name// & '" is of wrong type' call halt_program end select ! rank end select !type end select ! name enddo ! nmeanvar endif !xmaster end subroutine makeaverage ! Subroutine make time series file name subroutine makeaveragenames(counter,name) implicit none character(99) :: name integer :: counter name = trim(mnemonics(counter))//'_mean.dat' end subroutine makeaveragenames subroutine outarray_r0(index,x) implicit none integer :: index real*8,intent(in) :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg if(xmaster) then inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x endif end subroutine outarray_r0 subroutine outarray_r1(index,x) implicit none integer :: index real*8, dimension(:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg character*20 :: mnem real*8 :: pi pi = 4*atan(1.0d0) if(xmaster) then inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) endif mnem = mnemonics(outnumbers(index)) ! wwvv todo theta0 is scalar if (mnem .eq. 'theta' .or. & mnem .eq. 'theta0' ) then write(unit,rec=jtg) 270-(x*(180/pi)) else write(unit,rec=jtg) x endif end subroutine outarray_r1 subroutine outarray_r2(s,index,x) use spaceparams implicit none type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s integer :: index real*8, dimension(:,:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg character*20 :: mnem real*8 :: pi pi = 4*atan(1.0d0) inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) mnem = mnemonics(outnumbers(index)) select case(mnem) case(mnem_thetamean) write(unit,rec=jtg)270-((x+s%alfa)*(180/pi)) case(mnem_Fx) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%Fy*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_Fy) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%Fx*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_u) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%v*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_v) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%u*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_ue) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%ve*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_ve) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%ue*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_uwf) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%vwf*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_vwf) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%uwf*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case default write(unit,rec=jtg) x end select end subroutine outarray_r2 subroutine outarray_r3(s,index,x) use spaceparams implicit none type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s integer index real*8, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg character*20 :: mnem real*8 :: pi pi=4*atan(1.0d0) inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) mnem = mnemonics(outnumbers(index)) select case(mnem) case(mnem_cgx) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%cgy*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_cgy) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%cgx*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_cx) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%cy*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_cy) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%cx*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case(mnem_thet) write(unit,rec=jtg)270-((s%thet+s%alfa)*(180/pi)) case(mnem_Sug) write(unit,rec=jtg)x*cos(s%alfa)-s%Svg*sin(s%alfa) case(mnem_Svg) write(unit,rec=jtg)s%Sug*sin(s%alfa)+x*cos(s%alfa) case default write(unit,rec=jtg) x end select end subroutine outarray_r3 subroutine outarray_r4(index,x) implicit none integer index real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x end subroutine outarray_r4 subroutine outarray_i0(index,x) implicit none integer :: index integer,intent(in) :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x end subroutine outarray_i0 subroutine outarray_i1(index,x) implicit none integer index integer, dimension(:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x end subroutine outarray_i1 subroutine outarray_i2(index,x) implicit none integer index integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x end subroutine outarray_i2 subroutine outarray_i3(index,x) implicit none integer index integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x end subroutine outarray_i3 subroutine outarray_i4(index,x) implicit none integer index integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: x integer :: unit,reclen,jtg inquire(iolength=reclen) x call checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) write(unit,rec=jtg) x end subroutine outarray_i4 subroutine checkfile(index,unit,reclen,jtg) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: index,reclen integer, intent(out) :: unit,jtg logical :: lopen character(len=1000) :: filename unit = indextoglobalunit(index) inquire(unit=unit, opened=lopen) if ( .not. lopen ) then filename = trim(mnemonics(outnumbers(index)))//'.dat' open(unit, file=trim(filename),form='unformatted',& access='direct',recl=reclen) endif inquire(unit=unit,nextrec=jtg) end subroutine checkfile integer function indextoglobalunit(index) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: index indextoglobalunit = 100+index end function indextoglobalunit integer function indextomeanunit(index) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: index indextomeanunit = 100+numvars+index end function indextomeanunit integer function indextopointsunit(index) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: index indextopointsunit = 100+2*numvars+index end function indextopointsunit end module outputmod