MODIFICATIONS ROBERT 30/6/08 ! ! boundaryconditions.f90 ! Removed redundant passing of 'it' to boundaryconditions.f90 ! ! flow_timestep.f90 ! In calculation loop of viscv changed to : nuh(i,j) = par%nuhv*par%nuh par%nuhv is now default 1.0 and can be increased to 20.0 ! ! morphevolution.f90 ! The Shields limitation suggested by Diane Foster is implemented in Soulsby-Van Rijn. Default limitation is set to smax = huge(0.d0) ! ! params.f90 ! Default par%nuhv set to 1.0 Set par%smax default to -1.0: if par%smax<0 then par%smax becomes huge(0.d0) therefore no limitation on sediment transport Set default par%lat to 0.d0 to remove Coriolis effect ! ! timestep.f90 ! Moved calculation of par%tnext to end of varoutput.f90 and moved calculation of 'it' from varoutput.f90 to timestep.f90 ! ! varoutput.f90 ! Major changes to output time steps: output times for global, mean and point variables now stored in three vectors tpg, tpm and tpp. Output times can be regular using combination of tstart and tintg, tintm and tintp or irregular using output time series files. Runup gauges integrated into point output. Added keyword tsglobal, tsmean and tspoints to identify output time series files in params.txt Moved calculation of par%tnext to end of varoutput instead of timestep.f90 ! ! xbeach.f90 ! Some small changes including calculating first par%tnext in initialize output and removing redundant passing of 'it' to boundaryconditions.f90 MODIFICATIONS DANO,AP, JAAP,ROBERT 23/5/08, INCLUDES SOME GENERAL BUGS AND IMPROVEMENTS VERSION ENTERED INTO SUBVERSION AND TAGGED AS V12-EPSILON WATCH OVERVIEW OF MODIFICATIONS BELOW ! !params.f90 ! Introduced thetanaut keyword to allow to define computational grid in nautical convention (similar to SWAN) keyword form --> sedimnet transport options: 1 = keyword carspan --> switch to use c instead of cg in instat=3 keyword rugauge --> observation point settings: 0 = normal observation point, 1 = observation point as runup gage (follows the runup) keyword ting --> time interval output global variables keyword tinp --> time interval output point variables keyword tint --> min(tinp,ting) keyword struct --> to include/define hard revetments keyword A --> removed from params.txt keyword par%Tm01 --> keyword is replaced by par%Trep (in all routines!!!) keyword nspr--> no directional spreading in long waves0 repaired factor 2 error in latitude conversion keyword tintm for interval of writing time-averaged values (starts at tstart) keyword sprdthr to set spectral values less than sprdthr*Sfmax to zero keyword fcutoff to set hi-pass filter to filter out unrealistically low-frequency waves (e.g. in wave tanks) ! !roelvink.f90 ! changed line 129 Qb = exp(-(Hb/H)**2.); into Qb = exp(-(Hb/max(H,0.00001d0))**2) ! !s.f90 ! allowed x and y grid to be defined in terms of world coordinates. Detect if this is the case by checking if difference between x(1,2) and x(1,1) is greater than 0.1 m; if so: - copy x and y to xw and yw - redefine xori, yori and alfa - compute x and y postponed conversion of theta0 until after this, because updated alfa is needed there. modified computation of thetamin, thetamax, theta for case where thetanaut==1 ! !varoutput.f90 ! - many differences between versiealpha and xbeach_v11_alpha - new difference: if (outputindex(19)==.true.) write(119,rec=itg)270-(s%thetamean*(180/par%px)) must be if (outputindex(19)==.true.) write(119,rec=it)270-((s%thetamean+s%alfa)*(180/par%px)) Now output direction is degrees, nautical convention. Same for all output angles Added time-averaging 'on the fly' and outputting time-averages ! !wave_stationary.f90 ! added at line 110: thetamean(1,:)=(sum(ee(1,:,:)*thet(1,:,:),2)/size(ee(1,:,:),2)) & /(max(sum(ee(1,:,:),2),0.00001) /size(ee(1,:,:),2)) otherwise thetamean is not set at seaward boundary removed tapering at approx. line 119 line 242: if (par%roller==1) then changed (ascii/binary) format in reading/writing files to unformatted; direct acces included (new) wave current interaction from Ad changed expression for urms as was earlier done in wavetimestep.f90 Added initialization of H(i,:) to H(i-1,:) to improve shallow water behaviour !!! TO DO reimplement wave current interaction into wave stationary, inside iteration loop !!! ! !boundaryconditions.f90 ! changed (ascii/binary) format in reading/writing files to unformatted (which is also binary) changed default back boundary condition to back=2, so it's absorbing Van Dongeren and Svendsen 97 fixed bug wrt writing timeseries ! ! waveparams.f90 ! changed (ascii/binary) format in reading/writing files to unformatted (which is also binary) took out "floor" statement in waveparams.f90 because it caused a bug for some tests. build in option to switch between random seed and seed value of zero. ! ! nonhydrostatic.f90 ! removed from code. This routine is not yet ready to be used and is under development ! ! output.f90 ! removed from code; this routine is replaced by varoutput.f90 ! ! flowtimestep.f90 ! removed nonhydrostatic statements removed uv in variable declaration; uv is declared in s.f90 repaired bug in Coriolis in momentum equation that made it timestep depending ! ! morphevolution.f90 ! add new options for sediment transport; these options are in development and should be used with care ! ! flowtimestep.f90 ! new way of computing timestep