module params type parameters ! for debugging, I found it very useful to initialize ! the variables to something like -123 wwvv real*8 :: px = -123 ! pi real*8 :: Hrms = -123 ! Hrms wave height real*8 :: Trep = -123 ! representative wave period real*8 :: dir0 = -123 ! mean wave direction (Nautical convention) integer*4 :: m = -123 ! power in cos^m directional distribution integer*4 :: nt = -123 ! max. number of time steps real*8 :: hmin = -123 ! threshold water depth real*8 :: gammax = -123 ! maximum ratio Hrms/hh real*8 :: Tlong = -123 ! wave group period for case instat=1 real*8 :: Llong = -123 ! alongshore wave group length for case instat=1 real*8 :: gamma = -123 ! breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation real*8 :: delta = -123 ! fraction of wave height to add to depth in computation of celerity real*8 :: rho = -123 ! water density real*8 :: g = -123 ! acceleration of gravity real*8 :: rhog8 = -123 ! 1/8*rho*g real*8 :: omega = -123 ! angular wave frequency real*8 :: thetamin = -123 ! lower directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis) real*8 :: thetamax = -123 ! upper directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis) real*8 :: dtheta = -123 ! directional resolution (deg) integer*4 :: thetanaut = -123 ! option to enter thetamin,thetamax in nautical convention real*8 :: wci = -123 ! option wave/current interaction 0/1 real*8 :: hwci = -123 ! min depth fro wci real*8 :: dt = -123 ! time step integer*4 :: break = -123 ! option breaker model (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted) integer*4 :: instat = -123 ! option time-varying wave b.c. ! (0=stationary, 1=regular wave groups, 3=long-crested random wave groups) integer*4 :: wavint = -123 ! (only in stationary mode) interval between wave module calls in tint real*8 :: alpha = -123 ! wave dissipation coefficient real*8 :: n = -123 ! power in roelvink dissipation model integer*4 :: roller = -123 ! option to turn off/on roller model (0/1) (not implemented yet) real*8 :: beta = -123 ! breaker slope coefficient in roller model real*8 :: taper = -123 ! time to spin up wave b.c. in case of stationary waves real*8 :: t = -123 ! time (s) real*8 :: tnext = -123 ! next time point for output integer*4 :: it = -123 ! output time step number real*8 :: tstart = -123 ! start time of simulation output real*8 :: tint = -123 ! time interval output real*8 :: tintp = -123 ! time interval output points real*8 :: tintg = -123 ! time interval output global variables real*8 :: tintm = -123 ! time interval output mean global variables real*8 :: tstop = -123 ! stop time simulation integer*4 :: ntout = -123 ! number of output time steps real*8 :: C = -123 ! Chezy value real*8 :: cf = -123 ! friction coefficient flow [-] real*8 :: eps = -123 ! threshold depth real*8 :: umin = -123 ! threshold velocity upwind scheme real*8 :: zs01 = -123 ! initial water level first sea boundary real*8 :: zs02 = -123 ! initial water level second sea boundary real*8 :: zs03 = -123 ! initial water level first land boundary real*8 :: zs04 = -123 ! initial water level second land boundary integer*4 :: tideloc = -123 ! number of input tidal time series real*8 :: paulrevere= -123 ! if tideloc =>2, then this indicates where the time series are to be ! applied. Input for tidal information to xbeach options (3): ! 1. one tidal record --> specify tidal record everywhere ! 2. two tidal records --> Need to specify keyword 'paulrevere' ! paulrevere==0 implies to apply one tidal record to ! both sea corners and one tidal record to both land corners ! paulrevere==1 implies to apply the first tidal record ! (column 2 in zs0input.dat) to the (x=1,y=1) sea corner and ! the second tidal record (third column) to the (x=1,y=N) sea corner ! 3. four tidal records --> Need to list tidal records in ! zs0input.dat in order of: ! (x=1,y=1) ! (x=1,y=N) ! (x=N,y=N) ! (x=N,y=1) ! NOTE: clockwise from (1,1) corner integer*4 :: tidelen = -123 ! length of input tidal time series real*8 :: A = -123 ! obsolete real*8 :: dico = -123 ! diffusion coefficient real*8 :: facsl = -123 ! factor bedslope effect real*8 :: nuh = -123 ! horizontal background viscosity real*8 :: nuhfac = -123 ! viscosity coefficient for roller induced turbulent horizontal viscosity real*8 :: rhos = -123 ! sediment density real*8 :: morfac = -123 ! morphological factor real*8 :: morstart = -123 ! start time morphology real*8 :: Emean = -123 ! mean wave energy at boundary real*8 :: CFL = -123 ! maximum courant number integer*4 :: ngd = -123 ! number of sediment classes integer*4 :: nd = -123 ! number of sediment class layers real*8 :: dzg = -123 ! thickness of sediment class layers real*8 :: D501 = -123 ! D50 grain diameter second class of sediment real*8 :: D901 = -123 ! D90 grain diameter second class of sediment real*8 :: D502 = -123 ! D50 grain diameter second class of sediment real*8 :: D902 = -123 ! D90 grain diameter second class of sediment real*8 :: D503 = -123 ! D50 grain diameter third class of sediment real*8 :: D903 = -123 ! D90 grain diameter third class of sediment real*8 :: sedcal1 = -123 ! calibration factor for sediment class 1 real*8 :: sedcal2 = -123 ! calibration factor for sediment class 2 real*8 :: sedcal3 = -123 ! calibration factor for sediment class 2 real*8 :: por = -123 ! porosity real*8 :: wetslp = -123 ! critical avalanching slope under water real*8 :: dryslp = -123 ! critical avalanching slope above water integer*4 :: sw = -123 ! short wave contribution: 0 = urms=0 & ust =0, 1 = default model, 2 = urms=1 and ust=0, 3 = urms=0 & ust=1 :: Not used integer*4 :: front = -123 ! switch for seaward flow boundary: 0 = radiating boundary(Ad), 1 = Van Dongeren, 1997 integer*4 :: ARC = -123 ! switch for active reflection compensation at seaward boundary: 0 = reflective, 1 = weakly (non) reflective real*4 :: order = -123 ! switch for order of wave steering, 1 = first order wave steering (short wave energy only), 2 = second oder wave steering (bound long wave corresponding to short wave forcing is added) ! wwvv: why is order real*4 and not integer? integer*4 :: left = -123 ! switch for lateral boundary at left, 0 = vv computed from NSWE, 1 = reflective wall; vv=0 integer*4 :: right = -123 ! switch for lateral boundary at right, 0 = vv computed from NSWE, 1 = reflective wall; vv=0 integer*4 :: back = -123 ! switch for boundary at bay side, 0 = radiating boundary (Ad), 1 = reflective boundary; uu=0 integer*4 :: refl = -123 ! 1 = compensate for reflected wave and roller massflux, 0 = no compensation real*8 :: hswitch = -123 ! is the water depth at which is switched from wetslp to dryslp real*8 :: z0 = -123 ! zero flow velocity level in Soulsby van Rijn (1997) sed.conc. expression real*8 :: w = -123 ! fall velocity sediment complex(kind(0.0d0)):: compi = -123 ! complex i, sqrt(-1) integer*4 :: listline = -123 ! keeps rack of the record line in bcf-files real*8 :: rhoa = -123 ! air density real*8 :: Cd = -123 ! wind drag coefficient real*8 :: windv = -123 ! wind velocity real*8 :: windth = -123 ! wind direction (nautical input) real*8 :: epsi = -123 ! weighting factor for actual flow in computing time avergaed flow at seawrd boundary 1>=epsi>=0 integer*4 :: nonh = -123 ! 0 = NSWE, 1 = NSW + non-hydrostatic pressure compensation Stelling & Zijlema, 2003 real*8 :: nuhv = -123 ! longshore viscosity enhancement factor real*8 :: wearth = -123 ! angular velocity of earth for computing Coriolis forces real*8 :: lat = -123 ! estimated latitude at model location for computing Coriolis real*8 :: fc = -123 ! real*8 :: fcutoff = -123 ! lo freq cutoff frequency for boundary conditions real*8 :: sprdthr = -123 ! threshold above which spec dens are read in (default 0.08*maxval) real*8 :: struct = -123 ! 0 = no revetment, 1 = multiple sediment classes with non-erodable fractions real*8 :: smax = -123 ! Being tested: maximum Shields parameter for ceq Diane Foster integer*4 :: form = -123 ! equilibrium sed. conc. formulation: 1 = Soulsby van rijn, 1997, 2 = Van Rijn 2008 integer*4 :: carspan = -123 ! 0 = use cg (default); 1 = use sqrt(gh) in instat = 3 for c&g tests !integer*4 :: rugauge = -123 ! 0 = normal obs. point (default) ; 1 = runupgauge obs. point moving with the shoreline. integer*4 :: nspr = -123 ! Expert tool: nspr = 1 bin all wave components for generation of qin (instat 4+) in one direction ! nspr = 0 regular long wave spreading (default) real*8 :: thetanum = -123 ! Coefficient determining whether upwind (1) or central scheme (0.5) is used. real*8 :: tsfac = -123 ! Coefficient determining Ts = tsfac * h/ws in sediment source term integer*4 :: scheme = -123 ! Numerical scheme for wave and roller energy : 1=upwind, 2=Lax-Wendroff integer*4 :: random = -123 ! 1 = random seed, 0 = seed values are zero real*8 :: trepfac = -123 ! compute mean wave period over energy band par%trepfac*maxval(Sf); converges to Tm01 for trepfac = 0.0 and to Tp for trepfac = 1.0 real*8 :: facua = -123 ! calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry real*8 :: dzmax = -123 ! maximum bedlevel change due to avalanching [m/s/m] integer*4 :: turb = -123 ! equlibrium sediment concentration is computed as function of: ! 0 = no turbulence, 1 = wave averaged turbulence, 2 = maximum turbulence integer*4 :: rfb = -123 ! if rfb = 1 then maximum wave surface slope is feeded back in roller energy balance; else rfb = par%Beta integer*4 :: lwave = -123 ! 1 = long waves, 0 = no long waves integer*4 :: swave = -123 ! 1 = short waves, 0 = no short waves integer*4 :: sws = -123 ! 1 = short wave & roller undertow, 0 = no short wave & roller undertow integer*4 :: ut = -123 ! 1 = short wave up-stirring, 0 = no short wave up-stirring real*8 :: Tbfac = -123 ! Calibration factor for bore interval Tbore: Tbore = Tbfac*Tbore real*8 :: Tsmin = -123 ! Minimum adaptation time scale in advection diffusion equation sediment real*8 :: impact = -123 ! Include Fisher Overton approach in avalanching real*8 :: CE = -123 ! Dune face erosion coefficient for avalanching real*8 :: BRfac = -123 ! calibration factor surface slope end type parameters contains subroutine wave_input(par) use readkey_module use xmpi_module implicit none type(parameters) :: par character(len=80) :: dummystring par%px = 3.14159265358979d0 par%compi = (0.0d0,1.0d0) par%instat = readkey_int ('params.txt','instat', 1, 0, 7) par%fcutoff = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','fcutoff', 0.d0, 0.d0, 40.d0) par%random = readkey_int ('params.txt','random', 0, 0, 1) if (par%instat == 0) then par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%Hrms = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Hrms', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%wavint = readkey_int ('params.txt','wavint', 1, 1, 3600) par%m = readkey_int ('params.txt','m', 10, 2, 128) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Trep, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%omega = 2.d0*par%px/par%Trep; elseif (par%instat==1) then par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%Hrms = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Hrms', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%Tlong = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tlong', 80.d0, 20.d0, 300.d0) par%m = readkey_int ('params.txt','m', 10, 2, 128) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Trep, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%omega = 2.d0*par%px/par%Trep; elseif (par%instat==2 .or. par%instat==3) then par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%Hrms = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Hrms', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%m = readkey_int ('params.txt','m', 10, 2, 128) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Trep, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%omega = 2.d0*par%px/par%Trep; elseif (par%instat==4 .or. par%instat==5 .or. par%instat==6) then ! Just a check ..... if (xmaster) then call readkey('params.txt','bcfile',dummystring) call readkey('params.txt','rt',dummystring) call readkey('params.txt','dtbc',dummystring) call readkey('params.txt','dthetaS_XB',dummystring) endif elseif (par%instat > 8.and. par%instat/=41) then if(xmaster) then write(*,*)'Instat invalid option' endif call halt_program end if ! Input file Keyword Default Minimum Maximum !par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%hmin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hmin', 0.01d0, 0.001d0, 1.d0) par%gammax= readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gammax', 5.d0, .4d0, 5.d0) par%gamma = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gamma', 0.6d0, 0.4d0, 0.9d0) par%alpha = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','alpha', 1.0d0, 0.5d0, 2.0d0) par%delta = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','delta', 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) par%n = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','n', 5.0d0, 5.0d0, 20.0d0) par%rho = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rho', 1025.0d0, 1000.0d0, 1040.0d0) par%g = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','g', 9.81d0, 9.7d0, 9.9d0) par%rhog8 = 1.0d0/8.0d0*par%rho*par%g par%Emean = par%rhog8*par%Hrms**2 par%thetamin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','thetamin', -80.d0, -180.d0, 180.d0) par%thetamax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','thetamax', 80.d0, -180.d0, 180.d0) par%dtheta = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dtheta', 10.d0, 0.1d0, 20.d0) par%thetanaut= readkey_int ('params.txt','thetanaut', 0, 0, 1) par%wci = readkey_int ('params.txt','wci', 0, 0, 1) par%hwci = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hwci', 0.01d0, 0.001d0, 1.d0) par%break = readkey_int ('params.txt','break', 3, 1, 3) par%roller = readkey_int ('params.txt','roller', 1, 0, 1) par%beta = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','beta', 0.15d0, 0.05d0, 0.3d0) par%rfb = readkey_int ('params.txt','rfb', 1, 0, 1) par%taper = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','taper', 100.d0, 0.0d0, 1000.d0) par%taper=max(par%taper,1.d-6) par%refl = readkey_int ('params.txt','refl', 0, 0, 1) par%nspr = readkey_int ('params.txt','nspr', 0, 0, 1) par%scheme = readkey_int ('params.txt','scheme', 1, 1, 2) par%trepfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sprdthr', 0.8d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) par%sprdthr = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sprdthr', 0.08d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) par%lwave = readkey_int ('params.txt','lwave', 1, 0, 1) par%swave = readkey_int ('params.txt','swave', 1, 0, 1) par%sws = readkey_int ('params.txt','sws', 1, 0, 1) par%ut = readkey_int ('params.txt','ut', 1, 0, 1) par%BRfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','BRfac', 1.0d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) end subroutine wave_input subroutine flow_input(par) use readkey_module implicit none type(parameters) :: par par%cf = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','cf', 3.d-3, 0.d0, 0.1d0) par%C = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','C', sqrt(par%g/par%cf), 20.d0, 100.d0) par%cf = par%g/par%C**2 par%eps = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','eps', 0.1d0, 0.001d0, 1.d0) par%umin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','umin', 0.1d0, 0.001d0, 5.d0) par%zs01 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','zs0', 0.0d0, -5.d0, 5.d0) par%tideloc = readkey_int ('params.txt','tideloc', 0, 0, 4) par%paulrevere = readkey_int ('params.txt','paulrevere', 0, 0, 1) par%tidelen = readkey_int ('params.txt','tidelen', 0, 0, 1000000) par%tstart = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tstart', 1.d0, 0.d0,1000000.d0) par%tint = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tint', 1.d0, .01d0, 100000.d0) ! Robert par%tintg = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintg', par%tint, .01d0, 100000.d0) ! Robert par%tintp = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintp',par%tintg, .01d0, 100000.d0) ! Robert par%tintm = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintm',par%tintg, 1.d0, par%tstop) ! Robert par%tint = min(par%tintg,par%tintp,par%tintm) ! Robert ! Robert par%tstop = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tstop', 2000.d0, 1.d0,1000000.d0) ! adapt flow times to morfac par%morfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','morfac', 0.0d0, 0.d0, 1000.d0) par%tstart = par%tstart / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tint = par%tint / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintg = par%tintg / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintp = par%tintp / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintm = par%tintm / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tint = par%tint / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tstop = par%tstop / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%fcutoff = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','fcutoff', 0.d0, 0.d0, 40.d0) par%sprdthr = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sprdthr', 0.08d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) par%carspan = readkey_int ('params.txt','carspan',0, 0, 1) !par%rugauge = readkey_int ('params.txt','rugauge',0, 0, 1) !par%ntout=nint((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tint)+1 par%CFL = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','CFL', 0.2d0, 0.1d0, 0.9d0) par%front = readkey_int ('params.txt','front', 1, 0, 1) par%ARC = readkey_int ('params.txt','ARC', 1, 0, 1) par%order = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','order', 2.d0, 1.d0, 2.d0) par%left = readkey_int ('params.txt','left', 0, 0, 1) par%right = readkey_int ('params.txt','right', 0, 0, 1) par%back = readkey_int ('params.txt','back', 2, 0, 2) par%nuh = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nuh', 0.5d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) par%nuhfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nuhfac', 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) par%rhoa = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rhoa', 1.25d0, 1.0d0, 2.0d0) par%Cd = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Cd', 0.002d0, 0.0001d0, 0.01d0) par%windv = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','windv', 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 200.0d0) par%windth = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','windth', 90.0d0, -180.0d0, 180.0d0) par%epsi = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','epsi', 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) par%nonh = readkey_int ('params.txt','nonh', 0, 0, 1) par%nuhv = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nuhv', 1.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%lat = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','lat', 0.d0, 0.d0, 90.d0) par%wearth = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','omega', 1.d0/24.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) ! Convert from Nautical to cartesian convention par%windth=(270.d0-par%windth)*par%px/180.d0 par%lat = par%lat*par%px/180.d0 par%wearth = par%px*par%wearth/1800.d0 par%fc = 2.d0*par%wearth*sin(par%lat) end subroutine flow_input subroutine sed_input(par) use readkey_module implicit none type(parameters) :: par par%dico = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dico', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%ngd = readkey_int ('params.txt','ngd', 1, 1, 2) par%nd = readkey_int ('params.txt','nd', 1, 1, 20) par%dzg = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzg', 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%D501 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','D50', 0.0002d0, 0.00005d0, 0.001d0) par%D901 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','D90', 0.0003d0, 0.00005d0, 0.001d0) par%D502 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','D502', 0.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 0.001d0) par%D902 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','D902', 0.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 0.001d0) par%D503 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','D503', 0.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 0.001d0) par%D903 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','D903', 0.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 0.001d0) par%sedcal1 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sedcal1', 1.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 10.00d0) par%sedcal2 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sedcal2', 1.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 10.00d0) par%sedcal3 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sedcal3', 1.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 10.00d0) par%rhos = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rhos', 2650d0, 2400.d0, 2800.d0) par%morfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','morfac', 0.0d0, 0.d0, 1000.d0) par%morstart = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','morstart',120.d0, 0.d0, 10000.d0) par%morstart = par%morstart / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%wetslp = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','wetslp', 0.3d0, 0.1d0, 1.d0) par%dryslp = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dryslp', 1.0d0, 0.1d0, 2.d0) par%por = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','por', 0.4d0, 0.3d0, 0.5d0) par%hswitch = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hswitch',0.1d0, 0.01d0, 1.0d0) par%z0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','z0 ',0.006d0, 0.0001d0, 0.05d0) par%facsl = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facsl ',0.00d0, 0.00d0, 1.6d0) par%struct = readkey_int ('params.txt','struct ',0, 0, 1) par%form = readkey_int ('params.txt','form', 1, 1, 3) par%smax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','smax', -1.d0, 0.d0, 3.d0) if (par%smax<0) par%smax=huge(0.d0) par%thetanum = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','thetanum', 1.d0, 0.5d0, 1.d0) par%tsfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tsfac', 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%facua = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facua ',0.00d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%dzmax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzmax ',0.05d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%turb = readkey_int ('params.txt','turb', 2, 0, 2) par%Tbfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tbfac ',1.0d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%Tsmin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tsmin ',0.2d0, 0.01d0, 10.d0) par%impact = readkey_int ('params.txt','impact ',0, 0, 1) par%CE = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','CE ',0.2d0, 0.00d0, 100.d0) end subroutine sed_input #ifdef USEMPI subroutine distribute_par(par) use xmpi_module implicit none type(parameters) :: par integer :: parlen,w,ierror ! ! distribute parameters ! new method: distribute at once inquire(iolength=parlen) par inquire(iolength=w) 1.0d0 ! convert parlen to number of bytes, assuming that ! 1.0d0 takes 8 bytes parlen = (8/w)*parlen call MPI_Bcast(par,parlen,MPI_BYTE,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) return ! so, the following code is NOT used anymore. I left this here ! maybe method above does not work everywhere. wwvv ! For efficiency, this subroutine should use MPI_Pack and ! MPI_Unpack. However, since this subroutine is only called a ! few times, a more simple approach is used. ! call xmpi_bcast(par%px) call xmpi_bcast(par%Hrms) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(par%dir0) call xmpi_bcast(par%m) call xmpi_bcast(par%nt) call xmpi_bcast(par%hmin) call xmpi_bcast(par%gammax) call xmpi_bcast(par%Tlong) call xmpi_bcast(par%Llong) call xmpi_bcast(par%gamma) call xmpi_bcast(par%delta) call xmpi_bcast(par%rho) call xmpi_bcast(par%g) call xmpi_bcast(par%rhog8) call xmpi_bcast(par%omega) call xmpi_bcast(par%thetamin) call xmpi_bcast(par%thetamax) call xmpi_bcast(par%dtheta) call xmpi_bcast(par%thetanaut) call xmpi_bcast(par%wci) call xmpi_bcast(par%hwci) call xmpi_bcast(par%dt) call xmpi_bcast(par%break) call xmpi_bcast(par%instat) call xmpi_bcast(par%wavint) call xmpi_bcast(par%alpha) call xmpi_bcast(par%n) call xmpi_bcast(par%roller) call xmpi_bcast(par%beta) call xmpi_bcast(par%taper) call xmpi_bcast(par%t) call xmpi_bcast(par%tnext) call xmpi_bcast(par%it) call xmpi_bcast(par%tstart) call xmpi_bcast(par%tint) call xmpi_bcast(par%tintp) call xmpi_bcast(par%tintg) call xmpi_bcast(par%tintm) call xmpi_bcast(par%tstop) call xmpi_bcast(par%ntout) call xmpi_bcast(par%C) call xmpi_bcast(par%cf) call xmpi_bcast(par%eps) call xmpi_bcast(par%umin) call xmpi_bcast(par%zs01) call xmpi_bcast(par%zs02) call xmpi_bcast(par%zs03) call xmpi_bcast(par%zs04) call xmpi_bcast(par%tideloc) call xmpi_bcast(par%paulrevere) call xmpi_bcast(par%tidelen) call xmpi_bcast(par%A) call xmpi_bcast(par%dico) call xmpi_bcast(par%facsl) call xmpi_bcast(par%nuh) call xmpi_bcast(par%nuhfac) call xmpi_bcast(par%rhos) call xmpi_bcast(par%morfac) call xmpi_bcast(par%morstart) call xmpi_bcast(par%Emean) call xmpi_bcast(par%CFL) call xmpi_bcast(par%ngd) call xmpi_bcast(par%nd) call xmpi_bcast(par%dzg) call xmpi_bcast(par%D501) call xmpi_bcast(par%D901) call xmpi_bcast(par%D502) call xmpi_bcast(par%D902) call xmpi_bcast(par%D503) call xmpi_bcast(par%D903) call xmpi_bcast(par%sedcal1) call xmpi_bcast(par%sedcal2) call xmpi_bcast(par%sedcal3) call xmpi_bcast(par%por) call xmpi_bcast(par%wetslp) call xmpi_bcast(par%dryslp) call xmpi_bcast(par%sw) call xmpi_bcast(par%front) call xmpi_bcast(par%ARC) call xmpi_bcast(par%order) call xmpi_bcast(par%left) call xmpi_bcast(par%right) call xmpi_bcast(par%back) call xmpi_bcast(par%refl) call xmpi_bcast(par%hswitch) call xmpi_bcast(par%z0) call xmpi_bcast(par%w) call xmpi_bcast(par%compi) call xmpi_bcast(par%listline) call xmpi_bcast(par%rhoa) call xmpi_bcast(par%Cd) call xmpi_bcast(par%windv) call xmpi_bcast(par%windth) call xmpi_bcast(par%epsi) call xmpi_bcast(par%nonh) call xmpi_bcast(par%nuhv) call xmpi_bcast(par%wearth) call xmpi_bcast(par%lat) call xmpi_bcast(par%fc) call xmpi_bcast(par%fcutoff) call xmpi_bcast(par%sprdthr) call xmpi_bcast(par%struct) call xmpi_bcast(par%smax) call xmpi_bcast(par%form) call xmpi_bcast(par%carspan) call xmpi_bcast(par%nspr) call xmpi_bcast(par%thetanum) call xmpi_bcast(par%tsfac) call xmpi_bcast(par%scheme) call xmpi_bcast(par%random) call xmpi_bcast(par%trepfac) call xmpi_bcast(par%facua) call xmpi_bcast(par%dzmax) call xmpi_bcast(par%turb) call xmpi_bcast(par%rfb) call xmpi_bcast(par%lwave) call xmpi_bcast(par%swave) call xmpi_bcast(par%sws) call xmpi_bcast(par%ut) call xmpi_bcast(par%Tbfac) call xmpi_bcast(par%Tsmin) call xmpi_bcast(par%impact) call xmpi_bcast(par%CE) call xmpi_bcast(par%BRfac) end subroutine distribute_par #endif ! ! printparams for debugging only ! subroutine printparams(par,str) #ifdef USEMPI use xmpi_module #endif type (parameters) :: par character(*), intent(in) :: str integer :: f integer :: id id = 0 #ifdef USEMPI id = xmpi_rank #endif f = 70+id if (id .gt. 0) then return endif write(f,*) 'printparams ', id, ' ', str write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','px:',par%px write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Hrms:',par%Hrms write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Trep:',par%Trep write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dir0:',par%dir0 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','m:',par%m write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nt:',par%nt write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','hmin:',par%hmin write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','gammax:',par%gammax write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Tlong:',par%Tlong write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Llong:',par%Llong write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','gamma:',par%gamma write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','delta:',par%delta write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','rho:',par%rho write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','g:',par%g write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','rhog8:',par%rhog8 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','omega:',par%omega write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','thetamin:',par%thetamin write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','thetamax:',par%thetamax write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dtheta:',par%dtheta write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','thetanaut:',par%thetanaut write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','wci:',par%wci write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','hwci:',par%hwci write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dt:',par%dt write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','break:',par%break write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','instat:',par%instat write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','wavint:',par%wavint write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','alpha:',par%alpha write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','n:',par%n write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','roller:',par%roller write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','beta:',par%beta write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','taper:',par%taper write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','t:',par%t write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tnext:',par%tnext write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','it:',par%it write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tstart:',par%tstart write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tint:',par%tint write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tintp:',par%tintp write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tintg:',par%tintg write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tintm:',par%tintm write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tstop:',par%tstop write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','ntout:',par%ntout write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','C:',par%C write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','cf:',par%cf write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','eps:',par%eps write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','umin:',par%umin write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','zs01:',par%zs01 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','zs02:',par%zs02 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','zs03:',par%zs03 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','zs04:',par%zs04 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tideloc:',par%tideloc write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','paulrevere:',par%paulrevere write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tidelen:',par%tidelen write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','A:',par%A write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dico:',par%dico write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','facsl:',par%facsl write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nuh:',par%nuh write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nuhfac:',par%nuhfac write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','rhos:',par%rhos write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','morfac:',par%morfac write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','morstart:',par%morstart write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Emean:',par%Emean write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','CFL:',par%CFL write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','ngd:',par%ngd write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nd:',par%nd write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dzg:',par%dzg write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','D501:',par%D501 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','D901:',par%D901 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','D502:',par%D502 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','D902:',par%D902 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','D503:',par%D503 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','D903:',par%D903 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','sedcal1:',par%sedcal1 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','sedcal2:',par%sedcal2 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','sedcal3:',par%sedcal3 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','por:',par%por write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','wetslp:',par%wetslp write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dryslp:',par%dryslp write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','sw:',par%sw write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','front:',par%front write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','ARC:',par%ARC write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','order:',par%order write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','left:',par%left write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','right:',par%right write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','back:',par%back write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','refl:',par%refl write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','hswitch:',par%hswitch write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','z0:',par%z0 write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','w:',par%w write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','compi:',par%compi write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','listline:',par%listline write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','rhoa:',par%rhoa write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Cd:',par%Cd write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','windv:',par%windv write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','windth:',par%windth write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','epsi:',par%epsi write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nonh:',par%nonh write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nuhv:',par%nuhv write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','wearth:',par%wearth write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','lat:',par%lat write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','fc:',par%fc write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','fcutoff:',par%fcutoff write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','sprdthr:',par%sprdthr write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','struct:',par%struct write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','smax:',par%smax write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','form:',par%form write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','carspan:',par%carspan write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','nspr:',par%nspr write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','thetanum:',par%thetanum write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','tsfac:',par%tsfac write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','scheme:',par%scheme write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','random:',par%random write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','trepfac:',par%trepfac write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','facua:',par%facua write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','dzmax:',par%dzmax write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','turb:',par%turb write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','rfb:',par%rfb write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','lwave:',par%lwave write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','swave:',par%swave write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','sws:',par%sws write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','ut:',par%ut write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Tbfac:',par%Tbfac write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','Tsmin:',par%Tsmin write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','impact:',par%impact write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','CE:',par%CE write(f,*) 'printpar ',id,' ','BRfac:',par%BRfac end subroutine printparams end module params