program xbeach use params use spaceparams IMPLICIT NONE type(parameters) ::par type(spacepars) ::s integer*4 ::nt integer ::it real*8 ::degrad,thetamin,thetamax,tbegin,tend call cpu_time(tbegin) write(*,*) 'Welcome to Xbeach' write(*,*) 'General Input Module' ! General input per module call wave_input(par) call flow_input(par) call sed_input(par) write(*,*) 'Building Grid and Bathymetry and....' write(*,*) 'Distributing wave energy across the directional space ....' ! Grid and bathymetry call grid_bathy(s,par) ! Jump into subroutine readtide if(par%tideloc>=1)then call readtide (s,par) !Ap 15/10 end if par%t=0. call init_output(s,par) write(*,*) 'Initializing .....' ! Initialisations call wave_init (s,par) call flow_init (s,par) call sed_init (s,par) par%tnext=par%tint it=0 write(*,*) 'Stepping into the time loop ....' do while (par%t