! ! NAME ! linear_interp ! SYNOPSIS ! Interpolate linearly into an array Y given the value of X. ! Return both the interpolated value and the position in the ! array. ! ! ARGUMENTS ! - X: independent array (sorted in ascending order) ! - Y: array whose values are a function of X ! - XX: specified value, interpolating in first array ! - YY: interpolation result ! - INDINT: (optional) index in array (x(indint) <= xx <= x(indint+1)) ! ! SOURCE ! SUBROUTINE LINEAR_INTERP(X, Y, N, XX, YY, INDINT) real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: x real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: y integer, intent(in) :: n real*8, intent(in) :: xx real*8, intent(out) :: yy integer, intent(out), optional :: indint !**** ! ! CODE: linear interpolation ! ! ! real*8 :: a, b, dyy integer :: j yy = 0.0d0 IF ( present(indint) ) then indint = 0 ENDIF IF (N.LE.0) return ! ! *** N GREATER THAN 0 ! IF (N.EQ.1) THEN YY = Y(1) return ENDIF CALL binary_search( x, N, xx, j ) IF ( j .LE. 0 ) THEN yy = y(1) ELSEIF ( j .GE. n ) THEN yy = y(n) ELSE a = x (j+1) b = x (j) IF ( a .eq. b ) THEN dyy = 0.0d0 ELSE dyy = (y(j+1) - y(j)) / (a - b) ENDIF yy = y(j) + (xx - x(j)) * dyy ENDIF IF ( present(indint) ) then indint = j ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE LINEAR_INTERP !****f* Interpolation/binary_search ! ! NAME ! binary_search ! SYNOPSIS ! Perform a binary search in an ordered real array ! to find the largest entry equal or lower than a given value: ! Given an array XX of length N, given value X, return a value J ! such that X is between XX(J) en XX (J+1) ! ! XX must be monotonic, either decreasing or increasing ! J=0 or J=N indicates X is out of range. ! ! ARGUMENTS ! - XX: ordered array of values ! - X: value to be found ! - J: index such that X is between XX(J) and XX(J+1) ! ! SOURCE ! SUBROUTINE BINARY_SEARCH(XX, N, X, J) real*8, dimension(N), intent(in) :: xx integer, intent(in) :: N real*8, intent(in) :: x integer, intent(out) :: j !**** ! ! CODE: binary search in (real) arrays ! ! Requirement: ! Parameter wp set to the proper kind ! ! Subroutine from 'Numerical recipes' Fortran edition. ! Given an array XX of length N, given value X, return a value J ! such that X is between XX(J) en XX (J+1) ! XX must be monotonic, either decreasing or increasin ! J=0 or J=N indicates X is out of range. ! ! Local variables ! Integer jl, ju, jm LOGICAL L1, L2 JL = 0 JU = N+1 10 IF (JU-JL .GT. 1) THEN JM = (JU+JL)/2 L1 = XX(N) .GT. XX(1) L2 = X .GT. XX(JM) IF ( (L1.AND.L2) .OR. (.NOT. (L1 .OR. L2)) ) THEN JL = JM ELSE JU = JM ENDIF GOTO 10 ENDIF J = JL RETURN END SUBROUTINE BINARY_SEARCH