# # SKILLBED DEFAULT CONFIGURATION # # These are the default configuration options for the Skillbed framework. # Options can be overwritten using a custom config file with the same syntax. # The custom config file us usually located at the location tools/skillbed.cfg. # A custom config is always necessary to provide the skillbed with the # necessary information of the local machine. # [general] name = Skillbed binary = model.exe params = call = {exe_path} {params} build = "{exe_path}" {slnfile} /Rebuild "{cf}|{pf}" [storage] path = d: scp = [network] [servers] svn = https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/openearthtools/trunk/python/applications/skillbed/ hosts = [repositories] # # syntax: # = # # examples: # trunk = https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/model/trunk/ # [binaries] # # syntax: # = # or # = # # examples: # trunk = trunk model.sln Release Win32 model.exe # tc = https://build.deltares.nl/repository/download/bt000/.lastSuccessful/exe/model.exe Win32 # tc_netcdf = https://build.deltares.nl/repository/download/bt000/.lastSuccessful/exe/model_netcdf.zip Win32 # local = file:///C:/model.exe Win32 # [reports] # # syntax: # = # # examples: # main_custom = main/report.tex /trunk/custom/ # main_default = main/report.tex /trunk/default/ # cartoon = cartoon/report.tex / # main_custom = main/report.tex /trunk/custom/ main_default = main/report.tex /trunk/default/ cartoon = cartoon/report.tex / [templates] # # syntax: # = # # examples: # matlab = tools/templates/matlab/analysis.m.tmpl # matlab_test = tools/templates/matlab/analysis_item.m.tmpl # publish_bin = tools/templates/publish/index_bin.html.tmpl # publish_report = tools/templates/publish/index_report.html.tmpl # matlab = tools/templates/matlab/analysis.m.tmpl matlab_test = tools/templates/matlab/analysis_item.m.tmpl publish_bin = tools/templates/publish/index_bin.html.tmpl publish_report = tools/templates/publish/index_report.html.tmpl [mail] smtp = smtp.deltares.nl:25 from = Skillbed subject = Skillbed message = mail.txt notification = notification.txt [recipients] # # syntax: # = [,|all] # # examples: # john.doe@deltares.nl = all # mick.doe@deltares.nl = main_custom, main_default #