vardx = 0 nx = 54 ny = 0 dx = 20.0 dy = 20.0 xori = -80.00 yori = 0.00 alfa = 0.00 depfile = profile.dep posdwn = -1 thetamin = -10.0 thetamax = 90.0 dtheta = 2.5 outputformat = netcdf single_dir = 0 thetanaut= 0 ---------------------------------------------------- Time input ---------------------------------------------------- tstop = 1800 ---------------------------------------------------- Numerics input ---------------------------------------------------- CFL = .9 scheme = upwind_2 thetanum = 1 ---------------------------------------------------- Limiters ---------------------------------------------------- gammax = .8 hmin = .01 eps = .001 umin = 0. hwci = 0.1 epsi = -1 ---------------------------------------------------- Boundary numerics ---------------------------------------------------- front = abs_1d back = 2 left = 0 right = 0 ---------------------------------------------------- Advanced wave boundary options ---------------------------------------------------- Boundary tide options ---------------------------------------------------- tideloc = 0 if tideloc 0 zs0 = 0 else if tideloc >0 zs0file tidelen paulrevere ---------------------------------------------------- Wave generating boundary options ---------------------------------------------------- taper = 1.e-3 instat ts_1 instat = 0 ARC = 1 order = 2 if instat 0,1,2 dir0 =210 Hrms =2 Tm01 =8 m =1000 if instat 0 wavint=300 if instat 1 Tlong else if instat 4,5,6 bcfile = jonswap.inp if instat 4,5,6 and bcfile is a spectrum file (not a list file) rt =1800 dtbc = 0.5 if instat 5 and SWAN spectrum output is carthesian dthetaS_XB ---------------------------------------------------- Wind options ---------------------------------------------------- rhoa Cd windv windth ---------------------------------------------------- Coriolis options ---------------------------------------------------- lat wearth ---------------------------------------------------- Wave calculation options ---------------------------------------------------- wci break = 2 gamma=0.75 maxiter = 100 maxerror = 1e-6 ---------------------------------------------------- Flow calculation options ---------------------------------------------------- Choose between C or cf C cf = 0.003 nuh nuhfac =1 nuhv ---------------------------------------------------- Sediment transport calculation options ---------------------------------------------------- form =1 smax =0.8 tsfac =0.1 dico z0 facsl sedcal1 struct D50 =.0002 D90 =.0003 rhos =2650 ngd = 1 if ngd>1 nd dzg D502 D902 D503 D903 sedcal2 sedcal3 ---------------------------------------------------- Morphological calculation options ---------------------------------------------------- morfac = 1 morstart = 300 por = 0.4 dryslp = 1.0 wetslp = 0.3 hswitch = 0.1 ---------------------------------------------------- Output options ---------------------------------------------------- tstart = 0 tint = 300 tintg = 300 tintp = 300 tintm tsglobal tspoints tsmean nglobalvar = 11 H zb zs ue ve thetamean ee u v theta k