* Input file for GWK98-Test-A9 * Input is in Tekal format * Blocks (HS(m),Tp(s),WL(m),D50(m),WS(m/s)) are assumed to be in fixed order * MC: Tm = 5 s => Tp = 1.1*Tp = 5.5s (TMA wave spectrum) Tp = 6.44 according to LWI Report no 825 * First column always time (hrs) * Second column indicated by block name * profiel? (GWK98) HS 1 2 25.17 1.16 Tp 1 2 25.17 6.435 WL 1 2 25.17 5 D50 1 2 0 0.0003 WS 1 2 0 0.042 n_d 1 2 0 6.5 Sf 1 1 NaN WLNAP 1 1 NaN duneheight 1 1 1.51227952777778 duneheightNAP 1 1 NaN