* Input file for M1797-T1 * Input is in Tekal format * Blocks (HS(m),Tp(s),WL(m),D50(m),WS(m/s)) are assumed to be in fixed order * MC: WS not entirely certain * First column always time (hrs) * Second column indicated by block name * profiel?, duinafslag bij Noorderstrand Schouwen, M1797 HS 8 2 0 1.17 1.02 1.4 4.37 0.98 6.91 1.35 9.12 1.92 11.34 1.51 11.99 1.15 14.14 0.85 Tp 8 2 0 4.5809 1.02 4.988 4.37 4.23 6.91 4.8995 9.12 5.9084 11.34 5.1827 11.99 4.5455 14.14 3.905 WL 15 2 0 3.48 0.65 3.78 1.1 3.83 2.08 3.7 3.5 3.31 4.28 3.12 5.34 3.28 6.64 3.65 8.17 4.38 8.82 4.92 9.21 5 9.86 4.88 11.68 3.87 13.62 2.95 14.14 2.92 D50 1 2 0 0.000225 WS 1 2 0 0.026 n_d 1 2 0 2 Sf 1 1 1.24 WLNAP 1 2 1.5 2.5 duneheight 1 1 3.4441675 duneheightNAP 1 1 4.6941675