# grid NX =492 NY =100 dx =20 xori=0 yori=0 Nt = 02160 Nt0 = 0000 save.every = 00240 save.x-line = 1 save.dir = data high.precision = 1 # suppress saving of some variables: # dontsave. = 1 # for example: dontsave.u = 0 dontsave.flux= 0 dontsave.shear= 0 dontsave.shear_pert= 0 dontsave.stall= 0 dontsave.rho = 0 dontsave.h_deposit= 0 dontsave.h_nonerod= 0 dontsave.h_sep= 0 dontsave.dhdt= 0 update.xmin = 0 update.xmin_veget = 0 calc.shift_back = 0 shift_back_target.cm0 = 0 shift_back_centrex.cmT = 1 calc.x_periodic = 0 calc.y_periodic = 0 calc.volume.correction = 1 calc.analyze = 1 # influx: const or outflux influx = const calc.flux_in_eq_out = 0 q_in = 0.0 qinout.avg = 1 qinout.fact = 1 qinout.yoff = -10 q_in_min = 0.00 # Wind model: const, flatrand (flat probability distribution), sine # (sinusoidal variation) or bi (bidirectional) wind = field_new constwind.direction =0 constwind.u* =0.6 flatwind.du* = 0 flatwind.avgdir = 0 flatwind.ddir = 30 sinewind.du* = 0 sinewind.avgdir = 0 sinewind.ddir = 0.1 biwind.dir1= 60 biwind.dir2= -60 biwind.u*1 = 0.38 biwind.u*2 = 0.38 biwind.interval1 = 125000 biwind.interval2 = 125000 Bagnold-shields_parameter= 0.11 #Bagnold-Shields parameter to calcuNas praias e dunas, sob o efeito contínuo da água e dos ventos marinhos, a vegetação tem aspecto peculiar, destacando-se entre as espécies o campim-da-areia (remiria maritima), carrapicho-da-praia ou espinho-de-roseta (Acicarpha spathulata) e pimenteira (Cordia curassavica).late u*ft (this parameter should be a function of the grain Re.) # Wind field after Hunt et al. (HLR) (1988), Weng et al. (1991) hlr.z0 = 1e-3 #0.5e-3 # after Rassmussen (1996) z0 = 0.045 * u*^2 / (2g); # z0(u*=0.5) = 6e-4 hlr.tau_y = 1 # calculate y-components of the shear # Dumps high frequencies by multiplying the # shear (in Fourier space) with a Gaussian. hlr.cut_k = 2 # sigma = k_cut # paramters for separation bubble sepbubble = parabolic sep.angle = 20 sepbub.parabolic= 0 #1 bubble.length = 0 sepbub.smooth = 4 # smooth the sep. bubble in order to get the polynoms # laterally smooth. (0 = off, increasing number smooths # stronger, negative numbers include ky-filtering) sepbub.tau = 0.05 # Shear stress pertubation below the separation bubble: # tau_hlr * (1-(h_sepbub-h) / (sepbub.tau*crit.slope)) # parameters for traditional separation bubble: sepbubble = P3 sepbub.slope = 0.2 # maximum slope at the inflection point of the 3rd # order polynom. (-0.25 = 14 degree) # Saltation model: # For details see Sauermann et al. (2001) or PhD, G. Sauermann (2001) salt.g = 9.81 # gravity fluid_viscosity= 1.8e-5 salt.d = 250e-6 # grain diameter 250um salt.D = 0.0 # diffusion constant salt.Z/zm = 0 # focal height Z and zm ratio beta = 5.7e-4 # direct entrainment according to Anderson (1991): beta = 5.7e-4 gamma = 0.2 # defines saturation transients # Vegetation model: calc.vegetation= 1 vegetation.root= 0 #root size proportional to veget height? Answer: 0/1 vegetation.m = 0.16 # accounts for the non-uniformity of surface stress # [value for creosote, Wyatt & Nickling (1997)] vegetation.sigma = 1.5 # ratio of vegetation width to height (sigma=wv/hv) # [value for creosote, Wyatt & Nickling (1997)] vegetation.beta = 200 # ratio of vegetation to surface drag coefficients # [value for creosote, Wyatt & Nickling (1997)] vegetation.concent =0.5 # concentration of plants # number of plants per m^2... dx_min=1.5 vegetation.Max.height =0.5 # maximum vegetation height (Hv) vegetation.init.value = 0 vegetation.omega = 0 # frequency of sinusoidal variations of vegetation.t vegetation.t = 2.1024e7 # time to reach the max height without sand erosion or # deposition. vegetation.erosion = 1 # exposition to sand erosion vegetation.deposition= 1 # exposition to sand deposition vegetation.erosion.limit= 1 vegetation.grow.eros= 1 # perturbation of the veg. growth rate due to erosion # 1 (no perturbation) - 0 (no growth) # avalanches avalanche = flow aval.new.maxiter = 20 aval.new.relax = 0.9 # this is the only parameter of the algorithm and controls the slope relaxing rate, for a high enough value the slope relax independently of it # static and dynamic angle of repose: aval.angle_repose_stat = 34 aval.angle_repose_dyn = 33 # initial sand surface Init-Surf = init_h #beach #plain init.peaks = 0.0 # ---- flat surface, initialise with constant: Init-Surf = plain plain.Height = 5 # ---- aleatory surface: Init-Surf = alea alea.Height = 3.0 alea.Fluctuations = 0.02 # ---- initialisation from file: Init-Surf = init_h ---- init_h.file =h_2d_dune_dxy20m.dat init_h.sym = 0 init_h.x-line = 1 init_h.plain.height= 0.0 # initialisation of rock surface under the sand # (names of parameters are as above but prepended by "nonerod.") nonerod.Init-Surf = plain #init_h nonerod.plain.Height =-5 # initialisation of the vegetation # (names of parameters are as above but prepended by "veget.") veget.Init-Surf = init_h veget.Pos.Init-Surf = init_h veget.plain.Height = 0 veget.init_h.file =h_dune_veg_05.dat veget.init_h.sym = 0 veget.init_h.x-line = 1 veget.Pos.plain.Height = 0 veget.Pos.init_h.file =pos_dune_veg.dat veget.Pos.init_h.sym = 0 veget.Pos.init_h.x-line = 1 # fixed constants / materials, etc rho_air = 1.225 rho_sand = 1650 rho_quartz = 2650 # material constants fluid_density = 1.225 grain_density = 2650 packing = 0.6226 # sand density / grain density = 1 - void ratio