module wave_boundary_main_module implicit none save private public create_incident_waves ! This module is the main entry to generating wave boundary conditions in XBeach ! and other models. This module is accessed by wave_boundary_update_module. ! The interface 'create_incident_wave', which returns wave boundary conditions at ! the correct time step can be called from outside the module. ! ! NOTE! ! 'wave_boundary' should only be called by processes with a boundary ! for which wave boundary conditions are required ! (in XBeach only if xmpi_islowx). ! Else processes will waste I/O resources and computational time generating ! useless information. ! ! TO FIX: ! ! - generate_wave_train_properties_per_offshore_point ! - read all spectrum files ! - continue at line 2117 wave_boundary_update ! ! ! ! generate an interface so we don't have to pass unnecessary vectors ! when using different types of boundary conditions ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! INTERFACE TO OTHER MODELS ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! interface create_incident_waves module procedure create_incident_waves_surfbeat !module procedure generate_wave_boundary_nonhydrostatic end interface create_incident_waves ! ! ! contains ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! SUBROUTINES CALLED BY INTERFACE ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! subroutine create_incident_waves_surfbeat(np,xb,yb,ntheta,dtheta,theta,t, & bctype,bcfile, & x0,y0,hboundary, & randomseed, & eebc,qsbc,qnbc, & Hbc,Tbc,Dbc,isRecomputed, & nonhspectrum, & sprdthr,trepfac,nmax,fcutoff,rho, & Tm01switch,nspr) ! This subroutine handles all calls for surf-beat wave boundary conditions. ! The subroutine automatically initialises all variables if needed, and returns ! boundary condition information at all offshore points at the required point ! in time. ! ! Input variables ! np : number of offshore grid points (-) ! xb,yb : vectors of x and y coordinates of offshore grid points (m) ! ntheta : number of computational wave bins in directional space (-) ! dtheta : (constant) grid size of wave direction bins (rad) ! theta : vector of centre of wave direction bins (rad). Angles are in ! cartesian system relative to the coordinate system x (UTM East) axis ! t : current time (s) ! bctype : integer specifying the type of boundary conditions to produce, ! equal to par%instat in XBeach (-), see paramsconst.F90 for ! options ! bcfile : name of main wave boundary condition file to read, equal to ! : par%bcfile in XBeach (-) ! x0,y0 : reference point coordinates for wave conditions (for instance ! origin of model grid). Used to determine phase of wave ! components in boundary conditions. Must be identical on all ! processes (m) ! hboundary : average water depth along the entire offshore boundary (m). This ! value should be constant, or not vary strongly, across all ! processes. ! randomseed : integer containing initial random seed value between 1 and 2^31-2. ! This should have an identical value on all processes, and is used ! to generate identical random numbers sequences on all processors (-). ! If set to same integer throughout simulation, identical random numbers ! will be generated. Use int(clocktime) to have new random numbers for ! each time series generation. ! ! Output variables ! eebc : array of size (np,ntheta) containing wave energy density per ! offshore point and wave direction at time=t (J/m2/rad) ! qsbc,qnbc : vector of size (np) containing depth-avaraged discharge per along-boundary ! meter in the s (landward) and n (longshore) direction per ! offshore point at time=t (m2/s) ! Hbc : Hm0 computed for the entire boundary based on the input spectra, valid for ! the duration of the entire spectrum (m) ! Tbc : Trep computed for the entire boundary based on the input spectra, valid for ! the duration of the entire spectrum (s) ! Dbc : mean wave direction computed for the entire boundary based on the input spectra, ! valid for the duration of the entire spectrum (rad) ! isRecomputed : logical, indicating whether a new spectrum has been read and computed and therfore ! showing new values for Hbc, Tbc and Dbc ! ! Optional input variables ! nonhspectrum : generate a non-hydrostatic time series instead of a surf-beat time ! series. Default = .false. ! sprdthr : Threshold ratio to maxval of S above which spec dens are read in, see XBeach. ! Default = 0.08 ! trepfac : Compute mean wave period over energy band: par%trepfac*maxval(Sf); converges to Tm01 ! for trepfac = 0.0. Default = 0.01 ! nmax : maximum ratio of cg/c fro computing long wave boundary conditions. Default = 0.8d0 ! fcutoff : Low-frequency cutoff frequency for long-wave interaction components. Default = 0.d0 ! rho : Density of water (kg/m3). Default = 1025.0 ! Tm01switch : Turn on Tm01 (1) or Tm-10 (0) to compute Trep. Default = 0 ! nspr : nspr = 1 long wave direction forced into centres of short wave bins, ! nspr = 0 regular long wave spreading. Default = 0 use wave_boundary_datastore use wave_boundary_update_module, only: generate_wave_boundary_surfbeat #ifdef BUILDXBEACH use interp #endif ! implicit none ! ! Input variables integer,intent(in) :: np,ntheta,bctype real*8,intent(in) :: t,x0,y0,hboundary,dtheta character(len=*),intent(in) :: bcfile real*8,dimension(np),intent(in) :: xb,yb real*8,dimension(ntheta),intent(in) :: theta integer,intent(in) :: randomseed ! output variables real*8,intent(out) :: Hbc,Tbc,Dbc logical,intent(out) :: isRecomputed real*8,dimension(np),intent(out) :: qsbc,qnbc real*8,dimension(np,ntheta),intent(out):: eebc ! Optional variables logical,optional,intent(in) :: nonhspectrum real*8,optional,intent(in) :: sprdthr,trepfac,nmax,rho,fcutoff integer,optional,intent(in) :: Tm01switch ! internal variables integer :: i,itheta,l,dummy real*8 :: durationlength ! ! ! Check function input arguments and set defaults if(.not.present(nonhspectrum)) then waveBoundaryParameters%nonhspectrum = .false. else waveBoundaryParameters%nonhspectrum = nonhspectrum endif if(.not.present(sprdthr)) then waveBoundaryParameters%sprdthr = 0.08d0 else waveBoundaryParameters%sprdthr = sprdthr endif if(.not.present(trepfac)) then waveBoundaryParameters%trepfac = 0.01d0 else waveBoundaryParameters%trepfac = trepfac endif if(.not.present(Tm01switch)) then waveBoundaryParameters%Tm01switch = 0 else waveBoundaryParameters%Tm01switch = Tm01switch endif if(.not.present(nspr)) then waveBoundaryParameters%nspr = 0 else waveBoundaryParameters%nspr = nspr endif if(.not.present(nmax)) then waveBoundaryParameters%nmax = 0.8d0 else waveBoundaryParameters%nmax = nmax endif if(.not.present(fcutoff)) then waveBoundaryParameters%fcutoff = 0.0d0 else waveBoundaryParameters%fcutoff = fcutoff endif if(.not.present(rho)) then waveBoundaryParameters%rho = 1025.d0 else waveBoundaryParameters%rho = rho endif ! ! ! Check if the wave boundary conditions have been initialised if (.not.waveBoundaryAdministration%initialized) then ! ! ! Allocate copies of main grid properties in this module. Note, ! this may be possible with pointers instead of allocated arrays waveBoundaryParameters%masterFileName = bcfile waveBoundaryParameters%np = np waveBoundaryParameters%ntheta = ntheta waveBoundaryParameters%x0 = x0 waveBoundaryParameters%y0 = y0 waveBoundaryParameters%hboundary = hboundary ! Potentially, initialized can be set outside this module, so ensure all these ! arrays are deallocated if necessary if(allocated(waveBoundaryParameters%xb)) deallocate(waveBoundaryParameters%xb) if(allocated(waveBoundaryParameters%yb)) deallocate(waveBoundaryParameters%yb) if(allocated(waveBoundaryParameters%theta)) deallocate(waveBoundaryParameters%theta) ! Now allocate arrays to the correct size and set values allocate(waveBoundaryParameters%xb(np)) allocate(waveBoundaryParameters%yb(np)) allocate(waveBoundaryParameters%theta(ntheta)) waveBoundaryParameters%xb = xb waveBoundaryParameters%yb = yb waveBoundaryParameters%theta = theta ! Ensure all theta directions are between 0 and 2pi, required for some trig. on some compilers do itheta=1,ntheta waveBoundaryParameters%theta(itheta) = mod(waveBoundaryParameters%theta(itheta),8.d0*atan(1.d0)) enddo ! Allocate space for the random seed. This seed is set to 40 integers and ! should be identical on all processes if(allocated(waveBoundaryParameters%randomseed)) deallocate(waveBoundaryParameters%randomseed) waveBoundaryParameters%randomseed = randomseed ! ! ! Start initialization subroutines call initialise_wave_spectrum_parameters waveBoundaryAdministration%initialized = .true. ! ! ! Set time to recompute new boundary condition time series to ! now so boundary conditions are generated in first time step waveBoundaryAdministration%startComputeNewSeries = t endif ! initialized ! ! ! Generate or interpolate boundary condition time series if (t>=waveBoundaryAdministration%startComputeNewSeries) then ! The start of the current boundary condition should be the end of the previous ! boundary condition waveBoundaryAdministration%startCurrentSeries = waveBoundaryAdministration%startComputeNewSeries ! Call subroutine to generate wave boundary condition time series from spectral ! input call generate_wave_boundary_surfbeat(durationlength) ! ! ! Update time administration waveBoundaryAdministration%startComputeNewSeries = waveBoundaryAdministration%startComputeNewSeries + & durationlength isRecomputed = .true. endif ! Interpolate energy and discharge at all locations in time #ifdef BUILDXBEACH l = size(waveBoundaryTimeSeries%tbc) do itheta=1,ntheta do i=1,np call linear_interp(waveBoundaryTimeSeries%tbc,waveBoundaryTimeSeries%eebct(i,itheta,:),l,& t,eebc(i,itheta),dummy) enddo enddo do i=1,np call linear_interp(waveBoundaryTimeSeries%tbc,waveBoundaryTimeSeries%qxbct(i,:),l,& t,qsbc(i),dummy) call linear_interp(waveBoundaryTimeSeries%tbc,waveBoundaryTimeSeries%qybct(i,:),l,& t,qnbc(i),dummy) enddo #else ! Interpolate time series in other models. #endif Hbc = waveSpectrumAdministration%Hbc Tbc = waveSpectrumAdministration%Tbc Dbc = waveSpectrumAdministration%Dbc end subroutine create_incident_waves_surfbeat subroutine initialise_wave_spectrum_parameters ! This subroutine reads use wave_boundary_datastore #ifdef BUILDXBEACH use filefunctions use logging_module use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program #endif !internal variables integer :: fid,err integer :: i,nspectra character(1024) :: testline character(1) :: testchar #ifdef BUILDXBEACH call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Initializing spectral wave boundary conditions ') #endif ! Initialize that wave boundary conditions need to be calculated (first time at least) ! Stored and defined in wave_boundary_main_module waveSpectrumAdministration%repeatwbc = .false. ! Initialize the number of times wave boundary conditions have been generated. ! Stored and defined in wave_boundary_main_module waveSpectrumAdministration%bccount = 0 ! Initialize bcendtime to zero. ! Stored and defined in wave_boundary_main_module waveSpectrumAdministration%spectrumendtime = 0.d0 ! Initialise lastwaveheight to zero ! Stored and defined in wave_boundary_main_module allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%lastwaveelevation(waveBoundaryParameters%np,& waveBoundaryParameters%ntheta)) ! ! open location list file #ifdef BUILDXBEACH fid = create_new_fid() #endif open(fid,file=waveBoundaryParameters%masterFileName,status='old',form='formatted') ! check for LOCLIST read(fid,*)testline if (trim(testline)=='LOCLIST') then ! check the length of this file i = 0 do while (err==0) i=i+1 read(fid,*,IOSTAT=err)testchar enddo rewind(fid) nspectra = i-1 ! store this information in the main module waveSpectrumAdministration%nspectra = nspectra ! We need at least 1 spectrum location if (nspectra<1) then #ifdef BUILDXBEACH call writelog('ewls','(a,a)','Error reading file ', & trim(waveBoundaryParameters%masterFileName)) call writelog('ewls','(a,a)','Ensure that if LOCLIST option is used, ', & 'at least one spectrum location is specified') call halt_program #endif endif ! read first line again to set cursor at correct point in the file read(fid,*,IOSTAT=err)testline ! ! ! Now allocate space for variables allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%bcfiles(nspectra)) allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%xspec(nspectra)) allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%yspec(nspectra)) do i=1,nspectra ! read x,y and file name per location read(fid,*,IOSTAT=err)waveSpectrumAdministration%xspec(i), & waveSpectrumAdministration%yspec(i), & waveSpectrumAdministration%bcfiles(i)%fname waveSpectrumAdministration%bcfiles(i)%listline = 0 if (err /= 0) then #ifdef BUILDXBEACH ! something has gone wrong during the read of this file call writelog('ewls','(a,i0,a,a)','error reading line ',i+1,' of file ', & trim(waveBoundaryParameters%masterFileName)) call writelog('ewls','','check file for format errors') call halt_program #endif endif enddo else nspectra = 1 allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%bcfiles(nspectra)) allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%xspec(nspectra)) allocate(waveSpectrumAdministration%yspec(nspectra)) waveSpectrumAdministration%bcfiles(1)%fname = waveBoundaryParameters%masterFileName waveSpectrumAdministration%bcfiles(1)%listline = 0 waveSpectrumAdministration%xspec = waveBoundaryParameters%x0 waveSpectrumAdministration%yspec = waveBoundaryParameters%y0 endif close(fid) #ifdef BUILDXBEACH call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') #endif end subroutine initialise_wave_spectrum_parameters end module wave_boundary_main_module