module wave_bc_nextgen ! New setup to handle wave boundary conditions in XBeach, that can also be ported to ! Delft3D / FlowFM ! The following modules from XBeach need to be included in other models to allow this ! module to work use constants, only: pi use paramsconst implicit none save private !public wave_bc_generate logical :: initialized = .false. contains ! ! subroutine wave_bc_generate(t,wbctype,xref, yref, ntheta,dtheta,thetamin, theta, seed, & ! nbc, xbc, ybc, hbc, isBoundary, & ! eebc, uibc, vibc, zsbc, isRecomputed ) ! ! This subroutine is the main (only) call from the external program (XBeach/Delft3D) ! ! The subroutine generates one value of wave energy and/or wave flux per offshore boundary ! ! point, depending on the wbctype specified in the input of this call, for time = t. If ! ! necessary, this subroutine will initialise variables and/or generate new time series ! ! files. ! ! ! ! ! ! Input variables into subroutine are: ! ! ! ! t = current time (s) ! ! wbctype = switch for type of wave boundary condition (==par%instat in XBeach) ! ! xref = world x-coordinate of reference point from which waves are unrolled ! ! (in case of XBeach, this is xw(1,1)) ! ! yref = world y-coordinate of reference point from which waves are unrolled ! ! (in case of XBeach, this is yw(1,1)) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Output variables of the subroutine are: ! ! ! ! ! ! Input variables ! real*8, intent(in) :: t,xref,yref,dtheta,thetamin ! integer, intent(in) :: wbctype,ntheta,nbc ! real*8,dimension(nbc), intent(in) :: xbc,ybc,hbc ! integer,dimension(40),intent(in) :: seed ! logical,intent(in) :: isBoundary ! ! Output variables ! real*8,dimension(nbc,ntheta),intent(out) :: eebc ! real*8,dimension(nbc),intent(out) :: uibc,vibc,zsbc ! logical,intent(out) :: isRecomputed ! ! Internal variables ! integer :: i,j,itheta ! ! ! ! First check if this is a subdomain with a wave boundary ! if (isBoundary .eqv. false) then ! ! This domain does not have to do any work ! eebc = 0.d0 ! uibc = 0.d0 ! vibc = 0.d0 ! zsbc = 0.d0 ! isRecomputed = .false. ! else ! ! endif ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! New setup for wave_bc, spectral wave conditions (surfbeat mode only) !!!! !!!! Independent of XBeach where possible !!!! Parallel implementation: each process has to be independent !!!! Information common to all domains needed: !!!! x,y reference point !!!! mean depth along boundary !!!! ntheta,dtheta,thetamin, theta !!!! seed for random phases (is this enough?) !!!! Local information needed: !!!! nbc - number of boundary points !!!! xbc, ybc - locations of boundary points (preferably ordered) !!!! distbc - cum. distance along boundary points (or computed within?) !!!! hbc - depth at boundary points !!! !!! !!! integer, intent(in) :: instat !!! real*8, intent(in) :: xref !!! real*8, intent(in) :: yref !!! !!! !!! startbcf=.false. !!! !!! if(.not. bccreated ) then !!! bccreated=.true. !!! startbcf=.true. ! trigger read from bcf for instat 3,4,5,7 !!! bcendtime=huge(0.0d0) ! initial assumption for instat 3,4,5,7 !!! s%newstatbc=1 !!! !!! !!! if ((instat==INSTAT_JONS.or.instat==INSTAT_JONS_TABLE & !!! & .or. instat==INSTAT_SWAN.or.instat==INSTAT_VARDENS).and.xmaster) then !!! call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) !!! elseif (instat==INSTAT_REUSE.and.xmaster) then !!! curline = 1 !!! endif !!! !!! end if !!! !!! if (t .ge. bcendtime) then ! Recalculate bcf-file !!! close(71) !!! close(72) !!! if ((instat==INSTAT_JONS.or.instat==INSTAT_JONS_TABLE & !!! & .or. instat==INSTAT_SWAN.or.instat==INSTAT_VARDENS).and.xmaster) then !!! call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) !!! elseif (instat==INSTAT_REUSE.and.xmaster) then !!! startbcf=.true. !!! curline = curline + 1 !!! endif !!! end if !!! ! !!! ! COMPUTE WAVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS CURRENT TIMESTEP !!! if ( (instat==INSTAT_JONS).or. & !!! (instat==INSTAT_JONS_TABLE).or. & !!! (instat==INSTAT_SWAN) .or. & !!! (instat==INSTAT_VARDENS) .or. & !!! (instat==INSTAT_REUSE) ) then !!! ! open file if first time !!! if (startbcf) then !!! !!! bcendtime=wbcseries(curline)%bcendtime !!! rt =wbcseries(curline)%rt !!! dtbcfile =wbcseries(curline)%dtbcfile !!! Trep =wbcseries(curline)%Trep !!! theta0 =wbcseries(curline)%theta0 !!! ebcfname =wbcseries(curline)%ebcfname !!! qbcfname =wbcseries(curline)%qbcfname !!! !!! !!! endif !!! !!!!Dano DOES THIS BELONG HERE? !!! do itheta=1,ntheta !!! sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*pi/par%Trep !!! end do !!! sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta !!! call dispersion(par,s) !!! ! End initialize !!!!Dano END QUESTION !!! !!! inquire(iolength=wordsize) 1.d0 !!! reclen=wordsize*(sg%ny+1)*(sg%ntheta) !!! open(71,file=ebcfname,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) !!! reclen=wordsize*((sg%ny+1)*4) !!! open(72,file=qbcfname,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) !!! if (.not. allocated(q1) ) then !!! allocate(q1(ny+1,4),q2(ny+1,4),q(ny+1,4)) !!! allocate(ee1(ny+1,ntheta),ee2(ny+1,ntheta)) !!! end if !!! read(71,rec=1,iostat=ier )ee1 ! Earlier in time !!! read(71,rec=2,iostat=ier2)ee2 ! Later in time !!! read(72,rec=1,iostat=ier )q1 ! Earlier in time !!! read(72,rec=2,iostat=ier2)q2 ! Later in time !!! old=floor((par%t/dtbcfile)+1) !!! recpos=1 !!! end if !!! !!! new=floor((par%t/dtbcfile)+1) !!! !!! ! Check for next level in boundary condition file !!! if (new/=old) then !!! recpos=recpos+(new-old) !!! ! Check for how many bcfile steps are jumped !!! if (new-old>1) then ! Many steps further in the bc file !!! read(72,rec=recpos+1,iostat=ier)q2 !!! read(71,rec=recpos+1,iostat=ier)ee2 !!! read(72,rec=recpos ,iostat=ier)q1 !!! read(71,rec=recpos ,iostat=ier)ee1 !!! else ! Only one step further in the bc file !!! ee1=ee2 !!! q1=q2 !!! read(72,rec=recpos+1,iostat=ier)q2 !!! read(71,rec=recpos+1,iostat=ier)ee2 !!! endif !!! old=new !!! end if !!! endif !!! !!! tnew = dble(new)*dtbcfile !!! facinterp=(tnew-par%t)/dtbcfile !!! eebc = (1.d0-facinterp)*ee2 + facinterp*ee1 !!! qbc = (1.d0-facinterp)*q2 + facinterp*q1 !!! uibc = qbc/hbc*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) !!! vibc = qbc/hbc*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) !!! eebc = eebc*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) !!! !!! ! end subroutine wave_bc_generate end module wave_bc_nextgen