module vsm_u_xb_module implicit none save private public vsm_u_XB contains subroutine vsm_u_XB ( ue ,ve ,h ,ks , & & rho ,tauwx ,tauwy ,theta , & & urms ,omega ,k ,diss , & & e ,er ,fcvisc,facdel,ws , & & fw ,facdf ,swglm ,n ,sigz , & & uz ,vz ,ustz ,nutz , & & ue_sed,ve_sed ) implicit none ! Input/output parameters real*8, intent(in) :: ue ! depth-averaged eulerian velocity, ksi comp real*8, intent(in) :: ve ! depth-averaged eulerian velocity, eta comp real*8, intent(in) :: h ! water depth real*8, intent(in) :: ks ! nikuradse roughness real*8, intent(in) :: rho ! density real*8, intent(in) :: tauwx ! wind shear stress, ksi comp real*8, intent(in) :: tauwy ! wind shear stress, eta comp real*8, intent(in) :: theta ! wave angle w.r.t. grid ksi-direction real*8, intent(in) :: urms ! orbital velocity real*8, intent(in) :: omega ! angular peak frequency real*8, intent(in) :: k ! wave number real*8, intent(in) :: diss ! breaking dissipation real*8, intent(in) :: e ! wave energy real*8, intent(in) :: er ! roller energy real*8, intent(in) :: fcvisc ! calibration factor breaking-induced viscosity (~0.05) real*8, intent(in) :: facdel ! calibration factor bbl thickness (~20) real*8, intent(in) :: facdf ! calibration factor bottom dissipation (~1) real*8, intent(in) :: ws ! average fall velocity real*8, intent(in) :: fw ! wave friction coefficient integer, intent(in) :: swGLM ! switch to use GLM formulation (1) or not (0) integer, intent(in) :: n ! number of vertical layers real*8, intent(out) :: sigz(n) ! vertical sigma grid (0 at bottom, 1 at surface) real*8, intent(out) :: uz(n) ! vertically distributed velocity, ksi comp. real*8, intent(out) :: vz(n) ! vertically distributed velocity, eta comp. real*8, intent(out) :: ustz(n) ! vertically distributed stokes drift in wave direction real*8, intent(out) :: nutz(n) ! vertically distributed viscosity real*8, intent(out) :: ue_sed ! advection velocity sediment (ksi-dir) real*8, intent(out) :: ve_sed ! advection velocity sediment (eta-dir) ! Local variables real*8 :: kappa,nut1,nut2,nut3,g,uorb real*8 :: nutda,nusur,nutb,numin real*8 :: hrms,z0,cw,aorb,delta,phiw real*8 :: Df,Dfx,Dfy,tauwav,Qw,Qwe,Qwx,Qwy real*8 :: ustokes,tausx,tausy,tswi,cf,sigma0,uold real*8 :: tbnw,dhdy,dhdx,sigmas,phis,phinub,sigs1 real*8 :: facA,facA1,facG,facG1,facH,facH1 real*8 :: facCx,facCy,facBx,facBy,facC1x,facC1y,facB1x,facB1y real*8 :: uxmean,uymean,uabs,err,sigmat,facln1,facln2 real*8 :: vut,vvt,vud,vvd,Qstok,difstok,sigma,hd real*8 :: ustar,ast,rousepar real*8 :: crel(n),dsig(n) integer :: order_st=2,itmax,iter,i !------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Modified version Dirk-Jan Walstra (08-06-2007 --> copied from V205) !- It is assumed that the mass flux has a vertical distribution !- as predicted by 2nd or 3rd order Stokes drift. !- The bottom shear stress is assumed to react only to the Stokes !- drift at the bottom. This shear stress is used to construct the !- undertow profile etc. !- At the end the stokes drift is subtracted from the computed profile. !- The roller contribution to the mass flux is included in a depth !- averaged manner. !------------------------------------------------------------------- itmax = 30 numin = 1.d-6 kappa = 0.41d0 g = 9.81d0 hrms = sqrt(8.d0*e/rho/g) z0 = ks/33.d0 difstok = 0 uorb =urms*sqrt(2.d0) cw=omega/k delta = 0 if ( then aorb = uorb/omega delta = 0.09d0*(aorb/ks)**0.82d0*ks/h ! fw = min(1.39 * (uorb/(omega*z0))**(-.52),0.3) endif delta = facdel*max(delta,exp(1.)*z0/h) delta = min(delta,0.5d0) phiw = 6.d0/delta/delta Df = facDf*.283d0*rho*fw*uorb**3 Dfx = Df*cos(theta) Dfy = Df*sin(theta) ! Separate terms in depth-averaged viscosity Qwe=0. if ( then tauwav = diss/cw if ( then Qwe = (e+2.0d0*er)/cw/rho ! Determine stokes velocity at the bottom call stokes(hrms,omega,k,h,0.d0,ustokes,swglm) Qw = ustokes*h else Qw = (e+2.0d0*er)/cw/rho endif else tauwav=0. Qw =0. Qwe=0. endif tausx = tauwx + tauwav*cos(theta) tausy = tauwy + tauwav*sin(theta) tswi = sqrt(tauwx**2+tauwy**2) Qwx = Qw*cos(theta) Qwy = Qw*sin(theta) nut2 = h*kappa/3.d0*sqrt(tswi/rho) nut3 = fcvisc*hrms*(Diss/rho)**(1.d0/3.d0) ! Viscosity at surface level nusur = 1.5d0*sqrt(nut2*nut2+nut3*nut3) nusur = max(nusur,numin) ! Viscosity at bottom cf = fw/2.d0 nutb = cf*cf*uorb*uorb/omega sigma0=z0/h uold=0. ! Iteration for u en dhdx dhdy = 0 dhdx = 0 do iter=1,itmax tbnw = abs(rho*g*h*sqrt(dhdy*dhdy+dhdx*dhdx)) nut1 = h*kappa/6.d0*sqrt(tbnw/rho) ! Total depth-averaged viscosity nutda = sqrt(nut1*nut1+nut2*nut2+nut3*nut3) nutda=max(nutda,numin) sigmas = (nutda-nusur/3.d0)/(nutda-nusur/2.d0) phis = nusur/nutda/(sigmas-1.d0) facA = h/(rho*phis*nutda) phinub = phis*nutda + phiw*nutb sigs1 = (phis*nutda*sigmas + phiw*nutb*delta)/ & & (phis*nutda + phiw*nutb ) facA1 = h/(rho*phinub) facG = facA/sigmas* ( & & log(1.d0/delta) + & & (sigmas-1.d0)*log((sigmas-1.d0)/(sigmas-delta)) ) facG1= facA1/sigs1* ( & & log(delta/sigma0) + & & (sigs1-1.d0)*log((sigs1-delta)/(sigs1-sigma0)) ) facH = facA* ( & & (sigmas-1.d0)*log((sigmas-1.d0)/(sigmas-delta)) + & & (1.d0-delta) ) facH1= facA1* ( & & (sigs1-1.d0)*log((sigs1-delta)/(sigs1-sigma0)) + & & (delta-sigma0) ) ! facCx = (-Qwx/h-(facG1+facG)*tausx-(facG1-facH1/delta)*Dfx/cw)/ facCx = ( ue -(facG1+facG)*tausx-(facG1-facH1/delta)*Dfx/cw)/ & & (facH1+facH-facG1-facG) dhdx = facCx/(rho*g*h) ! facCy = rho*g*h*dhdy facCy = ( ve -(facG1+facG)*tausy-(facG1-facH1/delta)*Dfy/cw)/ & & (facH1+facH-facG1-facG) dhdy = facCy/(rho*g*h) facBx = tausx-facCx facBy = tausy-facCy facC1x= facCx-Dfx/delta/cw facC1y= facCy-Dfy/delta/cw facB1x= facBx+Dfx/cw facB1y= facBy+Dfy/cw uxmean = facG*facBx+facH*facCx+facG1*facB1x+facH1*facC1x uymean = facG*facBy+facH*facCy+facG1*facB1y+facH1*facC1y uabs=sqrt(max(uxmean*uxmean+uymean*uymean,1.d-6)) err = abs((uold-uabs)/uabs) if ( exit uold=uabs enddo if ( then stop 'no convergence in vsm_u' endif ! end iteration ! generate vertical grid hd=1.d0 do i=1,n sigz(i)=0.01d0*(hd/0.01d0)**(float(i-1)/float(n-1))/hd enddo ! determine velocity at top boundary layer and at e*z0 sigmat = 2.71828d0*sigma0 facln1=log(sigmat/sigma0) facln2=log((sigs1-sigmat)/(sigs1-sigma0)) vut = facA1/sigs1 * ( & & facB1x * facln1 - & & (facB1x+facC1x*sigs1)* facln2 ) vvt = facA1/sigs1 * ( & & facB1y * facln1 - & & (facB1y+facC1y*sigs1)* facln2 ) facln1=log(delta/sigma0) facln2=log((sigs1-delta)/(sigs1-sigma0)) vud = facA1/sigs1 * ( & & facB1x * facln1 - & & (facB1x+facC1x*sigs1)* facln2 ) vvd = facA1/sigs1 * ( & & facB1y * facln1 - & & (facB1y+facC1y*sigs1)* facln2 ) if ( then !- Construct vertical profile of 2nd or 3rd order stokes drift do i=1,n call stokes(hrms,omega,k,h,sigz(i)*h,ustz(i),order_st) enddo !- Determine mass flux of stokes drift Qstok=.5d0*sigz(1)*h*ustz(1) do i=2,n Qstok=Qstok+.5*h*((sigz(i)-sigz(i-1))*(ustz(i)+ustz(i-1))) enddo !- Determine difference between stokes mass flux and total mass flux !- including roller contribution difstok= Qwe - Qstok !- difstok=0. endif ! Construct velocity profile for bottom layer (both sigma < sigmat and ! sigma > sigmat) and middle layer do 10 i=1,n sigma=sigz(i) if (sigma .lt. sigmat) then uz(i) = (sigma/sigmat)*vut vz(i) = (sigma/sigmat)*vvt nutz(i) = nutb elseif (sigma .lt. delta) then facln1=log(sigma/sigma0) facln2=log((sigs1-sigma)/(sigs1-sigma0)) uz(i) = facA1/sigs1 * ( & & facB1x * facln1 - & & (facB1x+facC1x*sigs1) * facln2 ) vz(i) = facA1/sigs1 * ( & & facB1y * facln1 - & & (facB1y+facC1y*sigs1) * facln2 ) nutz(i) = phinub*sigma*(sigs1-sigma) else facln1=log(sigma/delta) facln2=log((sigmas-sigma)/(sigmas-delta)) uz(i) = vud + facA/sigmas * ( & & facBx * facln1 - & & (facBx+facCx*sigmas)* facln2 ) vz(i) = vvd + facA/sigmas * ( & & facBy * facln1 - & & (facBy+facCy*sigmas)* facln2 ) nutz(i) = phis*nutda*sigma* ( sigmas - sigma ) endif !- construct eulerian velocity profile (stokes corrected and roller !- contribution included as a depth averaged flux) !- Ueuler=Uglm-Ustokes (i.e. Veloc(4,i)=uz(i)-Qroller/h+Ustokesbottom) !- NOTE that uz(i) now is the GLM velocities which is also used for !- Suspended Transport Computations !!! if ( then uz(i) = uz(i) - (ustz(i)+difstok/h)*cos(theta) + Qwx/h vz(i) = vz(i) - (ustz(i)+difstok/h)*sin(theta) + Qwy/h endif 10 continue ! Construct representative velocity for sediment transport using Rouse profile ustar=sqrt(0.5d0*fw)*max(urms,1.d-6) rousepar=ws/kappa/ustar ast=ks/h do i=1,n if (sigz(i)>ast) then crel(i)=(sigz(i)/ast*(ast-1.d0)/(sigz(i)-1.d0))**(-rousepar) else crel(i)=1.d0 endif enddo dsig(1)=0.5d0*sigz(2) do i=2,n-1 dsig(i)=(sigz(i+1)-sigz(i-1))*0.5d0 enddo dsig(n)=0.5d0*(sigz(n)-sigz(n-1)) if (crel(1)>1.d-6) then ue_sed=sum(dsig*uz*crel)/sum(dsig*crel) ve_sed=sum(dsig*vz*crel)/sum(dsig*crel) else ue_sed=uz(1) ve_sed=vz(1) endif end subroutine vsm_u_XB subroutine stokes (hrms,omega,k,h,z,ustokes,order_stk) real*8 :: hrms,omega,k,h,z,ustokes integer :: order_stk real*8 :: a,f3,s a=hrms/2.d0 if ( then if (order_stk.eq.2) then !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--Determine Second order Stokes drift !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ustokes=omega*k*a**2*(cosh(2*k*z)/(2.d0*sinh(k*h)*sinh(k*h))) else !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--Determine Third order Stokes drift !-------------------------------------------------------------------- f3 = 3.d0/16.d0*(8.d0*(cosh(k*h))**6 + 1)/(sinh(k*h)**6) s = 108.d0*(hrms/(.5*k*k*f3)) + 12.d0*sqrt(12.d0/((.25d0*k*k*f3)**3) & & + 81.d0*((hrms/(.5d0*k*k*f3))**2)) a = s**(1.d0/3.d0)/6.d0 - 2.d0*1.d0/(.25d0*k*k*f3*s**(1.d0/3.d0)) ustokes=.5d0*(omega/k)*cosh(2*k*z)*(k*a/sinh(k*h))**2* & & (1.d0-(k*a/sinh(k*h))*cosh(k*z)) endif else ustokes=0. endif end subroutine stokes end module vsm_u_xb_module