!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2011 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! VEGETATION MODULE XBEACH: ATTENUATION OF SHORT WAVES, IG WAVES, FLOW, AND WAVE SETUP ! ! Version 1.0: ! Attenuation of short waves and IG waves ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, okt 2013, ! see Linh K. Phan, Jaap S.M. van Thiel de Vries, and Marcel J.F. Stive (2015) Coastal Mangrove Squeeze in the Mekong Delta. Journal of Coastal Research: Volume 31, Issue 2: pp. 233 – 243. ! ! Version 2.0: ! Attenuation of short waves, IG waves and nonlinear wave effects ! Arnold van Rooijen, okt 2015, ! see Van Rooijen, McCall, Van Thiel de Vries, Van Dongeren, Reniers and Roelvink (2016), Modeling the effect of wave-vegetation interaction on wave setup, JGR Oceans 121, pp 4341-4359. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module vegetation_module use typesandkinds, only: slen use constants, only: pi implicit none save private public veggie type veggie character(slen) :: name ! Name of vegetation specification file integer :: nsec ! Number of sections used in vertical schematization of vegetation [-] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: ah ! Height of vertical sections used in vegetation schematization [m wrt zb_ini (zb0)] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: Cd ! Bulk drag coefficient [-] real*8 , dimension(:) , allocatable :: bv ! Width/diameter of individual vegetation stems [m] integer , dimension(:) , allocatable :: N ! Number of vegetation stems per unit horizontal area [m-2] end type veggie public veggie_init public vegatt public porcanflow ! porous in-canopy model contains subroutine veggie_init(s,par) use params, only: parameters use xmpi_module, only: xmaster use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars use readkey_module, only: readkey_dblvec, readkey_int, count_lines use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid, check_file_exist use logging_module, only: writelog, report_file_read_error use paramsconst IMPLICIT NONE type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars), target :: s !character(1) :: ch type(veggie), dimension(:), allocatable :: veg integer :: i,j,fid,ier,is,m,ind if (par%vegetation == 1) then ! INITIALIZATION OF VEGETATION ! Read files with vegetation properties: ! file 1: list of species ! file 2: vegetation properties per specie (could be multiple files) ! file 3: distribution of species over space call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Initializing vegetation input settings ') ! 1) Read veggiefile with veggie species par%nveg = count_lines(par%veggiefile) if (xmaster) then allocate(veg(par%nveg)) fid=create_new_fid() call check_file_exist(par%veggiefile) open(fid,file=par%veggiefile) do i=1,par%nveg read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier) veg(i)%name enddo close(fid) allocate(s%vegtype(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Dveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Fvegu(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Fvegv(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%ucan(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%vcan(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) s%vegtype = 0 s%Dveg = 0.d0 s%Fvegu = 0.d0 s%Fvegv = 0.d0 s%ucan = 0.d0 s%vcan = 0.d0 s%nsecvegmax = 1 ! 2) Read spatial distribution of all vegetation species ! NB: vegtype = 1 corresponds to first vegetation specified in veggiefile etc. fid=create_new_fid() ! see filefunctions.F90 call check_file_exist(par%veggiemapfile) select case(par%gridform) case(GRIDFORM_XBEACH) open(fid,file=par%veggiemapfile) do j=1,s%ny+1 read(fid,*,iostat=ier)(s%vegtype(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%veggiemapfile) endif enddo close(fid) case (GRIDFORM_DELFT3D) open(fid,file=par%veggiemapfile,status='old') do j=1,s%ny+1 read(fid,*,iostat=ier)(s%vegtype(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%veggiemapfile) endif enddo close(fid) end select ! 3) Allocate and read vegetation properties for every species do is=1,par%nveg ! for each species call check_file_exist(veg(is)%name) veg(is)%nsec = readkey_int(veg(is)%name,'nsec', 1, 1, 100, silent=.true., bcast=.false.) ! Number of vertical sections in vegetation schematization (max = 100) allocate (veg(is)%ah(veg(is)%nsec)) allocate (veg(is)%Cd(veg(is)%nsec)) allocate (veg(is)%bv(veg(is)%nsec)) allocate (veg(is)%N(veg(is)%nsec)) veg(is)%ah = readkey_dblvec(veg(is)%name,'ah',veg(is)%nsec,size(veg(is)%ah), 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 2.d0, bcast=.false. ) veg(is)%bv = readkey_dblvec(veg(is)%name,'bv',veg(is)%nsec,size(veg(is)%bv), 0.01d0, 0.001d0, 1.0d0, bcast=.false. ) veg(is)%N = nint(readkey_dblvec(veg(is)%name,'N', veg(is)%nsec,size(veg(is)%N) ,100.0d0, 1.0d0, 5000.d0, bcast=.false. )) veg(is)%Cd = readkey_dblvec(veg(is)%name,'Cd',veg(is)%nsec,size(veg(is)%Cd), 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 3d0, bcast=.false. ) ! Get maximum number of vegetation sections within model domain - needed to set size of Cd, ah, bv and Nv matrix s%nsecvegmax = max(s%nsecvegmax, veg(is)%nsec) enddo ! Create spatially varying nsec, ah, bv, N and Cd within s-structure allocate(s%nsecveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Cdveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, s%nsecvegmax)) allocate(s%ahveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, s%nsecvegmax)) allocate(s%bveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, s%nsecvegmax)) allocate(s%Nveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, s%nsecvegmax)) do j = 1,s%ny+1 do i = 1,s%nx+1 ind = s%vegtype(i,j) if (ind > 0) then ! set vegetation properties at locations where vegetation is present s%nsecveg(i,j) = veg(ind)%nsec do m=1,s%nsecveg(i,j) s%Cdveg(i,j,m) = veg(ind)%Cd(m) s%ahveg(i,j,m) = veg(ind)%ah(m) s%bveg(i,j,m) = veg(ind)%bv(m) s%Nveg(i,j,m) = veg(ind)%N(m) enddo else ! set to zero at locations of no vegetation s%nsecveg(i,j) = 0 s%Cdveg(i,j,:) = 0.d0 s%ahveg(i,j,:) = 0.d0 s%bveg(i,j,:) = 0.d0 s%Nveg(i,j,:) = 0.d0 endif enddo enddo deallocate(veg) endif call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Finished reading vegetation input... ') else ! par%vegetation == 0 if (xmaster) then ! just allocate address for memory, only on xmaster, rest is ! done automatically by call from libxbeach allocate(s%vegtype(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%nsecveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Cdveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, 1)) allocate(s%ahveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, 1)) allocate(s%bveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, 1)) allocate(s%Nveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1, 1)) allocate(s%Dveg(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Fvegu(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%Fvegv(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%ucan(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) allocate(s%vcan(par%nx+1, par%ny+1)) s%vegtype = 0 s%nsecveg = 0 s%nsecvegmax = 1 s%Cdveg = 0.d0 s%ahveg = 0.d0 s%bveg = 0.d0 s%Nveg = 0.d0 s%Dveg = 0.d0 s%Fvegu = 0.d0 s%Fvegv = 0.d0 s%ucan = 0.d0 s%vcan = 0.d0 endif endif end subroutine veggie_init subroutine vegatt(s,par) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s ! local variables integer :: i,j,m real*8 :: Cdterm ! Skip in case of using porous in-canopy model if (par%porcanflow == 1) then call porcanflow(s,par) return endif ! First compute drag coefficient (if not user-defined) do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 if (s%nsecveg(i,j) > 0) then ! only in case vegetation is present do m=1,s%nsecveg(i,j) ! for each vertical vegetation section if (s%Cdveg(i,j,m) < 0.d0) then ! If Cd is not user specified: call subroutine of M. Bendoni call bulkdragcoeff(s,s%ahveg(i,j,m)+s%zb0(i,j)-s%zb(i,j),m,i,j,Cdterm) s%Cdveg(i,j,m) = Cdterm endif enddo endif enddo enddo ! Attenuation by vegetation is computed in wave action balance (swvegatt) and the momentum balance (momeqveg); ! ! 1) Short wave dissipation by vegetation call swvegatt(s,par) ! 2) Mom.Eq.: Long wave dissipation, mean flow dissipation, nonlinear short wave effects, effect of emerged vegetation call momeqveg(s,par) end subroutine vegatt subroutine swvegatt(s,par) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars), target :: s !type(veggie), dimension(:), pointer :: veg ! local variables integer :: i,j,m ! indices of actual x,y point real*8 :: aht,hterm,htermold,Dvgt,ahtold real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: Dvg,kmr kmr = min(max(s%k, 0.01d0), 100.d0) ! Set dissipation in vegetation to zero everywhere for a start Dvg = 0.d0 do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 htermold = 0.d0 ahtold = 0.d0 if (s%nsecveg(i,j)>0) then ! only if vegetation is present at (i,j) do m=1,s%nsecveg(i,j) ! Determine height of vegetation section (restricted to current bed level) !aht = veg(ind)%ah(m)+ahtold !+s%zb0(i,j)-s%zb(i,j)!(max(veg(ind)%zv(m)+s%zb0(i,j),s%zb(i,j))) aht = s%ahveg(i,j,m)+ahtold ! restrict vegetation height to local water depth aht = min(aht,s%hh(i,j)) ! compute hterm based on ah hterm = (sinh(kmr(i,j)*aht)**3+3*sinh(kmr(i,j)*aht))/(3.d0*kmr(i,j)*cosh(kmr(i,j)*s%hh(i,j))**3) ! compute dissipation based on aht and correct for lower elevated dissipation layers (following Suzuki et al. 2012) Dvgt = 0.5d0/sqrt(pi)*par%rho*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m)*(0.5d0*kmr(i,j)*par%g/s%sigm(i,j))**3*(hterm-htermold)*s%H(i,j)**3 ! save hterm to htermold to correct possibly in next vegetation section htermold = hterm ahtold = aht ! add dissipation current vegetation section Dvg(i,j) = Dvg(i,j) + Dvgt enddo endif enddo enddo s%Dveg = Dvg end subroutine swvegatt subroutine momeqveg(s,par) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars use paramsconst, only: WAVEMODEL_NONH type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s !type(veggie), dimension(:), pointer :: veg ! local variables integer :: i,j,m ! indices of actual x,y point real*8 :: aht,ahtold,Fvgtu,Fvgtv,FvgStu,FvgStv,watr,wacr,uabsu,vabsv real*8 :: Fvgnlt,Fvgnlu,Fvgnlv,FvgCan,FvgCav,FvgCau,ucan,uabsunl !uabsunl,vabsvnl,hterm,htermold, real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: Fvgu,Fvgv,kmr real*8, save :: totT real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,50) :: unl0,etaw0 real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: unl,etaw real*8, dimension(50) :: hvegeff,Fvgnlu0 real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable,save :: sinthm, costhm ! Compute one force related to vegetation present in the water column: ! 1) Long wave velocity (ul) ! 2) Stokes velocity (us) ! 3) Non linear short wave velocity residual (ua) ! 4) return flow / undertow (ue) ! 5) wave-induced in-canopy flow (?) ! only allocate in 1st timestep if (.not. allocated(sinthm)) then allocate (sinthm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate (costhm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) endif kmr = min(max(s%k, 0.01d0), 100.d0) Fvgu = 0.d0 Fvgv = 0.d0 Fvgnlt = 0.d0 Fvgnlu = 0.d0 Fvgnlv = 0.d0 FvgStu = 0.d0 FvgStv = 0.d0 ucan = 0.d0 FvgCan = 0.d0 FvgCav = 0.d0 FvgCau = 0.d0 uabsunl = 0.d0 costhm = cos(s%thetamean-s%alfaz) sinthm = sin(s%thetamean-s%alfaz) ! initialize totT if (par%dt == par%t) then totT = par%Trep endif if (par%vegnonlin == 1 .and. par%wavemodel/=WAVEMODEL_NONH) then ! only compute new nonlinear velocity profile every Trep s if(totT >= par%Trep) then call swvegnonlin(s,par,unl0,etaw0) unl = unl0 etaw = etaw0 totT = 0.d0 else totT = totT + par%dt endif endif do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 ahtold = 0.d0 if (s%nsecveg(i,j)>0) then ! Only if vegetation is present ! Compute uabsu for calculation of Fveg uabsu = 0.d0 vabsv = 0.d0 Fvgnlu0 = 0.d0 watr = 0d0 wacr = 0d0 do m=1,s%nsecveg(i,j) ! Determine height of vegetation section (restricted to current bed level) aht = s%ahveg(i,j,m)+s%zb0(i,j)-s%zb(i,j) ! Determine which part of the vegetation is below the wave trough, and between trough and crest if (par%vegnonlin == 1 .and. par%wavemodel/=WAVEMODEL_NONH) then watr = minval(etaw(i,j,:)) watr = s%hh(i,j) + watr ! wave trough level wacr = maxval(etaw(i,j,:)) wacr = s%hh(i,j) + wacr ! wave crest level else watr = s%hh(i,j) wacr = s%hh(i,j) endif if (ahtold > wacr) then ! if plant section is entirely above wave crest, then do nothing ! mean and long wave flow (ue) Fvgtu = 0d0 Fvgtv = 0d0 ! nonlinear waves Fvgnlu = 0.d0 Fvgnlv = 0.d0 else ! vegetation section is located (partly) in between wave trough and crest level if (par%veguntow == 1) then ! mean and long wave flow (ue, ve) Fvgtu = max((min(aht,watr)-ahtold),0d0)*0.5d0*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m)*(s%ueu(i,j)*s%vmageu(i,j)) Fvgtv = max((min(aht,watr)-ahtold),0d0)*0.5d0*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m)*(s%vev(i,j)*s%vmageu(i,j)) else ! Only long wave velocity (assume undertow is diverted over vegetation) Fvgtu = max((min(aht,watr)-ahtold),0d0)*0.5d0*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m)*(s%uu(i,j)*s%vmagu(i,j)) Fvgtv = max((min(aht,watr)-ahtold),0d0)*0.5d0*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m)*(s%vv(i,j)*s%vmagu(i,j)) endif ! nonlinear waves (including emerged vegetation effect) !etaw = 0.d0 if (par%vegnonlin == 1 .and. par%wavemodel/=WAVEMODEL_NONH) then hvegeff = max(etaw(i,j,:) + s%hh(i,j)-ahtold,0.d0) ! effective vegetation height over a wave cycle Fvgnlt = trapz(((0.5d0*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m))*min(hvegeff,aht)*unl(i,j,:)*abs(unl(i,j,:))),par%Trep/50)/s%hh(i,j) ! decompose in u and v-direction Fvgnlu = Fvgnlt*costhm(i,j) Fvgnlv = Fvgnlt*sinthm(i,j) endif ! wave induced incanopy flow (Luhar et al., 2010) ucan = sqrt(4.d0*kmr(i,j)*par%Trep*s%urms(i,j)**3/(6.d0*pi**2)) FvgCan = max((min(aht,watr)-ahtold),0d0)/s%hh(i,j)*0.5d0*s%Cdveg(i,j,m)*s%bveg(i,j,m)*s%Nveg(i,j,m)*ucan**2 ! decompose in u and v-direction FvgCau = FvgCan*costhm(i,j) FvgCav = FvgCan*sinthm(i,j) endif ! save aht to ahtold to correct possibly in next vegetation section ahtold = aht ! add Forcing current layer Fvgu(i,j) = Fvgu(i,j) + Fvgtu Fvgv(i,j) = Fvgv(i,j) + Fvgtv if (par%vegnonlin == 1 .and. par%wavemodel/=WAVEMODEL_NONH) then ! add nonlin wave effect Fvgu(i,j) = Fvgu(i,j) + Fvgnlu Fvgv(i,j) = Fvgv(i,j) + Fvgnlv endif if (par%vegcanflo == 1) then ! add in canopy flow (Luhar et al., 2010) Fvgu(i,j) = Fvgu(i,j) + FvgCau Fvgv(i,j) = Fvgv(i,j) + FvgCav endif enddo endif enddo enddo s%Fvegu = Fvgu*par%rho ! make sure units of drag force are consistent (N/m2) s%Fvegv = Fvgv*par%rho ! make sure units of drag force are consistent (N/m2) end subroutine momeqveg subroutine swvegnonlin(s,par,unl0,etaw0) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars IMPLICIT NONE type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s integer :: i,j integer :: irf,ih0,it0,jrf,ih1,it1 !,m,ind,ih0,it0,ih1,it1,irf,jrf ! indices of actual x,y point integer, save :: nh,nt real*8 :: p,q,f0,f1,f2,f3 !,uabsunl,vabsvnl real*8, save :: dh,dt real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: kmr,Urs,phi,w1,w2 real*8, dimension(8),save :: urf0 real*8, dimension(50),save :: urf2,urf !,urfueurfu real*8, dimension(50,8),save :: cs,sn,urf1 real*8, dimension(:,:),save,allocatable :: h0,t0 real*8, dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,50),intent(out) :: unl0,etaw0 ! Subroutine to compute a net drag force due to wave skewness. Based on (matlab based) roller model with veggies by Ad. ! ! Background: ! The drag force (Fveg) is a function of u*abs(u), which is zero for linear waves. For non-linear, skewed waves the ! depth-averaged velocity integrated over the wave period is zero. However, due to the sharp peaks and flat troughs ! the integral of u*abs(u) is non-zero, and can significantly reduce wave setup, or even lead to set-down (e.g. Dean & Bender,2006). ! ! Here we use a method based on Rienecker & Fenton (1981), similar to the method used for onshore sediment transport due to wave asymmetry/ ! skewness (see also morphevolution.F90 + Van Thiel de Vries Phd thesis par 6.2.3). ! ! load Ad's RF-table (update for depth averaged velocities?) include 'RFveg.inc' ! Initialize/Prepare for interpolation of RF-value from RFveg-table if (.not. allocated(h0)) then allocate (h0(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate (t0(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) dh = 0.03d0 dt = 1.25d0 nh = floor(0.54d0/dh); nt = floor(25.d0/dt); !construct velocity profile based on cosine/sine functions / Fourier components do irf=1,8 do jrf=1,50 cs(jrf,irf) = cos((jrf*2*pi/50)*irf) sn(jrf,irf) = sin((jrf*2*pi/50)*irf) enddo enddo endif h0 = min(nh*dh,max(dh,min(s%H,s%hh)/s%hh)) t0 = min(nt*dt,max(dt,par%Trep*sqrt(par%g/s%hh))) ! Initialize urf0 = 0.d0 urf1 = 0.d0 urf2 = 0.d0 urf = 0.d0 w1 = 0.d0 w2 = 0.d0 phi = 0.d0 Urs = 0.d0 kmr = 0.d0 ! ! Now compute weight factors (w1,w2) for relative contribution of cosine and sine functions (for w1 = 1: only cosines -> ! fully skewed Stokes wave, for w2 = 1: only sines -> fully asymmetric wave) based on Ruessink. kmr = min(max(s%k, 0.01d0), 100.d0) Urs = s%H/kmr/kmr/(s%hh**3)! Ursell number ! Compute phase and weight factors phi = pi/2*(1-tanh(0.815/(Urs**0.672)))! according to Ruessink et al 2012 (eq 10): p5 = 0.815 ipv 0.64; ip6 = 0.672 ipv 0.6, Dano&Ad book: 0.64 and 0.6 w1 = 1-phi/(pi/2)!w1 = 1.d0 if fully skewed waves w2 = 1.d0-w1 ! or use relation between w1 and phi as in Phd thesis Jaap (eq 6.13)?? ! Interpolate RieneckerFenton velocity from RFveg table from Ad ! in ftab-dimension, only read 4:11 and sum later do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 ! interpolate RF table values.... ih0=floor(h0(i,j)/dh) it0=floor(t0(i,j)/dt) ih1=min(ih0+1,nh) it1=min(it0+1,nt) p=(h0(i,j)-ih0*dh)/dh q=(t0(i,j)-it0*dt)/dt f0=(1-p)*(1-q) f1=p*(1-q) f2=q*(1-p) f3=p*q ! Compute velocity amplitude per component do irf=1,8 urf0(irf) = f0*RFveg(irf+3,ih0,it0)+f1*RFveg(irf+3,ih1,it0)+ f2*RFveg(irf+3,ih0,it1)+f3*RFveg(irf+3,ih1,it1) enddo ! fill velocity amplitude matrix urf1([50 time points, 8 components]) do irf=1,8 urf1(:,irf) = urf0(irf) enddo ! Compute velocity profile matrix per component urf1 = urf1*(w1(i,j)*cs+w2(i,j)*sn) ! Add velocity components urf2 = sum(urf1,2) ! Scale the results to get velocity profile over wave period unl0(i,j,:) = urf2*sqrt(par%g*s%hh(i,j)) etaw0(i,j,:) = unl0(i,j,:)*sqrt(max(s%hh(i,j),0.d0)/par%g) enddo enddo end subroutine swvegnonlin function trapz(y,dx) result (value) implicit none real*8 :: integral,value,dx real*8, dimension(:) :: y integer :: i,n integral = 0.d0 n = size(y)-1 do i=1,n integral = integral+dx*(y(i+1)+y(i))/2 end do value = integral end function trapz subroutine bulkdragcoeff(s,ahh,m,i,j,Cdterm) ! Michele Bendoni: subroutine to calculate bulk drag coefficient for short wave ! energy dissipation based on the Keulegan-Carpenter number ! Ozeren et al. (2013) or Mendez and Losada (2004) use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars implicit none !type(veggie), dimension(:), pointer :: veg type(spacepars) :: s real*8, intent(out) :: Cdterm real*8, intent(in) :: ahh ! [m] plant (total) height integer, intent(in) :: m,i,j ! Local variables real*8 :: alfav ! [-] ratio between plant height and water depth real*8 :: um ! [m/s] typical velocity acting on the plant real*8 :: Tp ! [s] reference wave period real*8 :: KC ! [-] Keulegan-Carpenter number real*8 :: Q ! [-] modified Keulegan-Carpenter number integer :: myflag ! 1 => Ozeren et al. (2013); 2 => Mendez and Losada (2004) ! ! myflag = 2 ! ! Representative wave period Tp = 2*pi/s%sigm(i,j) ! ! Coefficient alfa if (ahh>=s%hh(i,j)) then alfav = 1.d0 else alfav = ahh/s%hh(i,j) end if ! ! Representative orbital velocity ! (Could we also use urms here?) um = 0.5d0*s%H(i,j)*s%sigm(i,j)*cosh(s%k(i,j)*alfav*s%hh(i,j))/sinh(s%k(i,j)*s%hh(i,j)) ! ! Keulegan-Carpenter number KC = um*Tp/s%bveg(i,j,m) if (KC > 0d0) then KC = KC endif ! ! Bulk drag coefficient if (myflag == 1) then ! ! Approach from Ozeren et al. (2013), eq? ! if (KC>=10.d0) then Cdterm = 0.036d0+50.d0/(KC**0.926d0) else Cdterm = 0.036d0+50.d0/(10.d0**0.926d0) endif elseif (myflag == 2) then ! ! Approach from Mendez and Losada (2004), eq. 40 ! Only applicable for Laminaria Hyperborea (kelp)??? ! Q = KC/(alfav**0.76d0) if (Q>=7) then Cdterm = exp(-0.0138*Q)/(Q**0.3d0) else Cdterm = exp(-0.0138*7)/(7**0.3d0) endif endif ! end subroutine bulkdragcoeff subroutine porcanflow(s,par) ! porous in-canopy model. Computes the in-canopy flow and vegetation force. use params use spaceparams use readkey_module use xmpi_module use filefunctions use interp use logging_module use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars implicit none type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s !type(veggie), dimension(:), pointer :: veg ! local variables integer :: i,j,imax,j1,switch_drag real*8 :: p,mu,lamp,Kp,beta,hcan,Cf,Cm,A,Fcanu,Fcanv,U,V,ucan_old,vcan_old !rhs, ! Initialization paramters mu = 10.d0**(-6) ! kinematic viscosity Kp = par%Kp ! permeability Cm = par%Cm ! inertia coefficient U = 0.d0 V = 0.d0 ucan_old=0.d0 vcan_old=0.d0 switch_drag=1 lamp = 0 ! compiler is not sure that lamp always gets a value hcan = 0 ! idem beta = 0 ! idem ! Superfast 1D if (s%ny==0) then j1 = 1 else j1 = 2 endif ! In canopy momentum balance do j=j1,max(s%ny,1) imax = s%nx do i=2,imax ! Only compute ucan if vegeation is pressent if(s%vegtype(i,j)>0.d0) then ! vegetation type p = s%Nveg(i,j,1)/100.d0 ! porosity lamp = (1-p) ! lambda parameters (Britter and Hanna, 2003) hcan = s%ahveg(i,j,1) ! canopy height beta = s%Cdveg(i,j,1) ! Drag Cf = s%bveg(i,j,1) ! Friction !Emergent case. hcan> h if (s%hu(i,j) < hcan) then hcan = s%hu(i,j) endif !Implicit term momentum equation A = (1+Cm*lamp/(1-lamp))/par%dt ! Select free stream velocity for top shear stress. ! if (par%nonhq3d == 1 .and. par%nhlay > 0.0d0 .and. par%switch_2dv==1) then ! ! hcan < 0.5 alpha * h ! if (hcan < 0.5d0 * par%nhlay*s%hh(i,j)) then ! !Free stream velocity is velocity layer 1 ! U = s%u(i,j) + (1.d0 - par%nhlay) * s%du(i,j) ! V = s%v(i,j) + (1.d0 - par%nhlay) * s%dv(i,j) ! ! hcan > 0.5 alpha * h + alpha * h ! elseif (hcan > 0.5d0 * par%nhlay * s%hh(i,j) + par%nhlay*s%hh(i,j)) then ! !Free stream velocity is velocity layer 2 ! U = s%u(i,j) - par%nhlay * s%du(i,j) ! V = s%v(i,j) - par%nhlay * s%dv(i,j) ! ! 0.5 alpha * h > hcan > 0.5 alpha * h + alpha * h ! else ! ! Velocity layer 1 ! u11 = s%u(i,j) + (1.d0 - par%nhlay) * s%du(i,j) ! ! Velocity layer 2 ! u22 = s%u(i,j) - par%nhlay * s%du(i,j) ! ! Interpolate between layers for smooth transition. ! U = (u22-u11)/(0.5d0*(1.d0 - par%nhlay) *s%hh(i,j) + 0.5d0 * par%nhlay * s%hh(i,j) ) * (hcan - 1.d0/2.d0 * par%nhlay * s%hh(i,j)) ! ! ! Velocity layer 1 ! v11 = s%v(i,j) + (1.d0 - par%nhlay) * s%dv(i,j) ! ! Velocity layer 2 ! v22 = s%v(i,j) - par%nhlay * s%dv(i,j) ! ! Interpolate between layers for smooth transition. ! V = (v22-v11)/(0.5d0*(1.d0 - par%nhlay) *s%hh(i,j) + 0.5d0 * par%nhlay * s%hh(i,j) ) * (hcan - 0.5d0 * par%nhlay * s%hh(i,j)) ! endif ! else ! ! Depth averaged velocity ! U = s%u(i,j) ! V = s%v(i,j) ! endif ! free stream velocty U = s%u(i,j) V = s%v(i,j) ! ucan previous time step ucan_old = s%ucan(i,j) vcan_old = s%vcan(i,j) ! Compute u-incanopy velocity when cell is wet if (s%wetu(i,j)>0) then s%ucan(i,j) = (-1 * par%g*s%dzsdx(i,j) + 0.5d0*Cf/hcan*abs(U-s%ucan(i,j)) * (U-s%ucan(i,j)) + A * s%ucan(i,j))/(A + mu * (1-lamp)/Kp + beta * abs(s%ucan(i,j))) ! prevent high in-canopy for flooding !if ((s%ucan(i,j)-ucan_old)/par%dt > 0.2) then ! s%ucan(i,j) = ucan_old !endif ! Zero velocity if dry else s%ucan(i,j) = 0.d0 endif ! Compute v-incanopy velocity when cell is wet if (s%wetv(i,j)>0 .and. s%ny>1) then s%vcan(i,j) = (-1 * par%g*s%dzsdx(i,j) + 0.5d0*Cf/hcan*abs(V-s%vcan(i,j)) * (V-s%vcan(i,j)) + A * s%vcan(i,j))/(A + mu * (1-lamp)/Kp + beta * abs(s%vcan(i,j))) ! prevent high in-canopy for flooding !if (abs(s%vcan(i,j)) > abs(10 * vcan_old)) then ! s%vcan(i,j) = vcan_old !endif ! Zero velocity if dry else s%vcan(i,j) = 0.d0 endif ! old shear stress formulation. u|u| instead of (u-uc)|u-uc| !s%ucan(i,j) = (-1 * par%g*s%dzsdx(i,j) + abs(U)*U/(2.d0*hcan/Cf) + A * s%ucan(i,j))/(A + mu * (1-lamp)/Kp + beta * abs(s%ucan(i,j))) !Zero velocity if no vegetation else s%ucan(i,j) = 0.0d0 s%vcan(i,j) = 0.0d0 endif !Upper limit canopy flow??? ! not used, because there can be a phase difference between uc and u. !if ( abs(s%ucan(i,j))>abs(U)) then ! s%ucan(i,j) = U !endif ! Compute canopy drag force if(s%nsecveg(i,j)>0.d0 .and. switch_drag==1) then ! Compute vegetation force if (s%wetu(i,j)>0) then Fcanu = abs(s%ucan(i,j))*ucan_old*beta + mu*(1-lamp)/Kp*ucan_old + Cm*lamp/(1-lamp) * (s%ucan(i,j)-ucan_old)/par%dt else Fcanu = 0.d0 endif if (s%wetv(i,j)>0 .and. s%ny>1) then Fcanv = abs(s%vcan(i,j))*vcan_old*beta + mu*(1-lamp)/Kp*vcan_old + Cm*lamp/(1-lamp) * (s%vcan(i,j)-vcan_old)/par%dt else Fcanv = 0.d0 endif !dfu for XBeach-nh+. !if (hcan > par%nhlay*s%hh(i,j) .and. par%switch_2dv==1) then ! s%dFvegu(i,j) = Fcanu * par%nhlay*s%hh(i,j)* par%rho - Fcanu * (hcan - par%nhlay*s%hh(i,j))* par%rho !else if (hcan < par%nhlay*s%hh(i,j) .and. par%switch_2dv==1) then ! s%dFvegu(i,j) = Fcanu * hcan * par%rho !else ! s%dFvegu(i,j) = 0 !endif ! Force times height and rho (divide by rho in momentum eq). Fcanu = Fcanu * par%rho * hcan Fcanv = Fcanv * par%rho * hcan else Fcanu = 0. Fcanv = 0. endif s%Fvegu(i,j) = Fcanu s%Fvegv(i,j) = Fcanv end do end do end subroutine porcanflow end module vegetation_module