double precision, allocatable, target :: x(:,:) !< [m] x-coord. original cmp. grid {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: y(:,:) !< [m] y-coord. original comp. grid {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: xz(:,:) !< [m] x-coord. comp. grid (positive shoreward, perp. to coastline) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: yz(:,:) !< [m] y-coord. comp. grid {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: xu(:,:) !< [m] x-coord. comp. grid u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: yu(:,:) !< [m] y-coord. comp. grid u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: xv(:,:) !< [m] x-coord. comp. grid v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: yv(:,:) !< [m] y-coord. comp. grid v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsu(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in s-direction, centered around u-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsv(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in s-direction, centered around v-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsz(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in s-direction, centered around z-point (=eta-point) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsc(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in s-direction, centered around c-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dnu(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in n-direction, centered around u-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dnv(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in n-direction, centered around v-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dnz(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in n-direction, centered around z-point (=eta-point) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dnc(:,:) !< [m] grid distance in n-direction, centered around c-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsdnui(:,:) !< [1/m2] inverse of grid cell surface, centered around u-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsdnvi(:,:) !< [1/m2] inverse of grid cell surface, centered around v-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dsdnzi(:,:) !< [1/m2] inverse of grid cell surface, centered around z-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: alfaz(:,:) !< [rad] grid orientation at z-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: alfau(:,:) !< [rad] grid orientation at u-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: alfav(:,:) !< [rad] grid orientation at v-point {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sdist(:,:) !< [m] cum. distance from offshore boundary along s-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ndist(:,:) !< [m] cum. distance from right boundary along n-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: dx !< [m] grid size x-direction {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: dy !< [m] grid size y-direction {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: xori !< [m] x-origin of grid in world coordinate {"shape": [], "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: yori !< [m] y-origin of grid in world coordinates {"shape": [], "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: alfa !< [rad] (deg on input) angle of grid w.r.t. East {"shape": [], "standard_name": "angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: posdwn !< [-] depths defined positive downwards (1) or upwards(-1) {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: thetamin !< [rad] minimum angle of computational wave grid (cart. in rad) {"shape": [], "standard_name": "angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: thetamax !< [rad] minimum angle of computational wave grid (cart. in rad) {"shape": [], "standard_name": "angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x", "broadcast": "b"} integer, target :: nx !< [-] local number of grid cells x-direction {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, target :: ny !< [-] local number of grid cells y-direction {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: zs01 !< [m] Initial water level first sea boundary {"shape": [], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: zs02 !< [m] Initial water level second sea boundary {"shape": [], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: zs03 !< [m] Initial water level first land boundary {"shape": [], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: zs04 !< [m] Initial water level second land boundary {"shape": [], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: xyzs01(:) !< [-] global xy coordinates of corner (x=1,y=1) {"shape": [2], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: xyzs02(:) !< [-] global xy coordinates of corner (x=1,y=N) {"shape": [2], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: xyzs03(:) !< [-] global xy coordinates of corner (x=N,y=N) {"shape": [2], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: xyzs04(:) !< [-] global xy coordinates of corner (x=N,y=1) {"shape": [2], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, target :: tidelen !< [-] length of tide time series {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, target :: windlen !< [-] length of tide time series {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zb(:,:) !< [m] bed level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "altitude", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zb0(:,:) !< [m] initial bed level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "altitude", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: theta(:) !< [rad] wave angles directional distribution w.r.t. comp. x-axis {"shape": ["s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: theta_s(:) !< [rad] wave angles directional distribution w.r.t. comp. x-axis {"shape": ["s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction", "broadcast": "b"} integer, target :: ntheta !< [-] number of wave direction bins {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, target :: ntheta_s !< [-] number of wave direction bins {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: dtheta !< [rad] wave direction bin size {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: dtheta_s !< [rad] wave direction bin size {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: theta0 !< [rad] mean incident wave angle {"shape": [], "standard_name": "sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: thetamean(:,:) !< [rad] mean wave angle {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Fx(:,:) !< [N/m2] wave force, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Fy(:,:) !< [N/m2] wave force, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Sxy(:,:) !< [N/m] radiation stress, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Syy(:,:) !< [N/m] radiation stress, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Sxx(:,:) !< [N/m] radiation stress, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: n(:,:) !< [-] ratio group velocity/wave celerity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: H(:,:) !< [m] Hrms wave height based on instantaneous wave energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cgx(:,:,:) !< [m/s] group velocity, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cgy(:,:,:) !< [m/s] group velocity, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cx(:,:,:) !< [m/s] wave celerity, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cy(:,:,:) !< [m/s] wave celerity, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ctheta(:,:,:) !< [rad/s] wave celerity theta-direction (refraction) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ee(:,:,:) !< [J/m2/rad] directionally distributed wave energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: thet(:,:,:) !< [rad] wave angles {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: costh(:,:,:) !< [-] cos of wave angles relative to grid direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sinth(:,:,:) !< [-] sin of wave angles relative to grid direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sigt(:,:,:) !< [rad/s] relative frequency {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: rr(:,:,:) !< [J/m2/rad] directionally distributed roller energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cgx_s(:,:,:) !< [m/s] group velocity, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cgy_s(:,:,:) !< [m/s] group velocity, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ctheta_s(:,:,:) !< [rad/s] wave celerity theta-direction (refraction) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ee_s(:,:,:) !< [J/m2/rad] directionally distributed wave energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: thet_s(:,:,:) !< [rad] wave angles {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: costh_s(:,:,:) !< [-] cos of wave angles relative to grid direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sinth_s(:,:,:) !< [-] sin of wave angles relative to grid direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%ntheta_s"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: k(:,:) !< [rad/m] wave number {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: c(:,:) !< [m/s] wave celerity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cg(:,:) !< [m/s] group velocity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sigm(:,:) !< [rad/s] mean frequency {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: wm(:,:) !< [rad/s] mean abs frequency {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hh(:,:) !< [m] water depth {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zs(:,:) !< [m] water level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zs0(:,:) !< [m] water level due to tide alone {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: tideinpt(:) !< [s] input time of input tidal signal {"shape": ["s%tidelen"], "standard_name": "time", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: tideinpz(:,:) !< [m] input tidal signal {"shape": ["s%tidelen", "par%tideloc"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: windinpt(:) !< [s] input time of input wind signal {"shape": ["s%windlen"], "standard_name": "time", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: windvelts(:) !< [m/s] input wind velocity {"shape": ["s%windlen"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: winddirts(:) !< [deg_nautical] input wind direction {"shape": ["s%windlen"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: windxts(:) !< [m/s] time series of input wind velocity (not S direction), x-component {"shape": ["s%windlen"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: windyts(:) !< [m/s] time series of input wind velocity (not N direction), y-component {"shape": ["s%windlen"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: windsu(:,:) !< [m/s] wind velocity in S direction in u point at current time step {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: windnv(:,:) !< [m/s] wind velocity in N direction in v point at current time step {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzsdt(:,:) !< [m/s] rate of change water level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzsdx(:,:) !< [m/s] water surface gradient in x-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzsdy(:,:) !< [m/s] water surface gradient in y-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzbdx(:,:) !< [-] bed level gradient in x-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzbdy(:,:) !< [-] bed level gradient in y-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzbdt(:,:) !< [m/s] rate of change bed level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzbnow(:,:) !< [m] bed level change in current time step {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: uu(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity in u-points, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vu(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity in u-points, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: uv(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity in v-points, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vv(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity in v-points, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: qx(:,:) !< [m2/s] discharge in u-points, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: qy(:,:) !< [m2/s] discharge in u-points, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sedero(:,:) !< [m] cum. sedimentation/erosion {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dcbdx(:,:) !< [kg/m3/m] bed concentration gradient x-dir. {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dcbdy(:,:) !< [kg/m3/m] bed concentration gradient y-dir. {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dcsdx(:,:) !< [kg/m3/m] suspended concentration gradient x-dir. {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dcsdy(:,:) !< [kg/m3/m] suspended concentration gradient y-dir. {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ui(:,:) !< [m/s] incident bound wave velocity in, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vi(:,:) !< [m/s] incident bound wave velocity in, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: E(:,:) !< [Nm/m2] wave energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: R(:,:) !< [Nm/m2] roller energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: urms(:,:) !< [m/s] orbital velocity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: D(:,:) !< [W/m2] dissipation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Qb(:,:) !< [-] fraction breaking waves {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ust(:,:) !< [m/s] Stokes drift {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ueu(:,:) !< [m/s] Eulerian velocity in u-points, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vev(:,:) !< [m/s] Eulerian velocity in u-points, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmagu(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity magnitude u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmageu(:,:) !< [m/s] Eulerian velocity magnitude u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmagv(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity magnitude v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmagev(:,:) !< [m/s] Eulerian velocity magnitude v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: u(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity in cell centre, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: v(:,:) !< [m/s] GLM velocity in cell centre, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ue(:,:) !< [m/s] Eulerian velocity in cell centre, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ve(:,:) !< [m/s] Eulerian velocity in cell centre, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ue_sed(:,:) !< [m/s] Advection velocity sediment in cell centre, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ve_sed(:,:) !< [m/s] Advection velocity sediment in cell centre, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hold(:,:) !< [m] water depth previous time step {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, allocatable, target :: wetu(:,:) !< [-] mask wet/dry u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, allocatable, target :: wetv(:,:) !< [-] mask wet/dry v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, allocatable, target :: wetz(:,:) !< [-] mask wet/dry eta-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, allocatable, target :: wete(:,:) !< [-] mask wet/dry wave-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hu(:,:) !< [m] water depth in u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hv(:,:) !< [m] water depth in v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hum(:,:) !< [m] water depth in u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hvm(:,:) !< [m] water depth in v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmag(:,:) !< [m/s] velocity magnitude in cell centre {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ccg(:,:,:) !< [m3/m3] depth-averaged suspended concentration for each sediment fraction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: uwf(:,:) !< [m/s] Stokes drift, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vwf(:,:) !< [m/s] Stokes drift, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ustr(:,:) !< [m/s] return flow due to roller {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: usd(:,:) !< [m/s] return flow due to roller after breaker delay {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: bi(:) !< [m] incoming bound long wave {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: DR(:,:) !< [W/m2] roller energy dissipation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: umean(:,:) !< [m/s] longterm mean velocity at bnds in u-points, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmean(:,:) !< [m/s] longterm mean velocity at bnds in u-points, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ur(:,:) !< [m/s] reflected velocity at bnds in u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, target :: vardx !< [-] 0 = uniform grid size, 1 = variable grid size {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: D15(:) !< [m] D15 grain diameters for all sediment classses {"shape": ["par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: D50(:) !< [m] D50 grain diameters for all sediment classses {"shape": ["par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: D90(:) !< [m] D90 grain diameters for all sediment classses {"shape": ["par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: sedcal(:) !< [-] equilibrium sediment concentartion factor for each sediment class {"shape": ["par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: ucrcal(:) !< [-] calibration factor for u critical for each sediment class {"shape": ["par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Tsg(:,:,:) !< [s] sediment response time for each sediment class {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Susg(:,:,:) !< [m2/s] suspended sediment transport for each sediment class (excluding pores), x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Svsg(:,:,:) !< [m2/s] suspended sediment transport for each sediment class (excluding pores), y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Subg(:,:,:) !< [m2/s] bed sediment transport for each sediment class (excluding pores), x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Svbg(:,:,:) !< [m2/s] bed sediment transport for each sediment class (excluding pores), y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ceqbg(:,:,:) !< [m3/m3] depth-averaged bed equilibrium concentration for each sediment class {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ceqsg(:,:,:) !< [m3/m3] depth-averaged suspended equilibrium concentration for each sediment class {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ua(:,:) !< [m/s] time averaged flow velocity due to wave assymetry {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: BR(:,:) !< [-] maximum wave surface slope used in roller dissipation formulation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: kb(:,:) !< [m2/s2] near bed turbulence intensity due to depth induces breaking {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Tbore(:,:) !< [s] wave period interval associated with breaking induced turbulence {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzav(:,:) !< [m] total bed level change due to avalanching {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: maxzs(:,:) !< [m] maximum elevation in simulation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: minzs(:,:) !< [m] minimum elevation in simulation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: L1(:,:) !< [m] wave length (used in dispersion relation) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Sk(:,:) !< [-] skewness of short waves {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: As(:,:) !< [-] asymmetry of short waves {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwhead(:,:) !< [m] groundwater head (differs from gwlevel) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwheadb(:,:) !< [m] groundwater head at bottom (differs from gwlevel) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwlevel(:,:) !< [m] groundwater table (min(zb,gwhead)) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwheight(:,:) !< [m] vertical size of aquifer through which groundwater can flow {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwbottom(:,:) !< [m] level of the bottom of the aquifer {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwu(:,:) !< [m/s] groundwater flow in x-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwv(:,:) !< [m/s] groundwater flow in y-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwqx(:,:) !< [m/s] groundwater discharge in x-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwqy(:,:) !< [m/s] groundwater discharge in y-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gww(:,:) !< [m/s] groundwater flow in z-direction (interaction between surface and ground water) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gwcurv(:,:) !< [-] curvature coefficient of groundwater head function {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dinfil(:,:) !< [m] Infiltration layer depth used in quasi-vertical flow model for groundwater {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: infil(:,:) !< [m/s] Rate of exchange of water between surface and groundwater (positive from sea to groundwater) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: gw0back(:,:) !< [m] boundary condition back boundary for groundwater head {"shape": [2, "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "2"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Kx(:,:) !< [m/s] (Turbulent) Hydraulic conductivity in x-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Ky(:,:) !< [m/s] (Turbulent) Hydraulic conductivity in y-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Kz(:,:) !< [m/s] (Turbulent) Hydraulic conductivity in z-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Kzinf(:,:) !< [m/s] (Turbulent) Hydraulic conductivity in z-direction for infiltration {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: kturb(:,:) !< [m2/s2] depth averaged turbulence intensity due to long wave breaking {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ero(:,:,:) !< [m/s] bed erosion rate per fraction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: depo_im(:,:,:) !< [m/s] implicit bed deposition rate per fraction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: depo_ex(:,:,:) !< [m/s] explicit bed deposition rate per fraction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, allocatable, target :: nd(:,:) !< [-] number of bed layers (can be different for each computational cell) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: pbbed(:,:,:,:) !< [-] NO DESCRIPTION {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%nd", "par%ngd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzbed(:,:,:) !< [-] NO DESCRIPTION {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%nd"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: z0bed(:,:) !< [-] NO DESCRIPTION {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ureps(:,:) !< [m/s] representative flow velocity for sediment advection and diffusion, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vreps(:,:) !< [m/s] representative flow velocity for sediment advection and diffusion, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: urepb(:,:) !< [m/s] representative flow velocity for sediment advection and diffusion, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vrepb(:,:) !< [m/s] representative flow velocity for sediment advection and diffusion, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: umwci(:,:) !< [m/s] velocity (time-averaged) for wci, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vmwci(:,:) !< [m/s] velocity (time-averaged) for wci, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: rolthick(:,:) !< [m] long wave roller thickness {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zswci(:,:) !< [m] waterlevel (time-averaged) for wci {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: pres(:,:) !< [m2/s2] normalized dynamic pressure {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dU(:,:) !< [m2/s2] u-velocity difference between two vertical layers (reduced 2-layer non-hydrostatic model) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dV(:,:) !< [m2/s2] v-velocity difference between two vertical layers (reduced 2-layer non-hydrostatic model) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: wb(:,:) !< [m/s] vertical velocity at the bottom {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ws(:,:) !< [m/s] vertical velocity at the free surface {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: wscrit(:,:) !< [m/s] critial vertical velocity at the free surface for breaking {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: bedfriccoef(:,:) !< [-] dimensional/dimensionless input bed friction coefficient; depends on value of parameter bedfriction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: taubx(:,:) !< [N/m2] bed shear stress, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: tauby(:,:) !< [N/m2] bed shear stress, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Df(:,:) !< [W/m2] dissipation rate due to bed friction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Dp(:,:) !< [W/m2] dissipation rate in the swash due to transformation of kinetic wave energy to potential wave energy {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Sutot(:,:) !< [m2/s] Sediment transport integrated over bed load and suspended and for all sediment grains, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Svtot(:,:) !< [m2/s] Sediment transport integrated over bed load and suspended and for all sediment grains, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cctot(:,:) !< [m3/m3] Sediment concentration integrated over bed load and suspended and for all sediment grains {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: wi(:,:) !< [m/s] Vertical velocity at boundary due to (short) waves {"shape": [2, "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "2"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dUi(:,:) !< [m/s] Velocity difference at boundary due to (short) waves {"shape": [2, "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "2"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zi(:,:) !< [m] Surface elevation at boundary due to (short) waves {"shape": [2, "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "2"} double precision, allocatable, target :: nuh(:,:) !< [m2/s] horizontal viscosity coefficient {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cf(:,:) !< [-] Friction coefficient flow {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cfu(:,:) !< [-] Friction coefficient flow in u-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cfv(:,:) !< [-] Friction coefficient flow in v-points {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: D50top(:,:) !< [-] Friction coefficient flow {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: D90top(:,:) !< [-] Friction coefficient flow {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: structdepth(:,:) !< [m] Depth of structure in relation to instantaneous bed level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zs0fac(:,:,:) !< [-] relative weight of offshore boundary and bay boundary for each grid point is stored in zs0fac {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", 2], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: tdisch(:) !< [-] Discharge time series {"shape": ["par%ntdischarge"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: pdisch(:,:) !< [-] Discharge locations {"shape": ["par%ndischarge", 4], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, allocatable, target :: pntdisch(:) !< [-] Point discharge locations (no momentum) {"shape": ["par%ndischarge"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: qdisch(:,:) !< [m2/s] Discharges {"shape": ["par%ntdischarge", "par%ndischarge"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: idrift(:) !< [-] Drifter x-coordinate in grid space {"shape": ["par%ndrifter"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: jdrift(:) !< [-] Drifter y-coordinate in grid space {"shape": ["par%ndrifter"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: tdriftb(:) !< [s] Drifter release time {"shape": ["par%ndrifter"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: tdrifte(:) !< [s] Drifter retrieval time {"shape": ["par%ndrifter"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: runup(:) !< [m] Short wave runup height {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: Hrunup(:) !< [m] Short wave height used in runup formulation {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: xHrunup(:) !< [m] Location at which short wave height for runup is taken {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: istruct(:) !< [-] location of revetments toe {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: iwl(:) !< [-] location of water line (including long wave runup) {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: strucslope(:) !< [-] slope of structure {"shape": ["s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Dc(:,:) !< [m2/s] diffusion coefficient {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ph(:,:) !< [m] pressure head due to ship {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, target :: newstatbc !< [-] (1) Use new stationary boundary conditions for instat is stat or stat_table {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dobs(:,:) !< [W/m2] beachwizard observed dissipation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sig2prior(:,:) !< [m2] beachwizard prior std squared {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zbobs(:,:) !< [m] beachwizard observed depth {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: shobs(:,:) !< [m] beachwizard observed shoreline {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: bwalpha(:,:) !< [-] beachwizard weighting factor {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dcmdo(:,:) !< [W/m2] beachwizard computed minus observed dissipation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dassim(:,:) !< [m] beachwizard depth change {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: cobs(:,:) !< [m/s] beachwizard observed wave celerity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: shipxCG(:) !< [m] x-coordinate of ship center of gravity {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipyCG(:) !< [m] y-coordinate of ship center of gravity {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipzCG(:) !< [m] z-coordinate of ship center of gravity {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipFx(:) !< [N] force on ship in x-direction {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipFy(:) !< [N] force on ship in y-direction {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipFz(:) !< [N] force on ship in z-direction {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipMx(:) !< [Nm] moment on ship around x-axis {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipMy(:) !< [Nm] moment on ship around y-axis {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipMz(:) !< [Nm] moment on ship around z-axis {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipphi(:) !< [deg] turning angle arround x-axis {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shipchi(:) !< [deg] turning angle arround y-axis {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, target :: shippsi(:) !< [deg] turning angle arround z-axis {"shape": ["par%nship"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, allocatable, target :: vegtype(:,:) !< [-] vegetation type index {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, allocatable, target :: nsecveg(:,:) !< [-] vegetation number of sections {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} integer, target :: nsecvegmax !< [-] maximum number of vegetation sections within domain {"shape": [], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Cdveg(:,:,:) !< [-] vegetation drag coefficient {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%nsecvegmax"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ahveg(:,:,:) !< [m] vegetation height {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%nsecvegmax"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: bveg(:,:,:) !< [m] vegetation stem diameter {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%nsecvegmax"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Nveg(:,:,:) !< [m-2] vegetation density {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "s%nsecvegmax"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Dveg(:,:) !< [W/m2] dissipation due to short wave attenuation by vegetation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Fvegu(:,:) !< [N/m2] x-forcing due to long wave attenuation by vegetation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: Fvegv(:,:) !< [N/m2] y-forcing due to long wave attenuation by vegetation {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ududx(:,:) !< [m2/s2] advection {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vdvdy(:,:) !< [m2/s2] advection {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: udvdx(:,:) !< [m2/s2] advection {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vdudy(:,:) !< [m2/s2] advection {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: viscu(:,:) !< [m2/s2] viscosity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: viscv(:,:) !< [m2/s2] viscosity {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: setbathy(:,:,:) !< [m] prescribed bed levels {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1", "par%nsetbathy"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, target :: tsetbathy(:) !< [s] points in time of prescibed bed levels {"shape": ["par%nsetbathy"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} integer, allocatable, target :: breaking(:,:) !< [-] indicator whether cell has breaking nonh waves {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: fw(:,:) !< [-] wave friction coefficient {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: sigz(:) !< [-] vertical distribution of sigma layers Q3D {"shape": ["par%nz"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "b"} double precision, allocatable, target :: uz(:,:,:) !< [-] velocity (Q3D) ksi-comp {"shape": ["s%nx+1","s%ny+1","par%nz"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vz(:,:,:) !< [-] velocity (Q3D) eta-comp {"shape": ["s%nx+1","s%ny+1","par%nz"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ustz(:,:,:) !< [-] stokes velocity (Q3D) {"shape": ["s%nx+1","s%ny+1","par%nz"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: nutz(:,:,:) !< [-] turbulence viscosity {"shape": ["s%nx+1","s%ny+1","par%nz"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: dzs0dn(:,:) !< [-] alongshore water level gradient due to tide alone {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ccz(:,:,:) !< [m3/m3] concentration profile {"shape": ["s%nx+1","s%ny+1","par%nz"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: refA(:,:) !< [m] reference level {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ca(:,:) !< [m3/m3] reference concentration {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: zs1(:,:) !< [m] water level minus tide {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level_without_tide", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: taubx_add(:,:) !< [N/m2] additional bed shear stress due to boundary layer effects, x-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: tauby_add(:,:) !< [N/m2] additional bed shear stress due to boundary layer effects, y-component {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hhw(:,:) !< [m] water depth used in all wave computations, includes H*par%delta {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hhws(:,:) !< [m] water depth used in wave stationary computation (and single_dir wave directions) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: uws(:,:) !< [m/s] u-velocity used in wave stationary computation (and single_dir wave directions) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vws(:,:) !< [m/s] v-velocity used in wave stationary computation (and single_dir wave directions) {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: hhwcins(:,:) !< [m] water depth used in wave instationary computation in case of wci {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: uwcins(:,:) !< [m/s] u-velocity used in wave stationary computation in case of wci {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vwcins(:,:) !< [m/s] v-velocity used in wave stationary computation in case of wci {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: ucan(:,:) !< [m/s] in-canopy velocity in x-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} double precision, allocatable, target :: vcan(:,:) !< [m/s] in-canopy velocity in y-direction {"shape": ["s%nx+1", "s%ny+1"], "standard_name": "", "broadcast": "d"} ! vim: filetype=fortran