module interp implicit none private public linear_interp, interp_in_cyclic_function, interp_using_trapez_rule public grmap2, mkmap, grmap, linear_interp_2d, make_map, mkmap_step, trapezoidal save contains pure subroutine linear_interp_2d(X,nx,Y,ny,Z,xx,yy,zz,method,exception) implicit none ! input/output integer,intent(in) :: nx,ny real*8,dimension(nx),intent(in) :: X real*8,dimension(ny),intent(in) :: Y real*8,dimension(nx,ny),intent(in) :: Z real*8,intent(in) :: xx,yy real*8,intent(out) :: zz character(len=*),intent(in) :: method real*8,intent(in) :: exception ! internal integer,dimension(4) :: ind real*8,dimension(2) :: yint real*8 :: modx,mody,disx,disy logical :: interpX,interpY ! does the interpolation point fall within the data? if (xx>=minval(X) .and. xx<=maxval(X)) then interpX = .true. else interpX = .false. endif if (yy>=minval(Y) .and. yy<=maxval(Y)) then interpY = .true. else interpY = .false. endif if (interpX .and. interpY) then ! find rank position xx in X direction ind(1) = minloc(X,1,X>=xx) ind(2) = maxloc(X,1,X<=xx) ! find rank position yy in Y direction ind(3) = minloc(Y,1,Y>=yy) ind(4) = maxloc(Y,1,Y<=yy) ! distance between X points and Y points disx = X(ind(1))-X(ind(2)) disy = Y(ind(3))-Y(ind(4)) ! relative position of (xx,yy) on disx,disy if (disx>0.d0) then modx = (xx-X(ind(2)))/disx else modx = 0.d0 ! xx corresponds exactly to X point endif if (disy>0.d0) then mody = (yy-Y(ind(4)))/disy else mody = 0.d0 ! yy corresponds exactly to Y point endif ! interpolate the correct Y value, based on two nearest X intersects ! if disy==0 then only single interpolation needed. This could also be done for X, ! but since this is used by waveparams and the interp angles (Y) are more often equal ! this is probably faster. if (disy>0.d0) then yint(1) = (1.d0-modx)*Z(ind(2),ind(3))+modx*Z(ind(1),ind(3)) yint(2) = (1.d0-modx)*Z(ind(2),ind(4))+modx*Z(ind(1),ind(4)) zz = (1.d0-mody)*yint(2)+mody*yint(1) else zz = (1.d0-modx)*Z(ind(2),ind(3))+modx*Z(ind(1),ind(3)) endif else select case (method) case ('interp') zz = exception case ('extendclosest') ! find closest X point ind(1) = minloc(abs(X-xx),1) ! find closest Y point ind(3) = minloc(abs(Y-yy),1) ! external value given that of closest point zz = Z(ind(1),ind(3)) case default zz = exception endselect endif end subroutine linear_interp_2d ! ! NAME ! linear_interp ! SYNOPSIS ! Interpolate linearly into an array Y given the value of X. ! Return both the interpolated value and the position in the ! array. ! ! ARGUMENTS ! - X: independent array (sorted in ascending order) ! - Y: array whose values are a function of X ! - XX: specified value, interpolating in first array ! - YY: interpolation result ! - INDINT: (optional) index in array (x(indint) <= xx <= x(indint+1)) ! ! SOURCE ! pure subroutine linear_interp(x, y, n, xx, yy, indint) integer, intent(in) :: n real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: x real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: y real*8, intent(in) :: xx real*8, intent(out) :: yy integer, intent(out), optional :: indint !**** ! ! CODE: linear interpolation ! ! ! real*8 :: a, b, dyy integer :: j yy = 0.0d0 if ( present(indint) ) then indint = 0 endif if (n.le.0) return ! ! *** N GREATER THAN 0 ! if (n.eq.1) then yy = y(1) return endif call binary_search( x, n, xx, j ) if ( j .le. 0 ) then yy = y(1) elseif ( j .ge. n ) then yy = y(n) else a = x (j+1) b = x (j) if ( a .eq. b ) then dyy = 0.0d0 else dyy = (y(j+1) - y(j)) / (a - b) endif yy = y(j) + (xx - x(j)) * dyy endif if ( present(indint) ) then indint = j endif return end subroutine linear_interp !****f* Interpolation/binary_search ! ! NAME ! binary_search ! SYNOPSIS ! Perform a binary search in an ordered real array ! to find the largest entry equal or lower than a given value: ! Given an array XX of length N, given value X, return a value J ! such that X is between XX(J) en XX (J+1) ! ! XX must be monotonic, either decreasing or increasing ! J=0 or J=N indicates X is out of range. ! ! ARGUMENTS ! - XX: ordered array of values ! - X: value to be found ! - J: index such that X is between XX(J) and XX(J+1) ! ! SOURCE ! pure subroutine binary_search(xx, n, x, j) integer, intent(in) :: N real*8, dimension(N), intent(in) :: xx real*8, intent(in) :: x integer, intent(out) :: j !**** ! ! CODE: binary search in (real) arrays ! ! Requirement: ! Parameter wp set to the proper kind ! ! Subroutine from 'Numerical recipes' Fortran edition. ! Given an array XX of length N, given value X, return a value J ! such that X is between XX(J) en XX (J+1) ! XX must be monotonic, either decreasing or increasin ! J=0 or J=N indicates X is out of range. ! ! Local variables ! integer jl, ju, jm logical l1, l2 jl = 0 ju = n+1 10 if (ju-jl .gt. 1) then jm = (ju+jl)/2 l1 = xx(n) .gt. xx(1) l2 = x .gt. xx(jm) if ( (l1.and.l2) .or. (.not. (l1 .or. l2)) ) then jl = jm else ju = jm endif goto 10 endif j = jl return end subroutine binary_search subroutine mkmap(code ,x1 ,y1 ,m1 ,n1 , & & x2 ,y2 ,n2 ,xs ,ys , & & nrx ,nry ,iflag ,nrin ,w , & & iref ,iprint ,covered ,xymiss) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! SUBROUTINE MKMAP ! Interpolation of curvilinear, numerically ordered grid (grid1) ! to random points, with weighting points (grid2). ! ! J.A. Roelvink ! Deltares ! 24-2-1992 (MKMAP ! ! Given: numerically ordered grid M1*N1 ! with coordinates X1 (1:M1,1:N1) ! and Y1 (1:M1,1:N1) ! ! Also given: random points X2(1:N2) ! and Y2(1:N2) ! ! To be determined: weighting factors and pointers for bilinear interpolation ! Weighting factors and locations of the requested (random) points in the ! ordered grid are saved in resp. ! W(1:4,1:N2) and Iref(1:4,1:N2) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: iprint integer , intent(in) :: m1 integer , intent(in) :: n1 integer :: n2 integer , dimension(4 , n2), intent(out) :: iref integer , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: code integer , dimension(n2) :: covered ! 0: target point is not covered by source grid (default) ! 1: target point is covered by valid points of source grid ! -1: target point is covered by invalid points of source grid integer , dimension(n2) :: iflag integer , dimension(n2) :: nrin integer , dimension(n2) :: nrx integer , dimension(n2) :: nry real , intent(in) :: xymiss ! missing value in grid 1 real*8 , dimension(4 , n2) :: w ! Remains single precision! real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: x1 real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: y1 real*8 , dimension(n2) :: x2 real*8 , dimension(n2) :: xs real*8 , dimension(n2) :: y2 real*8 , dimension(n2) :: ys ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: i1 integer :: i2 integer :: ier integer :: iin integer :: inout integer :: ip integer :: j1 integer :: lomaxx integer :: lominx integer :: lomnx integer :: lomny integer :: m1max integer :: m1min integer :: n1max integer :: n1min integer :: nin real*8 :: eps real*8 :: xpmax real*8 :: xpmean real*8 :: xpmin real*8 :: ypmax real*8 :: ypmean real*8 :: ypmin real*8 , dimension(5) :: xp real*8 , dimension(5) :: yp real*8 , dimension(4) :: hbuff ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! eps = 0.00001 ! ! Initialise tables ! if (iprint==1) write (*, *) 'in mkmap', m1, n1, n2 lomnx = 1 lomny = 1 m1min = 1 m1max = m1 n1min = 1 n1max = n1 nrx=0 nry=0 iflag=0 nrin=0 xs=0.d0 ys=0.d0 iref=0 w=0.d0 ! ! Sort X2 en Y2 ! call sort(n2 ,x2 ,xs ,nrx ) call sort(n2 ,y2 ,ys ,nry ) ! ! Loop over all cels of grid1 ! ! do j1 = n1min, n1max - 1 do i1 = m1min, m1max - 1 ! ! Cell definition ! xp(1) = x1(i1, j1) xp(2) = x1(i1 + 1, j1) xp(3) = x1(i1 + 1, j1 + 1) xp(4) = x1(i1, j1 + 1) yp(1) = y1(i1, j1) yp(2) = y1(i1 + 1, j1) yp(3) = y1(i1 + 1, j1 + 1) yp(4) = y1(i1, j1 + 1) if ( (xp(1) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(1) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (xp(2) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(2) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (xp(3) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(3) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (xp(4) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(4) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(1) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(1) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(2) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(2) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(3) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(3) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(4) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(4) < xymiss+eps) ) cycle ! ! Determine minimum and maximum X and Y of the cell ! xpmin = 1.e10 xpmax = -1.e10 ypmin = 1.e10 ypmax = -1.e10 do ip = 1, 4 xpmin = min(xp(ip), xpmin) xpmax = max(xp(ip), xpmax) ypmin = min(yp(ip), ypmin) ypmax = max(yp(ip), ypmax) enddo xpmean = .5*(xpmin + xpmax) ypmean = .5*(ypmin + ypmax) ! ! First selection of points of grid2 that can be located in the cell ! ! Find centre of the cell in tables Xs and Ys ! call hunt(xs ,n2 ,xpmean ,lomnx ) call hunt(ys ,n2 ,ypmean ,lomny ) ! ! For points with X-values between Xpmin and Xpmax set: iFlag(i)=1 ! lominx = lomnx lomaxx = lomnx do i = lomnx, 1, -1 if (xs(i)>=xpmin) then lominx = i iflag(nrx(i)) = 1 else exit endif enddo do i = lomnx + 1, n2 if (xs(i)<=xpmax) then lomaxx = i iflag(nrx(i)) = 1 else exit endif enddo ! ! For the points with Y-values between Ypmin and Ypmax, ! that also lie between Xpmin and Xpmax: Save them in NrIn ! iin = 1 do i = lomny, 1, -1 if (ys(i)>=ypmin) then nrin(iin) = nry(i)*iflag(nry(i)) iin = iin + iflag(nry(i)) else exit endif enddo do i = lomny + 1, n2 if (ys(i)<=ypmax) then nrin(iin) = nry(i)*iflag(nry(i)) iin = iin + iflag(nry(i)) else exit endif enddo nin = iin - 1 ! ! Put iFlag back to 0 ! do i = lominx, lomaxx if (i/=0) iflag(nrx(i)) = 0 enddo ! ! Check whether selected points of grid2 lie within the cell ! using subroutine IPON; if so, determine weights W of the surrounding ! values in grid1 using subroutine INTRP4. Save the weights in Wtab ! The reference to grid1 is saved in arrays Iref and Jref. ! do iin = 1, nin i2 = nrin(iin) inout = -1 call ipon(xp ,yp ,4 ,x2(i2) , & & y2(i2) ,inout ) if (inout>=0) then ! ! Check on point with nonsense information on source grid 1; ! This depends on agreements ! if ( (code(i1 , j1 )==1 .or. code(i1 , j1 )==3) & & .and. (code(i1 + 1, j1 )==1 .or. code(i1 + 1, j1 )==3) & & .and. (code(i1 + 1, j1 + 1)==1 .or. code(i1 + 1, j1 + 1)==3) & & .and. (code(i1 , j1 + 1)==1 .or. code(i1 , j1 + 1)==3) ) then ! ! grid2 point is covered by 4 valid grid1 points ! covered(i2) = 1 call bilin5(xp, yp, x2(i2), y2(i2), hbuff, ier) w(:, i2) = real(hbuff(:),4) ! iref(1, i2) = i1 + (j1 - 1)*m1 iref(2, i2) = i1 + 1 + (j1 - 1)*m1 iref(3, i2) = i1 + 1 + j1*m1 iref(4, i2) = i1 + j1*m1 elseif (code(i1, j1)>0 .and. code(i1 + 1, j1)>0 .and. & & code(i1 + 1, j1 + 1)>0 .and. code(i1, j1 + 1)>0) then ! ! Grid2 point is covered by 4 valid grid1 points, containing ! one or more boundary points: ! - do not use grid1 values ! - use extrapolation values ! covered(i2) = 0 else ! ! Grid2 point is not covered by 4 valid grid1 points: ! - do not use grid1 values ! - do not use extrapolation values ! covered(i2) = -1 endif endif enddo enddo enddo end subroutine mkmap subroutine make_map(code, x1, y1, m1, n1, x2, y2, n2, w, iref, & & iprint ,covered ,xymiss) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! SUBROUTINE MKMAP ! Interpolation of curvilinear, numerically ordered grid (grid1) ! to random points, with weighting points (grid2). ! ! J.A. Roelvink ! Deltares ! 24-2-1992 (MKMAP ! ! Given: numerically ordered grid M1*N1 ! with coordinates X1 (1:M1,1:N1) ! and Y1 (1:M1,1:N1) ! ! Also given: random points X2(1:N2) ! and Y2(1:N2) ! ! To be determined: weighting factors and pointers for bilinear interpolation ! Weighting factors and locations of the requested (random) points in the ! ordered grid are saved in resp. ! W(1:4,1:N2) and Iref(1:4,1:N2) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: iprint integer , intent(in) :: m1 integer , intent(in) :: n1 integer , intent(in) :: n2 integer , dimension(4 , n2), intent(out) :: iref real*8 , dimension(4 , n2), intent(out) :: w ! Remains single precision! integer , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: code integer , dimension(n2) , intent(out) :: covered ! 0: target point is not covered by source grid (default) ! 1: target point is covered by valid points of source grid ! -1: target point is covered by invalid points of source grid real , intent(in) :: xymiss ! missing value in grid 1 real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: x1 real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: y1 real*8 , dimension(n2), intent(in) :: x2 real*8 , dimension(n2), intent(in) :: y2 ! ! Local variables ! integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: iflag integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: nrin integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: nrx integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: nry real*8, dimension(:),allocatable :: xs real*8, dimension(:),allocatable :: ys integer :: i integer :: i1 integer :: i2 integer :: ier integer :: iin integer :: inout integer :: ip integer :: j1 integer :: lomaxx integer :: lominx integer :: lomnx integer :: lomny integer :: m1max integer :: m1min integer :: n1max integer :: n1min integer :: nin real*8 :: eps real*8 :: xpmax real*8 :: xpmean real*8 :: xpmin real*8 :: ypmax real*8 :: ypmean real*8 :: ypmin real*8 , dimension(5) :: xp real*8 , dimension(5) :: yp real*8 , dimension(4) :: hbuff ! allocate(iflag(n2)) allocate(nrin(n2)) allocate(nrx(n2)) allocate(nry(n2)) allocate(xs(n2)) allocate(ys(n2)) !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! eps = 0.00001 ! ! Initialise tables ! if (iprint==1) write (*, *) 'in mkmap', m1, n1, n2 lomnx = 1 lomny = 1 m1min = 1 m1max = m1 n1min = 1 n1max = n1 nrx=0 nry=0 iflag=0 nrin=0 xs=0.d0 ys=0.d0 iref=0 w=0.d0 ! ! Sort X2 en Y2 ! call sort(n2 ,x2 ,xs ,nrx ) call sort(n2 ,y2 ,ys ,nry ) ! ! Loop over all cels of grid1 ! ! do j1 = n1min, n1max - 1 do i1 = m1min, m1max - 1 ! ! Cell definition ! xp(1) = x1(i1, j1) xp(2) = x1(i1 + 1, j1) xp(3) = x1(i1 + 1, j1 + 1) xp(4) = x1(i1, j1 + 1) yp(1) = y1(i1, j1) yp(2) = y1(i1 + 1, j1) yp(3) = y1(i1 + 1, j1 + 1) yp(4) = y1(i1, j1 + 1) if ( (xp(1) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(1) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (xp(2) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(2) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (xp(3) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(3) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (xp(4) > xymiss-eps .and. xp(4) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(1) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(1) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(2) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(2) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(3) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(3) < xymiss+eps) & & .or. (yp(4) > xymiss-eps .and. yp(4) < xymiss+eps) ) cycle ! ! Determine minimum and maximum X and Y of the cell ! xpmin = 1.e10 xpmax = -1.e10 ypmin = 1.e10 ypmax = -1.e10 do ip = 1, 4 xpmin = min(xp(ip), xpmin) xpmax = max(xp(ip), xpmax) ypmin = min(yp(ip), ypmin) ypmax = max(yp(ip), ypmax) enddo xpmean = .5*(xpmin + xpmax) ypmean = .5*(ypmin + ypmax) ! ! First selection of points of grid2 that can be located in the cell ! ! Find centre of the cell in tables Xs and Ys ! call hunt(xs ,n2 ,xpmean ,lomnx ) call hunt(ys ,n2 ,ypmean ,lomny ) ! ! For points with X-values between Xpmin and Xpmax set: iFlag(i)=1 ! lominx = lomnx lomaxx = lomnx do i = lomnx, 1, -1 if (xs(i)>=xpmin) then lominx = i iflag(nrx(i)) = 1 else exit endif enddo do i = lomnx + 1, n2 if (xs(i)<=xpmax) then lomaxx = i iflag(nrx(i)) = 1 else exit endif enddo ! ! For the points with Y-values between Ypmin and Ypmax, ! that also lie between Xpmin and Xpmax: Save them in NrIn ! iin = 1 do i = lomny, 1, -1 if (ys(i)>=ypmin) then nrin(iin) = nry(i)*iflag(nry(i)) iin = iin + iflag(nry(i)) else exit endif enddo do i = lomny + 1, n2 if (ys(i)<=ypmax) then nrin(iin) = nry(i)*iflag(nry(i)) iin = iin + iflag(nry(i)) else exit endif enddo nin = iin - 1 ! ! Put iFlag back to 0 ! do i = lominx, lomaxx if (i/=0) iflag(nrx(i)) = 0 enddo ! ! Check whether selected points of grid2 lie within the cell ! using subroutine IPON; if so, determine weights W of the surrounding ! values in grid1 using subroutine INTRP4. Save the weights in Wtab ! The reference to grid1 is saved in arrays Iref and Jref. ! do iin = 1, nin i2 = nrin(iin) inout = -1 call ipon(xp ,yp ,4 ,x2(i2) , & & y2(i2) ,inout ) if (inout>=0) then ! ! Check on point with nonsense information on source grid 1; ! This depends on agreements ! if ( (code(i1 , j1 )==1 .or. code(i1 , j1 )==3) & & .and. (code(i1 + 1, j1 )==1 .or. code(i1 + 1, j1 )==3) & & .and. (code(i1 + 1, j1 + 1)==1 .or. code(i1 + 1, j1 + 1)==3) & & .and. (code(i1 , j1 + 1)==1 .or. code(i1 , j1 + 1)==3) ) then ! ! grid2 point is covered by 4 valid grid1 points ! covered(i2) = 1 call bilin5(xp, yp, x2(i2), y2(i2), hbuff, ier) w(:, i2) = real(hbuff(:),4) ! iref(1, i2) = i1 + (j1 - 1)*m1 iref(2, i2) = i1 + 1 + (j1 - 1)*m1 iref(3, i2) = i1 + 1 + j1*m1 iref(4, i2) = i1 + j1*m1 elseif (code(i1, j1)>0 .and. code(i1 + 1, j1)>0 .and. & & code(i1 + 1, j1 + 1)>0 .and. code(i1, j1 + 1)>0) then ! ! Grid2 point is covered by 4 valid grid1 points, containing ! one or more boundary points: ! - do not use grid1 values ! - use extrapolation values ! covered(i2) = 0 else ! ! Grid2 point is not covered by 4 valid grid1 points: ! - do not use grid1 values ! - do not use extrapolation values ! covered(i2) = -1 endif endif enddo enddo enddo end subroutine make_map subroutine mkmap_step (x1 ,y1 ,m1 ,n1 , & & alfaz ,dsu ,dnv , & & x2 ,y2 ,n2 ,w , iref ) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! SUBROUTINE MKMAP_STEP ! Interpolation of curvilinear, numerically ordered grid (grid1) ! to random points, with weighting points (grid2). ! ! J.A. Roelvink ! UNESCO-IHE / Deltares ! 8 May 2013 ! ! Given: numerically ordered grid M1*N1 ! with (new)coordinates X1 (1:M1,1:N1) ! and Y1 (1:M1,1:N1) ! ! Also given: random points X2(1:N2) ! and Y2(1:N2) ! previous iref ! ! To be determined: weighting factors and updated pointers for bilinear interpolation ! Weighting factors and locations of the requested (random) points in the ! ordered grid are saved in resp. ! W(1:4,1:N2) and Iref(1:4,1:N2) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: m1 integer , intent(in) :: n1 integer :: n2 integer , dimension(4 , n2) :: iref real*8 , dimension(4 , n2) :: w real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: x1 real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: y1 real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: alfaz real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: dsu real*8 , dimension(m1, n1), intent(in) :: dnv real*8 , dimension(n2) :: x2 real*8 , dimension(n2) :: y2 real*8 :: dx real*8 :: dy real*8 :: ds real*8 :: dn real*8 :: dsrel real*8 :: dnrel integer :: i1,j1,i2 do i2=1,n2 if (iref(1,i2)>0) then i1=mod(iref(1,i2)-1,m1)+1 j1=(iref(1,i2)-i1)/m1+1 dx=x2(i2)-x1(i1,j1) dy=y2(i2)-y1(i1,j1) ds= dx*cos(alfaz(i1,j1))+dy*sin(alfaz(i1,j1)) dn=-dx*sin(alfaz(i1,j1))+dy*cos(alfaz(i1,j1)) dsrel=ds/dsu(i1,j1) dnrel=dn/dnv(i1,j1) i1=i1+floor(dsrel) j1=j1+floor(dnrel) dsrel=dsrel-floor(dsrel) dnrel=dnrel-floor(dnrel) iref(1, i2) = i1 + (j1 - 1)*m1 iref(2, i2) = i1 + 1 + (j1 - 1)*m1 iref(3, i2) = i1 + 1 + j1*m1 iref(4, i2) = i1 + j1*m1 w(1, i2) = (1.d0-dsrel)*(1.d0-dnrel) w(2, i2) = dsrel *(1.d0-dnrel) w(3, i2) = dsrel * dnrel w(4, i2) = (1.d0-dsrel)* dnrel endif enddo end subroutine mkmap_step subroutine grmap(f1 ,n1 ,f2 ,n2 ,iref , & & w ,np ,iprint ) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute interpolated values for all points on grid 2 ! ! special treatment of points on grid 2 that are outside ! grid 1; in that case iref(1,i2)=0 AND w(ip,i2)=0 for all ip ! ! Iref(1,i2) i1 ifac F2(i2)*ifac Result ! ! 0 1 1 F2(i2) Old value is kept ! j,j>0 j 0 0. F2 is initialized ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: iprint integer , intent(in) :: n1 integer , intent(in) :: n2 integer , intent(in) :: np integer, dimension(np, n2), intent(in) :: iref real*8 , dimension(n1) , intent(in) :: f1 real*8 , dimension(n2) :: f2 real*8 , dimension(np, n2), intent(in) :: w ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: i1 integer :: i2 integer :: ip ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (iprint==1) write (*, *) 'in grmap n1 n2', n1, n2 do i2 = 1, n2 i = iref(1, i2) if (i>0) then f2(i2)=0.d0 ! i1 = max(i, 1) ! ifac = 1 - i/i1 ! f2(i2) = f2(i2)*ifac ! ! Function values at grid 2 are expressed as weighted average ! of function values in Np surrounding points of grid 1 ! if (iprint==1 .and. i2<=n2) & & write (*, '(1X,A,I6,4(1X,E12.4))') ' i2 w ', i2, (w(ip, i2) , ip = 1, & & np) do ip = 1, np i = iref(ip, i2) i1 = max(i, 1) if (iprint==1 .and. i2<=n2) write (*, *) ' i1,f1(i1) ', i1, f1(i1) f2(i2) = f2(i2) + w(ip, i2)*f1(i1) enddo endif enddo end subroutine grmap subroutine grmap2(f1, cellsz1i , n1 ,f2 ,cellsz2, n2 ,iref , & & w ,np ) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute interpolated values for all points on grid 1 given reference table ! for grid 2; this works the other way round from GRMAP. Assumption is that ! grid 2 is much finer than grid 1. For each point in grid 2 we know the ! surrounding points in grid 1 and the related weights. Instead of using this to ! interpolate from 1 to 2 we now integrate from 2 to 1 using the same weights. ! ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: n1 integer , intent(in) :: n2 integer , intent(in) :: np integer, dimension(np, n2), intent(in) :: iref real*8 , dimension(n1) :: f1 real*8 , dimension(n1) , intent(in) :: cellsz1i !array with 1/cell size real*8 , intent(in) :: cellsz2 real*8 , dimension(n2) , intent(in) :: f2 real*8 , dimension(np, n2), intent(in) :: w ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i1 integer :: i2 integer :: ip ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! do ip = 1, np do i2=1,n2 i1 = iref(ip, i2) if (i1>0) then !f2(i2) = f2(i2) + w(ip, i2)*f1(i1) f1(i1) = f1(i1) + w(ip, i2)*f2(i2)*cellsz2*cellsz1i(i1) endif enddo enddo end subroutine grmap2 subroutine ipon(xq ,yq ,n ,xp ,yp ,inout ) !--description---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Deltares * ! AUTHOR : J.A.ROELVINK * ! DATE : 22-12-1988 * ! DETERMINE WHETHER POINT (xp,yp) LIES IN POLYGON (x,y) OF n POINTS * ! POINT n+1 IS SET EQUAL TO POINT 1 * ! (ARRAY MUST HAVE DIMENSION n+1 IN MAIN PROGRAMME * ! inpout = -1 : OUTSIDE POLYGON * ! inpout = 0 : ON EDGE OF POLYGON * ! inpout = 1 : INSIDE POLYGON * ! USED METHOD : - DRAW A VERTICAL LINE THROUGH (xp,yp) * ! - DETERMINE NUMBER OF INTERSECTIONS WITH POLYGON * ! UNDER yp : nunder * ! - IF nunder IS EVEN, THEN THE POINT LIES OUTSIDE * ! THE POLYGON, OTHERWISE IT LIES INSIDE * ! - THE EDGE IS TREATED SEPARATELY * ! !--pseudo code and references------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !--declarations--------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(out) :: inout integer , intent(in) :: n real*8 , intent(in) :: xp real*8 , intent(in) :: yp real*8 , dimension(*) :: xq real*8 , dimension(*) :: yq ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: ierr integer :: nunder real*4 :: ysn real*4 , dimension(:), allocatable :: x real*4 , dimension(:), allocatable :: y ! ! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------ ! allocate(x(n+1)) allocate(y(n+1)) do i = 1, n x(i) = real( xq(i)-xp , 4) y(i) = real( yq(i)-yp , 4) enddo x(n + 1) = x(1) y(n + 1) = y(1) nunder = 0 do i = 1, n if ((x(i)<0. .and. x(i + 1)>=0.).or.(x(i + 1)<0. .and. x(i)>=0.)) then if (y(i)<0. .and. y(i + 1)<0.) then nunder = nunder + 1 elseif ((y(i)<=0. .and. y(i + 1)>=0.) .or. & & (y(i + 1)<=0. .and. y(i)>=0.)) then ysn = (y(i)*x(i + 1) - x(i)*y(i + 1))/(x(i + 1) - x(i)) if (ysn<0.) then nunder = nunder + 1 elseif (ysn<=0.) then ! ! Edge ! inout = 0 goto 100 else endif else endif elseif (abs(x(i))<1.0E-8 .and. abs(x(i + 1))<1.0E-8) then if ((y(i)<=0. .and. y(i + 1)>=0.).or.(y(i + 1)<=0..and.y(i)>=0.)) & & then ! ! Edge ! inout = 0 goto 100 endif else endif enddo if (mod(nunder, 2)==0) then ! ! Outside ! inout = -1 else ! ! Inside ! inout = 1 endif 100 continue deallocate(x, stat=ierr) deallocate(y, stat=ierr) end subroutine ipon subroutine hunt(xx ,n ,x ,jlo ) !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer :: jlo integer , intent(in) :: n real*8 , intent(in) :: x real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: xx ! ! Local variables ! integer :: inc integer :: jhi integer :: jm logical :: ascnd ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ascnd = xx(n)>=xx(1) if (jlo<=0 .or. jlo>n) then jlo = 0 jhi = n + 1 goto 3 endif inc = 1 if (x>=xx(jlo) .eqv. ascnd) then 1 continue jhi = jlo + inc if (jhi>n) then jhi = n + 1 elseif (x>=xx(jhi) .eqv. ascnd) then jlo = jhi inc = inc + inc goto 1 else endif else jhi = jlo 2 continue jlo = jhi - inc if (jlo<1) then jlo = 0 elseif (xxx(jm) .eqv. ascnd) then jlo = jm else jhi = jm endif goto 3 end subroutine hunt subroutine indexx(n ,arrin ,indx ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: n integer, dimension(n) :: indx real*8 , dimension(n), intent(in) :: arrin ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: indxt integer :: ir integer :: j integer :: l real*8 :: q ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! do j = 1, n indx(j) = j enddo l = n/2 + 1 ir = n 10 continue if (l>1) then l = l - 1 indxt = indx(l) q = arrin(indxt) else indxt = indx(ir) q = arrin(indxt) indx(ir) = indx(1) ir = ir - 1 if (ir==1) then indx(1) = indxt return endif endif i = l j = l + l 20 continue if (j<=ir) then if (jx(n).or.x2_in0) then call interp_in_cyclic_function(x,y,n,xcycle,xp,np,yp) else do ip=1,np call linear_interp (x,y,n,xp(ip),yp(ip),indt) end do endif integ=0.d0 do ip=1,np-1 integ=integ+.5*(xp(ip+1)-xp(ip))*(yp(ip+1)+yp(ip)) end do deallocate(xp) deallocate(yp) end subroutine trapezoidal_cyclic subroutine interp_using_trapez_rule(x,y,n,xcycle,xtarg,ytarg,ntarg) implicit none ! Compute integral over function y(x) from x1 to x2 ! x is equidistant, function is cyclic so y(x+k*xcycle)=y(x) !(c)2014 Dano Roelvink integer, intent(in) :: n,ntarg real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: x,y ! arrays x and y(x) real*8, intent(in) :: xcycle ! cycle length real*8, dimension(ntarg), intent(in) :: xtarg ! x values to interpolate to real*8, dimension(ntarg), intent(out) :: ytarg ! y values to interpolate to real*8 :: dx,x1,x2,integ integer :: itarg dx=xtarg(2)-xtarg(1) do itarg=1,ntarg x1=xtarg(itarg)-.5*dx x2=xtarg(itarg)+.5*dx call trapezoidal_cyclic(x,y,n,xcycle,x1,x2,integ) ytarg(itarg)=integ/dx end do end subroutine interp_using_trapez_rule subroutine interp_in_cyclic_function(x,y,n,xcycle,xp,np,yp) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n real*8, dimension(n), intent(in) :: x,y ! arrays x and y(x) real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: xc,yc ! complemented cyclic arrays real*8, intent(in) :: xcycle ! cycle length integer, intent(in) :: np real*8, dimension(np), intent(in) :: xp ! points to interpolate to real*8, dimension(np), intent(out) :: yp ! interpolated yp values integer :: icycle,ip,ileft,iright,nc,i real*8 :: dx,yleft,yright,facleft,facright dx=x(2)-x(1) icycle=nint(xcycle/dx) allocate(xc(icycle+1)) allocate(yc(icycle+1)) if (n>icycle+1) then ! nonsense; error elseif (n==icycle+1) then ! e.g. 0, 30, 60,...360 xc(1:n)=x yc(1:n)=y elseif (n==icycle) then ! e.g. 30, 60 ...360 or 15, 45 ...345 with n=12 and icycle=12 ! interpolate between n-th and 1st value xc(1:n)=x yc(1:n)=y xc(n+1)=xc(n)+dx yc(n+1)=yc(1) elseif (nnc) ileft=ileft-icycle end do if (ileft>nc .or. ileft<1) then yleft=0 else yleft=yc(ileft) endif iright=ileft+1 do while (iright<1) iright=iright+icycle end do do while (iright>nc) iright=iright-icycle end do if (iright>nc .or. iright<1) then yright=0 else yright=yc(iright) endif facright=mod(xp(ip),dx)/dx facleft=1.d0-facright yp(ip)=facleft*yleft+facright*yright end do deallocate(xc) deallocate(yc) end subroutine interp_in_cyclic_function end module interp