! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ! But edit variables.f90 and scripts/generate.py ! Compiling and running is taken care of by the Makefile <% formats = ["a", "afafafaf", "afaiaaa", "aaafaf", "aafaf", "afaaa", "aafa", "aaaf", "afafa", "afaf", "afa", "aaf", "iiiii", "aiaiafa", "aiaiaf", "aiaiaia", "aiaiai", "aiafaf", "aiafa", "aaaiai", "aaiai", "aiai", "aiaaa", "aaai", "aii", "aai", "aaaa", "aaa", "ai", "aa", "illll", "af", "aia", "ia", "fa","aaia","aiaa", "aiaia"] %> ! ! Options for destiantion in writelog ! 's' = screen ! 'l' = log file ! 'e' = error file ! 'w' = warning file ! ! Combinations also allowed, f.i. ! 'le' = log file and error file ! 'el' ditto ! 'sel' = screen, log file and error file ! interface writelog %for format in formats: module procedure writelog_${format} %endfor end interface writelog