module soil_vegetation_module contains !===================================================================================! subroutine tau_soil_veg( par , tau_nc , tau_c) ! , fract ) ! use params use vegetation_module ! implicit none ! type(parameters) :: par !type(vegie) :: veg real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1), intent(inout) :: tau_nc real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1), intent(inout) :: tau_c real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1) :: psi2C ! [] constant real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1) :: psi2NC ! [] constant real*8 :: da ! [m] average size of particel aggregates real*8 :: cu ! [N/m2] soil undrained shear strenght real*8 :: tr ! [N/m2] root tensile strength real*8 :: RAR ! [-] root surface area ratio real*8 :: mrho ! [kg/m3] soil mean density real*8 :: delta ! [-] submerged weight real*8 :: Cr ! [N/m2] "root cohesion" real*8 :: Cf ! [N/m2] soil cohesion integer :: i,j,jg ! ! ! Soil characteristics ! cu = 10.0E03 !mrho = bc%settings%rhofrac(1)*fract(1)+bc%settings%rhofrac(2)*fract(2) mrho = par%rhos da = 0.004d0 ! ! Vegetation characteristics ! TODO: all this value have to come from some external files (check file for vegetation) RAR = 0.005d0 tr = 1966.0E03 ! ! Determination fo the constant psi2 ! delta = (mrho-par%rho)/par%rho Cf = 0.035d0*cu psi2C = tau_c/(delta*par%g*da+1.0d0/mrho*0.6d0*Cf) psi2NC = tau_nc/(delta*par%g*da+1.0d0/mrho*0.6d0*Cf) ! ! Determination of "root cohesion" ! Cr = 1.2*RAR*tr ! ! Determination of modified critical shear stress ! do j=1,par%ny+1 do i=1,par%nx+1 if (par%soilveg==1 .and. veg(1)%vegtype(i,j)==1) then tau_c(i,j) = psi2C(i,j)*(delta*par%g*da+1/mrho*(0.6d0*Cf+0.6d0*Cr)) tau_nc(i,j) = psi2NC(i,j)*(delta*par%g*da+1/mrho*(0.6d0*Cf+0.6d0*Cr)) end if end do end do ! end subroutine tau_soil_veg !===================================================================================! end module soil_vegetation_module