module sandmud_module use params ! public routines ! !public readsandmud implicit none public sandmud_erodep public erosed public eromud public erosand public sand_mud public vanRijn84 public shld public initsed public sandmud_sb_vr public tau_bed public settling contains !===================================================================================! subroutine sandmud_erodep(s,par) ! use params use spaceparams use bedcomposition_module use readbedcomposition_module, only: bc use message_module use handlearray_module ! implicit none ! include '' ! type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s type(message_stack), pointer :: messages ! message stack ! real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1),par%ngd) :: sm_ero ! [kg/m2/s] erosion rate real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1),par%ngd) :: sm_depo_ex ! [m/s] volumetric deposition flux per unit surface real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1),par%ngd) :: sm_Csedeq ! [kg/m3] equilibrium concentration real*8, dimension(par%ngd,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) :: ws ! [m/s] fall velocity real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1) :: tau_tot ! [N/m2] bottom shear stress real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1) :: U ! [m/s] velocity magnitude at cell center real*8, dimension(par%nx+1,par%ny+1) :: Chezy ! [m/1/2)/s] Chezy coefficient real*8, dimension(par%ngd,(par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: sink ! [m/s] deposition rate real*8, dimension(par%ngd,(par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: sinkf ! [m/s] deposition rate to fluff layer real*8, dimension(par%ngd,(par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: sour ! [kg/m2/s] erosion flux => [m3/m2/s] before exit the subroutine real*8, dimension(par%ngd,(par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: sourf ! [kg/m2/s] erosion flux from fluff layer real*8, dimension(par%ngd,(par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: rsedeqb ! [m3/m3] equilibrium bed concentration real*8 :: Te,kvis,Sster,cc1,cc2,wster,w integer :: i,j,jg,pos ! ! bc%settings%nmlb = 1 bc%settings%nmub = (par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1) ! ! Initialize variables s%ero = 0.d0 s%depo_ex = 0.d0 s%ceqbg = 0.d0 ! ! Compute fall velocity with expression from van Rijn (date?) ! TODO: find a version for cohesive sediment call settling(s,par,ws,bc%settings%rhofrac) ! ! Compute velocity magnitude at each cell U = s%ue**2+s%ve**2 ! ! Compute bottom shear stress at each cell ! TODO: add effect of turbulence due to wave breaking ? call tau_bed(s,par,tau_tot,s%hh,U,s%urms) ! ! Provide Chezy coefficient to all cells Chezy = par%C ! ! Determine erosion and deposition fluxes call erosed(bc , bc%settings%nmlb , bc%settings%nmub, par%dt , par%morfac , & & ws , U , s%hh , Chezy , tau_tot , & & bc%settings%nfrac, bc%settings%rhofrac, par%D50 , par%D90 , bc%settings%sedtyp, & & sink , sinkf , sour , sourf , messages , & & rsedeqb , s%R , s%cg , s%kb , s%kturb , & & s%tbore , s%cf , s%wetz , par%sedcal , s%urms , & & par ) ! ! sm_ero = transpose(sour) sm_depo_ex = transpose(sink) sm_Csedeq = transpose(rsedeqb) ! Equilibrium bed concentration (from bedload) do jg=1,bc%settings%nfrac sm_Csedeq(:,jg) = sm_Csedeq(:,jg)/bc%settings%rhofrac(jg) sm_ero(:,jg) = sm_ero(:,jg)/bc%settings%rhofrac(jg) end do ! ! Expand the rank 2-->3 and pass values to XBeach variables call handlearray(sm_ero,s%ero) call handlearray(sm_depo_ex,s%depo_ex) call handlearray(sm_Csedeq,s%ceqbg) ! end subroutine sandmud_erodep !===================================================================================! subroutine erosed(morlyr , nmlb , nmub , dt , morfac , & & ws , umod , h , chezy , taub , & & nfrac , rhosol , sedd50 , sedd90 , sedtyp , & & sink , sinkf , sour , sourf , messages , & & rsedeqb , roller , phase_vel , bed_turb , turb , & & bore , fric_coeff , wetz , sedcal , urms , & & par ) ! !! MODIFICATION: rsedeq was added among outputs of erosed ! !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: erosed.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Computes sedimentation and erosion fluxes ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use params use bedcomposition_module !use readbedcomposition_module use message_module use handlearray_module use soil_vegetation_module ! implicit none ! include '' ! integer , pointer :: flufflyr ! switch for fluff layer concept real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bfluff0 ! burial coefficient 1 [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: bfluff1 ! burial coefficient 2 [1/s] real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: mfluff ! composition of fluff layer: mass of mud fractions [kg/m2] ! type(parameters) , intent(in) :: par type(bedcomp_data) , intent(in) :: morlyr ! bed composition data integer , intent(in) :: nfrac ! number of sediment fractions integer , intent(in) :: nmlb ! first cell number integer , intent(in) :: nmub ! last cell number integer , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: sedtyp ! sediment type real(fp) , intent(in) :: dt ! time step [s] real(fp) , intent(in) :: morfac ! morphological accelaration factor real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: chezy ! Chezy coefficient for hydraulic roughness [m(1/2)/s] real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: h ! water depth [m] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: rhosol ! specific sediment density [kg/m3] ! M: MODIFICATION, sdd50 and sedd50 had dimension(nmlb:nmub) real(fp) , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: sedd50 ! 50% diameter sediment fraction [m] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: sedd90 ! 90% diameter sediment fraction [m] ! M: MODIFICATION, sedcal was not present in the orginal version real(fp) , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: sedcal ! Sediment transport calibration coefficient per grain type [-] real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: taub ! bottom shear stress [N/m2] real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: umod ! velocity magnitude (in bottom cell) [m/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(in) :: ws ! sediment settling velocity (hindered) [m/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: sink ! sediment sink flux [m/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: sinkf ! sediment sink flux fluff layer [m/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: sour ! sediment source flux [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: sourf ! sediment source flux fluff layer [kg/m2/s] type(message_stack) :: messages ! message stack ! ! Local variables ! character(message_len) :: message ! message logical :: anymud integer :: istat integer :: l ! sediment counter integer :: nm ! cell counter real(fp) :: alf1 ! calibration coefficient van Rijn (1984) [-] real(fp) :: betam ! power factor for adaptation of critical bottom shear stress [-] real(fp) :: fracf real(fp) :: mfltot real(fp) :: rksc ! reference level van Rijn (1984) [m] real(fp) :: sbot real(fp) :: smfac ! correction factor for critical bottom shear stress real(fp) :: ssus real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: mudcnt real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: mudfrac ! mud fraction [-] real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: pmcrit ! critical mud fraction [-] real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: seddep real(fp) , dimension(nfrac ) :: E ! erosion velocity [m/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: depeff ! deposition efficiency [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: depfac ! deposition factor (flufflayer=2) [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: eropar ! erosion parameter for mud [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: fixfac ! reduction factor in case of limited sediment availability [-] ! M: changed declaration of frac, before it was 'dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub)' real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub,nfrac) :: frac ! sediment (mass) fraction [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: parfluff0 ! erosion parameter 1 [s/m] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: parfluff1 ! erosion parameter 2 [ms/kg] ! M: MODIFICATION, rsedeqb was not defined real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: rsedeqb ! equilibrium bed concentration [kg/m3] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: rsedeq ! equilibrium suspended concentration [kg/m3] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: tcrdep ! critical bed shear stress for mud sedimentation [N/m2] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: tcrero ! critical bed shear stress for mud erosion [N/m2] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) :: tcrfluff ! critical bed shear stress for fluff layer erosion [N/m2] ! M: MODIFICATION ! Variables employed to relate xbeach original variables to ! sandmud_approach variables in computing sediment transport ! with sb_vr. XBeach variables contain informations on hydrodynamics real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: roller ! real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: urms ! real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: phase_vel ! real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: bed_turb ! real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: turb ! real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: bore ! real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: fric_coeff ! integer , dimension(nmlb:nmub) :: wetz ! ! M: variables to be used for Van Ledden approach with 2 sediment ! fractions, sand and mud real(fp) :: Mnc ! erosion parameter non-cohesive mixtures real(fp) :: Mc ! erosion parameter cohesive mixtures real(fp) :: tau_nc real(fp) :: tau_c ! !! executable statements ------------------ ! ! istat = 0 ! M: MODIFICATION, at the moment the fluff layer concept is not used flufflyr => morlyr%settings%flufflyr bfluff0 => morlyr%state%bfluff0 bfluff1 => morlyr%state%bfluff1 ! ! User defined parameters ! message = 'initializing fluff layer' if (istat == 0) istat = bedcomp_getpointer_integer(morlyr, 'Flufflyr' , flufflyr) if (flufflyr>0 .and. istat == 0) istat = bedcomp_getpointer_realfp (morlyr, 'mfluff' , mfluff) if (flufflyr==1) then if (istat==0) istat = bedcomp_getpointer_realfp (morlyr, 'Bfluff0' , bfluff0) if (istat==0) istat = bedcomp_getpointer_realfp (morlyr, 'Bfluff1' , bfluff1) endif if (istat /= 0) call adderror(messages, message) ! call initsed( par , nmlb , nmub , nfrac , flufflyr , & & alf1 , betam , rksc , pmcrit , bfluff0 , bfluff1 , & & depeff , depfac , eropar , parfluff0 , parfluff1 , & & tcrdep , tcrero , tcrfluff ) ! ! mudcnt = 0.0_fp anymud = .true. ! ! Determine fractions of all sediments in the top layer and compute the mud fraction. ! call getfrac(morlyr, frac, anymud, mudcnt, mudfrac, nmlb, nmub) ! ! Determine thickness of sediment ! call getsedthick(morlyr, seddep) ! ! Initialization ! fixfac = 1.0_fp rsedeq = 0.0_fp rsedeqb = 0.0_fp ! M: Added variable to track bed equilibrium concenration ssus = 0.0_fp sour = 0.0_fp sink = 0.0_fp sinkf = 0.0_fp sourf = 0.0_fp ! ! Compute change in sediment composition (e.g. based on available fractions and sediment availability) ! if (nfrac/=2) then do nm = nmlb, nmub mfltot = 0.0_fp if (flufflyr>0) then do l = 1, nfrac mfltot = mfltot + mfluff(l,nm) enddo endif do l = 1, nfrac if (sedtyp(l)==SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then ! ! Compute source and sink fluxes for cohesive sediment (mud) ! fracf = 0.0_fp if (mfltot>0.0_fp) fracf = mfluff(l,nm)/mfltot ! call eromud(ws(l,nm) , fixfac(l,nm) , taub(nm) , frac(nm,l) , fracf , & & tcrdep(l,nm) , tcrero(l,nm) , eropar(l,nm) , flufflyr , mfltot , & & tcrfluff(l,nm), depeff(l,nm) , depfac(l,nm) , parfluff0(l,nm), parfluff1(l,nm) , & & sink(l,nm) , sour(l,nm) , sinkf(l,nm) , sourf(l,nm) ) ! else ! ! Compute correction factor for critical bottom shear stress with sand-mud interaction ! if ( pmcrit(nm) > 0.0_fp ) then smfac = ( 1.0_fp + mudfrac(nm) ) ** betam else smfac = 1.0_fp endif ! ! Apply sediment transport formula ( Soulsby-VanrRijn (2007) or vanRijn (1984) ) ! ! TODO: here we are inside a loop for the sediment typolgy (ngd or nfrac) ! sb_vr and sednew determine ceqsg and ceqsb for each fraction, then ! it is necessary to create ad hoc subroutine. Temporarily they are used ! in the original version and we take only on of the fractions as output. !if (true) then !if (trim(par%form)=='soulsby_vanrijn') then call sandmud_sb_vr(roller(nm) , phase_vel(nm) , ws(l,nm) , umod(nm) , wetz(nm) , & & bed_turb(nm) , turb(nm) , bore(nm) , urms(nm) , fric_coeff(nm) , & & rsedeq(l,nm) , rsedeqb(l,nm) , rhosol(l) , h(nm) , sedd50(l) , & & sedd90(l) , sedcal(l) , smfac , par ) !elseif (trim(par%form)=='vanthiel_vanrijn') then ! call sandmud_sednew(s,par) !end if ! ! Trasform suspended sediment concentration from [m3/m3] to [kg/m3] ! to be used in erosand subroutine ! rsedeq(l,nm) = rsedeq(l,nm)*rhosol(l) !else !call vanRijn84(umod(nm) ,sedd50(l) ,sedd90(l) ,h(nm) ,ws(l,nm) , & ! & rhosol(l) ,alf1 ,rksc , & ! & sbot ,ssus ,smfac ) ! !ssus = ssus * rhosol(l) ! ! Compute reference concentration ! !if (umod(nm)*h(nm)>0.0_fp) then ! rsedeq(l,nm) = frac(l,nm) * ssus / (umod(nm)*h(nm)) !endif !end if ! ! Compute suspended sediment fluxes for non-cohesive sediment (sand) ! call erosand(umod(nm) ,chezy(nm) ,ws(l,nm) ,rsedeq(l,nm), & & sour(l,nm) ,sink(l,nm) ,wetz(nm) ) endif enddo enddo ! ! Recompute fluxes due to sand-mud interaction ! do nm = nmlb, nmub ! Compute erosion velocities E = 0.0_fp do l = 1, nfrac if (frac(nm,l)>0.0_fp) E(l) = sour(l,nm)/(rhosol(l)*frac(nm,l)) enddo ! ! Recompute erosion velocities ! call sand_mud(nfrac, E, frac(nm,:), mudfrac(nm), sedtyp, pmcrit(nm)) ! ! Recompute erosion fluxes ! do l = 1, nfrac sour(l,nm) = frac(nm,l)*rhosol(l)*E(l) enddo enddo ! ! Add implicit part of source term to sink ! do l = 1, nfrac do nm = nmlb, nmub sink(l,nm) = sink(l,nm) enddo enddo else ! ! Compute sand-mud interaction using original van Ledden approach ! do l = 1,nfrac if (sedtyp(l)/=SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then ! ! Critical erosion shear stress for pure sand ! tcrero(l,:) = par%tausand end if end do ! do nm = nmlb,nmub ! ! Erosion parameter for cohesive and non-cohesive mixtures ! call erosion_par( mudfrac(nm) , pmcrit(nm) , betam , sedd50 , eropar(:,nm) , sedtyp , & & Mnc , Mc , tcrero(:,nm) , tau_nc , tau_c , rhosol ) ! if (par%soilveg==1) then ! ! Compute the effect of vegetation in increasing critical shear stress following ! the approach by Van der Meer et al. (2007) and Tuan and Oumeraci (2012) ! call tau_soil_veg( par, tau_nc, tau_c, frac(nm,:)) ! end if ! if (mudfrac(nm)>=pmcrit(nm)) then ! ! Choesive regime ! do l = 1,nfrac ! if (sedtyp(l)==SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then ! ! Compute source and sink fluxes for cohesive sediment (mud) ! call C_mud( mudfrac(nm) , pmcrit(nm) , Mc , tau_c , ws(l,nm) , & & tcrdep(l,nm) , taub(nm) , sour(l,nm) , sink(l,nm) ) ! else ! call C_sand( ws(l,nm) , mudfrac(nm) , Mc , taub(nm) , & & tau_c , sour(l,nm) , sink(l,nm) ) ! end if end do else ! ! Non-cohesive regime ! do l = 1,nfrac ! ! Critical shear stress non-cohesive regime ! if (sedtyp(l)==SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then ! call NC_mud( mudfrac(nm) , Mnc , taub(nm) , tau_nc , & & tcrdep(l,nm) , sour(l,nm) , sink(l,nm) , ws(l,nm) ) ! else ! call NC_sand( ws(l,nm) , mudfrac(nm) , h(nm) , sedd50(l) , rhosol(l) , & & taub(nm) , tau_nc , sour(l,nm) , sink(l,nm) ) ! end if end do end if end do end if ! ! end subroutine erosed !===================================================================================! subroutine eromud(ws , fixfac , taub , frac , fracf , & & tcrdep , tcrero , eropar , flufflyr , mflufftot , & & tcrfluff , depeff , depfac , parfluff0 , parfluff1 , & & sink , sour , sinkf , sourf ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: eromud.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Computes sediment fluxes at the bed using ! the Partheniades-Krone formulations. ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! include '' ! integer , intent(in) :: flufflyr ! switch for fluff layer concept real(fp) , intent(in) :: eropar ! erosion parameter for mud [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , intent(in) :: depeff ! deposition efficiency [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: depfac ! deposition factor (flufflayer=2) [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: fixfac ! reduction factor in case of limited sediment availability [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: frac ! sediment (mass) fraction [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: fracf ! sediment (mass) fraction fluff layer [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: mflufftot ! total mass of fluff layer real(fp) , intent(in) :: parfluff0 ! erosion parameter 1 [s/m] real(fp) , intent(in) :: parfluff1 ! erosion parameter 2 [s/m] real(fp) , intent(in) :: taub ! bottom shear stress [N/m2] real(fp) , intent(in) :: tcrdep ! critical bed shear stress for mud sedimentation [N/m2] real(fp) , intent(in) :: tcrero ! critical bed shear stress for mud erosion [N/m2] real(fp) , intent(in) :: tcrfluff ! critical bed shear stress for fluff layer erosion [N/m2] real(fp) , intent(in) :: ws ! settling velocity [m/s] real(fp) , intent(out) :: sink ! sediment sink flux [m/s] real(fp) , intent(out) :: sinkf ! sediment sink flux [m/s] real(fp) , intent(out) :: sour ! sediment source flux [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , intent(out) :: sourf ! sediment source flux fluff layer [kg/m2/s] ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: taum ! !! executable statements ------------------ ! sour = 0.0_fp sourf = 0.0_fp sink = 0.0_fp sinkf = 0.0_fp ! ! Default Partheniades-Krone formula ! taum = 0.0_fp if (tcrero>0.0_fp) then taum = max(0.0_fp, taub/tcrero - 1.0_fp) endif sour = eropar * taum if (tcrdep > 0.0) then sink = max(0.0_fp , 1.0_fp-taub/tcrdep) endif ! ! Erosion and deposition to fluff layer ! if (flufflyr>0) then taum = max(0.0_fp, taub - tcrfluff) sourf = min(mflufftot*parfluff1,parfluff0)*taum sinkf = depeff sink = 0.0_fp endif if (flufflyr==2) then sinkf = (1.0_fp - depfac)*sinkf sink = depeff*depfac endif ! ! Sediment source and sink fluxes ! sink = ws * sink sinkf = ws * sinkf sour = fixfac * frac * sour sourf = fracf * sourf ! end subroutine eromud !===================================================================================! subroutine vanRijn84(utot ,d50 ,d90 ,h ,ws , & & rhosol ,alf1 ,rksc , & & sbot ,ssus ,smfac ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: vanRijn84.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! computes sediment transport according to ! van rijn (1984) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Global variables ! real(fp) , intent(in) :: alf1 real(fp) , intent(in) :: d50 ! grain size diameter (first specified diameter) real(fp) , intent(in) :: d90 ! grain size diameter (first specified diameter) real(fp) , intent(in) :: h ! water depth real(fp) , intent(in) :: rhosol ! density of sediment real(fp) , intent(in) :: rksc real(fp) , intent(out) :: sbot ! bed load transport real(fp) , intent(in) :: smfac ! factor for sand-mud interaction real(fp) , intent(out) :: ssus ! suspended sediment transport real(fp) , intent(in) :: utot ! flow velocity real(fp) , intent(in) :: ws ! settling velocity ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: a real(fp) :: ah real(fp) :: beta ! lowest level of integration interval over vertical real(fp) :: ca real(fp) :: del real(fp) :: dstar real(fp) :: fc real(fp) :: ff ! coriolis coefficient real(fp) :: ag ! gravity acceleration real(fp) :: psi real(fp) :: rhowat ! density of water real(fp) :: rmuc real(fp) :: rnu ! laminar viscosity of water real(fp) :: t ! time in seconds real(fp) :: tbc real(fp) :: tbce real(fp) :: tbcr real(fp) :: thetcr real(fp) :: ustar real(fp) :: vonkar real(fp) :: zc !! MODIFICATION: variable shld (function output) is not declared !! otherwise lead to error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _SHLD in ... !real(fp) :: shld ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! sbot = 0.0 ssus = 0.0 ! ag = 9.81_fp rhowat = 1000.0_fp del = (rhosol - rhowat) / rhowat rnu = 1e-6_fp vonkar = 0.41_fp ! if (h/rksc<1.33 .or. utot<1.E-3) then return endif ! a = rksc dstar = d50*(del*ag/rnu/rnu)**(1./3.) ! rmuc = (log10(12.*h/rksc)/log10(12.*h/3./d90))**2 fc = .24*(log10(12.*h/rksc))**( - 2) tbc = .125*rhowat*fc*utot**2 tbce = rmuc*tbc thetcr = shld(dstar) tbcr = (rhosol - rhowat)*ag*d50*thetcr*smfac t = (tbce - tbcr)/tbcr ! if (t<.000001) t = .000001 ca = .015*alf1*d50/a*t**1.5/dstar**.3 ! ustar = sqrt(.125*fc)*utot zc = 0. beta = 1. + 2.*(ws/ustar)**2 beta = min(beta, 1.5_fp) psi = 2.5*(ws/ustar)**0.8*(ca/0.65)**0.4 if (ustar>0.) zc = ws/vonkar/ustar/beta + psi if (zc>20.) zc = 20. ah = a/h fc = 0. if (abs(zc - 1.2)>1.E-4) then fc = (ah**zc - ah**1.2)/(1. - ah)**zc/(1.2 - zc) else fc = -(ah/(1. - ah))**1.2*log(ah) endif ff = fc ssus = ff*utot*h*ca ! if (t<3.) then sbot = 0.053*(del)**0.5*sqrt(ag)*d50**1.5*dstar**( - 0.3)*t**2.1 else sbot = 0.100*(del)**0.5*sqrt(ag)*d50**1.5*dstar**( - 0.3)*t**1.5 endif end subroutine vanRijn84 !===================================================================================! subroutine erosand(umod , chezy , ws , rsedeq , & & sour , sink , wetz ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: erosand.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Computes the sour and sink terms for the 2D case ! (Gallappatti aproach) ! ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! ! ! Global variables ! real(fp), intent(in) :: chezy ! Chezy coefficient for hydraulic roughness [m(1/2)/s] real(fp), intent(in) :: umod ! velocity magnitude (in bottom cell) [m/s] real(fp), intent(in) :: ws ! sediment settling velocity (hindered) [m/s] real(fp), intent(in) :: rsedeq ! equilibrium concentration [kg/m3] ! M: modification, it is used wetz to control fluxes integer, intent(in) :: wetz ! Mask for wet(1)/dry(0) cell [-] real(fp), intent(out) :: sour ! sediment source flux [m/s] real(fp), intent(out) :: sink ! sediment sink flux [m/s] ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: b real(fp) :: eps real(fp) :: hots real(fp) :: sg real(fp) :: tsd real(fp) :: u real(fp) :: ulog real(fp) :: ustarc real(fp) :: w real(fp) :: wsl real(fp) :: x real(fp) :: x2 real(fp) :: x3 ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! eps = 1.0e-6 sg = sqrt(9.81_fp) ! sour = 0.0_fp sink = 0.0_fp ! ! local bed shear stress due to currents ! ustarc = umod*sg/chezy ! wsl = max(1.0e-3_fp,ws) if (umod > eps .and. ustarc > eps) then ! ! compute relaxation time using the Gallappatti formulations ! u = ustarc/umod ! ! limit u to prevent overflow in tsd below ! u = min(u, 0.15_fp) if (ustarc > wsl) then w = wsl/ustarc else w = 1.0 endif b = 1.0 x = w/b x2 = x*x x3 = x2*x ulog = log(u) tsd = x*exp(( 1.547 - 20.12*u )*x3 & & + (326.832 *u**2.2047 - 0.2 )*x2 & & + ( 0.1385*ulog - 6.4061)*x & & + ( 0.5467*u + 2.1963) ) ! hots = wsl/tsd sour = rsedeq*hots*wetz sink = hots*wetz else sink = wsl*wetz endif end subroutine erosand !===================================================================================! subroutine sand_mud(nfrac, E, frac, mudfrac, sedtyp, pmcrit) ! !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: sand_mud.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Computes erosion velocities based ! on sand-mud interaction (Van Ledden (2003), Van Kessel (2002)) ! Array E is recomputed. ! Method used: ! ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! implicit none ! include '' ! integer , intent(in) :: nfrac ! number of sediment fractions integer , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: sedtyp ! sediment type real(fp) , dimension(nfrac) , intent(in) :: frac ! sediment (mass) fraction [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: mudfrac ! mud fraction [-] real(fp) , intent(in) :: pmcrit ! critical mud fraction [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac) , intent(inout) :: E ! sediment erosion velocity [m/s] ! ! Local variables ! integer :: istat ! error flag integer :: l ! sediment counter real(fp) :: Es_avg ! average erosion velocity for sand fractions [m/s] real(fp) :: Em_avg ! average erosion velocity for mud fractions [m/s] ! ! !! executable statements ------------------ ! ! ! No sand mud interaction if there is no mud, only mud or pmcrit<0 if (pmcrit<0.0_fp) return if (comparereal(mudfrac,0.0_fp)==0) return if (comparereal(mudfrac,1.0_fp)==0) return ! Es_avg = 0.0_fp Em_avg = 0.0_fp ! ! Compute average erosion velocity for sand fractions ! do l = 1, nfrac if (sedtyp(l)/= SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then Es_avg = Es_avg + frac(l)*E(l) endif enddo Es_avg = Es_avg/(1-mudfrac) ! if ( mudfrac <= pmcrit ) then ! ! Non-cohesive regime ! (mud is proportionally eroded with the sand) ! do l = 1, nfrac if (sedtyp(l) == SEDTYP_COHESIVE ) then if (Es_avg>0.0_fp) then E(l) = Es_avg else E(l) = 0.0_fp endif endif enddo else ! ! Cohesive regime ! ! erosion velocity for mud is interpolated between the non-cohesive and fully mud regime ! fully mud regime : mudfrac = 1 -> E(l) is not changed ! non-cohesive regime: mudfrac = pmcrit -> E(l) = Es_avg ! do l = 1, nfrac if ( sedtyp(l)==SEDTYP_COHESIVE ) then if (Es_avg>0.0_fp .and. E(l)>0.0_fp) then E(l) = E(l)*(Es_avg/E(l))**((1.0_fp-mudfrac)/(1.0_fp-pmcrit)) else E(l) = 0.0_fp endif Em_avg = Em_avg + frac(l)*E(l) endif enddo Em_avg = Em_avg/mudfrac ! ! sand is proportionally eroded with the mud ! do l = 1, nfrac if (sedtyp(l) /= SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then E(l) = Em_avg endif enddo endif end subroutine sand_mud !===================================================================================! subroutine initsed( par , nmlb , nmub , nfrac , flufflyr , & & alf1 , betam , rksc , pmcrit , bfluff0 , bfluff1 , & & depeff , depfac , eropar , parfluff0 , parfluff1 , & & tcrdep , tcrero , tcrfluff ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: initsed.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Settings of morphological parameters ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use params ! implicit none ! ! ! Global variables ! type(parameters) , intent(in) :: par integer , intent(in) :: flufflyr ! switch for fluff layer concept integer , intent(in) :: nfrac ! number of sediment fractions integer , intent(in) :: nmlb ! first cell number integer , intent(in) :: nmub ! first cell number real(fp) , intent(out) :: alf1 ! calibration coefficient van Rijn (1984) [-] real(fp) , intent(out) :: betam ! power factor for adaptation of critical bottom shear stress [-] real(fp) , intent(out) :: rksc ! reference level van Rijn (1984) [m] real(fp) , dimension(nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: pmcrit ! critical mud fraction [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: bfluff0 ! burial coefficient 1 [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: bfluff1 ! burial coefficient 2 [1/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: depeff ! deposition efficiency [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: depfac ! deposition factor (flufflayer=2) [-] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: eropar ! erosion parameter for mud [kg/m2/s] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: parfluff0 ! erosion parameter 1 [s/m] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: parfluff1 ! erosion parameter 2 [ms/kg] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: tcrdep ! critical bed shear stress for mud sedimentation [N/m2] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: tcrero ! critical bed shear stress for mud erosion [N/m2] real(fp) , dimension(nfrac,nmlb:nmub) , intent(out) :: tcrfluff ! critical bed shear stress for fluff layer erosion [N/m2] ! !! executable statements ------------------ ! ! ================================================================================ ! USER INPUT ! ================================================================================ ! ! Parameters sediment ! ! M: modification to take erosion parameters from params.txt eropar = par%Mmud ! erosion parameter for mud [kg/m2/s] tcrdep = par%taudep ! critical bed shear stress for mud sedimentation [N/m2] tcrero = par%taumud ! critical bed shear stress for mud erosion [N/m2] ! ! Parameters fluff layer ! depeff = 0.95_fp ! deposition efficiency [-] depfac = 0.2_fp ! deposition factor (flufflayer=2) [-] parfluff0 = 2.0e-1_fp ! erosion parameter 1 [s/m] parfluff1 = 1.0_fp ! erosion parameter 2 [ms/kg] tcrfluff = 0.05_fp ! critical bed shear stress for fluff layer erosion [N/m2] if (flufflyr==1) then bfluff0 = 0.0_fp ! burial coefficient 1 [kg/m2/s] bfluff1 = 0.0_fp ! burial coefficient 2 [1/s] endif ! ! Parameters sand-mud interaction ! betam = 1.0_fp ! power factor for adaptation of critical bottom shear stress [-] pmcrit = par%pmcr ! critical mud fraction [-] ! ! Parameters sediment transport formulation ! alf1 = 2.0_fp ! calibration coefficient [-] rksc = 0.1_fp ! reference level [m] ! ! ================================================================================ end subroutine initsed !===================================================================================! function shld(dstar) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: shld.f90 7697 2012-11-16 14:10:17Z boer_aj $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determines shields parameter according ! to shields curve ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Global variables ! real(fp), intent(in) :: dstar ! critical dimensionless grain size parameter real(fp) :: shld ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (dstar<=4.) then shld = 0.240/dstar elseif (dstar<=10.) then shld = 0.140/dstar**0.64 elseif (dstar<=20.) then shld = 0.040/dstar**0.10 elseif (dstar<=150.) then shld = 0.013*dstar**0.29 else shld = 0.055 endif end function shld !===================================================================================! subroutine settling(s,par,ws,rhos) use params use spaceparams implicit none type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s real*8, dimension(par%ngd) , intent(in) :: rhos real*8, dimension(par%ngd,par%nx+1,par%ny+1), intent(out) :: ws real*8 :: sd real*8 :: nu integer :: jg ! nu = 1.0040E-6 do jg = 1,par%ngd sd = (rhos(jg)-par%rho)/par%rho if (par%d50(jg)<65.0E-6) then ws(jg,:,:) = 2.5E-4 elseif (par%d50(jg)>65.0E-6 .and. par%d50(jg)<100.0E-6) then ws(jg,:,:) = (sd-1)*par%g*par%d50(jg)**2/(18.d0*nu) elseif (par%d50(jg)>=100.0E-6 .and. par%d50(jg)<1000.0E-6) then ws(jg,:,:) = 10.d0*nu/par%d50(jg)*((1+0.01d0*(sd-1)*par%g*par%d50(jg)**3.d0/nu**2.d0)**0.5d0-1) else ws(jg,:,:) = 1.1d0*((sd-1)*par%g*par%d50(jg))**0.5d0 end if end do ! end subroutine settling !===================================================================================! subroutine tau_bed(s,par,tau_tot,sm_hh,sm_U,sm_urms) use params use spaceparams use precision use handlearray_module use bedcomposition_module ! implicit none type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars) :: s type(bedcomp_data) :: bc real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)), intent(out) :: tau_tot ! [N/m2] total bed shear stress real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)), intent(in) :: sm_hh ! [m] water depth real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)), intent(in) :: sm_U ! [m/s] eulerian velocity magnitude real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: sm_urms ! [m/s] root mean squared orbital velocity ! local real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: fw ! [-] wave friction parameter real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: A ! [m] semi-orbital excursion real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: Cd ! [-] drag coefficient real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: tau_w ! [N/m2] wave bed shear stress real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: tau_c ! [N/m2] current bed shear stress real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: tau_m ! [N/m2] mean shear stress due to wave-current interaction real*8 :: phi ! [rad] angle between wave direction and current direction real*8 :: eq_d50 ! [m] equivalent grain roughness to compute the friction factor real*8, dimension((par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1)) :: hloc integer :: cellnumber,pos ! ! hloc = max(sm_hh,0.01) phi = 0.0_fp eq_d50 = 5.25E-6 cellnumber = (par%nx+1)*(par%ny+1) ! !A = sm_urms*par%Trep/(2.0_fp*par%px) !fw = 1.39_fp*(A/par%z0)**(-0.52_fp) ! do pos=1,cellnumber if (sm_urms(pos)<=0.00001_fp) then fw(pos) = 0.0_fp else fw(pos) = 1.39_fp*(sm_urms(pos)*par%Trep/(2*par%px*eq_d50))**(-0.52_fp) end if end do ! tau_w = 0.5_fp*par%rho*fw*sm_urms**2 Cd = (0.4_fp/(log(max(hloc,10.d0*par%z0)/par%z0)-1.0_fp))**2 tau_c = par%rho*Cd*sm_U**2 ! do pos=1,cellnumber if (tau_w(pos)+tau_c(pos)==0.0_fp) then tau_m(pos) = 0.0_fp else tau_m(pos) = tau_c(pos)*(1.0_fp+1.2_fp*(tau_w(pos)/(tau_w(pos)+tau_c(pos)))**3.2_fp) end if end do ! tau_tot = sqrt((tau_m+tau_w*cos(phi))**2+(tau_w*sin(phi))**2) end subroutine tau_bed !===================================================================================! subroutine sandmud_sb_vr(roller , phase_vel , ws , umod , wetz , & & bed_turb , turb , bore , urms , fric_coeff , & & eqcs , eqcb , rhosoil , depth , myd50 , & & myd90 , sedcal , smfac , par ) !use params implicit none type(parameters) :: par real*8 , intent(in) :: roller real*8 , intent(in) :: phase_vel real*8 , intent(in) :: ws real*8 , intent(in) :: umod real*8 :: bed_turb real*8 , intent(in) :: turb real*8 , intent(in) :: bore real*8 , intent(in) :: urms real*8 , intent(in) :: fric_coeff real*8 , intent(in) :: rhosoil real*8 , intent(in) :: depth real*8 , intent(in) :: myd50 real*8 , intent(in) :: myd90 real*8 , intent(in) :: sedcal integer, intent(in) :: wetz real*8 , intent(in) :: smfac real*8 , intent(out) :: eqcs real*8 , intent(out) :: eqcb ! local real*8 :: ML real*8 :: hloc real*8 :: dcfin real*8 :: dcf real*8 :: vmg real*8 :: urms2 real*8 :: Ts real*8 :: Ucr real*8 :: Cd real*8 :: Asb real*8 :: Ass real*8 :: delta real*8 :: term1 real*8 :: term2 real*8 :: dster ! hloc = max(depth,0.01) vmg = 0.d0 delta = (rhosoil-par%rho)/par%rho dster = (delta*par%g/1.d-12)**(1.d0/3.d0)*myd50 ! ! Wave breaking induced turbulence due to short waves ! Compute mixing length ! ML = sqrt(2*roller*par%Trep/(rhosoil*phase_vel)) ML = min(ML,hloc) dcfin = exp(min(100.d0,hloc/max(ML,0.01d0))) dcf = min(1.d0,1.d0/(dcfin-1.d0)) ! ! Turbulence ! bed_turb = turb*dcf if (trim(par%turb)=='bore_averaged') then bed_turb = bed_turb*par%Trep/bore end if ! ! Including long wave stirring ! if (par%lws==1) then vmg = umod elseif (par%lws==0) then vmg = (1.d0-1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt)*vmg + (1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt)*umod end if ! urms2 = urms**2+1.45d0*bed_turb ! Ts = par%tsfac*hloc/ws Ts = max(Ts,par%Tsmin) ! ! Determination of critical velocity ! if (myd50<=0.0005d0) then Ucr = 0.19d0*myd50**0.1d0*log10(4.d0*hloc/myd90) else if (myd50<=0.05d0) then Ucr = 8.5d0*myd50**0.6d0*log10(4.d0*hloc/myd90) else Ucr = 10 write(*,'(a,i4)') 'In process' end if ! ! Account for the presence of mud in affecting critical shear stress ! in case of non-cohesive sand-mud mixtures ! Ucr = Ucr*sqrt(smfac) ! ! Drag coefficient ! Cd = (0.40d0/(log(max(hloc,10.d0*par%z0)/par%z0)-1.0d0))**2 ! ! Transport parameters ! Asb = 0.005d0*hloc*(myd50/hloc/(delta*par%g*myd50))**1.2d0 ! bed load coefficent Ass = 0.012d0*myd50*dster**(-0.6d0)/(delta*par%g*myd50)**1.2d0 ! suspended load coeffient term1 = (vmg**2+0.018/Cd*par%sws*urms2) term1 = min(term1,par%smax*par%g/fric_coeff*myd50*delta) term1 = sqrt(term1) term2 = 0.d0 if (term1>Ucr .and. depth>par%eps) then term2 = (term1-Ucr)**2.4d0 end if ! ! Deterination of equilibrium sediment concentrations ! eqcb = Asb*term2 eqcb = min(eqcb/hloc,par%cmax/2) ! maximum equilibrium bed concentration eqcb = (1-par%bulk)*eqcb*sedcal*wetz eqcs = Ass*term2 eqcs = min(eqcs/hloc,par%cmax/2) ! maximum equilibrium suspended concentration eqcs = (eqcs+par%bulk*eqcs)*sedcal*wetz ! end subroutine sandmud_sb_vr !===================================================================================! subroutine erosion_par( pm , pmcr , betam , sedd50 , eropar , sedtyp , & & Mnc , Mc , tcr , tau_nc , tau_c , rhosol ) use precision implicit none include '' real*8, intent(in) :: pm ! [-] actual mud fraction real*8, intent(in) :: pmcr ! [-] critical mud fraction real*8, dimension(2), intent(in) :: sedd50 ! [m] sediment diameter real*8, dimension(2), intent(in) :: tcr ! [N/m2] critical shear stress real*8, dimension(2), intent(in) :: eropar ! [] erosion parameter real*8, dimension(2), intent(in) :: rhosol ! [] soil density integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: sedtyp ! sediment type real*8, intent(out) :: Mnc ! [] erosion parameter non-cohesive regime real*8, intent(out) :: Mc ! [] erosion parameter cohesive regime real*8, intent(out) :: tau_nc ! [N/m2] critical shear stress non-cohesive mixtures real*8, intent(out) :: tau_c ! [N/m2] critical shear stress cohesive mixtures real*8 :: betam real*8 :: alfa real*8 :: nu ! [m2/s] kinematic viscosity real*8 :: myd50 real*8 :: mytcr_s real*8 :: mytcr_m real*8 :: rho_sand real*8 :: rho_mud real*8 :: Me ! [kg/m2/s] erosion parameter pure mud real*8 :: Dstar real*8 :: expon real*8 :: rhow real*8 :: sr real*8 :: g integer :: l ! ! do l = 1,2 if (sedtyp(l)/=SEDTYP_COHESIVE) then myd50 = sedd50(l) mytcr_s = tcr(l) rho_sand = rhosol(l) else mytcr_m = tcr(l) Me = eropar(l) rho_mud = rhosol(l) end if end do ! g = 9.806d0 rhow = 1025.d0 sr = rho_sand/rhow alfa = 0.075d0 nu = 1.0040E-6 Dstar = myd50*((sr-1)*g/nu**2)**(1.d0/3.d0) Mnc = alfa*sqrt((sr-1)*g*myd50)/(Dstar**0.9) Mnc = 0.05d0 ! expon = (1-pm)/(1-pmcr) Mc = Me*(Mnc/Me/(1-pmcr))**expon ! ! tau_c = (mytcr_s*(1+pmcr)**betam-mytcr_m)/(1-pmcr)*(1-pm)+mytcr_m tau_nc = mytcr_s*(1+pm)**betam ! end subroutine erosion_par !===================================================================================! subroutine C_mud( pm , pmcr , Mc , tau_cr , ws , & & tcrdep , taub , sour , sink ) implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: pm ! [-] actual mud fraction real*8, intent(in) :: pmcr ! [-] critical mud fraction real*8, intent(in) :: Mc ! [] erosion parameter for cohesive mixtures real*8, intent(in) :: tau_cr ! [N/m2] critical shear stress real*8, intent(in) :: tcrdep ! [N/m2] critical shear stress for deposition real*8, intent(in) :: taub ! [N/m2] bottom shear stress real*8, intent(in) :: ws ! [N/m2] bottom shear stress real*8, intent(out) :: sour ! [kg/m2/s] erosion flux real*8, intent(out) :: sink ! [m/s] deposition rate real*8 :: taum ! ! sour = 0.d0 sink = 0.d0 ! taum = 0.d0 if (tau_cr>0.d0) then taum = max(0.d0,taub/tau_cr-1) end if ! ! Erosion flux for mud cohesive regime ! sour = pm*Mc*taum ! if (tcrdep>0.d0) then sink = max(0.d0,1-taub/tcrdep) end if ! sink = ws*sink ! end subroutine C_mud !===================================================================================! subroutine C_sand( ws , pm , Mc , taub , & & tau_cr , sour , sink ) implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: ws ! [m/s] sand settling veocity real*8, intent(in) :: pm ! [-] actual mud fraction real*8, intent(in) :: Mc ! [] erosion parameter cohesive mixtures real*8, intent(in) :: taub ! [N/m2] bed shear stress real*8, intent(in) :: tau_cr ! [N/m2] critical shear stress real*8, intent(out) :: sour ! [kg/m2/s] erosion flux real*8, intent(out) :: sink ! [m/s] deposition rate real*8 :: taum ! ! taum = 0.d0 if (tau_cr>0.d0) then taum = max(0.d0,taub/tau_cr-1) end if ! ! Sand is proportionally eroded with mud in cohesive regime ! sour = (1-pm)*Mc*taum ! ! TODO: fix this, choosing a formulation for sand settling sink = ws*1 ! end subroutine C_sand !===================================================================================! subroutine NC_mud( pm , Mnc , taub , tau_cr , & & tcrdep , sour , sink , ws ) ! ! FIX THIS: SHOULDN'T MUD BE ERODED PROPORTIONALLY TO SAND IN ! NON COHESIVE REGIME ? ! implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: pm real*8, intent(in) :: Mnc real*8, intent(in) :: taub real*8, intent(in) :: tau_cr real*8, intent(in) :: tcrdep real*8, intent(in) :: ws real*8, intent(out) :: sour real*8, intent(out) :: sink real*8 :: taum ! ! taum = 0.d0 if (tau_cr>0.d0) then taum = max(0.d0,taub/tau_cr-1) end if ! ! Erosion flux for mud non-cohesive regime ! sour = pm/(1-pm)*Mnc*taum ! if (tcrdep>0.d0) then sink = max(0.d0,1-taub/tcrdep) end if ! sink = sink*ws ! end subroutine NC_mud !===================================================================================! subroutine NC_sand( ws , pm , h , myd50 , rhosand , & & taub , tau_cr , sour , sink ) implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: ws real*8, intent(in) :: pm real*8, intent(in) :: h real*8, intent(in) :: myd50 real*8, intent(in) :: rhosand real*8, intent(in) :: taub real*8, intent(in) :: tau_cr real*8, intent(out) :: sour real*8, intent(out) :: sink real*8 :: taum real*8 :: Dstar real*8 :: alfa real*8 :: nu real*8 :: g real*8 :: sr ! ! g = 9.806 sr = rhosand/g alfa = 1.0E-5 nu = 1.0040E-6 Dstar = myd50*((sr-1)*g/nu**2)*(1.d0/3.d0) ! taum = 0.d0 if (tau_cr>0.d0) then taum = max(0.d0,taub/tau_cr-1) end if ! ! Erosion flux for sand non-cohesive regime ! sour = (1-pm)*ws*1.5d0*(myd50/h/Dstar**0.3)*taum**1.5d0 ! ! TODO: fix this, choosing a formulation for sand settling sink = ws*1 ! end subroutine NC_sand !===================================================================================! end module sandmud_module