! These parameters are constants, variables read from params.txt, or are scalars derived directly from read input ! ! Please maintain current setup of type declaration in order to allow parsing of this file by script readers, ! such as the function "xb_get_params" in OpenEarth (http://public.deltares.nl/display/OET/OpenEarth). ! ! Rules are: ! - All lowercase, except real comments ! - [Section] markers indicate new sets of parameters, followed by the name of the set ! - Fortran declaration always as "kind :: name = initial value" ! - No spaces in initial value (no ' ', but '') ! - After the declaration of a variable add exclamation mark, followed by [unit] and decription. ! If the parameter is essentially only for advanced users, follow the unit declation by "(advanced)" ! If the parameter is deprecated, but still used for backwards-compatibility, follow the unit declation by "(deprecated)" ! - Description of a variable may continue on a new line as long as the first character is "!" and the ! position of the first "!" is greater than 50 characters from the start of the line. Best practice ! is to keep in line with the start of the description on the line above. ! - Please keep the declaration of "globalvars", "meanvars" and "pointvars" on the line directly after their respective related size ! parameter declaration (i.e. declaration of "nglobalvars", "nmeanvar" and "npointvar"). This is needed for the autogeneration of ! parameters.inc and subsequent params.dat file. ! - To enable parsing of "all_input" subroutine please only use "if () then, ... , endif/else/elseif" blocks, ! rather than one line "if () ..." commands in the "all_input" subroutine. ! ! type name initialize ! [unit] (advanced/deprecated) description ! [Section] Use of default sets integer :: useXBeachGSettings = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Use XBeach-G default settings for all non-specified parameters ! [Section] Physical processes integer :: wavemodel = -123 ! [-] Stationary (0), surfbeat (1) or non-hydrostatic (2) character(slen) :: wavemodel_str = '' ! integer :: cyclic = -123 ! [-] Turn on cyclic boundary conditions integer :: swave = -123 ! [-] Turn on short waves integer :: lwave = -123 ! [-] Turn on short wave forcing on NLSW equations and boundary conditions integer :: flow = -123 ! [-] Turn on flow calculation integer :: sedtrans = -123 ! [-] Turn on sediment transport integer :: morphology = -123 ! [-] Turn on morphology integer :: avalanching = -123 ! [-] Turn on avalanching integer :: nonh = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on non-hydrostatic pressure: 0 = NSWE, 1 = NSW + non-hydrostatic pressure compensation Stelling & Zijlema, 2003 integer :: gwflow = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on groundwater flow integer :: q3d = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on quasi-3D sediment transport integer :: swrunup = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on short wave runup integer :: ships = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on ship waves integer :: vegetation = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on interaction of waves and flow with vegetation integer :: snells = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on Snell's law for wave refraction integer :: single_dir = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on stationary model for refraction, surfbeat based on mean direction integer :: bchwiz = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on beachwizard integer :: setbathy = -123 ! [-] Turn on timeseries of prescribed bathy input integer :: viscosity = -123 ! [-] Include viscosity in flow solver integer :: advection = -123 ! [-] Include advection in flow solver integer :: wind = -123 ! [-] Include wind in flow solver integer :: rainfall = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off rainfall ! [Section] Grid parameters character(slen) :: depfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the input bathymetry file double precision :: posdwn = -123 ! [-] Bathymetry is specified positive down (1) or positive up (-1) integer :: nx = -123 ! [-] Number of computational cell corners in x-direction integer :: ny = -123 ! [-] Number of computational cell corners in y-direction integer :: nz = -123 ! [-] Number of computational cells in z-direction double precision :: alfa = -123 ! [deg] Angle of x-axis from East integer :: vardx = -123 ! [-] Switch for variable grid spacing double precision :: dx = -123 ! [m] Regular grid spacing in x-direction double precision :: dy = -123 ! [m] Regular grid spacing in y-direction character(slen) :: xfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the file containing x-coordinates of the calculation grid character(slen) :: yfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the file containing y-coordinates of the calculation grid double precision :: xori = -123 ! [m] X-coordinate of origin of axis double precision :: yori = -123 ! [m] Y-coordinate of origin of axis double precision :: thetamin = -123 ! [deg] Lower directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis) double precision :: thetamax = -123 ! [deg] Higher directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis) double precision :: dtheta = -123 ! [deg] Directional resolution double precision :: dtheta_s = -123 ! [deg] Directional resolution in case of stationary refraction integer :: thetanaut = -123 ! [-] Switch to specify thetamin and thetamax in nautical convention rather than cartesian integer :: gridform = -123 ! [name] Grid definition format character(slen) :: xyfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the file containing Delft3D xy-coordinates of the calculation grid character(slen) :: gridform_str = '' ! [name] Grid definition format ! [Section] Model time double precision :: tstop = -123 ! [s] Stop time of simulation, in morphological time double precision :: CFL = -123 ! [-] Maximum Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number double precision :: dtset = -123 ! [-] Fixed timestep, overrides use of CFL integer :: defuse = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on timestep explosion prevention mechanism double precision :: maxdtfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Maximum increase/decrease in time stp in explosion prevention mechanism character(slen) :: tunits = 's' ! [-] (advanced) Time units in udunits format (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.00 +1:00) ! [Section] Physical constants double precision :: g = -123 ! [ms^-2] Gravitational acceleration double precision :: rho = -123 ! [kgm^-3] Density of water double precision :: depthscale = -123 ! [-] (advanced) depthscale of (lab)test simulated, affects eps, hmin, hswitch and dzmax ! [Section] Initial conditions double precision :: zs0 = -123 ! [m] Inital water level character(slen) :: zsinitfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of inital water level file integer :: hotstartflow = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for hotstart flow conditions with pressure gradient balanced by wind and bed stress integer :: hotstart = -123 ! [-] Switch to turn on hotstart from files integer :: hotstartfileno = -123 ! [-] Hotstart file number to read ! [Section] Wave boundary condition parameters integer :: wbctype = -123 ! [name] New wave boundary condition type character(slen) :: wbctype_str = '' ! [-] integer :: instat = -123 ! [name] Old wave boundary condition type character(slen) :: instat_str = '' ! [-] Wave boundary condition type double precision :: taper = -123 ! [s] Spin-up time of wave boundary conditions, in morphological time double precision :: Hrms = -123 ! [m] Hrms wave height for wbctype = params or singledir=1 double precision :: Tm01 = -123 ! [s] (deprecated) Old name for Trep double precision :: Trep = -123 ! [s] Representative wave period for wbctype = params, ts_1, ts_2 or singledir = 1 double precision :: Tlong = -123 ! [s] Wave group period for case instat = bichrom double precision :: dir0 = -123 ! [deg] Mean wave direction for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 (nautical convention) double precision :: nmax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) maximum ratio of cg/c for computing long wave boundary conditions integer :: m = -123 ! [-] Power in cos^m directional distribution for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 integer :: lateralwave = -123 ! [name] Switch for lateral boundary at left character(slen) :: lateralwave_str = '' integer :: leftwave = -123 ! [-] (deprecated) old name for lateralwave character(slen) :: leftwave_str = '' ! [-] old name for lateralwave integer :: rightwave = -123 ! [-] (deprecated) old name for lateralwave character(slen) :: rightwave_str = '' ! [-] old name for lateralwav integer :: bclwonly = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) switch to run boundary conditions with long waves only integer :: Sfold = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) switch to run secoond order boundary conditions with Sf instead of Sfp ! [Section] Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters character(slen) :: bcfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of spectrum file integer :: random = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable random seed for instat = jons, swan or vardens boundary conditions double precision :: fcutoff = -123 ! [Hz] (advanced) Low-freq cutoff frequency for instat = jons, swan or vardens boundary conditions integer :: nspr = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable long wave direction forced into centres of short wave bins double precision :: trepfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Compute mean wave period over energy band: par%trepfac*maxval(Sf) for instat jons, swan or vardens; converges to Tm01 for trepfac = 0.0 and double precision :: sprdthr = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Threshold ratio to maximum value of S above which spectrum densities are read in integer :: correctHm0 = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable Hm0 correction integer :: Tm01switch = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable Tm01 rather than Tm-10 double precision :: rt = -123 ! [s] Duration of wave spectrum at offshore boundary, in morphological time double precision :: dtbc = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Timestep used to describe time series of wave energy and long wave flux at offshore boundary (not affected by morfac) double precision :: dthetaS_XB = -123 ! [deg] (advanced) The (counter-clockwise) angle in the degrees needed to rotate from the x-axis in SWAN to the x-axis pointing East integer :: nspectrumloc = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of input spectrum locations integer :: wbcversion = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Version of wave boundary conditions integer :: nonhspectrum = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Spectrum format for wave action balance of nonhydrostatic waves integer :: cyclicdiradjust = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to turn on or off adjustment of wave directions at boundary in cyclic model double precision :: wbcEvarreduce = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) factor to reduce temporal variance of the surf-beat wave signal double precision :: wbcQvarreduce = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) factor to reduce temporal variance of the surf-beat wave signal integer :: wbcScaleEnergy = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) scale surf-beat energy time series to exactly input Hm0 integer :: wbcRemoveStokes = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) remove net discharge from surf-beat boundary condition time series ! [Section] Flow boundary condition parameters integer :: front = -123 ! [name] Switch for seaward flow boundary character(slen) :: front_str = '' ! integer :: left = -123 ! [name] Switch for lateral boundary at ny+1 character(slen) :: left_str = '' ! integer :: right = -123 ! [name] Switch for lateral boundary at 0 character(slen) :: right_str = '' ! integer :: back = -123 ! [name] Switch for boundary at bay side character(slen) :: back_str = '' ! integer :: ARC = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for active reflection compensation at seaward boundary double precision :: order = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for order of wave steering, ! first order wave steering (short wave energy only), second oder wave steering (bound long wave corresponding to short wave forcing is added) integer :: highcomp = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for including the bound super harmonics in the boundary conditions, integer :: freewave = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for free wave propagation 0 = use cg (default); 1 = use sqrt(gh) in instat = ts_2 double precision :: epsi = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Ratio of mean current to time varying current through offshore boundary integer :: nc = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Smoothing distance for estimating umean (defined as nr of cells) integer :: tidetype = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Switch for offfshore boundary, velocity boundary or instant water level boundary character(slen) :: tidetype_str = '' ! [-] (advanced) Switch for offfshore boundary, velocity boundary or instant water level boundary (default) ! [Section] Tide boundary conditions character(slen) :: zs0file = 'abc' ! [file] Name of tide boundary condition series integer :: tideloc = -123 ! [-] Number of corner points on which a tide time series is specified integer :: paulrevere = -123 ! [name] Specifies tide on sea and land or two sea points if tideloc = 2 character(slen) :: paulrevere_str = '' ! ! if tideloc =>2, then this indicates where the time series are to be ! applied. Input for tidal information to xbeach options (3): ! 1. one tidal record --> specify tidal record everywhere ! 2. two tidal records --> Need to specify keyword 'paulrevere' ! paulrevere=='land' implies to apply one tidal record to ! both sea corners and one tidal record to both land corners ! paulrevere=='sea' implies to apply the first tidal record ! (column 2 in zs0input.dat) to the (x=1,y=1) sea corner and ! the second tidal record (third column) to the (x=1,y=N) sea corner ! 3. four tidal records --> Need to list tidal records in ! zs0input.dat in order of: ! (x=1,y=1) ! (x=1,y=N) ! (x=N,y=N) ! (x=N,y=1) ! NOTE: clockwise from (1,1) corner ! [Section] Flow discharge boundary conditions integer :: ndischarge = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of discharge locations integer :: ntdischarge = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Length of discharge time series character(slen) :: disch_loc_file = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of discharge locations file character(slen) :: disch_timeseries_file = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of discharge timeseries file ! [Section] Wave breaking parameters integer :: break = -123 ! [name] Type of breaker formulation character(slen) :: break_str = '' ! [-] Type of breaker formulation (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted, 4=roelvink on/off breaking) double precision :: gamma = -123 ! [-] Breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation double precision :: gamma2 = -123 ! [-] End of breaking parameter in Roelvink Daly formulation double precision :: alpha = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Wave dissipation coefficient in Roelvink formulation double precision :: n = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Power in Roelvink dissipation model double precision :: gammax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum ratio wave height to water depth integer :: rollergammax = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch on/off gammax on roller energy double precision :: delta = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Fraction of wave height to add to water depth double precision :: deltahmin = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Fraction of wave height to add to water depth for hmin double precision :: wavfriccoef = -123 ! [-] Wave friction coefficient character(slen) :: wavfricfile = 'abc' ! [file] Wave friction file double precision :: fwcutoff = -123 ! [-] Depth greater than which the bed friction factor is not applied double precision :: breakerdelay = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable breaker delay model integer :: shoaldelay = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable shoaling delay double precision :: facsd = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) fraction of the local wave length to use for shoaling delay depth double precision :: facrun = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) calibration coefficient for short wave runup ! [Section] Roller parameters integer :: roller = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable roller model double precision :: beta = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Breaker slope coefficient in roller model integer :: rfb = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to feed back maximum wave surface slope in roller energy balance, otherwise rfb = par%Beta ! [Section] Wave-current interaction parameters integer :: wci = -123 ! [-] Turns on wave-current interaction double precision :: hwci = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Minimum depth until which wave-current interaction is used double precision :: hwcimax = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Maximum depth until which wave-current interaction is used double precision :: cats = -123 ! [Trep] (advanced) Current averaging time scale for wci, in terms of mean wave periods ! [Section] Flow parameters integer :: bedfriction = -123 ! [name] Bed friction formulation character(slen) :: bedfriction_str = '' ! double precision :: bedfriccoef = -123 ! [-] Bed friction coefficient character(slen) :: bedfricfile = 'abc' ! [file] Bed friction file (valid for all bed friction coefficients) integer :: dynamrough = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable dynamic updating of roughness field double precision :: dstem = -123 ! [m] stemheight double precision :: droot = -123 ! [m] rootdepth double precision :: maxcf = -123 ! [-] max dimensionless friction coefficient (only for Manning and White-Colebrook) double precision :: nuh = -123 ! [m^2s^-1] Horizontal background viscosity double precision :: nuhfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Viscosity switch for roller induced turbulent horizontal viscosity double precision :: nuhv = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Longshore viscosity enhancement factor, following Svendsen (?) integer :: smag = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for smagorinsky subgrid model for viscocity integer*4 :: friction_infiltration = -123 ! [-] turn on or off the effect of infiltration on bed roughness (Conley and Inman) integer*4 :: friction_turbulence = -123 ! [-] turn on or off the effect of turbulence on bed roughness (Reniers Van Thiel) integer*4 :: friction_acceleration = -123 ! [-] turn on or off the effect of acceleration on bed roughness (Morrison) character(slen) :: friction_acceleration_str= '' ! double precision :: gamma_turb = -123 ! [-] calibration factor for turbulence contribution to bed roughness ! [Section] Coriolis force parameters double precision :: wearth = -123 ! [hour^-1] (advanced) Angular velocity of earth calculated as: 1/rotation_time (in hours) double precision :: lat = -123 ! [deg] (advanced) Latitude at model location for computing Coriolis ! [Section] Wind parameters double precision :: rhoa = -123 ! [kgm^-3] (advanced) Air density double precision :: Cd = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Wind drag coefficient double precision :: windv = -123 ! [ms^-1] Wind velocity, in case of stationary wind double precision :: windth = -123 ! [deg] Nautical wind direction, in case of stationary wind character(slen) :: windfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of file with non-stationary wind data ! [Section] Rain parameters double precision :: rainfallrate = -123 ! [mmhr^-1] (advanced) Uniform, stationary rainfall rate in mm/hr character(slen) :: rainfallratefile = 'abc' ! [file] Rainfall rate file (also in mm/hr) integer :: nrainfallrate = -123 ! [-] Number of prescribed rainfall updates in rainfall rate file ! [Section] Groundwater parameters double precision :: kx = -123 ! [ms^-1] (advanced) Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in x-direction double precision :: ky = -123 ! [ms^-1] (advanced) Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in y-direction double precision :: kz = -123 ! [ms^-1] (advanced) Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in z-direction double precision :: dwetlayer = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Thickness of the top soil layer interacting more freely with the surface water double precision :: aquiferbot = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Level of uniform aquifer bottom character(slen) :: aquiferbotfile = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of the aquifer bottom file double precision :: gw0 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Level initial groundwater level character(slen) :: gw0file = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of initial groundwater level file integer :: gwnonh = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to turn on or off non-hydrostatic pressure for groundwater integer :: gwfastsolve = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Reduce full 2D non-hydrostatic solution to quasi-explicit in longshore direction integer :: gwscheme = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Scheme for momentum equation character(slen) :: gwscheme_str = '' ! double precision :: gwReturb = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Reynolds number for start of turbulent flow in case of gwscheme = turbulent integer :: gwheadmodel = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Model to use for vertical groundwater head character(slen) :: gwheadmodel_str = '' ! integer :: gwhorinfil = -123 ! [-] (advanced) switch to include horizontal infiltration from surface water to groundwater ! [Section] Q3D sediment transport parameters double precision :: vonkar = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) von Karman constant double precision :: vicmol = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) molecular viscosity integer :: kmax = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Number of sigma layers in Quasi-3D model; kmax = 1 is without vertical structure of flow and suspensions double precision :: sigfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) dsig scales with log(sigfac) double precision :: deltar = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) estimated ripple height double precision :: rwave = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) user-defined wave roughness adjustment factor ! [Section] Non-hydrostatic correction parameters integer :: solver = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Solver used to solve the linear system character(slen) :: solver_str = '' ! integer :: solver_maxit = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum number of iterations in the linear sip solver double precision :: solver_acc = -123 ! [-] (advanced) accuracy with respect to the right-hand side used ! in the following termination criterion: ! ||b-Ax || < acc*||b|| double precision :: solver_urelax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Underrelaxation parameter double precision :: kdmin = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Minimum value of kd (pi/dx > min(kd)) double precision :: dispc = -123 ! [?] (advanced) Coefficient in front of the vertical pressure gradient double precision :: Topt = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Absolute period to optimize coefficient integer :: nhbreaker = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Non-hydrostatic breaker model double precision :: breakviscfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Factor to increase viscosity during breaking double precision :: maxbrsteep = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum wave steepness criterium double precision :: secbrsteep = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Secondary maximum wave steepness criterium double precision :: reformsteep = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Wave steepness criterium to reform after breaking double precision :: breakvisclen = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Ratio between local depth and length scale in extra breaking viscosity integer :: nonhq3d = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off the the reduced two-layer nonhydrostatic model, default = 0 double precision :: nhlay = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Layer distribution in the nonhydrostatic model, default = 0.33 ! [Section] Bed composition parameters double precision :: rhos = -123 ! [kgm^-3] Solid sediment density (no pores) integer :: ngd = -123 ! [-] Number of sediment classes integer :: nd = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of computational layers in the bed double precision :: dzg1 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Thickness of top sediment class layers double precision :: dzg2 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Nominal thickness of variable sediment class layer double precision :: dzg3 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Thickness of bottom sediment class layers double precision :: por = -123 ! [-] Porosity double precision :: D15(99) = -123 ! [m] D15 grain size per grain type double precision :: D50(99) = -123 ! [m] D50 grain size per grain type double precision :: D90(99) = -123 ! [m] D90 grain size per grain type double precision :: ws = 0.02d0 ! [m/s] average fall velocity (is computed in morphevolution) double precision :: sedcal(99) = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Sediment transport calibration coefficient per grain type double precision :: ucrcal(99) = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Critical velocity calibration coefficient per grain type ! [Section] Sediment transport parameters integer :: waveform = -123 ! [name] Wave shape model character(slen) :: waveform_str = '' ! integer :: form = -123 ! [name] Equilibrium sediment concentration formulation character(slen) :: form_str = '' ! integer :: sws = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable short wave and roller stirring and undertow integer :: lws = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable long wave stirring double precision :: BRfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor surface slope double precision :: facsl = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Factor bedslope effect double precision :: z0 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Zero flow velocity level in Soulsby and van Rijn (1997) sediment concentration double precision :: smax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum Shields parameter for equilibrium sediment concentration acc. Diane Foster double precision :: tsfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Coefficient determining Ts = tsfac * h/ws in sediment source term double precision :: facua = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness and asymmetry double precision :: facSk = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness double precision :: facAs = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry integer :: turbadv = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Switch to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence character(slen) :: turbadv_str = '' ! integer :: turb = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Switch to include short wave turbulence character(slen) :: turb_str = '' ! double precision :: Tbfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor for bore interval Tbore: Tbore = Tbfac*Tbore double precision :: Tsmin = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Minimum adaptation time scale in advection diffusion equation sediment integer :: lwt = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable long wave turbulence double precision :: betad = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence character(slen) :: swtable = 'abc' ! [-] (deprecated)Name of intra short wave assymetry and skewness table integer :: sus = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor for suspensions transports double precision :: ws_nonh = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Option to control fall velocity ws in non-hydrostatic module integer :: bed = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor for bed transports integer :: bulk = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to compute bulk transport rather than bed and suspended load separately double precision :: facDc = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Option to control sediment diffusion coefficient double precision :: jetfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Option to mimic turbulence production near revetments integer :: fallvelred = -123 ! [-] Switch to reduce fall velocity for high concentrations integer :: dilatancy = -123 ! [-] Switch to reduce critical shields number due dilatancy double precision :: rheeA = -123 ! [-] A parameter in the Van Rhee expression double precision :: pormax = -123 ! [-] Max porosity used in the experession of Van Rhee double precision :: reposeangle = -123 ! [deg] Angle of internal friction integer :: bdslpeffmag = -123 ! [name] Modify the magnitude of the sediment transport based on the bed slope, uses facsl integer :: bdslpeffini = -123 ! [name] Modify the critical shields parameter based on the bed slope integer :: bdslpeffdir = -123 ! [name] Modify the direction of the sediment transport based on the bed slope double precision :: bdslpeffdirfac = -123 ! [-] Calibration factor in the modification of the direction double precision :: ci = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Mass coefficient in Shields inertia term double precision :: phit = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Phase lag angle in Nielsen transport equation integer*4 :: incldzdx = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off dzsdx term in Shields integer*4 :: inclrelweight = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off infilitration/exfiltration effect on particle weight integer*4 :: streaming = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off streaming contribution in Nielsen 2006 real*8 :: uprushfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Factor to increase uprush transport real*8 :: backwashfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Factor to increase backwash transport real*8 :: yturb = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) factor for distribution of near-bed turbulence into bed load and suspended load transport real*8 :: facthr = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) multiplication factor for numerically estimated long wave roller thickness integer :: sedfricfac = -123 ! [name] (advanced,silent) Wave shape model character(slen) :: sedfricfac_str = '' ! real*8 :: Arms = -123 ! [m] (advanced,silent) swash excursion for Nielsen expression real*8 :: Ctrans = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Constant in Nielsen expression (default=12, could be 20) integer*4 :: slopecorr = -123 ! [name] (advanced,silent) which slope correction used in nielsen formula: 'nielsen' (2002) or hughes&masselink (xxxx) ('hughes_masselink') character(slen) :: slopecorr_str = '' ! real*8 :: fsed = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) constant sediment friction factor integer*4 :: phaselag = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) 1 = phase lag, 0 = no phase lag real*8 :: thetcr = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) critical shields param integer*4 :: bermslopetransport = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off bermslope swash transport model integer*4 :: bermslopebed = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off bermslope swash transport model for bed load integer*4 :: bermslopesus = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off bermslope swash transport model for suspended load double precision :: bermslope = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Swash zone slope for (semi-) reflective beaches double precision :: bermslopefac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Bed slope transport factor for bermslope model double precision :: bermslopegamma = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Wave height - water depth ratio to turn on bermslope model in surf-beat double precision :: bermslopedepth = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Water depth to turn on on bermslope model in stationary and nonh double precision :: alfaD50 = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) additional sensitivity to D50, similar to DUROS-TA ! [Section] Morphology parameters double precision :: morfac = -123 ! [-] Morphological acceleration factor integer :: morfacopt = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to adjusting output times for morfac double precision :: morstart = -123 ! [s] Start time morphology, in morphological time double precision :: morstop = -123 ! [s] Stop time morphology, in morphological time double precision :: wetslp = -123 ! [-] Critical avalanching slope under water (dz/dx and dz/dy) double precision :: dryslp = -123 ! [-] Critical avalanching slope above water (dz/dx and dz/dy) double precision :: lsgrad = -123 ! [1/m] Factor to include longshore transport gradient in 1D simulations ! dSy/dy=lsgrad*Sy; dimension 1/length scale of longshore gradients double precision :: hswitch = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Water depth at which is switched from wetslp to dryslp double precision :: dzmax = -123 ! [m/s/m] (advanced) Maximum bed level change due to avalanching integer :: fixedavaltime = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to use fixed (1) or varying (0) avaltime double precision :: avaltime = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Timecale for bed level change due to avalanching double precision :: nTrepavaltime = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of wave periods used in avaltime integer :: struct = -123 ! [-] Switch for enabling hard structures character(slen) :: ne_layer = 'abc' ! [file] Name of file containing thickness of the erodible layer ! [Section] Output variables integer :: timings = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch enable progress output to screen double precision :: tstart = -123 ! [s] Start time of output, in morphological time double precision :: tint = -123 ! [s] (deprecated) Interval time of global output (replaced by tintg) double precision :: tintg = -123 ! [s] Interval time of global output double precision :: tintp = -123 ! [s] Interval time of point and runup gauge output double precision :: tintc = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Interval time of cross section output double precision :: tintm = -123 ! [s] Interval time of mean, var, max, min output double precision :: tinth = -123 ! [s] Interval time of hotstart file output character(slen) :: tsglobal = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of global output character(slen) :: tspoints = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of point output character(slen) :: tsmean = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of mean, max, min and var output character(slen) :: tshotstart = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of hotstart output integer :: writehotstart = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to turn on or off writing hotstart files integer :: nglobalvar = -123 ! [-] Number of global output variables (as specified by user) character(maxnamelen) :: globalvars(numvars) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Mnems of global output variables, ! not per se the same size as nglobalvar (invalid variables, defaults) integer :: nmeanvar = -123 ! [-] Number of mean, min, max, var output variables character(maxnamelen) :: meanvars(numvars) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Mnems of mean output variables (by variables) integer :: npointvar = -123 ! [-] Number of point output variables character(maxnamelen) :: pointvars(numvars) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Mnems of point output variables (by variables) integer :: npoints = -123 ! [-] Number of output point locations integer :: nrugauge = -123 ! [-] Number of output runup gauge locations integer, pointer :: pointtypes(:) ! [-] (advanced) Point types (0 = point, 1 = rugauge) double precision, pointer :: xpointsw(:) ! (advanced) world x-coordinate of output points double precision, pointer :: ypointsw(:) ! (advanced) world y-coordinate of output points integer :: nrugdepth = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of depths to compute runup in runup gauge double precision :: rugdepth(9999) = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Minimum depth for determination of last wet point in runup gauge integer :: outputformat = OUTPUTFORMAT_DEBUG ! [name] (advanced) Output file format character(slen) :: outputformat_str = 'debug' ! character(slen) :: ncfilename = 'xboutput.nc' ! [file] (advanced) xbeach netcdf output file name integer :: outputprecision = -123 ! [name] switch between single and double precision output in NetCDF character(slen) :: outputprecision_str = '' ! character(64) :: stationid(9999) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced,silent) Station id names of output points ! Projection units (not to be used, only pass to output, this limit is too short for WKT....) ! This could be the proj4 string +init=epsg:28992 ! [Section] Output projection character(slen) :: projection = '' ! [-] (advanced) projection string integer :: rotate = -123 ! [-] Rotate output as postprocessing with given angle integer :: remdryoutput = -123 ! [-] Remove dry output points from output data of zs etc. ! [Section] Drifters parameters integer :: ndrifter = -123 ! [-] Number of drifers character(slen) :: drifterfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of drifter data file ! [Section] Ship parameters character(slen) :: shipfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of ship data file integer :: nship = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of ships ! [Section] Vegetation parameters character(slen) :: veggiefile = 'abc' ! [-] Name of veggie species list file character(slen) :: veggiemapfile = 'abc' ! [-] Name of veggie species map file integer :: nveg = -123 ! [-] Number of vegetation species integer :: vegnonlin = -123 ! [-] include non-linear wave effect [1] or not [0] integer :: vegcanflo = -123 ! [-] include incanopy flow [1] or not [0] integer :: veguntow = -123 ! [-] include undertow in phase-averaged vegetati integer :: porcanflow = -123 ! [-] Compute in-canopy flow double precision :: Kp = -123 ! [-] Laminar resistance factor (in-canopy flow) double precision :: Cm = -123 ! [-] Inertia coefficient (in-canopy flow) ! [Section] Wave numerics parameters integer :: scheme = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Numerical scheme for wave propagation character(slen) :: scheme_str = '' ! [-] (advanced) Use first-order upwind (upwind_1), second order upwind (upwind_2) or Lax-Wendroff (lax_wendroff) double precision :: wavint = -123 ! [s] Interval between wave module calls (only in stationary wave mode) double precision :: maxerror = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Maximum wave height error in wave stationary iteration double precision :: maxerror_angle = -123 ! [deg] (advanced) Maximum wave height direction error in wave stationary iteration integer :: maxiter = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum number of iterations in wave stationary real*8 :: swkhmin = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Minimum kh value to include in wave action balance, lower included in NLSWE (default -1.d0) integer :: oldhmin = -123 ! [-] (advanced) use old hmin definition integer :: oldRD1D = -123 ! [-] (advanced) use implementation of Roelvink and Daly breaking in 1D ! [Section] Flow numerics parameters double precision :: eps = -123 ! [m] Threshold water depth above which cells are considered wet double precision :: eps_sd = -123 ! [m/s] Threshold velocity difference to determine conservation of energy head versus momentum double precision :: umin = -123 ! [m/s] Threshold velocity for upwind velocity detection and for vmag2 in equilibrium sediment concentration double precision :: hmin = -123 ! [m] Lower limit for the water depth in the Stokes drift computation integer :: secorder = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Use second order corrections to advection/non-linear terms based on MacCormack scheme integer :: oldhu = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable old hu calculation ! [Section] Sediment transport numerics parameters double precision :: thetanum = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Coefficient determining whether upwind (1) or central scheme (0.5) is used. integer :: sourcesink = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable source-sink terms to calculate bed level change rather than suspended transport gradients double precision :: cmax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum allowed sediment concentration integer :: oldTsmin = -123 ! [-] (advanced) use old version of Tsmin double precision :: dtlimTs = -123 ! [-] (advanced) number of time steps in limiter of new Ts ! [Section] Bed update numerics parameters double precision :: frac_dz = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Relative thickness to split time step for bed updating integer :: nd_var = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Index of layer with variable thickness double precision :: split = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Split threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness) double precision :: merge = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Merge threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness) integer :: nsetbathy = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of prescribed bed updates character(slen) :: setbathyfile = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of prescribed bed update file ! [Section] MPI parameters integer :: mpiboundary = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Fix mpi boundaries along y-lines, x-lines, use manual defined domains or find shortest boundary automatically character(slen) :: mpiboundary_str = '' ! integer :: mmpi = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of domains in cross-shore direction when manually specifying mpi domains integer :: nmpi = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of domains in alongshore direction when manually specifying mpi domains ! [Section] Constants, not read in params.txt double precision :: px = 4.d0*atan(1.d0) ! [-] Pi ! double complex :: compi = -123 ! [-] Imaginary unit moved to constants.F90 double precision :: rhog8 = -123 ! [Nm^-3] 1/8*rho*g double precision :: irhog8 = -123 ! [N^-1m^3] (1/8*rho*g)^-1 ! [Section] Variables, not read in params.txt double precision :: dt = -123 ! [s] Computational time step, in hydrodynamic time double precision :: t = -123 ! [s] Computational time, in hydrodynamic time double precision :: tnext = -123 ! [s] Next time point for output or wave stationary calculation, in hydrodynamic time double precision :: spongelength = -123 ! double precision :: bed_term_nh = -123 ! double precision :: sed_movmean_period = -123 ! double precision :: cf_transport = -123 ! integer :: transport_advection = -123 ! integer :: nonh_cc_update_old = -123 ! integer :: nonh_du = -123 ! integer :: nonh_za = -123 ! integer :: add_turb_tau = -123 ! double precision :: turbcoef = -123 !