! Everything in this module should be handled by xmaster, so only call using xmaster module spectral_wave_bc_module implicit none type spectrum ! These are related to input spectra real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: S ! 2D variance density spectrum real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: f,ang ! 1D frequency and direction vectors for S real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: Sf ! S integrated over all directions integer :: nf,nang ! number of frequencies and angles real*8 :: df,dang ! frequency and angle step size real*8 :: hm0,fp,dir0,scoeff ! imposed significant wave height, peak frequency, ! main wave angle and spreading coefficient real*8 :: trep,dirm ! representative period and mean wave direction endtype spectrum type shortspectrum real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: Sf ! S integrated over all directions ! real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: Srep ! S at frequency/direction locations of wave train components ! real*8 :: dangrep ! representative angle step size for Srep endtype shortspectrum type waveparamsnew ! These are related to the generated bc series real*8 :: h0 ! average water depth on offshore boundary integer :: K ! number of wave train components real*8 :: rtbc,dtbc ! duration and time step to be written to boundary condition file real*8 :: rtin,dtin ! duration and time step for the internal time axis, based on Fourier ! limitations and the number of wave train components (wp%K) real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: tin,taper ! internal time axis and taper function integer :: tslen ! internal time axis length (is always even, not odd) integer :: tslenbc ! time axis length for boundary condition file logical :: dtchanged ! quick check to see if dtin == dtbc (useful for interpolation purpose) real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: fgen,thetagen,phigen,kgen,wgen ! frequency, angle, phase, wave number, radian frequency ! of wavetrain components for boundary signal real*8 :: dfgen ! frequency grid size in the generated components type(shortspectrum),dimension(:),pointer :: vargen ! This is where the variance for each wave train at each spectrum location ! is stored type(shortspectrum),dimension(:),pointer :: vargenq ! This is where the variance for each wave train at each spectrum location ! is stored, which is not scaled and is used for the generation of bound waves ! real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: danggen ! Representative integration angle for Srep to Sf, per offshore grid point real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: A ! Amplitude, per wave train component, per offshore grid point A(ny+1,K) real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: Sfinterp ! S integrated over all directions at frequency locations of fgen, ! per offshore grid point Sfinterp(ny+1,K) real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: Sfinterpq ! S integrated over all directions at frequency locations of fgen, ! per offshore grid point Sfinterpq(ny+1,K), uncorrected for generation of bound waves real*8,dimension(:),pointer :: Hm0interp ! Hm0 per offshore point, based on intergration of Sfinterp and used to scale ! final time series integer, dimension(:),pointer :: Findex ! Index of wave train component locations on frequency/Fourier axis integer, dimension(:),pointer :: WDindex ! Index of wave train component locations on wave directional bin axis double complex,dimension(:,:),pointer :: CompFn ! Fourier components of the wave trains character(256) :: Efilename,qfilename,nhfilename real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: zsits ! time series of total surface elevation for nonhspectrum==1 real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: uits ! time series of depth-averaged horizontal velocity nonhspectrum==1 real*8,dimension(:,:),pointer :: wits ! time series of depth-averaged vertical velocity for nonhspectrum==1 ?? endtype waveparamsnew type filenames ! Place to store multiple file names character(256) :: fname ! file name of boundary condition file integer :: listline ! read position in FILELIST files logical :: reuse = .false. ! indicate to reuse this file every rtbc cycle endtype filenames ! These are for administration purposes and are initialized in initialize.F90 integer,dimension(:),allocatable,save :: n_index_loc ! y-index locations of all input spectra, set in init spectrum integer,save :: nspectra ! number of input spectrs, set in init spectrum type(filenames),dimension(:),allocatable,save :: bcfiles ! input wave spectrum files logical,save :: reuseall ! switch to reuse all of the wave boundary conditions integer,save :: bccount ! number of times boundary conditions have been generated, set in init spectrum real*8,save :: spectrumendtime ! end time of boundary condition written to administration file ! These parameters control a lot how the spectra are handled. They could be put in params.txt, ! but most users will want to keep these at their default values anyway integer,parameter,private :: nfint = 401 ! size of standard 2D spectrum in frequency dimension integer,parameter,private :: naint = 201 ! size of standard 2D spectrum in angular dimension integer,parameter,private :: Kmin = 200 ! minimum number of wave train components integer,parameter,private :: nzlayers = 20 ! number of vertical layers used to calculate short wave velocity contains subroutine spectral_wave_bc(s,par,curline) use params use spaceparams use logging_module use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid implicit none type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s type(parameters),intent(inout) :: par integer,intent(out) :: curline type(spectrum),dimension(:),allocatable :: specin,specinterp type(spectrum) :: combspec type(waveparamsnew) :: wp ! Most will be deallocated, but some variables useful to keep? integer :: iloc integer :: fidelist,fidqlist,fidnhlist ! file identifiers for ebcflist and qbcflist integer :: iostat ! Updat the number of boundary conditions generated by this module bccount = bccount+1 if (reuseall) then ! Wave boundary conditions have already been computed ! Filename, rtbc, dtbc, etc. still kept in memory. else call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('ls','','Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions ') call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') ! allocate temporary input storage if (.not. allocated(specin)) then allocate(specin(nspectra)) allocate(specinterp(nspectra)) endif ! Read through input spectra files do iloc = 1,nspectra call writelog('sl','(a,i0)','Interpreting spectrum at location ',iloc) ! Read input file call read_spectrum_input(par,wp,bcfiles(iloc),specin(iloc)) ! Interpolate input 2D spectrum to standard 2D spectrum call interpolate_spectrum(specin(iloc),specinterp(iloc),par) call writelog('sl','','Values calculated from interpolated spectrum:') call writelog('sl','(a,f0.2,a)','Hm0 = ',specinterp(iloc)%hm0,' m') call writelog('sl','(a,f0.2,a)','Trep = ',specinterp(iloc)%trep,' s') call writelog('sl','(a,f0.2,a)','Mean dir = ',specinterp(iloc)%dirm,' degN') enddo ! Determine whether all the spectra are to be reused, which implies that the global reuseall should be ! set to true (no further computations required in future calls) call set_reuseall ! Determine the file names of the output boundary condition time series call set_bcfilenames(wp) ! calculate the mean combined spectra (used for combined Trep, determination of wave components, etc.) ! now still uses simple averaging, but could be improved to use weighting for distance etc. call generate_combined_spectrum(specinterp,combspec,par%px) par%Trep = combspec%trep call writelog('sl','(a,f0.2,a)','Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: ',par%Trep,' s') ! calculate the average offshore water depth, which is used in various ! computation in this module wp%h0 = calculate_average_water_depth(s) ! Wave trains that are used by XBeach. The number of wave trains, their frequencies and directions ! are based on the combined spectra of all the locations to ensure all wave conditions are ! represented in the XBeach model call generate_wavetrain_components(combspec,wp,par) ! We can now apply a correction to the wave train components if necessary. This section can be ! improved later if (nspectra==1 .and. specin(1)%scoeff>1000.d0) then ! this can be used both for Jonswap and vardens input wp%thetagen = specin(1)%dir0 endif ! Set up time axis, including the time axis for output to boundary condition files and an ! internal time axis, which may differ in length to the output time axis call generate_wave_time_axis(par,wp) ! Determine the variance for each wave train component, at every spectrum location point call generate_wave_train_variance(wp,specinterp,par) ! Determine the amplitude of each wave train component, at every point along the ! offshore boundary call generate_wave_train_properties_per_offshore_point(wp,s) ! Generate Fourier components for all wave train component, at every point along ! the offshore boundary call generate_wave_train_Fourier(wp,s,par) ! time series of short wave energy or surface elevation if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then ! Distribute all wave train components among the wave direction bins. Also rearrage ! the randomly drawn wave directions to match the centres of the wave bins if the ! user-defined nspr is set on. call distribute_wave_train_directions(wp,s,par%px,par%nspr) ! Calculate the wave energy envelope per offshore grid point and write to output file call generate_ebcf(wp,s,par) else ! Generate time series of surface elevation, horizontal velocity and vertical velocity call generate_swts(wp,s,par) endif ! Calculate the bound long wave from the wave train components and write to output file call generate_qbcf(wp,s,par) ! Write non-hydrostatic time series of combined short and long waves if necessary if (par%nonhspectrum==1) then call generate_nhtimeseries_file(wp,par) endif ! Deallocate a lot of memory deallocate(specin,specinterp) deallocate(wp%tin,wp%taper) deallocate(wp%fgen,wp%thetagen,wp%phigen,wp%kgen,wp%wgen) deallocate(wp%vargen) deallocate(wp%vargenq) deallocate(wp%Sfinterp) deallocate(wp%Sfinterpq) deallocate(wp%Hm0interp) deallocate(wp%A) deallocate(wp%Findex) deallocate(wp%CompFn) if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then deallocate(wp%WDindex) else deallocate(wp%zsits) deallocate(wp%uits) endif ! Send message to screen and log call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('ls','','Spectral wave boundary conditions complete ') call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') endif ! reuseall ! ! The end time for the boundary conditions calculated in the last call ! is equal to the old end time, plus the duration of the boundary conditions ! created at the last call spectrumendtime = spectrumendtime + wp%rtbc ! Collect new file identifiers for administration list files if (bccount==1) then if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then fidelist = create_new_fid() open(fidelist,file='ebcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='append',status='replace') fidqlist = create_new_fid() open(fidqlist,file='qbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='append',status='replace') else fidnhlist = create_new_fid() open(fidnhlist,file='nhbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',status='replace',iostat=iostat) endif else if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then fidelist = create_new_fid() open(fidelist,file='ebcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='append') fidqlist = create_new_fid() open(fidqlist,file='qbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='append') else fidnhlist = create_new_fid() open(fidnhlist,file='nhbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='append',iostat=iostat) endif endif ! Write new line if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then write(fidelist,'(f12.3,a,f12.3,a,f9.3,a,f9.5,a,f11.5,a)') & & spectrumendtime,' ',wp%rtbc,' ',wp%dtbc,' ',par%Trep,' ',combspec%dir0,' '//trim(wp%Efilename) write(fidqlist,'(f12.3,a,f12.3,a,f9.3,a,f9.5,a,f11.5,a)') & & spectrumendtime,' ',wp%rtbc,' ',wp%dtbc,' ',par%Trep,' ',combspec%dir0,' '//trim(wp%qfilename) ! Close administation files close(fidelist) close(fidqlist) else write(fidnhlist,'(f12.3,a,f12.3,a)',iostat=iostat) & & par%t,' ',spectrumendtime,' '//trim(wp%nhfilename) close(fidnhlist) endif ! Set output of the correct line curline = bccount endsubroutine spectral_wave_bc ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------- Read input spectra files -------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_spectrum_input(par,wp,fn,specin) use params use filefunctions use logging_module implicit none ! Interface type(parameters),intent(in) :: par type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(filenames),intent(inout) :: fn type(spectrum),intent(inout) :: specin ! internal integer :: fid character(8) :: testline character(256) :: readfile logical :: filelist integer :: i,ier ! check the first line of the boundary condition file for FILELIST keyword fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=fn%fname,status='old',form='formatted') read(fid,*,iostat=ier)testline if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(fn%fname) endif if (trim(testline)=='FILELIST') then filelist = .true. ! move listline off its default position of zero to the first row if (fn%listline==0) then fn%listline = 1 endif fn%reuse = .false. else filelist = .false. if (trim(par%instat) /= 'jons_table') then fn%reuse = .true. else fn%reuse = .false. endif endif close(fid) ! If file has list of spectra, read through the lines to find the correct ! spectrum file name and rtbc and dtbc. Else the filename and rtbc, dtbc are in ! params.txt if (filelist) then fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=fn%fname,status='old',form='formatted') do i=1,fn%listline read(fid,*)testline ! old stuff, not needed anymore enddo read(fid,*,iostat=ier)wp%rtbc,wp%dtbc,readfile ! new boundary condition if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(fn%fname) endif ! we have to adjust this to morphological time, as done in params.txt if (par%morfacopt==1) then wp%rtbc = wp%rtbc/max(par%morfac,1.d0) endif fn%listline = fn%listline + 1 ! move one on from the last time we opened this file close(fid) else wp%rtbc = par%rt wp%dtbc = par%dtbc readfile = fn%fname endif ! based on the value of instat, we need to read either Jonswap, Swan or vardens files ! note: jons_table is also handeled by read_jonswap_file subroutine select case (par%instat(1:4)) case ('jons') ! wp type sent in to receive rtbc and dtbc from jons_table file ! fn%listline sent in to find correct row in jons_table file ! pfff.. call read_jonswap_file(par,wp,readfile,fn%listline,specin) case ('swan') call read_swan_file(par,readfile,specin) case ('vard') call read_vardens_file(par,readfile,specin) endselect endsubroutine read_spectrum_input ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ------------------- Read JONSWAP files ----------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_jonswap_file(par,wp,readfile,listline,specin) use readkey_module use params use logging_module use filefunctions IMPLICIT NONE ! Input / output variables type(parameters), INTENT(IN) :: par type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp character(len=*), intent(IN) :: readfile integer, intent(INOUT) :: listline type(spectrum),intent(inout) :: specin ! Internal variables integer :: i,ii,ier integer :: fid real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: x, y, Dd, temp real*8 :: dfj, fnyq, Tp real*8 :: gam, mainang character(len=80) :: dummystring ! First part: read JONSWAP parameter data ! Check whether spectrum characteristics or table should be used if (trim(par%instat) /= 'jons_table') then ! Use spectrum characteristics call writelog('sl','','waveparams: Reading from ',trim(readfile),' ...') specin%hm0 = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'Hm0', 0.0d0, 0.00d0, 5.0d0, bcast=.false. ) ! allow both Tp and fp specification to bring in line with params.txt Tp = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'Tp', 12.5d0, 2.5d0, 20.d0, bcast=.false. ) specin%fp = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'fp', 1/Tp, 0.0625d0, 0.4d0, bcast=.false. ) ! Nyquist parameters used only in this subroutine if (par%oldnyq==1) then fnyq = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'fnyq', 0.3d0, 0.2d0, 1.0d0, bcast=.false. ) else fnyq = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'fnyq',max(0.3d0,3.d0*specin%fp), 0.2d0, 1.0d0, bcast=.false. ) endif dfj = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'dfj', fnyq/200, fnyq/1000, fnyq/20, bcast=.false. ) ! spreading in frequency and directional dimensions gam = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'gammajsp', 3.3d0, 1.0d0, 5.0d0, bcast=.false. ) specin%scoeff = readkey_dbl(readfile, 's', 10.0d0, 1.0d0, 1000.0d0, bcast=.false. ) ! allow specification of mainang or dir0 to bring in line with params.txt mainang = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'mainang', 270.0d0, 0.0d0, 360.0d0, bcast=.false. ) specin%dir0 = readkey_dbl (readfile, 'dir0', mainang, 0.0d0, 360.0d0, bcast=.false. ) ! check for other strange values in this file call readkey(readfile,'checkparams',dummystring) else ! Use spectrum table fid = create_new_fid() call writelog('sl','','waveparams: Reading from table ',trim(readfile),' ...') open(fid,file=readfile,status='old',form='formatted') ! read junk up to the correct line in the file do i=1,listline read(fid,*,iostat=ier)dummystring if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif enddo read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%hm0,Tp,specin%dir0,gam,specin%scoeff,wp%rtbc,wp%dtbc if (ier .ne. 0) then call writelog('lswe','','Error reading file ',trim(readfile)) close(fid) call halt_program endif ! move the line pointer in the file listline = listline+1 ! convert to morphological time if (par%morfacopt==1) then wp%rtbc = wp%rtbc/max(par%morfac,1.d0) endif specin%fp=1.d0/Tp fnyq=3.d0*specin%fp dfj=specin%fp/20 close(fid) endif ! Second part: generate 2D spectrum from input parameters ! Define number of frequency bins by defining an array of the necessary length ! using the Nyquist frequency and frequency step size specin%nf = ceiling((fnyq-dfj)/dfj) specin%df = dfj ! Define array with actual eqidistant frequency bins allocate(specin%f(specin%nf)) do i=1,specin%nf specin%f(i)=i*dfj enddo ! Determine frequency bins relative to peak frequency allocate(x(size(specin%f))) x=specin%f/specin%fp ! Calculate unscaled and non-directional JONSWAP spectrum using ! peak-enhancement factor and pre-determined frequency bins allocate(y(size(specin%f))) call jonswapgk(x,gam,y) deallocate (x) ! Determine scaled and non-directional JONSWAP spectrum using the JONSWAP ! characteristics y=(specin%hm0/(4.d0*sqrt(sum(y)*dfj)))**2*y ! Define 200 directions relative to main angle running from 0 to 2*pi specin%nang = naint allocate(specin%ang(specin%nang)) specin%dang = 2*par%px/(naint-1) do i=1,specin%nang specin%ang(i)=(i-1)*specin%dang enddo ! Convert main angle from degrees to radians and from nautical convention to ! internal grid specin%dir0=(1.5d0*par%px)-specin%dir0*par%px/180 ! Make sure the main angle is defined between 0 and 2*pi do while (specin%dir0>2*par%px .or. specin%dir0<0.d0) !Robert en Ap if (specin%dir0>2*par%px) then specin%dir0=specin%dir0-2*par%px elseif (specin%dir0<0.d0) then specin%dir0=specin%dir0+2*par%px endif enddo ! Convert 200 directions relative to main angle to directions relative to ! internal grid ! Bas: apparently division by 2 for cosine law happens already here allocate(temp(specin%nang)) temp = (specin%ang-specin%dir0)/2 ! Make sure all directions around the main angle are defined between 0 and 2*pi do while (any(temp>2*par%px) .or. any(temp<0.d0)) where (temp>2*par%px) temp=temp-2*par%px elsewhere (temp<0.d0) temp=temp+2*par%px endwhere enddo ! Define 200 directional distribution bins accordingly allocate (Dd(specin%nang)) ! Calculate directional spreading based on cosine law Dd = dcos(temp)**(2*nint(specin%scoeff)) ! Robert: apparently nint is needed here, else MATH domain error deallocate(temp) ! Scale directional spreading to have a surface of unity by dividing by its ! own surface Dd = Dd / (sum(Dd)*specin%dang) ! Define two-dimensional variance density spectrum array and distribute ! variance density for each frequency over directional bins allocate(specin%S(specin%nf,specin%nang)) do i=1,specin%nang do ii=1,specin%nf specin%S(ii,i)=y(ii)*Dd(i) end do end do deallocate (y) deallocate (Dd) end subroutine read_jonswap_file ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! --------- JONSWAP unscaled JONSWAP spectrum -------------- ! -------------(used by read_jonswap_files)------------------ subroutine jonswapgk(x,gam,y) IMPLICIT NONE ! Required input: - x : nondimensional frequency, divided by the peak frequency ! - gam : peak enhancement factor, optional parameter (DEFAULT 3.3) ! - y is output : nondimensional relative spectral density, equal to one at the peak real*8, INTENT(IN) :: gam real*8,dimension(:), INTENT(IN) :: x real*8,dimension(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: y ! Internal variables real*8,dimension(size(x)) :: xa, sigma, fac1, fac2, fac3, temp xa=abs(x) where (xa==0) xa=1e-20 end where sigma=xa where (sigma<1.) sigma=0.07 end where where (sigma>=1.) sigma=0.09 end where temp=0*xa+1 fac1=xa**(-5) fac2=exp(-1.25*(xa**(-4))) fac3=(gam*temp)**(exp(-((xa-1)**2)/(2*(sigma**2)))) y=fac1*fac2*fac3 y=y/maxval(y) return end subroutine jonswapgk ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------Read SWAN files ------------------------ ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_swan_file(par,readfile,specin) use params use logging_module use filefunctions use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program use math_tools, only: flipv,flipa IMPLICIT NONE ! Input / output variables type(parameters), INTENT(IN) :: par character(len=*), intent(IN) :: readfile type(spectrum),intent(inout) :: specin ! Internal variables character(6) :: rtext real*8 :: factor,exc integer :: fid,switch integer :: i,ier,ier2,ier3 logical :: flipped integer :: nt,Ashift real*8, dimension(:),allocatable :: temp real*8, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempA flipped =.false. switch = 0 call writelog('sl','','Reading from SWAN file ',trim(readfile),' ...') fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=readfile,form='formatted',status='old') ! Read file until RFREQ or AFREQ is found do while (switch==0) read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)rtext if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif if (rtext == 'RFREQ ') then switch = 1 elseif (rtext == 'AFREQ ') then switch = 2 end if end do ! Read nfreq and f ! Note f is not monotonically increasing in most simulations read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%nf if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif allocate(specin%f(specin%nf)) do i=1,specin%nf read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%f(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif end do ! Convert to absolute frequencies: ! STILL TO BE DONE if (switch == 1) then specin%f = specin%f else specin%f = specin%f end if ! Read CDIR or NDIR read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)rtext if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif if (rtext == 'NDIR ') then switch = 1 elseif (rtext == 'CDIR ') then switch = 2 else call writelog('ewls','', 'SWAN directional bins keyword not found') call halt_program endif ! Read ndir, theta read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%nang if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif allocate(specin%ang(specin%nang)) do i=1,specin%nang read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%ang(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif end do ! Convert angles to cartesian degrees relative to East if (switch == 1) then ! nautical to cartesian East specin%ang = 270.d0-specin%ang else ! cartesian to cartesian East specin%ang = specin%ang-par%dthetaS_XB ! dthetaS_XB is the (counter-clockwise) angle in the degrees to rotate from the x-axis in SWAN to the ! x-axis pointing East end if ! Ensure angles are increasing instead of decreasing if (specin%ang(2)360.0d0)then allocate (temp(specin%nang)) Ashift=1 temp=0.d0 do i=1,specin%nang if (specin%ang(i)>360.d0) then specin%ang(i)=specin%ang(i)-360.0d0 nt = nt+1 endif enddo temp(nt+1:specin%nang)=specin%ang(1:specin%nang-nt) temp(1:nt)=specin%ang(specin%nang-nt+1:specin%nang) specin%ang=temp deallocate(temp) endif ! convert to radians specin%ang=specin%ang*par%px/180 specin%dang=specin%ang(2)-specin%ang(1) ! Skip Quant, next line, read VaDens or EnDens read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)rtext read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier2)rtext read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier3)rtext if (ier+ier2+ier3 .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif if (rtext == 'VaDens') then switch = 1 elseif (rtext == 'EnDens') then switch = 2 else call writelog('slwe','', 'SWAN VaDens/EnDens keyword not found') call halt_program end if read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)rtext read(fid,*,iostat=ier2)exc if (ier+ier2 .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif i=0 ! Find FACTOR keyword do while (i==0) read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)rtext if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif if (rtext == 'FACTOR') then i=1 elseif (rtext == 'ZERO ') then call writelog('lswe','','Zero energy density input for this point') call halt_program elseif (rtext == 'NODATA') then call writelog('lwse','','SWAN file has no data for this point') call halt_program end if end do read(fid,*,iostat=ier)factor if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif ! Read 2D S array allocate(specin%S(specin%nf,specin%nang)) do i=1,specin%nf read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%S(i,:) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif end do ! Finished reading file close(fid) ! Replace exception value where (specin%S == exc) specin%S = 0.d0 endwhere ! If angles were decreasing, flip S_array as also dir is flipped if (flipped) then call flipa(specin%S,specin%nf,specin%nang,2) end if ! If the order of the angles in specin%ang was reordered, so the same in ! specin%S array if(Ashift==-1)then allocate(tempA(specin%nf,specin%nang)) tempA=0 tempA(:,1:specin%nang-nt)=specin%S(:,nt+1:specin%nang) tempA(:,specin%nang-nt+1:specin%nang)=specin%S(:,1:nt) specin%S=tempA deallocate(tempA) elseif (Ashift==1) then allocate(tempA(specin%nf,specin%nang)) tempA=0 tempA(:,nt+1:specin%nang)=specin%S(:,1:specin%nang-nt) tempA(:,1:nt)=specin%S(:,specin%nang-nt+1:specin%nang) specin%S=tempA deallocate(tempA) endif ! multiply by SWAN output factor specin%S=specin%S*factor ! Convert from energy density to variance density if (switch == 2) then specin%S=specin%S/(par%rho*par%g) end if ! Convert to m2/Hz/rad specin%S=specin%S*180/par%px ! We need a value for spreading. The assumption is that it is less than 1000 ! This way, wp%fgen will not be set to just one angle. specin%scoeff = -1.d0 ! We need to know if hm0 was set explicitly, not the case for Swan files specin%hm0 = -1.d0 end subroutine read_swan_file ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! -----------------Read variance density files ----------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_vardens_file(par,readfile,specin) use params use logging_module use filefunctions use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program use math_tools, only: flipv,flipa IMPLICIT NONE ! Input / output variables type(parameters), INTENT(IN) :: par character(len=*), intent(IN) :: readfile type(spectrum),intent(inout) :: specin ! Internal variables integer :: fid,i,nnz,ier real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: Sd ! Open file to start read call writelog('sl','','Reading from vardens file ',trim(readfile),' ...') fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=readfile,form='formatted',status='old') ! Read number of frequencies and frequency vector read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%nf if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif allocate(specin%f(specin%nf)) do i=1,specin%nf read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%f(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif end do ! Read number of angles and angles vector read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%nang if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif allocate(specin%ang(specin%nang)) do i=1,specin%nang read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%ang(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif end do ! Convert from degrees to rad specin%ang=specin%ang*par%px/180 specin%dang=specin%ang(2)-specin%ang(1) ! Read 2D S array allocate(specin%S(specin%nf,specin%nang)) do i=1,specin%nf read(fid,*,iostat=ier)specin%S(i,:) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(readfile) endif end do ! Finished reading file close(fid) ! Convert to m2/Hz/rad specin%S=specin%S*180/par%px ! We need a value for spreading. The assumption is that it is less than 1000 ! if more than one direction column has variance. If only one column has variance ! we assume the model requires long crested waves, and wp%thetagen should be exactly ! equal to the input direction. We then also need to find the dominant angle. ! First flatten spectrum to direction only, then determine if all but one are zero, ! use the direction of the non-zero as the main wave direction, set spreading to ! a high value (greater than 1000). Else set spreading to a negative value. allocate(Sd(specin%nang)) Sd = sum(specin%S,DIM = 1) nnz = count(Sd>0.d0) if (nnz == 1) then specin%scoeff = 1024.d0 specin%dir0 = specin%ang(minval(maxloc(Sd))) else specin%scoeff = -1.d0 endif ! We need to know if hm0 was set explicitly, not the case for vardens files specin%hm0 = -1.d0 end subroutine read_vardens_file ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ------------- Interpolate to standard spectrum --------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine interpolate_spectrum(specin,specinterp,par) use interp use params IMPLICIT NONE ! input/output type(spectrum),intent(in) :: specin type(spectrum),intent(inout) :: specinterp type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: i,j real*8 :: m0,df,dang real*8,dimension(naint) :: Sd real*8 :: hm0pre,hm0post ! allocate size of f,ang,Sf and S arrays in specinterp allocate(specinterp%f(nfint)) allocate(specinterp%ang(naint)) allocate(specinterp%Sf(nfint)) allocate(specinterp%S(nfint,naint)) ! fill f and ang arrays specinterp%nf = nfint specinterp%df = 2.d0/(nfint-1) ! this give a range of 0-2Hz, with 1/200Hz resolution do i=1,nfint specinterp%f(i)=(i-1)*specinterp%df enddo specinterp%nang = naint specinterp%dang = 2*par%px/(naint-1) ! this is exactly the same as in the JONSWAP construction do i=1,specinterp%nang specinterp%ang(i)=(i-1)*specinterp%dang enddo ! If hm0 was set explicitly, then use that, else calculate hm0 if (specin%hm0>0.d0) then hm0pre = specin%hm0 else ! pre-interpolation hm0 value (can be on a non-monotonic f,ang grid) m0 = 0 do j=1,specin%nang do i=1,specin%nf df = specin%f(max(2,i))-specin%f(max(1,i-1)) dang = specin%ang(max(2,j))-specin%ang(max(1,j-1)) m0 = m0 + specin%S(i,j)*df*dang enddo enddo hm0pre = 4*sqrt(m0) endif ! interpolation (no extrapolation) of input 2D spectrum to standard 2D spectrum do j=1,naint do i=1,nfint call linear_interp_2d(specin%f,specin%nf,specin%ang,specin%nang,specin%S, & specinterp%f(i),specinterp%ang(j),specinterp%S(i,j),'interp',0.d0) enddo enddo ! hm0 post (is always on a monotonic f,ang grid m0 = sum(specinterp%S)*specinterp%df*specinterp%dang hm0post = 4*sqrt(m0) ! correct the wave energy to ensure hm0post == hm0pre specinterp%S = (hm0pre/hm0post)**2*specinterp%S ! calculate 1D spectrum, summed over directions specinterp%Sf = sum(specinterp%S, DIM = 2)*specinterp%dang ! calculate other wave statistics from interpolated spectrum m0 = sum(specinterp%Sf)*specinterp%df specinterp%hm0 = 4*sqrt(m0) Sd = sum(specinterp%S, DIM = 1)*specinterp%df i = maxval(maxloc(Sd)) specinterp%dir0 = 270.d0 - specinterp%ang(i)*180/par%px ! converted back into nautical degrees i = maxval(maxloc(specinterp%Sf)) specinterp%fp = specinterp%f(i) call tpDcalc(specinterp%Sf,specinterp%f,specinterp%trep,par%trepfac,par%Tm01switch) specinterp%dirm = 270.d0-180.d0/par%px*atan2( sum(sin(specinterp%ang)*Sd)/sum(Sd),& sum(cos(specinterp%ang)*Sd)/sum(Sd) ) end subroutine interpolate_spectrum ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------- Small subroutine to determine if the ------------ ! ---------- global reuseall should be true or false ----------- subroutine set_reuseall implicit none ! internal integer :: i ! set default to reuse all boundary conditions reuseall = .true. ! find any spectrum that cannot be reused, then change global ! reuseall to false do i=1,nspectra if (.not. bcfiles(i)%reuse) then reuseall = .false. endif enddo end subroutine set_reuseall ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------- Small subroutine to set the filenames ------------ ! ----------- of the boundary condition output files ----------- subroutine set_bcfilenames(wp) implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp ! internal integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 if (reuseall) then wp%Efilename = 'E_reuse.bcf' wp%qfilename = 'q_reuse.bcf' wp%nhfilename = 'nh_reuse.bcf' else i1=floor(real(bccount)/10000) i2=floor(real(bccount-i1*10000)/1000) i3=floor(real(bccount-i1*10000-i2*1000)/100) i4=floor(real(bccount-i1*10000-i2*1000-i3*100)/10) i5=bccount-i1*10000-i2*1000-i3*100-i4*10 wp%Efilename='E_series'//char(48+i1)//char(48+i2)//char(48+i3)//char(48+i4)//char(48+i5)//'.bcf' wp%qfilename='q_series'//char(48+i1)//char(48+i2)//char(48+i3)//char(48+i4)//char(48+i5)//'.bcf' wp%nhfilename='nh_series'//char(48+i1)//char(48+i2)//char(48+i3)//char(48+i4)//char(48+i5)//'.bcf' endif end subroutine set_bcfilenames ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------- Merge all separate spectra into one -------------- ! -------------- average spectrum for other use ---------------- subroutine generate_combined_spectrum(specinterp,combspec,px) implicit none type(spectrum),dimension(nspectra),intent(in) :: specinterp type(spectrum),intent(inout) :: combspec real*8, intent(in) :: px integer :: iloc real*8,dimension(naint) :: Sd real*8,dimension(3) :: peakSd,peakang allocate(combspec%f(nfint)) allocate(combspec%Sf(nfint)) allocate(combspec%ang(naint)) allocate(combspec%S(nfint,naint)) combspec%f=specinterp(1)%f combspec%nf=nfint combspec%df=specinterp(1)%df combspec%ang=specinterp(1)%ang combspec%nang=naint combspec%dang=specinterp(1)%dang combspec%trep = 0.d0 combspec%S=0.d0 combspec%Sf=0.d0 do iloc = 1,nspectra combspec%trep = combspec%trep+specinterp(iloc)%trep/nspectra combspec%S = combspec%S +specinterp(iloc)%S /nspectra combspec%Sf = combspec%Sf +specinterp(iloc)%Sf /nspectra enddo ! ! Calculate peak wave angle ! ! frequency integrated variance array Sd = sum(combspec%S,DIM=1) ! peak location of f-int array iloc = maxval(maxloc(Sd)) ! pick two neighbouring directional bins, including effect of closing circle at ! 0 and 2pi rad if (iloc>1 .and. iloc2*px) then combspec%dir0 = combspec%dir0-2*px elseif (combspec%dir0<0) then combspec%dir0 = combspec%dir0+2*px endif end subroutine generate_combined_spectrum ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- Calculate average water depth ----------------- ! ------------------ on offshore boundary ---------------------- pure function calculate_average_water_depth(s) result(h) use spaceparams implicit none ! input type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s ! output real*8 :: h ! internal h = sum((s%zs0(1,:)-s%zb(1,:))*s%dnc(1,:))/sum(s%dnc(1,:)) end function calculate_average_water_depth ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------- Choose wave train components based on ------------ ! --------------------- combined spectrum ---------------------- subroutine generate_wavetrain_components(combspec,wp,par) use logging_module use params use interp use wave_functions_module, only: iteratedispersion implicit none ! input/output type(spectrum),intent(in) :: combspec type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: i,ii integer :: ind1,ind2,dummy real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: randnums,pdflocal,cdflocal real*8 :: L0,L ! Determine frequencies around peak frequency of one-dimensional ! non-directional variance density spectrum, based on factor sprdthr, which ! should be included in the determination of the wave boundary conditions call frange(par,combspec%Sf,ind1,ind2) ! Calculate number of wave components to be included in determination of the ! wave boundary conditions based on the wave record length and width of the ! wave frequency range wp%K = ceiling(wp%rtbc*(combspec%f(ind2)-combspec%f(ind1))+1) ! also include minimum number of components wp%K = max(wp%K,Kmin) ! Allocate space in waveparams for all wave train components allocate(wp%fgen(wp%K)) allocate(wp%thetagen(wp%K)) allocate(wp%phigen(wp%K)) allocate(wp%kgen(wp%K)) allocate(wp%wgen(wp%K)) ! Select equidistant wave components between the earlier selected range of ! frequencies around the peak frequency in the frange subfunction wp%dfgen = (combspec%f(ind2)-combspec%f(ind1))/(wp%K-1) do i=1,wp%K wp%fgen(i)=combspec%f(ind1)+(i-1)*wp%dfgen enddo ! This subroutine needs to generate random phase / directions for the individual ! wave trains. Due to some strange Fortran properties, it is better to select ! one long vector with random numbers for both the phase and the direction, than ! one vector for each. ! Update random seed, if requested if (par%random==1) CALL init_seed allocate(randnums(2*wp%K)) call random_number(randnums) ! Determine a random phase for each wave train component between 0 and 2pi wp%phigen=randnums(1:wp%K)*2*par%px ! Determine random directions for each wave train component, based on the CDF of ! the directional spectrum. For each wave train we will interpolate the directional ! distribution at that frequency, generate a CDF, and then interpolate the wave ! train direction from a random number draw and the CDF. allocate(pdflocal(naint)) allocate(cdflocal(naint)) do i=1,wp%K ! interpolate spectrum at this frequency per angle in the spectrum do ii=1,naint call LINEAR_INTERP(combspec%f,combspec%S(:,ii),combspec%nf, wp%fgen(i),pdflocal(ii),dummy) enddo ! convert to pdf by ensuring total integral == 1, assuming constant directional bin size pdflocal = pdflocal/sum(pdflocal) ! convert to cdf by trapezoidal integration, which is not biased for integration ! direction. ! Boundary condition, which may be nonzero: cdflocal(1) = pdflocal(1) do ii=2,naint cdflocal(ii) = cdflocal(ii-1) + (pdflocal(ii)+pdflocal(ii-1))/2 ! Note: this only works if the directional ! bins are constant in size. Assumed multiplication ! by one. enddo ! interpolate random number draw across the cdf. Note that cdf(1) is not assumed to be zero and ! there is a posibility of drawing less than cdf(1). Therefore, if the random number is .lt. cdf(1), ! interpolation should take place across the back of the angle spectrum ! (i.e., from theta(end)-2pi : theta(1)). ! Note that we are using the second half of randnums now (K+1:end) if (randnums(wp%K+i)>=cdflocal(1)) then call LINEAR_INTERP(cdflocal,combspec%ang,naint,randnums(wp%K+i), wp%thetagen(i),dummy) else call LINEAR_INTERP((/0.d0,cdflocal(1)/),(/combspec%ang(naint)-2*par%px,combspec%ang(1)/), & 2,randnums(wp%K+i),wp%thetagen(i),dummy) if (wp%thetagen(i)<0.d0) then wp%thetagen(i)=wp%thetagen(i)+2*par%px endif endif enddo ! determine wave number for each wave train component, using standard dispersion relation ! solver from wave_functions module. This function returns a negative wave length if the ! solver did not converge. do i=1,wp%K L0 = par%g*(1/wp%fgen(i))**2/2/par%px ! deep water wave length L = iteratedispersion(L0,L0,par%px,wp%h0) if (L<0.d0) then call writelog('lsw','','No dispersion convergence found for wave train ',i, & ' in boundary condition generation') L = -L endif wp%kgen(i) = 2*par%px/L enddo ! Angular frequency wp%wgen = 2*par%px*wp%fgen ! Free memory deallocate(pdflocal,cdflocal,randnums) end subroutine generate_wavetrain_components ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------- Small subroutine to determine ----------------- ! ------------ representative wave period ------------------- subroutine tpDcalc(Sf,f,Trep,trepfac,switch) implicit none real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: Sf, f real*8, intent(out) :: Trep real*8, intent(in) :: trepfac integer, intent(in) :: switch real*8, dimension(:),allocatable :: temp allocate(temp(size(Sf))) temp=0.d0 where (Sf>=trepfac*maxval(Sf)) temp=1.d0 end where if (switch == 1) then Trep=sum(temp*Sf)/sum(temp*Sf*f) ! Tm01 else Trep = sum(temp*Sf/max(f,0.001d0))/sum(temp*Sf) ! Tm-1,0 endif deallocate(temp) end subroutine tpDcalc ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- Small subroutine to determine f-range round peak ----- ! ----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine frange(par,Sf,firstp,lastp,findlineout) use params implicit none type(parameters),intent(in) :: par real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: Sf integer, intent(out) :: firstp, lastp real*8, dimension(:), intent(out),allocatable,optional :: findlineout real*8, dimension(:),allocatable :: temp, findline integer :: i = 0 allocate(findline(size(Sf))) findline=0*Sf ! find frequency range around peak where (Sf>par%sprdthr*maxval(Sf)) findline=1 end where firstp=maxval(maxloc(findline)) ! Picks the first "1" in temp allocate (temp(size(findline))) temp=(/(i,i=1,size(findline))/) lastp=maxval(maxloc(temp*findline)) ! Picks the last "1" in temp if (present(findlineout)) then allocate(findlineout(size(Sf))) findlineout=findline endif deallocate(temp, findline) end subroutine frange ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Small subroutine to reseed random number generator ---- ! ----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init_seed INTEGER :: i, n, clock INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: seed ! RANDOM_SEED does not result in a random seed for each compiler, so we better make sure that we have a pseudo random seed. ! I am not sure what is a good n n = 40 i = 1 ! not sure what size means here ! first call with size CALL RANDOM_SEED(size = n) ! define a seed array of size n ALLOCATE(seed(n)) ! what time is it CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT=clock) ! define the seed vector based on a prime, the clock and the set of integers seed = clock + 37 * (/ (i - 1, i = 1, n) /) ! if mpi do we need a different seed on each node or the same??? ! if we do need different seeds on each node ! seed *= some big prime * rank ? ! now use the seed CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT = seed) end subroutine init_seed ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------- Setup time axis for waves ------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine generate_wave_time_axis(par,wp) use params implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: ntaper, indend integer :: i ! First assume that internal and bc-writing time step is the same wp%dtin = wp%dtbc wp%dtchanged = .false. wp%tslenbc = nint(wp%rtbc/wp%dtbc)+1 ! Check whether the internal frequency is high enough to describe the highest frequency ! wave train returned from frange (which can be used in the boundary conditions) if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then if (wp%dtin>0.5d0/wp%fgen(wp%K)) then wp%dtin = 0.5d0/wp%fgen(wp%K) wp%dtchanged = .true. endif else if (wp%dtin>0.1d0/wp%fgen(wp%K)) then wp%dtin = 0.1d0/wp%fgen(wp%K) wp%dtchanged = .true. endif endif ! The length of the internal time axis should be even (for Fourier transform) and ! depends on the internal time step needed and the internal duration (~1/dfgen): wp%tslen = ceiling(1/wp%dfgen/wp%dtin)+1 if (mod(wp%tslen,2)/=0) then wp%tslen = wp%tslen +1 end if ! Now we can make the internal time axis wp%rtin = wp%tslen * wp%dtin allocate(wp%tin(wp%tslen)) do i=1,wp%tslen wp%tin(i) = (i-1)*wp%dtin enddo ! Make a taper function to slowly increase and decrease the boundary condition forcing ! at the start and the end of the boundary condition file (including any time beyond ! the external rtbc allocate(wp%taper(wp%tslen)) ! fill majority with unity wp%taper = 1.d0 ! begin taper by building up the wave conditions over 2.5 wave periods (so 5 wave periods ! of tapering if you include the taper down of the previous boundary condition file) ntaper = nint((2.5d0*par%Trep)/wp%dtin) do i=1,min(ntaper,size(wp%taper)) wp%taper(i) = tanh(5.d0*i/ntaper) ! multiplied by five because tanh(5)=~1 enddo ! end taper by finding where tin=rtbc, taper before that and set everything to zero after ! that. if (wp%tin(wp%tslen)>wp%rtbc) then indend = minval(minloc(wp%tin,MASK = wp%tin>=wp%rtbc)) else indend = wp%tslen endif do i=1,min(ntaper,indend) wp%taper(indend+1-i) = min(wp%taper(indend+1-i),tanh(5.d0*i/ntaper)) enddo wp%taper(indend:wp%tslen) = 0.d0 end subroutine generate_wave_time_axis ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------- Calculate variance at each spectrum location -------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine generate_wave_train_variance(wp,specinterp,par) use params use interp implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(spectrum),dimension(nspectra),intent(in):: specinterp type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: i,ii, dummy real*8 :: hm0post ! allocate space for the variance arrays allocate(wp%vargen(nspectra)) allocate(wp%vargenq(nspectra)) ! Determine variance at each spectrum location do i=1,nspectra allocate(wp%vargen(i)%Sf(wp%K)) allocate(wp%vargenq(i)%Sf(wp%K)) do ii=1,wp%K ! In order to maintain energy density per frequency, an interpolation ! is carried out on the input directional variance density spectrum ! at the frequency and direction locations in fgen. This must be done ! over the 2D spectrum, not 1D spectrum. call linear_interp_2d(specinterp(i)%f,nfint, & ! input frequency, size specinterp(i)%ang,naint, & ! input angles, size specinterp(i)%S, & ! input variance density wp%fgen(ii),wp%thetagen(ii), & ! output frquency/angle wp%vargen(i)%Sf(ii), & ! output variance density 'interp',0.d0) ! method and exception return value enddo ! Correct variance to ensure the total variance remains the same as the total variance in the ! (interpolated) input spectrum hm0post = 4*sqrt(sum(wp%vargen(i)%Sf)*wp%dfgen) wp%vargen(i)%Sf = (specinterp(i)%hm0/hm0post)**2*wp%vargen(i)%Sf ! For the generation of long waves we cannot use wp%vargen%Sf, because it contains an overestimation ! of energy in the peak frequencies. We can also not use the standard directionally-integrated spectrum ! because this stores all energy at fgen(K), where it is possible that for this current spectrum, there ! is not no energy at S(f(K),theta(K0) ! The current solution is to take the minimum of both methods do ii=1,wp%K ! Map Sf input to fgen call LINEAR_INTERP(specinterp(i)%f,specinterp(i)%Sf,specinterp(i)%nf,wp%fgen(ii),wp%vargenq(i)%Sf(ii),dummy) enddo wp%vargenq(i)%Sf = min(wp%vargen(i)%Sf,wp%vargenq(i)%Sf) enddo end subroutine generate_wave_train_variance ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ------ Calculate amplitudes at each spectrum location -------- ! ------------ for every wave train component ------------------ subroutine generate_wave_train_properties_per_offshore_point(wp,s) use spaceparams use interp implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s ! internal integer :: i,ii,dummy integer,dimension(2) :: interpindex real*8,dimension(2) :: positions,sf logical :: interpcase real*8 :: here,sfnow,sfimp integer,dimension(size(n_index_loc)) :: temp_index_loc ! allocate space for the amplitude array and representative integration angle allocate(wp%A(s%ny+1,wp%K)) ! allocate(wp%danggen(s%ny+1)) allocate(wp%Sfinterp(s%ny+1,wp%K)) allocate(wp%Sfinterpq(s%ny+1,wp%K)) allocate(wp%Hm0interp(s%ny+1)) ! where necessary, interpolate Sf of each spectrum location ! to the current grid cell, and use this to calculate A do i=1,s%ny+1 ! Four possibilities: ! 1: this exact point has an input spectrum ! 2: this point lies between two input spectra ! 3: this point lies before any input spectrum ! 4: this point lies beyond any input spectrum if (any(n_index_loc==i)) then ! case 1 interpcase = .false. do ii=1,nspectra if(n_index_loc(ii)==i) then interpindex = ii endif enddo elseif(imaxval(n_index_loc)) then ! case 4 interpcase = .false. do ii=1,nspectra if(n_index_loc(ii)==maxval(n_index_loc)) then interpindex = ii endif enddo else ! case 2 interpcase = .true. temp_index_loc = n_index_loc where(n_index_loc>i) temp_index_loc = -huge(0) endwhere interpindex(1) = minval(maxloc(temp_index_loc)) temp_index_loc = n_index_loc where(n_index_locmaxval(binedges)) then toosmall = .false. toolarge = .true. elseif (wp%thetagen(i) maxval(binedges) enddo enddo ! distribute the wave train directions among the wave directional bins, ! store the corresponding bin per wave train in WDindex. allocate(wp%WDindex(wp%K)) wp%WDindex = 0 do i=1,wp%K if ( (wp%thetagen(i) > maxval(binedges)) .or. (wp%thetagen(i) < minval(binedges)) ) then ! remove from computation if wave direction still not within computational ! bounds wp%WDindex(i) = 0 elseif (wp%thetagen(i) == binedges(s%ntheta+1) ) then ! catch upper boundary, and add to upper bin wp%WDindex(i) = s%ntheta else ! fit this wave train component into one of the lower bins do ii=1,s%ntheta if (wp%thetagen(i)>=binedges(ii) .and. wp%thetagen(i)s%ntheta) then wp%WDindex(i)=s%ntheta endif ! reset the direction of this wave train to the centre of the bin wp%thetagen(i)=s%theta(wp%WDindex(i)) enddo endif ! Check the amount of energy lost to wave trains falling outside the computational ! domain lostvar = 0.d0 keptvar = 0.d0 do i=1,wp%K if (wp%WDindex(i)==0) then lostvar = lostvar + sum(wp%A(:,i)**2) else keptvar = keptvar + sum(wp%A(:,i)**2) endif enddo perclost = 100*(lostvar/(lostvar+keptvar)) if (perclost>5.0d0) then call writelog('lsw','(a,f0.1,a)','Large amounts of energy (',perclost, & '%) fall outside computational domain at the offshore boundary') call writelog('lsw','','Check specification of input wave angles and wave directional grid') else call writelog('ls','(a,f0.1,a)','Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: ',perclost,'%') endif ! Free memory deallocate(binedges) end subroutine distribute_wave_train_directions ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! --------- Calculate energy envelope time series from --------- ! -------- Fourier components, and write to output file -------- subroutine generate_ebcf(wp,s,par) use params use spaceparams use math_tools use interp use logging_module use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: itheta,iy,iwc,it,irec integer :: index,status integer :: reclen,fid integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: nwc real*8,dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: zeta, Ampzeta, E_tdir, E_interp real*8,dimension(:,:), allocatable :: eta, Amp complex(fftkind),dimension(:),allocatable :: Gn, tempcmplx,tempcmplxhalf integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempindex,tempinclude real*8 :: stdzeta,stdeta,etot,perc ! Allocate variables for water level exitation and amplitude with and without ! directional spreading dependent envelope allocate(zeta(s%ny+1,wp%tslen,s%ntheta)) allocate(Ampzeta(s%ny+1,wp%tslen,s%ntheta)) zeta=0.d0 Ampzeta=0.d0 allocate(eta(s%ny+1,wp%tslen)) allocate(Amp(s%ny+1,wp%tslen)) eta=0.d0 Amp=0.d0 ! Calculate wave energy for each y-coordinate along seaside boundary for ! current computational directional bin allocate(nwc(s%ntheta)) allocate(Gn(wp%tslen)) allocate(tempinclude(wp%K)) allocate(tempcmplx(wp%tslen)) allocate(tempcmplxhalf(size(Gn(wp%tslen/2+2:wp%tslen)))) do itheta=1,s%ntheta call writelog('ls','(A,I0,A,I0)','Calculating short wave time series for theta bin ',itheta,' of ',s%ntheta) ! Select wave components that are in the current computational ! directional bin tempinclude=0 where (wp%WDindex==itheta) tempinclude=1 end where ! Determine number of wave components that are in the current ! computational directional bin nwc(itheta)=sum(tempinclude) ! Determine for each wave component in the current computational ! directional bin its index in the Fourier coefficients array ! ordered from high to low frequency allocate(tempindex(nwc(itheta))) tempindex=0 do iwc=1,nwc(itheta) ! find highest index=maxval(maxloc(tempinclude)) ! reset that one so that the next highest in found in next iteration tempinclude(index)=0 tempindex(iwc)=wp%Findex(index) end do ! Check whether any wave components are in the current computational ! directional bin if (nwc(itheta)>0) then do iy=1,s%ny+1 ! Reset Gn=0 ! Determine Fourier coefficients of all wave components for current ! y-coordinate in the current computational directional bin Gn(tempindex)=wp%CompFn(iy,tempindex) tempcmplxhalf = conjg(Gn(2:wp%tslen/2)) call flipiv(tempcmplxhalf,size(tempcmplxhalf)) Gn(wp%tslen/2+2:wp%tslen)=tempcmplxhalf ! Inverse Discrete Fourier transformation to transform back to time ! domain from frequency domain tempcmplx=Gn status=0 tempcmplx=fft(tempcmplx,inv=.true.,stat=status) ! Scale result tempcmplx=tempcmplx/sqrt(dble(size(tempcmplx))) ! Superimpose gradual increase and decrease of energy input for ! current y-coordinate and computational diretional bin on ! instantaneous water level excitation zeta(iy,:,itheta)=dble(tempcmplx*wp%tslen)*wp%taper enddo ! iy=1,ny+1 endif ! nwc>0 deallocate(tempindex) enddo ! itheta = 1,ntheta deallocate(tempinclude) deallocate(Gn) deallocate(tempcmplxhalf) ! ! Calculate energy envelope amplitude ! Note Robert: oldwbc should be deprecated for wbcversion>2 if (par%oldwbc==1) then do itheta=1,s%ntheta ! Print message to screen call writelog('ls','(A,I0,A,I0)','Calculating wave energy for theta bin ',itheta,' of ',s%ntheta) if (nwc(itheta)>0) then do iy=1,s%ny+1 tempcmplx=zeta(iy,:,itheta) ! Hilbert tranformation to determine envelope for each directional ! bin seperately call hilbert(tempcmplx,size(tempcmplx)) ! Determine amplitude of water level envelope by calculating ! the absolute value of the complex wave envelope descriptions Ampzeta(iy,:,itheta)=abs(tempcmplx) ! Print status message to screen call writelog('ls','(A,I0,A,I0,A)','Y-point ',iy,' of ',s%ny+1,' done.') end do ! 1:ny+1 else ! nwc==0 ! Current computational directional bin does not contain any wave ! components, so print message to screen Ampzeta(iy,:,itheta)=0.d0 endif ! nwc>0 end do ! 1:ntheta else do iy=1,s%ny+1 ! Integrate instantaneous water level excitation of wave ! components over directions eta(iy,:) = sum(zeta(iy,:,:),2) tempcmplx=eta(iy,:) ! Hilbert transformation to determine envelope of all total ! non-directional wave components call hilbert(tempcmplx,size(tempcmplx)) ! Determine amplitude of water level envelope by calculating ! the absolute value of the complex wave envelope descriptions Amp(iy,:)=abs(tempcmplx) ! Calculate standard deviation of non-directional ! instantaneous water level excitation of all ! wave components to be used as weighing factor stdeta = sqrt(sum(eta(iy,:)**2)/(size(eta(iy,:))-1)) do itheta=1,s%ntheta if (nwc(itheta)>0) then ! Calculate standard deviations of directional ! instantaneous water level excitation of all ! wave components to be used as weighing factor stdzeta = sqrt(sum(zeta(iy,:,itheta)**2)/(size(zeta(iy,:,itheta))-1)) ! Calculate amplitude of directional wave envelope Ampzeta(iy,:,itheta)= Amp(iy,:)*stdzeta/stdeta else ! nwc==0 ! Current computational directional bin does not contain any wave ! components, so print message to screen Ampzeta(iy,:,itheta)=0.d0 endif ! nwc>0 end do ! 1:ntheta ! Print status message to screen call writelog('ls','(A,I0,A,I0,A)','Y-point ',iy,' of ',s%ny+1,' done.') end do ! 1:ny+1 endif ! oldwbc ! ! free memory deallocate(tempcmplx) deallocate(nwc) ! Allocate memory for energy time series allocate(E_tdir(s%ny+1,wp%tslen,s%ntheta)) E_tdir=0.0d0 E_tdir=0.5d0*par%rho*par%g*Ampzeta**2 E_tdir=E_tdir/s%dtheta ! ! Ensure we scale back to the correct Hm0 ! do iy=1,s%ny+1 ! stdeta = sum(E_tdir(iy,:,:))*s%dtheta ! sum energy ! stdeta = stdeta/wp%tslen ! mean energy ! ! stdzeta = (wp%Hm0interp(iy)/sqrt(2.d0))**2 * par%rhog8 ! ! E_tdir(iy,:,:) = E_tdir(iy,:,:)*stdzeta/stdeta ! enddo ! Print directional energy distribution to screen etot = sum(E_tdir) do itheta=1,s%ntheta perc = sum(E_tdir(:,:,itheta))/etot*100 call writelog('ls','(a,i0,a,f0.2,a)','Wave bin ',itheta,' contains ',perc,'% of total energy') enddo ! Open file for storage call writelog('ls','','Writing wave energy to ',trim(wp%Efilename),' ...') inquire(iolength=reclen) 1.d0 reclen=reclen*(s%ny+1)*(s%ntheta) fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=trim(wp%Efilename),form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen,status='REPLACE') ! Write to external file if (wp%dtchanged) then ! Interpolate from internal time axis to output time axis allocate(E_interp(s%ny+1,wp%tslenbc,s%ntheta)) do itheta=1,s%ntheta do it=1,wp%tslenbc do iy=1,s%ny+1 call linear_interp(wp%tin,E_tdir(iy,:,itheta),wp%tslen,(it-1)*wp%dtbc,E_interp(iy,it,itheta),status) enddo enddo enddo ! write to file do irec=1,wp%tslenbc+1 write(fid,rec=irec)E_interp(:,min(irec,wp%tslenbc),:) end do deallocate(E_interp) else ! no need for interpolation do irec=1,wp%tslenbc+1 write(fid,rec=irec)E_tdir(:,min(irec,wp%tslenbc),:) end do endif close(fid) call writelog('sl','','file done') ! Free memory deallocate(zeta,Ampzeta,E_tdir, Amp, eta) end subroutine generate_ebcf ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ------ Calculate time series of short wave at offshore ------- ! --------------------------- boundary ------------------------- subroutine generate_swts(wp,s,par) use params use spaceparams use logging_module use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: j,it,ik,iz real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: zz ! allocate memory for time series of data allocate(wp%zsits(s%ny+1,wp%tslen)) allocate(wp%uits(s%ny+1,wp%tslen)) wp%zsits=0.d0 wp%uits=0.d0 ! total surface elevation call writelog('ls','','Calculating short wave elevation time series') call progress_indicator(.true.,0.d0,5.d0,2.d0) do it=1,wp%tslen call progress_indicator(.false.,dble(it)/wp%tslen*100,5.d0,2.d0) do ik=1,wp%K do j=1,s%ny+1 wp%zsits(j,it)=wp%zsits(j,it)+wp%A(j,ik)*dsin( & +wp%wgen(ik)*wp%tin(it)& -wp%kgen(ik)*( dsin(wp%thetagen(ik))*(s%yz(1,j)-s%yz(1,1)) & +dcos(wp%thetagen(ik))*(s%xz(1,j)-s%xz(1,1))) & +wp%phigen(ik) & ) enddo enddo enddo ! depth-averaged velocity allocate(zz(nzlayers)) do iz=1,nzlayers zz(iz)=(iz-0.5d0)*wp%h0/nzlayers enddo call writelog('ls','','Calculating short wave velocity time series') call progress_indicator(.true.,0.d0,5.d0,2.d0) do it=1,wp%tslen call progress_indicator(.false.,dble(it)/wp%tslen*100,5.d0,2.d0) do ik=1,wp%K do j=1,s%ny+1 wp%uits(j,it) = wp%uits(j,it) + & 1.d0/wp%h0*wp%wgen(ik)*wp%A(j,ik)/sinh(wp%kgen(ik)*wp%h0) * & dsin( & +wp%wgen(ik)*wp%tin(it)& -wp%kgen(ik)*( dsin(wp%thetagen(ik))*(s%yz(1,j)-s%yz(1,1)) & +dcos(wp%thetagen(ik))*(s%xz(1,j)-s%xz(1,1))) & +wp%phigen(ik) & ) * & 1.d0/wp%kgen(ik)*sinh(wp%kgen(ik)*wp%h0) ! do iz=1,nzlayers ! wp%uits(j,it)=wp%uits(j,it)+1.d0/nzlayers* & ! wp%wgen(ik)*wp%A(j,ik)*cosh(wp%kgen(ik)*zz(iz))/sinh(wp%kgen(ik)*wp%h0)* & ! dsin( & ! +wp%wgen(ik)*wp%tin(it)& ! -wp%kgen(ik)*( dsin(wp%thetagen(ik))*(s%yz(1,j)-s%yz(1,1)) & ! +dcos(wp%thetagen(ik))*(s%xz(1,j)-s%xz(1,1))) & ! +wp%phigen(ik) & ! ) ! enddo enddo enddo enddo ! ! ! Apply tapering to time series do j=1,s%ny+1 wp%uits(j,:)=wp%uits(j,:)*wp%taper wp%zsits(j,:)=wp%zsits(j,:)*wp%taper enddo deallocate(zz) end subroutine generate_swts ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------- Bound long wave ---------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine generate_qbcf(wp,s,par) use params use spaceparams use logging_module use math_tools use interp use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(spacepars),intent(in) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: j,m,iq,irec,it ! counters integer :: K ! copy of K integer :: halflen,reclen,fid,status logical :: firsttime ! used for output message only real*8 :: deltaf ! difference frequency real*8,dimension(:), allocatable :: term1,term2,term2new,dif,chk1,chk2 real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: Eforc,D,deltheta,KKx,KKy,dphi3,k3,cg3,theta3,Abnd real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: q,qinterp complex(fftkind),dimension(:),allocatable :: Comptemp,Comptemp2,Gn complex(fftkind),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: Ftemp ! This function has changed with respect to previous versions of XBeach, in that ! the bound long wave has to be calculated separately at each longshore point, ! owing to longshore varying incident wave spectra ! shortcut variable K = wp%K ! Print message to screen call writelog('sl','', 'Calculating primary wave interaction') ! Allocate two-dimensional variables for all combinations of interacting wave ! components to be filled triangular allocate(Eforc(K-1,K)) allocate(D(K-1,K)) allocate(deltheta(K-1,K)) allocate(KKx(K-1,K)) allocate(KKy(K-1,K)) allocate(dphi3(K-1,K)) allocate(k3(K-1,K)) allocate(cg3(K-1,K)) allocate(theta3(K-1,K)) ! Allocate variables for amplitude and Fourier coefficients of bound long wave allocate(Gn(wp%tslen)) allocate(Abnd(K-1,K)) allocate(Ftemp(K-1,K,4)) ! Jaap qx, qy qtot, zeta ! Storage for output discharge allocate(q(s%ny+1,wp%tslen,4)) ! qx qy qtot, zeta ! ! Initialize variables as zero Eforc = 0 D = 0 deltheta = 0 KKx = 0 KKy = 0 dphi3 = 0 k3 = 0 cg3 = 0 theta3 = 0 Gn = 0*par%compi Abnd = 0 Ftemp = 0*par%compi q = 0 ! First time is set true for each time new wave bc are generated firsttime = .true. ! upper half of frequency space halflen = wp%tslen/2 ! Run loop over wave-wave interaction components call progress_indicator(.true.,0.d0,5.d0,2.d0) do m=1,K-1 ! call writelog('ls','(a,i0,a,i0)','Wave component ',m,' of ',K-1) call progress_indicator(.false.,dble(m)/(K-1)*100,5.d0,2.d0) ! Allocate memory allocate(term1(K-m),term2(K-m),term2new(K-m),dif(K-m),chk1(K-m),chk2(K-m)) ! Determine difference frequency deltaf=m*wp%dfgen ! Determine difference angles (pi already added) deltheta(m,1:K-m) = abs(wp%thetagen(m+1:K)-wp%thetagen(1:K-m))+par%px ! Determine x- and y-components of wave numbers of difference waves KKy(m,1:K-m)=wp%kgen(m+1:K)*dsin(wp%thetagen(m+1:K))-wp%kgen(1:K-m)*dsin(wp%thetagen(1:K-m)) KKx(m,1:K-m)=wp%kgen(m+1:K)*dcos(wp%thetagen(m+1:K))-wp%kgen(1:K-m)*dcos(wp%thetagen(1:K-m)) ! Determine difference wave numbers according to Van Dongeren et al. 2003 ! eq. 19 k3(m,1:K-m) =sqrt(wp%kgen(1:K-m)**2+wp%kgen(m+1:K)**2+ & 2*wp%kgen(1:K-m)*wp%kgen(m+1:K)*dcos(deltheta(m,1:K-m))) ! Determine group velocity of difference waves cg3(m,1:K-m)= 2.d0*par%px*deltaf/k3(m,1:K-m) ! Modification Robert + Jaap: make sure that the bound long wave amplitude does not ! explode when offshore boundary is too close to shore, ! by limiting the interaction group velocity !cg3(m,1:K-m) = min(cg3(m,1:K-m),par%nmax*sqrt(par%g/k3(m,1:K-m)*tanh(k3(m,1:K-m)*wp%h0))) ! Determine difference-interaction coefficient according to Herbers 1994 ! eq. A5 term1 = (-wp%wgen(1:K-m))*wp%wgen(m+1:K) term2 = (-wp%wgen(1:K-m))+wp%wgen(m+1:K) term2new = cg3(m,1:K-m)*k3(m,1:K-m) dif = (abs(term2-term2new)) if (any(dif>0.01*term2) .and. firsttime) then firsttime = .false. ! call writelog('lws','','Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax') endif chk1 = cosh(wp%kgen(1:K-m)*wp%h0) chk2 = cosh(wp%kgen(m+1:K)*wp%h0) D(m,1:K-m) = -par%g*wp%kgen(1:K-m)*wp%kgen(m+1:K)*dcos(deltheta(m,1:K-m))/2.d0/term1+par%g*term2*(chk1*chk2)/ & ((par%g*k3(m,1:K-m)*tanh(k3(m,1:K-m)*wp%h0)-(term2new)**2)*term1*cosh(k3(m,1:K-m)*wp%h0))* & (term2*((term1)**2/par%g/par%g - wp%kgen(1:K-m)*wp%kgen(m+1:K)*dcos(deltheta(m,1:K-m))) & - 0.50d0*((-wp%wgen(1:K-m))*wp%kgen(m+1:K)**2/(chk2**2)+wp%wgen(m+1:K)*wp%kgen(1:K-m)**2/(chk1**2))) ! Correct for surface elevation input and output instead of bottom pressure ! so it is consistent with Van Dongeren et al 2003 eq. 18 D(m,1:K-m) = D(m,1:K-m)*cosh(k3(m,1:K-m)*wp%h0)/(cosh(wp%kgen(1:K-m)*wp%h0)*cosh(wp%kgen(m+1:K)*wp%h0)) ! Exclude interactions with components smaller than or equal to current ! component according to lower limit Herbers 1994 eq. 1 where(wp%fgen<=deltaf) D(m,:)=0.d0 ! Exclude interactions with components that are cut-off by the fcutoff ! parameter if (deltaf<=par%fcutoff) D(m,:)=0.d0 ! Determine phase of bound long wave assuming a local equilibrium with ! forcing of interacting primary waves according to Van Dongeren et al. ! 2003 eq. 21 (the angle is the imaginary part of the natural log of a ! complex number as long as the complex number is not zero) allocate(Comptemp(K-m),Comptemp2(K-m)) Comptemp=conjg(wp%CompFn(1,wp%Findex(1)+m:wp%Findex(1)+K-1)) Comptemp2=conjg(wp%CompFn(1,wp%Findex(1):wp%Findex(1)+K-m-1)) dphi3(m,1:K-m) = par%px+imag(log(Comptemp))-imag(log(Comptemp2)) deallocate (Comptemp,Comptemp2) ! ! Determine angle of bound long wave according to Van Dongeren et al. 2003 eq. 22 theta3 = atan2(KKy,KKx) ! ! free memory deallocate(term1,term2,term2new,dif,chk1,chk2) enddo ! m=1,K-1 ! ! Output to screen if (.not. firsttime) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax') endif call writelog('sl','', 'Calculating flux at boundary') ! ! Allocate temporary arrays for upcoming loop allocate(Comptemp(halflen-1)) allocate(Comptemp2(wp%tslen)) ! ! Run a loop over the offshore boundary do j=1,s%ny+1 ! Determine energy of bound long wave according to Herbers 1994 eq. 1 based ! on difference-interaction coefficient and energy density spectra of ! primary waves ! Robert: E = 2*D**2*S**2*dtheta**2*df can be rewritten as ! E = 2*D**2*Sf**2*df Eforc = 0 do m=1,K-1 Eforc(m,1:K-m) = 2*D(m,1:K-m)**2*wp%Sfinterpq(j,1:K-m)*wp%Sfinterpq(j,m+1:K)*wp%dfgen enddo ! ! Calculate bound wave amplitude for this offshore grid point Abnd = sqrt(2*Eforc*wp%dfgen) ! ! Determine complex description of bound long wave per interaction pair of ! primary waves for first y-coordinate along seaside boundary Ftemp(:,:,1) = Abnd/2*exp(-1*par%compi*dphi3)*cg3*dcos(theta3) ! qx Ftemp(:,:,2) = Abnd/2*exp(-1*par%compi*dphi3)*cg3*dsin(theta3) ! qy Ftemp(:,:,3) = Abnd/2*exp(-1*par%compi*dphi3)*cg3 ! qtot Ftemp(:,:,4) = Abnd/2*exp(-1*par%compi*dphi3) ! eta ! ! loop over qx,qy and qtot do iq=1,4 ! Unroll wave component to correct place along the offshore boundary Ftemp(:,:,iq) = Ftemp(:,:,iq)* & exp(-1*par%compi*(KKy*(s%yz(1,j)-s%yz(1,1))+KKx*(s%xz(1,j)-s%xz(1,1)))) ! Determine Fourier coefficients Gn(2:K) = sum(Ftemp(:,:,iq),DIM=2) Comptemp = conjg(Gn(2:halflen)) call flipiv(Comptemp,halflen-1) Gn(halflen+2:wp%tslen) = Comptemp ! ! Print status message to screen if (iq==3) then call writelog('ls','(A,I0,A,I0)','Flux ',j,' of ',s%ny+1) endif ! ! Inverse Discrete Fourier transformation to transform back to time space ! from frequency space Comptemp2=fft(Gn,inv=.true.) ! ! Determine mass flux as function of time and let the flux gradually ! increase and decrease in and out the wave time record using the earlier ! specified window Comptemp2=Comptemp2/sqrt(dble(wp%tslen)) q(j,:,iq)=dreal(Comptemp2*wp%tslen)*wp%taper enddo ! iq=1,3 enddo ! j=1,s%ny+1 ! ! free memory deallocate(Comptemp,Comptemp2,Ftemp) ! if (par%nonhspectrum==0) then ! Open file for storage of bound long wave flux call writelog('ls','','Writing long wave mass flux to ',trim(wp%qfilename),' ...') inquire(iolength=reclen) 1.d0 reclen=reclen*((s%ny+1)*4) fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=trim(wp%qfilename),form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen,status='REPLACE') ! ! Write to external file if (wp%dtchanged) then ! Interpolate from internal time axis to output time axis allocate(qinterp(s%ny+1,wp%tslenbc,3)) do iq=1,3 do it=1,wp%tslenbc do j=1,s%ny+1 call linear_interp(wp%tin,q(j,:,iq),wp%tslen,(it-1)*wp%dtbc,qinterp(j,it,iq),status) enddo enddo enddo ! write to file do irec=1,wp%tslenbc+1 write(fid,rec=irec)qinterp(:,min(irec,wp%tslenbc),:) end do deallocate(qinterp) else ! no need for interpolation do irec=1,wp%tslenbc+1 write(fid,rec=irec)q(:,min(irec,wp%tslenbc),:) end do endif close(fid) call writelog('sl','','file done') else do j=1,s%ny+1 ! add to velocity time series wp%uits(j,:)=wp%uits(j,:)+q(j,:,1)/wp%h0 ! add to surface elevation time series wp%zsits(j,:)=wp%zsits(j,:)+q(j,:,4) enddo endif ! par%nonhspectrum==1 ! Free memory deallocate(Eforc,D,deltheta,KKx,KKy,dphi3,k3,cg3,theta3,Gn,Abnd,q) end subroutine generate_qbcf ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! --------------- Non-hydrostatic wave time -------------------- ! ---------------- series file generation ---------------------- subroutine generate_nhtimeseries_file(wp,par) use params use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid use logging_module implicit none ! input/output type(waveparamsnew),intent(inout) :: wp type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! internal integer :: fid integer :: it,j call writelog('ls','','Writing short wave time series to ',wp%nhfilename) fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=trim(wp%nhfilename),status='REPLACE') write(fid,'(a)')'VECTOR' write(fid,'(a)')'3' write(fid,'(a)')'t,U,Z' do it=1,wp%tslen write(fid,*)wp%tin(it)+par%t-par%dt,wp%uits(:,it),wp%zsits(:,it) if (wp%tin(it)>wp%rtbc) exit enddo close(fid) end subroutine generate_nhtimeseries_file end module spectral_wave_bc_module