module timestep_module ! Time steps in XBeach ! ! Relevant time variables ! ! [Main time loop] ! tstop: stop time simulation (set in params, used in boundaryconditions groundwater output params readtide readwind timestep varoutput waveparams xbeach) ! ! [Output] ! tint: time interval output global values (set in params, used in nonhydrostatic output params timestep timestep_old, varoutput) ! ! tintg: time interval output global values (set in params, used in params timestep) ! tintm: time interval output mean global values (set in params timestep varoutput, used in params timestep varianceupdate varoutput) ! tintp: time interval output point values (set in params, used in drifters params timestep) ! ! tsglobal: file with list of output times for global values (set in timestep, used in timestep) ! tsmean: file with list of output times for meanglobal values (set in timestep, used in timestep) ! tspoints: file with list of output times for point values (set in timestep, used in timestep) ! ! tnext: (set in params timestep timestep_old varoutput, used in params timestep timestep_old varoutput) ! ! [Hydrodynamic] ! tstart: start time of simulation (or output?!) (set in params, used in nonhydrostatic output params timestep) ! CFL: maximum courant number (set in params, used in params timestep timestep_old) ! ! [Boundary condition] ! rt: the record length of the boundary condition (set in params, waveparams, used in boundaryconditions params timestep waveparams) ! dtbc: boundary condition file time step dtbc (set in params, waveparams, used in params timestep waveparams) ! taper: time to spin up wave boundary conditions (set in params, used in nonhydrostatic output params timestep timestep_old varoutput) ! ! [Morphology] ! morfac: (set in params, used in boundaryconditions morphevolution params readtide readwind timestep varoutput waveparams) ! morstart: (set in params, used in morphevolution params timestep) ! ! [Waves] ! wavint: interval between stationary wave module calls (set in params, used in params timestep xbeach) ! ! [Tides] ! tidelen: length of tidal record (set in params readtide, used in boundaryconditions params readtide timestep) ! tideloc: number of input tidal time series (set in boundaryconditions groundwater params, used in boundaryconditions groundwater initialize params readtide timestep) ! ! Relevant Time functions and subroutines ! outputtimes_update ! ! XBeach time loop ! 0 tstop[s] ! |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ! ! Hydrodynamic time scale flow_timestep(input: par%dt, output:s%hh) ! |--------------------|------------------|------------------|---------------|--------|------| ! The hydrodynamic timeloop computes at varying intervals. ! The interval (input:s%hh, par%CFL, par%dt, par%xz, s%nx, s%xz, s%nx, output=par%dt) is computed ! in timestep module ! ! The morphodynamic time scale(input: par%dt, par%morstart, p%morfac) ! |--------|------------------|------------------|---------------|--------|------| ! This scale can start at a different point in time (morstart) and uses a multiplication factor ! (morfac [s/s] (>=1)). ! ! Wave time scale ! |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|-----| ! At different time scales using wavint. ! Wave dispersion ! | ! Only calculated if par%t == par%dt ! ! Global output time scale fixed interval (tintg) ! |---------------------------|---------------------------|---------------------------|------- ! ! Mean output time scale fixed interval (tintm) ! |------------------------|------------------------|------------------------|---------------- ! ! Point out time scale fixed inteval(tintp) ! |---------------------------------|---------------------------------|------------------------ ! ! Global output time scale varying interval (tsglobal) ! |--------------------|-----------|---------------|-|-|------------|-------------|------------- ! ! Global output time scale varying interval (tsmean) ! |-----------------|-----------|-----------|-|-|------------|-------------|-------------------- ! ! Global output time scale varying interval (tspoint) ! |-------------------------|-----------|---------------|-|-|------------|-------------|-------- ! ! Boundary condition length [s] (rt) ! |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|---------- ! This structure contains the time variables which are computed during the simulation. ! Parameters which can be configured by users should go in params structure. type timepars real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpg ! global output times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpp ! point oputput times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpm ! time average output times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpc ! crosssection output times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpw ! wave output times real*8 :: tnext = -123 ! next time point for output integer :: itg ! global output index (1 based) integer :: itp ! point output index (1 based) integer :: itm ! time average output index (1 based) integer :: itc ! cross section output index (1 based) integer :: itw ! wave output index (1 based) logical :: outputg ! output global variables? logical :: outputp ! output point variables? logical :: outputm ! output time average variables? logical :: outputc ! output cross section variables? logical :: outputw ! output wave variables logical :: output ! output any variable end type timepars contains subroutine timestep_init(par, tpar) use params use xmpi_module use readkey_module use logging_module implicit none type(parameters),intent(inout) :: par type(timepars),intent(inout) :: tpar character(80) :: tsglobal character(80) :: tspoints character(80) :: tscross character(80) :: tsmean real*8 :: iir integer :: i,ii,ier !character(80) :: fname ! initialize the time to 0 par%t = 0.0d0 tpar%tnext = 0.0d0 ! initialize timestep counters tpar%itg = 0 tpar%itp = 0 tpar%itm = 0 tpar%itc = 0 tpar%itw = 0 ! initialize output, default no output tpar%outputg = .FALSE. tpar%outputp = .FALSE. tpar%outputm = .FALSE. tpar%outputc = .FALSE. tpar%outputw = .FALSE. tpar%output = .FALSE. !!!!! OUTPUT TIME POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! If working in instat 0 or instat 40 we want time to coincide at wavint timesteps if (trim(par%instat)=='stat' .or. trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then if(xmaster) then ii=ceiling(par%tstop/par%wavint) allocate(tpar%tpw(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpw(i)=real(i)*par%wavint enddo endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpw(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpw) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpw(0)) endif ! If we want global output then if (par%nglobalvar/=0) then if(xmaster) then if (par%tsglobal/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tsglobal) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsglobal) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpg(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpg(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsglobal) endif enddo tpar%tpg=tpar%tpg/max(par%morfac,1.d0) close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintg)+1 allocate(tpar%tpg(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpg(i)=par%tstart+par%tintg*real(i-1) enddo endif endif !xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpg(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpg) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpg(0)) endif ! nglobalvar /=0 ! If we want point output then if ((par%npoints+par%nrugauge)>0) then if (xmaster) then if (par%tspoints/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tspoints) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tspoints) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpp(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpp(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tspoints) endif enddo tpar%tpp=tpar%tpp/max(par%morfac,1.d0) close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintp)+1 allocate(tpar%tpp(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpp(i)=par%tstart+par%tintp*real(i-1) enddo endif endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpp(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpp) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpp(0)) endif ! (npoints+nrugauge)>0 ! If we want cross section output then if ((par%ncross)>0) then if (xmaster) then if (par%tscross/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tscross) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tscross) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpc(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpc(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tscross) endif enddo close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintc)+1 allocate(tpar%tpc(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpc(i)=par%tstart+par%tintc*real(i-1) enddo endif endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpc(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpc) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpc(0)) endif ! (ncross)>0 ! If we want time-average output then if (par%nmeanvar>0) then if(xmaster) then if (par%tsmean/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tsmean) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsmean) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpm(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpm(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsmean) endif enddo tpar%tpm=tpar%tpm/max(par%morfac,1.d0) close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintm)+1 if (ii<=1) then call writelog('lse','','Tintm is larger than output simulation time ') call halt_program endif allocate(tpar%tpm(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpm(i)=par%tstart+par%tintm*real(i-1) enddo endif endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpm(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpm) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpm(0)) endif ! nmeanvar > 0 end subroutine timestep_init subroutine outputtimes_update(par, tpar) use params use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none type(parameters),intent(inout) :: par type(timepars), intent(inout) :: tpar real*8 :: t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 !if (tpar%outputm .or. tpar%itm .eq. 0) then ! par%tintm = tpar%tpm(min(tpar%itm+2,size(tpar%tpm)))-tpar%tpm(tpar%itm+1) ! par%tintm = max(par%tintm,tiny(0.d0)) !end if ! Current timestep: ! check if we need output at the current timestep ! do we have anymore output time points, is it equal to the current? if (size(tpar%tpg) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputg = abs(tpar%tpg(min(tpar%itg+1,size(tpar%tpg)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 ! if global output has last output before tstop, this minimum is necessary endif if (size(tpar%tpp) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputp = abs(tpar%tpp(min(tpar%itp+1,size(tpar%tpp)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif if (size(tpar%tpc) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputc = abs(tpar%tpc(min(tpar%itc+1,size(tpar%tpc)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif if (size(tpar%tpm) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputm = abs(tpar%tpm(min(tpar%itm+1,size(tpar%tpm)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif if (size(tpar%tpw) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputw = abs(tpar%tpw(min(tpar%itw+1,size(tpar%tpw)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif ! tpar%outputg = (size(tpar%tpg) .gt. tpar%itg) .and. (abs(tpar%tpg(tpar%itg+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputp = (size(tpar%tpp) .gt. tpar%itp) .and. (abs(tpar%tpp(tpar%itp+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputm = (size(tpar%tpm) .gt. tpar%itm) .and. (abs(tpar%tpm(tpar%itm+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputc = (size(tpar%tpc) .gt. tpar%itc) .and. (abs(tpar%tpc(tpar%itc+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputw = (size(tpar%tpw) .gt. tpar%itw) .and. (abs(tpar%tpw(tpar%itw+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) tpar%output = (tpar%outputg .or. tpar%outputp .or. tpar%outputm .or. tpar%outputc .or. tpar%outputw) ! if we are updating at the current timestep, increase the counter by 1 ! ! update output counter if (tpar%outputg) tpar%itg = tpar%itg + 1 if (tpar%outputp) tpar%itp = tpar%itp + 1 if (tpar%outputm) tpar%itm = tpar%itm + 1 if (tpar%outputc) tpar%itc = tpar%itc + 1 if (tpar%outputw) tpar%itw = tpar%itw + 1 ! Next time step: ! calculate the output for the following time ! this routine computes the next timestep at which output should be generated ! Determine next time step t1=minval(tpar%tpg,MASK=tpar%tpg .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t2=minval(tpar%tpp,MASK=tpar%tpp .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t3=minval(tpar%tpm,MASK=tpar%tpm .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t4=minval(tpar%tpw,MASK=tpar%tpw .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t5=minval(tpar%tpc,MASK=tpar%tpc .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) tpar%tnext=min(t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,par%tstop) if (tpar%tnext .eq. huge(tpar%tpg) .and. par%t .eq. 0) then call writelog('ls','', 'no output times found, setting tnext to tstop') tpar%tnext = par%tstop end if end subroutine outputtimes_update subroutine timestep(s,par, tpar, it, ierr) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use logging_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), intent(inout) :: s type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par type(timepars), intent(inout) :: tpar integer, intent(inout) :: it integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: i integer :: j,j1,j2 integer :: n real*8 :: mdx,mdy,tny real*8,save :: dtref ! Super fast 1D if (s%ny==0) then j1 = 1 else j1 = 2 endif ! Calculate dt based on the Courant number. ! Check when we need next output. ! Next time step will be, min(output times, t+dt) if (present(ierr)) then ierr = 0 endif tny = tiny(0.d0) ! Robert new time step criterion if (par%t<=0.0d0) then ! conservative estimate par%dt = par%CFL*min(minval(s%dsu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)), & minval(s%dnv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))) & /sqrt(maxval(s%hh)*par%g) dtref = 0.d0 else par%dt=huge(0.0d0) ! Seed dt if (s%ny>2) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if(s%wetz(i,j)==1) then ! u-points mdx=s%dsu(i+1,j) mdy=min(s%dnv(i,j),s%dnv(i,j-1)) ! x-component par%dt=min(par%dt,mdx/max(tny,max(sqrt(par%g*s%hu(i,j))+abs(s%uu(i,j)),abs(s%ueu(i,j))))) !Jaap: include sediment advection velocities ! y-component par%dt=min(par%dt,mdy/max(tny,(sqrt(par%g*s%hu(i,j))+abs(s%vu(i,j))))) ! v-points mdx=min(s%dsu(i,j),s%dsu(i-1,j)) mdy=s%dnv(i,j) ! x-component par%dt=min(par%dt,mdx/max(tny,(sqrt(par%g*s%hv(i,j))+abs(s%uv(i,j))))) ! y-component par%dt=min(par%dt,mdy/max(tny,max(sqrt(par%g*s%hv(i,j))+abs(s%vv(i,j)),abs(s%vev(i,j))))) !Jaap: include sediment advection velocities mdx = min(s%dsu(i,j),s%dsz(i,j))**2 mdy = min(s%dnv(i,j),s%dnz(i,j))**2 par%dt=min(par%dt,0.5d0*mdx*mdy/(mdx+mdy)/max(s%nuh(i,j),1e-6)) !Bas: the following criterion is not yet tested for 2D !par%dt=min(par%dt,0.5d0*mdx/max(s%Dc(i,j)*s%wetz(i,j),1e-6)) !par%dt=min(par%dt,0.5d0*mdy/max(s%Dc(i,j)*s%wetz(i,j),1e-6)) endif enddo enddo else j2=max(s%ny,1) ! Robert: hmmm, in sf1D this should be 1, in "old" 1d this should be 2 do i=2,s%nx if(s%wetz(i,j2)==1) then ! u-points mdx=s%dsu(i,j2) par%dt=min(par%dt,mdx/max(tny,max(sqrt(par%g*s%hu(i,j2))+abs(s%uu(i,j2)),abs(s%ueu(i,j2))))) !Jaap: include sediment advection velocities ! v-points mdx=min(s%dsu(i,j2),s%dsu(i-1,j2)) par%dt=min(par%dt,mdx/max(tny,(sqrt(par%g*s%hv(i,j2))+abs(s%uv(i,j2))))) mdx = min(s%dsu(i,j2),s%dsz(i,j2))**2 if (par%dy > 0.d0) then mdy = par%dy else mdy = mdx endif par%dt=min(par%dt,0.5d0*mdx*mdy/(mdx+mdy)/max(s%nuh(i,j2),1e-6)) par%dt=min(par%dt,0.5d0*mdx/max(s%Dc(i,j2)*s%wetz(i,j2),1e-6)) endif enddo endif if (s%ny>0) then par%dt=par%dt*par%CFL*0.5d0 else par%dt=par%dt*par%CFL*0.5d0 endif #ifdef USEMPI ! Dano: no refraction if ntheta==1 so no need for this check if (s%ntheta>1) then par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dtheta/(maxval(maxval(abs(s%ctheta),3)*real(s%wetz))+tny)) endif #else if (par%instat(1:4)/='stat') then par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dtheta/(maxval(maxval(abs(s%ctheta),3)*real(s%wetz))+tny)) end if #endif !To avoid large timestep differences due to output, which can cause instabities !in the hanssen (leapfrog) scheme, we smooth the timestep. n = ceiling((tpar%tnext-par%t)/par%dt) par%dt = (tpar%tnext-par%t)/n end if ! first, or other time step if (dtref .eq. 0.0d0) then ! If dtref is not yet set. dtref = par%dt #ifdef USEMPI ! Use the same dtref everywhere. call xmpi_allreduce(dtref,MPI_MIN) #endif end if ! wwvv: In the mpi version par%dt will be calculated different ! on different processes. So, we take the minimum of all dt's #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(par%dt,MPI_MIN) #endif par%t=par%t+par%dt if(par%t>=tpar%tnext) then par%dt = par%dt-(par%t-tpar%tnext) par%t = tpar%tnext it = it+1 end if if ((dtref/par%dt>50.d0 .and. par%dt50.d0) then call writelog('lse','','Quit XBeach since computational time implodes/explodes') call writelog('lse','','Please check the velocities at the end of the simulation') call writelog('lse','','dtref',dtref) call writelog('lse','','par%dt',par%dt) ! Force output before exit in main time loop tpar%outputg = (size(tpar%tpg) .gt. 0) tpar%outputp = (size(tpar%tpp) .gt. 0) tpar%outputm = (size(tpar%tpm) .gt. 0) tpar%outputc = (size(tpar%tpc) .gt. 0) ! set output time to current time if (tpar%outputg) tpar%tpg=min(tpar%tpg,par%t) if (tpar%outputp) tpar%tpp=min(tpar%tpp,par%t) if (tpar%outputm) tpar%tpm=min(tpar%tpm,par%t) if (tpar%outputc) tpar%tpc=min(tpar%tpc,par%t) tpar%output = (tpar%outputg .or. tpar%outputp .or. tpar%outputm .or. tpar%outputc) if (present(ierr)) then ierr = 1 endif endif end subroutine timestep end module timestep_module