!============================================================================== ! MODULE NH_MAIN !============================================================================== ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! october 2009 Pieter Bart Smit New module module nonh_module implicit none ! If mpi is defined, the non-hydrostatic module is NOT included in the compilation ! to avoid unwanted side effects. !****************************************************************************** ! INTERFACE !****************************************************************************** save private !----------------------------- PARAMETERS ----------------------------------- include 'nh_pars.inc' !Default precision etc. !----------------------------- VARIABLES ----------------------------------- !--- PUBLIC VARIABLES --- character(len=80) :: PrintFileName = 'Print' integer(kind=iKind),public :: PrintFileUnit = iPrint logical :: initialized = .false. ! NONE real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: au !Pressure coeficients for u(i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: av !Pressure coeficients for v(i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: aws !Pressure coeficients for ws(k,i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: awb !Pressure coeficients for wb(k,i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: aur !RHS for u(i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: avr !RHS for v(i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: awbr !Pressure coeficients for wb(k,i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: awsr !Pressure coeficients for ws(k,i,j) real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: mat !Pressure matrix real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rhs !RHS of the pressure matrix real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zsu !free surface/bottom in velocity points real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zsv !free surface/bottom in velocity points real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zbu !free surface/bottom in velocity points real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: zbv !free surface/bottom in velocity points real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dp !Change in pressure real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dxz real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dyz real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dxu real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dyv real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ddxz real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ddyz real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ddxu real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ddyv real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: wcoef real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Wm real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Wm_old integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: nonhU integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: nonhV integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: nonhZ integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:),save :: breaking !--- PUBLIC SUBROUTINES --- public nonh_init public nonh_cor public nonh_free public nonh_explicit !--- PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ! NONE contains ! !****************************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINES/FUNCTIONS !****************************************************************************** ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine nonh_init(s,par) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! October 2010 Pieter Bart Smit New Subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Initializes nh subroutines ! !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use spaceparams use params use wave_functions_module, only: dispersion !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! type(spacepars) ,intent(inout) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par ! !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- integer(kind=iKind) :: i,j real (kind=rKind) :: d,sigma,k !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open(unit=PrintFileUnit,file=trim(PrintFileName)) allocate(au (0:1,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); au = 0.0_rKind allocate(av (0:1,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); av = 0.0_rKind allocate(aws (5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; aws = 0.0_rKind allocate(awb (5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; awb = 0.0_rKind allocate(aur( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; aur = 0.0_rKind allocate(avr( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; avr = 0.0_rKind allocate(awsr(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; awsr = 0.0_rKind allocate(awbr(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; awbr = 0.0_rKind allocate(mat(5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; mat = 0.0_rKind allocate(rhs( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; rhs = 0.0_rKind allocate(zbu( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; zbu = 0.0_rKind allocate(zbv( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; zbv = 0.0_rKind allocate(zsu( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; zsu = 0.0_rKind allocate(zsv( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; zsv = 0.0_rKind allocate(dxz ( s%nx+1)) ; dxz = 0.0_rKind allocate(dyz ( s%ny+1)) ; dyz = 0.0_rKind allocate(dxu ( s%nx+1)) ; dxu = 0.0_rKind allocate(dyv ( s%ny+1)) ; dyv = 0.0_rKind allocate(ddxz ( s%nx+1)) ; ddxz = 0.0_rKind allocate(ddyz ( s%ny+1)) ; ddyz = 0.0_rKind allocate(ddxu ( s%nx+1)) ; ddxu = 0.0_rKind allocate(ddyv ( s%ny+1)) ; ddyv = 0.0_rKind allocate(nonhU( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); nonhU = 1 allocate(nonhV( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); nonhV = 1 allocate(nonhZ( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); nonhZ = 1 allocate(breaking( s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); breaking = 0 allocate(dp(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; dp = 0.0_rKind allocate(Wm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ;Wm = 0.0_rKind allocate(Wm_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ;Wm_old = 0.0_rKind allocate(Wcoef(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ;Wcoef = 1.0d0 if (.not. associated(s%pres)) then allocate(s%pres(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); s%pres = 0.0_rKind allocate(s%ws(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); s%ws = 0.0_rKind allocate(s%wb(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); s%wb = 0.0_rKind endif !Initialize grid variables dyz = s%dnz(1,:) dyv = s%dnv(1,:) ddyz = 1.0_rKind/dyz ddyv = 1.0_rKind/dyv dxu = s%dsu(:,1) dxz = s%dsz(:,1) ddxu = 1.0_rKind/dxu ddxz = 1.0_rKind/dxz mat(1,1,:) = 1.0_rKind mat(1,s%nx+1,:) = 1.0_rKind mat(1,:,1) = 1.0_rKind mat(1,:,s%ny+1) = 1.0_rKind initialized = .true. sigma = 2.0_rkind*par%px/par%Topt if (par%dispc <= 0.0_rKind) then !Calculate the optimum value of the dispersion coeficiant. do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 d = par%zs0-s%zb(i,j) k = disper(sigma,d,par%g,2.0_rKind*par%px,0.0001_rKind) if (d>0.0_rKind) then wcoef(i,j) = 1.0_rKind / ( 4.0_rKind*par%g / (d*sigma**2) - 4.0_rKind / ((k*d)**2) ) else wcoef(i,j) = par%dispc endif enddo enddo endif !Initialize levels at u/v points (zu,zbu etc.) call zuzv(s) end subroutine nonh_init ! !============================================================================== subroutine nonh_cor(s,par) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! October 2010 Pieter Bart Smit New Subroutine ! November 2010 Pieter Bart Smit Added explicit prediction for 2nd order scheme !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! Releases resources !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use spaceparams use params use solver_module use xmpi_module !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- type(spacepars) ,intent(inout) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- !Indices integer(kind=iKind) :: i !Index variables integer(kind=iKind) :: j !Index variables integer(kind=iKind) :: jmin,jmax !Index variables for superfast1D ! logical logical :: sf1d !Switch for superfast1D !Work real(kind=rKind) :: dzs_e,dzs_w real(kind=rKind) :: dzs_s,dzs_n real(kind=rKind) :: dzb_e,dzb_w real(kind=rKind) :: dzb_n,dzb_s ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if (s%ny>0) then sf1d = .false. jmin = 2 jmax = s%ny else sf1d = .true. jmin = 1 jmax = 1 endif !call timer_start(timer_flow_nonh) if (.not. initialized) then call nonh_init(s,par) endif call zuzv(s) !Built pressure coefficients U aur = s%uu avr = s%vv aur(1,:) = s%uu(1,:) aur(s%nx,:) = s%uu(s%nx,:) avr(:,1) = s%vv(:,1) if (s%ny>0) avr(:,s%ny) = s%vv(:,s%ny) !Built pressure coefficients for W !AW Bottom if (sf1d) then do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then if (nonhU(i,1)*nonhU(i-1,1) == 1) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i) dzb_w = dzb_e elseif (nonhU(i ,1) == 0) then dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i) elseif (nonhU(i-1,1) == 0) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-s%zb(i,1)) *ddxz(i) dzb_w = .0_rKind endif if (nonhV(i,1) == 1) then dzb_s = .0_rKind dzb_n = dzb_s elseif (nonhV(i ,1 ) == 0) then dzb_s = .0_rKind dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbv(i,1))*ddyz(1) endif awb(1,i,1) = dzb_e * au(0,i ,1 )+dzb_w*au(1,i-1,1 ) & !main diagonal + dzb_s * av(0,i ,1 )+dzb_n*av(1,i ,1) awb(2,i,1) = dzb_w * au(0,i-1,1 ) !west awb(3,i,1) = dzb_e * au(1,i ,1 ) !east awb(4,i,1) = dzb_n * av(0,i ,1 ) !south awb(5,i,1) = dzb_s * av(1,i ,1 ) !north awbr(i,1) = dzb_e*s%uu(i,1)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,1 ) & + dzb_s*s%vv(i,1)+dzb_n*s%vv(i ,1 ) & + s%dzblsdt(i,1) !! Dano landslide else awb(:,i,1) = 0.0_rKind awbr(i,1) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo else do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then if (nonhU(i,j)*nonhU(i-1,j) == 1) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i) ! FB: this was dzs_e, which was not defined. Assumed it was a typo. TODO: check. dzb_w = dzb_e elseif (nonhU(i ,j) == 0) then dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i) elseif (nonhU(i-1,j) == 0) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-s%zb(i,j)) *ddxz(i) dzb_w = .0_rKind endif if (nonhV(i,j)*nonhV(i,j-1) == 1) then dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j) dzb_n = dzb_s elseif (nonhV(i ,j ) == 0) then dzb_s = .0_rKind dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j) elseif (nonhV(i ,j-1) == 0) then dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-s%zb(i,j)) *ddyz(j) dzb_n = .0_rKind endif awb(1,i,j) = dzb_e * au(0,i ,j )+dzb_w*au(1,i-1,j ) & !main diagonal + dzb_s * av(0,i ,j )+dzb_n*av(1,i ,j-1) awb(2,i,j) = dzb_w * au(0,i-1,j ) !west awb(3,i,j) = dzb_e * au(1,i ,j ) !east awb(4,i,j) = dzb_n * av(0,i ,j-1) !south awb(5,i,j) = dzb_s * av(1,i ,j ) !north awbr(i,j) = dzb_e*s%uu(i,j)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,j ) & + dzb_s*s%vv(i,j)+dzb_n*s%vv(i ,j-1) & + s%dzblsdt(i,j) !! Dano landslide else awb(:,i,j) = 0.0_rKind awbr(i,j) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo enddo endif do j=jmin,jmax do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then aws(1,i,j) = wcoef(i,j)*par%dt*2.0_rKind/s%hh(i,j)-awb(1,i,j) aws(2:5,i,j) = -awb(2:5,i,j) awsr(i,j) = 2.0_rKind * Wm(i,j)-awbr(i,j) else aws(:,i,j) = 0.0_rKind awsr(i,j) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo enddo !Substitute in the continuity equation if (sf1d) then do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,1)==1) then if (nonhU(i,1)*nonhU(i-1,1) == 1) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*dyz(1) dzs_w = dzs_e elseif (nonhU(i ,1) == 0) then dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*dyz(1) elseif (nonhU(i-1,1) == 0) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-s%zs(i,1)) *dyz(1) dzs_w = .0_rKind endif if (nonhV(i,1) == 1) then dzs_s = .0_rKind dzs_n = dzs_s elseif (nonhV(i ,1 ) == 0) then dzs_s = .0_rKind dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsv(i,1))*dxz(i) endif mat(1,i,1) = dyz(1)*( s%hu(i,1)*au(0,i,1) - s%hu(i-1,1 )*au(1,i-1, 1) ) & !subs U left/right face + dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,1)*av(0,i,1) - s%hv(i ,1 )*av(1,i , 1) ) & !subs V left/rigth face - dzs_e*au(0,i,1) - dzs_w*au(1,i-1,1) & !kin. boun. top - dzs_s*av(0,i,1) - dzs_n*av(1,i-1,1) & !kin. boun. top + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(1,i,1) mat(2,i,1) = - dyz(1)*s%hu(i-1,1)*au(0,i-1, 1) & - dzs_w*au(0,i-1,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(2,i,1) mat(3,i,1) = dyz(1)*s%hu(i,1) * au(1,i, 1) & - dzs_e*au(1,i ,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(3,i,1) mat(4,i,1) = - dxz(i)*s%hv(i,1) *av(0,i,1) & - dzs_n*av(0,i,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(4,i,1) mat(5,i,1) = dxz(i)*s%hv(i,1) * av(1,i,1) & - dzs_s*av(1,i,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(5,i,1) rhs(i,1) = - dyz(1)*( s%hu(i,1)*aur(i,1) - s%hu(i-1,1 )*aur(i-1, 1) ) & !subs U left/right face - dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,1)*avr(i,1) - s%hv(i ,1 )*avr(i , 1) ) & !subs V left/rigth face + dzs_e*aur(i,1) + dzs_w*aur(i-1,1) & !kin. boun. top + dzs_s*avr(i,1) + dzs_n*avr(i, 1) & !kin. boun. top - dxz(i)*dyz(1)*awsr(i,1) else mat(1 ,i,1) = 1.0_rKind mat(2:5,i,1) = 0.0_rKind rhs(i,1) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo else do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j)==1) then if (nonhU(i,j)*nonhU(i-1,j) == 1) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*dyz(j) dzs_w = dzs_e elseif (nonhU(i ,j) == 0) then dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*dyz(j) elseif (nonhU(i-1,j) == 0) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-s%zs(i,j)) *dyz(j) dzs_w = .0_rKind endif if (nonhV(i,j)*nonhV(i,j-1) == 1) then dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*dxz(i) dzs_n = dzs_s elseif (nonhV(i ,j ) == 0) then dzs_s = .0_rKind dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*dxz(i) elseif (nonhV(i ,j-1) == 0) then dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-s%zs(i,j)) *dxz(i) dzs_n = .0_rKind endif mat(1,i,j) = dyz(j)*( s%hu(i,j)*au(0,i,j) - s%hu(i-1,j )*au(1,i-1, j) ) & !subs U left/right face + dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,j)*av(0,i,j) - s%hv(i ,j-1)*av(1,i ,j-1) ) & !subs V left/rigth face - dzs_e*au(0,i,j) - dzs_w*au(1,i-1,j) & !kin. boun. top - dzs_s*av(0,i,j) - dzs_n*av(1,i-1,j) & !kin. boun. top + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(1,i,j) mat(2,i,j) = - dyz(j)*s%hu(i-1,j)*au(0,i-1, j) & - dzs_w*au(0,i-1,j) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(2,i,j) mat(3,i,j) = dyz(j)*s%hu(i,j) * au(1,i, j) & - dzs_e*au(1,i ,j) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(3,i,j) mat(4,i,j) = - dxz(i)*s%hv(i,j-1) *av(0,i,j-1) & - dzs_n*av(0,i,j-1) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(4,i,j) mat(5,i,j) = dxz(i)*s%hv(i,j) * av(1,i,j) & - dzs_s*av(1,i,j) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(5,i,j) rhs(i,j) = - dyz(j)*( s%hu(i,j)*aur(i,j) - s%hu(i-1,j )*aur(i-1, j) ) & !subs U left/right face - dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,j)*avr(i,j) - s%hv(i ,j-1)*avr(i ,j-1) ) & !subs V left/rigth face + dzs_e*aur(i,j) + dzs_w*aur(i-1,j) & !kin. boun. top + dzs_s*avr(i,j) + dzs_n*avr(i,j-1) & !kin. boun. top - dxz(i)*dyz(j)*awsr(i,j) else mat(1 ,i,j) = 1.0_rKind mat(2:5,i,j) = 0.0_rKind rhs(i,j) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo enddo endif !Solve matrix !call timer_start(timer_flow_nonh_solv) dp = 0.0_rKind call solver_solvemat( mat , rhs , dp , s%nx, s%ny,par) !call timer_stop(timer_flow_nonh_solv) s%pres = s%pres + dp !Correct u/v/w !U do j=jmin,jmax do i=2,s%nx-1 s%uu(i,j) = aur(i,j) + au(1,i,j)*dp(i+1,j)+au(0,i,j)*dp(i,j) enddo enddo !v if (sf1d) then do i=2,s%nx s%vv(i,1) = avr(i,1) + av(1,i,1)*dp(i,1)+av(0,i,1)*dp(i,1) enddo else do j=2,s%ny-1 do i=2,s%nx s%vv(i,j) = avr(i,j) + av(1,i,j)*dp(i,j+1)+av(0,i,j)*dp(i,j) enddo enddo endif !W if (sf1d) then do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then s%ws(i,1) = awsr(i,1) + dp(i , 1) * aws(1,i,1) & + dp(i-1,1) * aws(2,i,1) + dp(i+1,1 ) * aws(3,i,1) & + dp(i ,1) * aws(4,i,1) + dp(i , 1) * aws(5,i,1) else !If the point is excluded in nh then get ws from the kinematic boundary condition if (s%wetU(i,1)*s%wetU(i-1,1) == 1) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i) dzs_w = dzs_e elseif (s%wetU(i ,1) == 0) then dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i) elseif (s%wetU(i-1,1) == 0) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-s%zs(i,1)) *ddxz(i) dzs_w = .0_rKind else dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .0_rKind endif if (s%wetV(i,1) == 1) then dzs_s = .0_rKind dzs_n = dzb_s elseif (s%wetV(i ,1 ) == 0) then dzs_s = .0_rKind dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsv(i,1))*ddyz(1) endif s%ws(i,1) = - (s%hu(i,1)*s%uu(i,1)-s%hu(i-1,1 )*s%uu(i-1,1 ))*ddxz(i) & - (s%hv(i,1)*s%vv(i,1)-s%hv(i ,1 )*s%vv(i ,1 ))*ddyz(1) & + dzs_e*s%uu(i,1)+dzs_w*s%uu(i-1,1) & + dzs_s*s%vv(i,1)+dzs_n*s%vv(i, 1) endif enddo do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then s%wb(i,1) = awbr(i,1) + dp(i , 1) * awb(1,i,1) & + dp(i-1,1) * awb(2,i,1) + dp(i+1,1 ) * awb(3,i,1) & + dp(i ,1) * awb(4,i,1) + dp(i ,1 ) * awb(5,i,1) else if (s%wetU(i,1)*s%wetU(i-1,1) == 1) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i) dzb_w = dzs_e elseif (s%wetU(i ,1) == 0) then dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i) elseif (s%wetU(i-1,1) == 0) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-s%zb(i,1)) *ddxz(i) dzb_w = .0_rKind else dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .0_rKind endif if (s%wetV(i,1) == 1) then dzb_s = .0_rKind dzb_n = dzb_s elseif (s%wetV(i ,1 ) == 0) then dzb_s = .0_rKind dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbv(i,1))*ddyz(1) endif s%wb(i,1) = + dzb_e*s%uu(i,1)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,1) & + dzb_s*s%vv(i,1)+dzb_n*s%vv(i,1) endif enddo !Assign boundaries #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(s%wb,'m:') call xmpi_shift(s%wb,'1:') call xmpi_shift(s%ws,'m:') call xmpi_shift(s%ws,'1:') if (xmpi_istop) then s%wb(1,:) = s%wb(2,:) endif if (xmpi_isbot) then s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:) s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:) endif #else s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:) s%wb(1,:) = s%wb(2,:) s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:) #endif else do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then s%ws(i,j) = awsr(i,j) + dp(i , j) * aws(1,i,j) & + dp(i-1,j) * aws(2,i,j) + dp(i+1,j ) * aws(3,i,j) & + dp(i ,j-1)* aws(4,i,j) + dp(i ,j+1) * aws(5,i,j) else !If the point is excluded in nh then get ws from the kinematic boundary condition if (s%wetU(i,j)*s%wetU(i-1,j) == 1) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i) dzs_w = dzs_e elseif (s%wetU(i ,j) == 0) then dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i) elseif (s%wetU(i-1,j) == 0) then dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-s%zs(i,j)) *ddxz(i) dzs_w = .0_rKind else dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .0_rKind endif if (s%wetV(i,j)*s%wetV(i,j-1) == 1) then dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j) dzs_n = dzb_s elseif (s%wetV(i ,j ) == 0) then dzs_s = .0_rKind dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j) elseif (s%wetV(i ,j-1) == 0) then dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-s%zs(i,j)) *ddyz(j) dzs_n = .0_rKind else dzs_e = .0_rKind dzs_w = .0_rKind endif s%ws(i,j) = - (s%hu(i,j)*s%uu(i,j)-s%hu(i-1,j )*s%uu(i-1,j ))*ddxz(i) & - (s%hv(i,j)*s%vv(i,j)-s%hv(i ,j-1)*s%vv(i ,j-1))*ddyz(j) & + dzs_e*s%uu(i,j)+dzs_w*s%uu(i-1,j) & + dzs_s*s%vv(i,j)+dzs_n*s%vv(i,j-1) endif enddo enddo do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then s%wb(i,j) = awbr(i,j) + dp(i , j) * awb(1,i,j) & + dp(i-1,j) * awb(2,i,j) + dp(i+1,j ) * awb(3,i,j) & + dp(i ,j-1)* awb(4,i,j) + dp(i ,j+1) * awb(5,i,j) else if (s%wetU(i,j)*s%wetU(i-1,j) == 1) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i) dzb_w = dzs_e elseif (s%wetU(i ,j) == 0) then dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i) elseif (s%wetU(i-1,j) == 0) then dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-s%zb(i,j)) *ddxz(i) dzb_w = .0_rKind else dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .0_rKind endif if (s%wetV(i,j)*s%wetV(i,j-1) == 1) then dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j) dzb_n = dzb_s elseif (s%wetV(i ,j ) == 0) then dzb_s = .0_rKind dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j) elseif (s%wetV(i ,j-1) == 0) then dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-s%zb(i,j)) *ddyz(j) dzb_n = .0_rKind else dzb_e = .0_rKind dzb_w = .0_rKind endif s%wb(i,j) = + dzb_e*s%uu(i,j)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,j) & + dzb_s*s%vv(i,j)+dzb_n*s%vv(i,j-1) endif enddo enddo #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(s%wb,'m:') call xmpi_shift(s%wb,'1:') call xmpi_shift(s%ws,'m:') call xmpi_shift(s%ws,'1:') call xmpi_shift(s%wb,':n') call xmpi_shift(s%wb,':1') call xmpi_shift(s%ws,':n') call xmpi_shift(s%ws,':1') if (xmpi_istop) then s%wb(1,:) = s%wb(2,:) endif if (xmpi_isbot) then s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:) s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:) endif if (xmpi_isleft) then s%ws(:,1) = s%ws(:,2) s%wb(:,1) = s%wb(:,2) endif if (xmpi_isright) then s%wb(:,s%ny+1) = s%wb(:,s%ny) s%ws(:,s%ny+1) = s%ws(:,s%ny) endif #else !Assign boundaries s%ws(:,1) = s%ws(:,2) s%ws(:,s%ny+1) = s%ws(:,s%ny) !s%ws(1,:) = s%ws(2,:) s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:) s%wb(:,1) = s%wb(:,2) s%wb(:,s%ny+1) = s%wb(:,s%ny) s%wb(1,:) = s%wb(2,:) s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:) #endif endif Wm_old = .5_rKind*(s%ws+s%wb) end subroutine nonh_cor subroutine nonh_explicit(s,par,nuh) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! November 2010 Pieter Bart Smit New Subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Include the pressure explicitly in the predictor step ! !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use spaceparams use params use flow_secondorder_module !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- type(spacepars) ,intent(inout) :: s type(parameters),intent(in) :: par real(kind=rKind),dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: nuh !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- !Indices integer(kind=iKind) :: i,ie,iee,iw !Index variables integer(kind=iKind) :: j,js integer(kind=iKind) :: jmin,jmax real(kind=rKind) :: dwdx1 !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i+1/2,j real(kind=rKind) :: dwdx2 !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i-1/2,j real(kind=rKind) :: dwdy1 !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i ,j+1/2 real(kind=rKind) :: dwdy2 !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i ,j-1/2 real(kind=rKind) :: Vol real(kind=rKind) :: wmax,reformfac if (.not. initialized) then call nonh_init(s,par) endif if (s%ny>0) then jmin = 2 jmax = s%ny else jmin = 1 jmax = 1 endif ! ! Determine if a velocity point will be included in the nonh pressure matrix, do not include if: ! ! (1) The point is dry ! (2) The relative wave length kd of the smallest possible wave (L=2dx) is smaller than kdmin ! (3) The interpolated waterlevel zs is below the bottom (steep cliffs with overwash situations) ! (4) Where Miche breaker criterium applies -> bores are hydrostatic ! max steepness = H/L = maxbrsteep ! dz/dx = maxbrsteep ! dz/dx = dz/dt/c = w/c = w/sqrt(gh) ! wmax = maxbrsteep*sqrt(gh) do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 iw = max(i,i-1) ie = min(s%nx,i+1) iee = min(s%nx,i+2) if ( (s%wetU(i,j)==1 ) & .and. (0.5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j) + s%zs(ie,j)) > zbu(i,j) ) & .and. ( s%dsu(i,1)*par%kdmin/par%px < s%hum(i,j) ) ) then nonhU(i,j) = 1 else nonhU(i,j) = 0 endif enddo enddo if (s%ny>2) then do j=1,s%ny+1 js = min(s%ny,j+1) do i=1,s%nx+1 if ( (s%wetV(i,j)==1 ) & .and. (0.5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j) + s%zs(i,js)) > zbv(i,j) ) & .and. ( s%dnv(1,j)*par%kdmin/par%px < s%hvm(i,j) ) ) then nonhV(i,j) = 1 else nonhV(i,j) = 0 endif enddo enddo else nonhV = 0 endif ! ! Determine if a velocity point will be included in the nonh pressure matrix, include if ! any of the surrounding velocity points is included. ! if (s%ny>0) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (max(nonhV(i,j),nonhV(i,j-1),nonhU(i,j),nonhU(i-1,j)) > 0) then nonhZ(i,j) = 1 else nonhZ(i,j) = 0 endif enddo enddo else do i=2,s%nx if (max(nonhU(i,1),nonhU(i-1,1)) > 0) then nonhZ(i,1) = 1 else nonhZ(i,1) = 0 endif enddo endif if (par%nhbreaker == 1) then reformfac = par%reformsteep/par%maxbrsteep if (s%ny>0) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx wmax = par%maxbrsteep*sqrt(par%g*s%hh(i,j)) if (breaking(i,j) == 0) then if (s%ws(i,j)>=wmax) then breaking(i,j) = 1 elseif (s%ws(i,j)<=-wmax) then breaking(i,j) = -1 endif elseif (breaking(i,j)==1) then if (s%ws(i,j)reformfac*-wmax) then breaking(i,j) = 0 endif endif enddo enddo else do i=2,s%nx wmax = par%maxbrsteep*sqrt(par%g*s%hh(i,1)) if (breaking(i,1) == 0) then if (s%ws(i,1)>=wmax) then breaking(i,1) = 1 elseif (s%ws(i,1)<=-wmax) then breaking(i,1) = -1 endif elseif (breaking(i,1)==1) then if (s%ws(i,1)reformfac*-wmax) then breaking(i,1) = 0 endif endif enddo endif ! turn off non-hydrostatic pressure correction in areas with breaking and increase viscosity where (breaking/=0) nonhZ = 0 s%pres = 0 nuh = par%breakviscfac*nuh endwhere endif !Calculate explicit part average vertical momentum (advection) if (s%ny>0) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then Wm(i,j) = Wm_old(i,j) - par%dt*( ddxu(i-1)*max(s%qx(i-1,j ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i ,j ) & - Wm_old(i-1,j ))/s%hh(i,j) & + ddxu(i) *min(s%qx(i ,j ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i+1,j )-Wm_old(i ,j ))/s%hh(i,j) & + ddyv(j-1)*max(s%qy(i ,j-1),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i ,j )-Wm_old(i ,j-1))/s%hh(i,j) & + ddyv(j )*min(s%qy(i ,j ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i ,j+1)-Wm_old(i ,j ))/s%hh(i,j) ) else Wm(i,j) = 0.0_rKind Wm_old(i,j) = 0.0_rKind s%ws(i,j) = 0.0_rKind s%wb(i,j) = 0.0_rKind s%pres(i,j) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo enddo else do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then Wm(i,1) = Wm_old(i,1) - par%dt*( ddxu(i-1)*max(s%qx(i-1,1 ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i ,1 ) & -Wm_old(i-1,1 ))/s%hh(i,1) & + ddxu(i) *min(s%qx(i ,1 ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i+1,1 )-Wm_old(i ,1 ))/s%hh(i,1) ) else Wm(i,1) = 0.0_rKind Wm_old(i,1) = 0.0_rKind s%ws(i,1) = 0.0_rKind s%wb(i,1) = 0.0_rKind s%pres(i,1) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo endif !Calculate explicit part vertical viscocity if (s%ny>0) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx dwdx1 = .5d0*(nuh(i-1,j )+nuh(i,j ))*s%hu(i-1,j )*(Wm_old(i ,j )-Wm_old(i-1,j ))*ddxu(i-1) dwdx2 = .5d0*(nuh(i+1,j )+nuh(i,j ))*s%hu(i ,j )*(Wm_old(i+1,j )-Wm_old(i ,j ))*ddxu(i) dwdy1 = nuh(i ,j-1)*s%hu(i ,j-1)*(Wm_old(i ,j )-Wm_old(i ,j-1))*ddyv(j-1) dwdy2 = nuh(i ,j )*s%hu(i ,j )*(Wm_old(i ,j+1)-Wm_old(i ,j ))*ddyv(j) Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j) + (1.0_rKind/s%hh(i,j))*par%dt*(dwdx2-dwdx1)*ddxz(i)*real(s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,j),rKind) & + (1.0_rKind/s%hh(i,j))*par%dt*(dwdy2-dwdy1)*ddyz(j)*real(s%wetv(i,j)*s%wetv(i,j-1),rKind) enddo enddo else do i=2,s%nx dwdx1 = .5d0*(nuh(i-1,1 )+nuh(i,1 ))*s%hu(i-1,1 )*(Wm_old(i ,1 )-Wm_old(i-1,1 ))*ddxu(i-1) dwdx2 = .5d0*(nuh(i+1,1 )+nuh(i,1 ))*s%hu(i ,1 )*(Wm_old(i+1,1 )-Wm_old(i ,1 ))*ddxu(i) dwdy1 = 0.d0 dwdy2 = 0.d0 Wm(i,1) = Wm(i,1) + (1.0_rKind/s%hh(i,1))*par%dt*(dwdx2-dwdx1)*ddxz(i)*real(s%wetu(i,1)*s%wetu(i-1,1),rKind) enddo endif do j=jmin,jmax do i=2,s%nx if (nonhU(i,j)==1) then vol = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hum(i,j)*dxu(i)) au(1,i,j) = - (s%zs(i+1,j) - s%zb(i ,j))*vol au(0,i,j) = + (s%zs(i ,j) - s%zb(i+1,j))*vol else au(1,i,j) = 0.0_rKind au(0,i,j) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo enddo au(:,1,:) = 0.0_rKind au(:,s%nx,:) = 0.0_rKind !Built pressure coefficients V !call timer_start(timer_flow_nonh_av) if (s%ny>2) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if (nonhV(i,j)==1)then vol = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hvm(i,j)*dyv(j)) av(1,i,j) = -(s%zs(i ,j+1) - s%zb(i ,j ))*vol av(0,i,j) = +(s%zs(i ,j ) - s%zb(i ,j+1))*vol avr(i,j) = s%vv(i,j) else av(1,i,j) = 0.0_rKind av(0,i,j) = 0.0_rKind endif enddo enddo av(:,:,1) = 0.0_rKind av(:,:,s%ny) = 0.0_rKind endif !Include explicit approximation for pressure in s%uu and s%vv and Wm if (par%secorder == 1) then do j=jmin,jmax do i=2,s%nx-1 s%uu(i,j) = s%uu(i,j) + au(1,i,j) * s%pres(i+1,j) + au(0,i,j) * s%pres(i ,j) enddo enddo if (s%ny>0) then do j=2,s%ny-1 do i=2,s%nx s%vv(i,j) = s%vv(i,j) + av(1,i,j) * s%pres(i,j+1) + av(0,i,j) * s%pres(i,j ) enddo enddo else do i=2,s%nx s%vv(i,1) = s%vv(i,1) + av(1,i,1) * s%pres(i,1) + av(0,i,1) * s%pres(i,1 ) enddo endif do j=jmin,jmax do i=2,s%nx if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j) + Wcoef(i,j)*par%dt * s%pres(i,j)/s%hh(i,j) endif enddo enddo call flow_secondorder_advW(s,par,Wm,Wm_old) endif end subroutine nonh_explicit subroutine zuzv(s) !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! November 2010 Pieter Bart Smit New Subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Interpolate bottom and free surface location to u/v points ! !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use spaceparams use xmpi_module !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- type(spacepars) ,intent(inout) :: s !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- integer(kind=iKind) :: i integer(kind=iKind) :: j !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Free surface location in u-point do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx if (s%uu(i,j) > 0.0_rKind) then zsu(i,j) = s%zs(i ,j) elseif (s%uu(i,j) < 0.0_rKind) then zsu(i,j) = s%zs(i+1,j) else zsu(i,j) = max(s%zs(i ,j),s%zs(i+1,j)) endif enddo enddo !Free surface location in v-point if (s%ny>2) then do j=1,s%ny do i=1,s%nx+1 if (s%vv(i,j) > 0.0_rKind) then zsv(i,j) = s%zs(i ,j) elseif (s%vv(i,j) < 0.0_rKind) then zsv(i,j) = s%zs(i,j+1) else zsv(i,j) = max(s%zs(i ,j),s%zs(i,j+1)) endif enddo enddo else do j=1,s%ny+1 zsv(:,j) = s%zs(:,min(2,s%ny+1)) enddo endif !Bottom location in U point do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx zbu(i,j) = zsu(i,j)-s%hu(i,j) enddo enddo #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(zbu,'1:') call xmpi_shift(zbu,'m:') if (xmpi_isbot) then zbu(s%nx+1,:) = s%zb(s%nx+1,:) endif #else zbu(s%nx+1,:) = s%zb(s%nx+1,:) #endif !Bottom location in V point if (s%ny>2) then do j=1,s%ny do i=1,s%nx+1 zbv(i,j) = zsv(i,j)-s%hv(i,j) enddo enddo zbv(:,s%ny+1) = s%zb(:,s%ny+1) else zbv = s%zb endif end subroutine zuzv ! !============================================================================== real(kind=rKind) function disper(w,d,g,pi2,accuracy) !============================================================================== ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! Calculate k for a given intrinsic frequency w and depth d. First use the fenton ! approximation and then iterate for better accuracy (when necessary) !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: w real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: d real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: g real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: pi2 real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: accuracy !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- real(kind=rKind) :: k real(kind=rKind) :: alpha real(kind=rKind) :: L,Ldeep,pi2d,w2 real(kind=rKind) :: error !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w2 = w**2 alpha = d*w2/g k = alpha*(1.0_rKind/sqrt(tanh(alpha)))/d L = pi2/k Ldeep = g*pi2/(w2) pi2d = pi2*d error = abs(g*k*tanh(k*d)-w2)/w2 do while (error > accuracy) L = Ldeep*tanh(pi2d/L) k = pi2/L error = abs(g*k*tanh(k*d)-w2)/w2 enddo disper = k end function disper ! !============================================================================== subroutine nonh_free() !============================================================================== ! ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! October 2010 Pieter Bart Smit New Subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! Releases resources !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! - NONE - !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- ! - NONE - !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(au) ) deallocate(au ) if (allocated(av) ) deallocate(av ) if (allocated(aws) ) deallocate(aws ) if (allocated(awb) ) deallocate(awb ) if (allocated(aur) ) deallocate(aur ) if (allocated(avr) ) deallocate(avr ) if (allocated(awbr) ) deallocate(awbr) if (allocated(awsr) ) deallocate(awsr) if (allocated(mat) ) deallocate(mat ) if (allocated(rhs) ) deallocate(rhs ) if (allocated(zsu) ) deallocate(zsu ) if (allocated(zsv) ) deallocate(zsv ) if (allocated(zbu) ) deallocate(zbu ) if (allocated(zbv) ) deallocate(zbv ) if (allocated(dp) ) deallocate(dp ) if (allocated(dxz) ) deallocate(dxz ) if (allocated(dyz) ) deallocate(dyz ) if (allocated(dxu) ) deallocate(dxu ) if (allocated(dyv) ) deallocate(dyv ) if (allocated(ddxz) ) deallocate(ddxz) if (allocated(ddyz) ) deallocate(ddyz) if (allocated(ddxu) ) deallocate(ddxu) if (allocated(ddyv) ) deallocate(ddyv) if (allocated(Wm) ) deallocate(Wm) if (allocated(Wm_old)) deallocate(Wm_old) if (allocated(nonhU) ) deallocate(nonhU) if (allocated(nonhV) ) deallocate(nonhV) if (allocated(nonhZ) ) deallocate(nonhZ) end subroutine nonh_free end module nonh_module