! This file is generated by 'scripts/generate.py' using ! /src/xbeachlibrary/variables.def ! /src/xbeachlibrary/params.def ! src/xbeachlibray/templates/space_alloc_scalars.mako ! Advice: do not edit this file, but above mentioned files. ! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ! But edit variable.f90 and scripts/generate.py ! Compiling and running is taken care of by the Makefile allocate(s%dx) allocate(s%dy) allocate(s%xori) allocate(s%yori) allocate(s%alfa) allocate(s%posdwn) allocate(s%thetamin) allocate(s%thetamax) allocate(s%nx) allocate(s%ny) allocate(s%zs01) allocate(s%zs02) allocate(s%zs03) allocate(s%zs04) allocate(s%tidelen) allocate(s%windlen) allocate(s%ntheta) allocate(s%ntheta_s) allocate(s%dtheta) allocate(s%dtheta_s) allocate(s%theta0) allocate(s%vardx) allocate(s%newstatbc) allocate(s%isSet_Vbc) allocate(s%nsecvegmax) !directions for vi vim: filetype=fortran : syntax=fortran ! vim: filetype=fortran