! $Id: ESMF_WebServComponent_C.F90,v 1.8 2011/06/30 19:53:40 w6ws Exp $ ! ! Earth System Modeling Framework ! Copyright 2002-2011, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, ! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics ! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental ! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, ! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. ! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA License. ! !============================================================================== #define ESMF_FILENAME "ESMF_WebServComponent_C.F90" !============================================================================== ! ! ESMF Component module ! !============================================================================== ! A blank line to keep protex happy because there are no public entry ! points in this file, only internal ones. !BOP !EOP ! ! This file provides the fortran subroutine interfaces to be called by the ! c++ software for the purpose of executing the component initialize, run and ! finalize routines. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! INCLUDES #include "ESMF.h" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #undef ESMF_METHOD #define ESMF_METHOD "f_esmf_processinit()" !BOPI ! !IROUTINE: f_esmf_processinit ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine f_esmf_processinit(comp, impstate, expstate, clock, phase, rc) use ESMF_CompMod use ESMF_GridCompMod use ESMF_StateMod use ESMF_ClockMod use ESMF_UtilTypesMod use ESMF_LogErrMod use ESMF_WebServMod implicit none ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(ESMF_GridComp) :: comp type(ESMF_State) :: impstate type(ESMF_State) :: expstate type(ESMF_Clock) :: clock integer :: phase integer, intent(out) :: rc ! ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Processes the request to call the grid component initialization routine. ! ! The arguments are: ! \begin{description} ! \item[{[comp]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_GridComp} object that represents the Grid Component for which ! the routine is run. ! \item[{[impstate]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_State} containing import data for coupling. ! \item[{[expstate]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_State} containing export data for coupling. ! \item[{[clock]}] ! External {\tt ESMF\_Clock} for passing in time information. ! \item[{[phase]}] ! Indicates whether routines are {\em single-phase} or {\em multi-phase}. ! \item[{[rc]}] ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors. ! \end{description} ! !EOPI !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ character :: proctype integer :: localrc proctype = 'I' call ESMF_WebServProcessRequest(comp, impstate, expstate, clock, phase, & proctype, rc=localrc) if (localrc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, & msg="Error while processing init request", & ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc) return endif call ESMF_GridCompInitialize(comp, exportState=expState, rc=localrc) if (localrc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, & msg="Error while calling ESMF Initialize", & ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc) return endif end subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #undef ESMF_METHOD #define ESMF_METHOD "f_esmf_processrun()" !BOPI ! !IROUTINE: f_esmf_processrun ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine f_esmf_processrun(comp, impstate, expstate, clock, phase, rc) use ESMF_CompMod use ESMF_GridCompMod use ESMF_StateMod use ESMF_ClockMod use ESMF_UtilTypesMod use ESMF_LogErrMod use ESMF_WebServMod implicit none ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(ESMF_GridComp) :: comp type(ESMF_State) :: impstate type(ESMF_State) :: expstate type(ESMF_Clock) :: clock integer :: phase integer, intent(out) :: rc ! ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Processes the request to call the grid component run routine. ! ! The arguments are: ! \begin{description} ! \item[{[comp]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_GridComp} object that represents the Grid Component for which ! the routine is run. ! \item[{[impstate]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_State} containing import data for coupling. ! \item[{[expstate]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_State} containing export data for coupling. ! \item[{[clock]}] ! External {\tt ESMF\_Clock} for passing in time information. ! \item[{[phase]}] ! Indicates whether routines are {\em single-phase} or {\em multi-phase}. ! \item[{[rc]}] ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors. ! \end{description} ! !EOPI !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ character :: proctype integer :: localrc proctype = 'R' call ESMF_WebServProcessRequest(comp, impstate, expstate, clock, phase, & proctype, rc=localrc) if (localrc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, & msg="Error while processing run request", & ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc) return endif call ESMF_GridCompRun(comp, exportState=expState, rc=localrc) if (localrc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, & msg="Error while calling ESMF Run", & ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc) return endif end subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #undef ESMF_METHOD #define ESMF_METHOD "f_esmf_processfinal()" !BOPI ! !IROUTINE: f_esmf_processfinal ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine f_esmf_processfinal(comp, impstate, expstate, clock, phase, rc) use ESMF_CompMod use ESMF_GridCompMod use ESMF_StateMod use ESMF_ClockMod use ESMF_UtilTypesMod use ESMF_LogErrMod use ESMF_WebServMod implicit none ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(ESMF_GridComp) :: comp type(ESMF_State) :: impstate type(ESMF_State) :: expstate type(ESMF_Clock) :: clock integer :: phase integer, intent(out) :: rc ! ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Processes the request to call the grid component finalization routine. ! ! The arguments are: ! \begin{description} ! \item[{[comp]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_GridComp} object that represents the Grid Component for which ! the routine is run. ! \item[{[impstate]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_State} containing import data for coupling. ! \item[{[expstate]}] ! {\tt ESMF\_State} containing export data for coupling. ! \item[{[clock]}] ! External {\tt ESMF\_Clock} for passing in time information. ! \item[{[phase]}] ! Indicates whether routines are {\em single-phase} or {\em multi-phase}. ! \item[{[rc]}] ! Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors. ! \end{description} ! !EOPI !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ character :: proctype integer :: localrc proctype = 'F' call ESMF_WebServProcessRequest(comp, impstate, expstate, clock, phase, & proctype, rc=localrc) if (localrc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, & msg="Error while processing final request", & ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc) return endif call ESMF_GridCompFinalize(comp, exportState=expState, rc=localrc) if (localrc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, & msg="Error while calling ESMF Finalize", & ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc) return endif end subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------