! $Id: ESMF_TimeUTest.F90,v 1.44 2011/06/30 05:59:24 theurich Exp $ ! ! Earth System Modeling Framework ! Copyright 2002-2011, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, ! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics ! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental ! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, ! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. ! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA License. ! !============================================================================== ! program ESMF_TimeUTest !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! #include "ESMF.h" !============================================================================== !BOP ! !PROGRAM: ESMF_TimeTest - Test Time initialization and manipulation. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! The code in this file drives F90 Time unit tests. ! The companion file ESMF\_Time.F90 contains the definitions for the ! Time methods. ! !EOP !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !USES: use ESMF_TestMod ! test methods use ESMF implicit none !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! The following line turns the CVS identifier string into a printable variable. character(*), parameter :: version = & '$Id: ESMF_TimeUTest.F90,v 1.44 2011/06/30 05:59:24 theurich Exp $' !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! cumulative result: count failures; no failures equals "all pass" integer :: result = 0 ! individual test result code integer :: rc, H, M, S, MM, DD, YY ! individual test name character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name ! individual test failure message character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: failMsg ! to retrieve time in string format character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: timeString ! instantiate start time type(ESMF_Time) :: startTime type(ESMF_Calendar) :: gregorianCalendar, julianCalendar, & julianDayCalendar, modifiedJulianDayCalendar, & noLeapCalendar, day360Calendar #ifdef ESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE ! individual test result code logical :: bool integer :: dayOfYear, dayOfWeek, D, sD, sN, MS, NS, & US real(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: NS_r8, S_r8, US_r8, MS_r8 real(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: dayOfYear_r8, M_r8, D_r8, H_r8 integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: year, SN_I8, SD_i8 ! instantitate some general times and timeintervals type(ESMF_Time) :: time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6, time7, & midMonth, startTime2 type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: timeInterval2, timeInterval3, timeInterval4, & timeInterval5, timeInterval6, timeInterval7 ! instantiate timestep, start and stop times type(ESMF_Time) :: stopTime type(ESMF_CalKind_Flag) :: calkindflag #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The unit tests are divided into Sanity and Exhaustive. The Sanity tests are ! always run. When the environment variable, EXHAUSTIVE, is set to ON then ! the EXHAUSTIVE and sanity tests both run. If the EXHAUSTIVE variable is set ! to OFF, then only the sanity unit tests. ! Special strings (Non-exhaustive and exhaustive) have been ! added to allow a script to count the number and types of unit tests. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize ESMF framework call ESMF_TestStart(ESMF_SRCLINE, rc=rc) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calendar Interval tests ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize calendars gregorianCalendar = ESMF_CalendarCreate(ESMF_CALKIND_GREGORIAN, & name="Gregorian", rc=rc) julianCalendar = ESMF_CalendarCreate(ESMF_CALKIND_JULIAN, & name="Julian", rc=rc) noLeapCalendar = ESMF_CalendarCreate(ESMF_CALKIND_NOLEAP, & name="No Leap", rc=rc) day360Calendar = ESMF_CalendarCreate(ESMF_CALKIND_360DAY, & name="360 Day", rc=rc) julianDayCalendar = ESMF_CalendarCreate(ESMF_CALKIND_JULIANDAY, & name="Julian Day", rc=rc) modifiedJulianDayCalendar = & ESMF_CalendarCreate(ESMF_CALKIND_MODJULIANDAY, & name="ModifiedJulianDay", rc=rc) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !NEX_UTest ! Test Setting Start Time write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test" write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(startTime, yy=2004, mm=1, dd=29, h=12, m=17, s=58, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !NEX_UTest write(name, *) "Get Time Test 1" write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 2004-01-29T12:17:58 or ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(startTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, & timeString=timeString, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((YY==2004 .and. MM==1 .and. DD==29 .and. & H==12 .and. M==17 .and. S==58 .and. & timeString=="2004-01-29T12:17:58" .and. & rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, "startTime = ", timeString #ifdef ESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Tests fix to support #1115836, bug #1118178, "ESMF_TimeGet returns ! string with %lld not %04lld" reported by Paul Schopf/GMU write(name, *) "Get String Time Test 2" write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 0009-02-07T00:00:00 or ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy=9, mm=2, dd=7, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, & timeString=timeString, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((YY==9 .and. MM==2 .and. DD==7 .and. & timeString=="0009-02-07T00:00:00" .and. & rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, "time1 = ", timeString ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Tests fix to support #1115836, bug #1118178, "ESMF_TimeGet returns ! string with %lld not %04lld" reported by Paul Schopf/GMU write(name, *) "Get String Time Test 3" write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 10000-02-07T00:00:00 or ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy=10000, mm=2, dd=7, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, & timeString=timeString, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((YY==10000 .and. MM==2 .and. DD==7 .and. & timeString=="10000-02-07T00:00:00" .and. & rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, "time1 = ", timeString ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, yy=2004, mm=1, dd=29, h=12, m=17, s=58, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set End Time Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Time have the same calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" bool = ESMF_TimeIsSameCalendar(stopTime, stopTime, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Is Same CalendarTest" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Time day of the year write(failMsg, *) " Did not return dayOfYear = 29 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, dayOfYear=dayOfYear, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Get day of the year test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(dayOfYear.eq.29), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Time floating point day of the year write(failMsg, *) " Did not return dayOfYear = 29.5124768518518 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, dayOfYear_r8=dayOfYear_r8, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Get floating point day of the year test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and. & (abs(dayOfYear_r8 - 29.5124768518518d0) < 1d-13), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, "dayOfYear_r8 = ", dayOfyear_r8 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test day of the week write(failMsg, *) " Did not return dayOfWeek = 4 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, dayOfWeek=dayOfWeek, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Get day of the week test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(dayOfWeek.eq.4), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test middle of the month write(failMsg, *) " Did not return midMonth = 1/16/2004 12:00:00 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, midMonth=midMonth, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(midMonth, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Get middle of the month test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(YY.eq.2004).and.(MM.eq.1) & .and.(DD.eq.16).and.(H.eq.12).and.(M.eq.0).and.(S.eq.0), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Time with Julian calendar ! Use a leap year in the Julian, but not Gregorian calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy=2100, mm=2, dd=29, h=12, m=17, s=58, & calendar=julianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Julian Time Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Time have the same Julian calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" bool = ESMF_TimeIsSameCalendar(time1, time1, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Is Same Julian CalendarTest" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Julian Time day of the year write(failMsg, *) " Did not return dayOfYear = 60 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, dayOfYear=dayOfYear, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Julian Time Get day of the year test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(dayOfYear.eq.60), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test day of the week write(failMsg, *) " Did not return dayOfWeek = 7 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, dayOfWeek=dayOfWeek, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Get day of the week test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(dayOfWeek.eq.7), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test middle of the month write(failMsg, *) " Did not return midMonth = 2/15/2100 12:00:00 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, midMonth=midMonth, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(midMonth, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Julian Time Get middle of the month test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(YY.eq.2100).and.(MM.eq.2) & .and.(DD.eq.15).and.(H.eq.12).and.(M.eq.0).and.(S.eq.0), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Start Time 2 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(startTime2, yy=2004, mm=1, dd=29, h=12, m=17, s=59, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeAssignment(=)(time, time) write(name, *) "Assign one time to another test" write(failMsg, *) " Did not return time1=startTime2, 1/29/2004 12:17:59 or ESMF_SUCCESS" time1 = startTime2 ! exercise default F90 Time = assignment call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, & calkindflag=calkindflag, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((time1==startTime2 .and. YY==2004 .and. MM==1 .and. & DD==29 .and. H==12 .and. M==17 .and. S==59 .and. & calkindflag==ESMF_CALKIND_GREGORIAN .and. & rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, " yy/mm/d h:m:s = ", YY, "/", MM, "/", DD, " ", H, ":", M, ":", S ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(==)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time == operator Test" bool = startTime == stopTime ! exercise Time == operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(==)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time == operator Test" bool = startTime == startTime2 ! exercise Time == operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(/=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time /= operator Test" bool = startTime /= stopTime ! exercise Time /= operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(/=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time /= operator Test" bool = startTime /= startTime2 ! exercise Time /= operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time > operator Test" bool = startTime > stopTime ! exercise Time > operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time > operator Test" bool = startTime > startTime2 ! exercise Time > operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time > operator Test" bool = startTime2 > startTime ! exercise Time > operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time <= operator Test" bool = startTime <= stopTime ! exercise Time <= operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time <= operator Test" bool = startTime <= startTime2 ! exercise Time <= operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time <= operator Test" bool = startTime2 <= startTime ! exercise Time <= operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time > operator Test" bool = startTime > stopTime ! exercise Time > operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time < operator Test" bool = startTime < startTime2 ! exercise Time < operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time < operator Test" bool = startTime2 < startTime ! exercise Time < operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time >= operator Test" bool = startTime >= stopTime ! exercise Time >= operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time >= operator Test" bool = startTime >= startTime2 ! exercise Time >= operator call ESMF_Test((.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) "The result is not correct." write(name, *) "Time >= operator Test" bool = startTime2 >= startTime ! exercise Time >= operator call ESMF_Test((bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, yy=2004, mm=1, dd=29, h=12, m=17, s=58, & calendar=julianDayCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set End Time Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The following 5 tests are from Shep Smithline/Giang/GFDL on ! support #1087160 !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time, relying on defaults 1 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 2/3/2004 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, yy=2004, mm=2, dd=3, & calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/Defaults 1" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.2004.and.mm.eq.2.and.dd.eq.3.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time, relying on defaults 2 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 1/4/3 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, yy=3, dd=4, & calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/Defaults 2" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.3.and.mm.eq.1.and.dd.eq.4.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time, relying on defaults 3 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 2/3/0 ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, mm=2, dd=5, & calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/Defaults 3" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.0.and.mm.eq.2.and.dd.eq.5.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time, relying on defaults 4 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 1/6/0 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, dd=6, & calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/Defaults 4" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.0.and.mm.eq.1.and.dd.eq.6.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time, relying on defaults 5 write(failMsg, *) " Default NOLEAP Did not return 1/1/0 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_CalendarSetDefault(ESMF_CALKIND_NOLEAP) call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/Defaults 5" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.0.and.mm.eq.1.and.dd.eq.1.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_CalendarSetDefault(ESMF_CALKIND_NOCALENDAR) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! This test verifies the fix to bug #1306230, support #1305193, reported ! by Giang Nong/GFDL ! Test Setting Stop Time, relying on defaults 6 write(failMsg, *) " Default JULIAN Did not return 1/1/0 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_CalendarSetDefault(ESMF_CALKIND_JULIAN) call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/Defaults 6" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.0.and.mm.eq.1.and.dd.eq.1.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_CalendarSetDefault(ESMF_CALKIND_NOCALENDAR) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! This test verifies the fix to support #1415439, reported ! by Tim Campbell/NRL ! Test Setting Time with No Calendar, just s, ms, ns write(failMsg, *) " Did not set/get s=1, ms=2, ns=3 with ESMF_CALKIND_NOCALENDAR, and return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, s=1, ms=2, ns=3, & calkindflag=ESMF_CALKIND_NOCALENDAR, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, s=S, ms=MS, ns=NS) write(name, *) "Set Time Initialization Test w/ESMF_CALKIND_NOCALENDAR" call ESMF_Test(S.eq.1.and.MS.eq.2.and.NS.eq.3.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Time have the same calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" bool = ESMF_TimeIsSameCalendar(stopTime, stopTime, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Time Is Same CalendarTest" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time with mm=0 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMC_RC_ARG_OUTOFRANGE" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, mm=0, dd=1, calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set End Time with mm=0 Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMC_RC_ARG_OUTOFRANGE), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting Stop Time with dd=0 write(failMsg, *) " Did return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, dd=0, s=58, calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set End Time with dd=0 Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMC_RC_ARG_OUTOFRANGE), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test driving No-Leap calendar with seconds only ! From bug #1050260 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return S=0, D=8, and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, s=691200, calendar=noLeapCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, s=S, d=D, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Test driving No-Leap calendar with seconds only" call ESMF_Test((S.eq.0.and.D.eq.8.and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test driving 360-Day calendar with seconds only ! From bug #1050260 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return S=0, D=8, and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(stopTime, s=691200, calendar=day360Calendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(stopTime, s=S, d=D, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Test driving 360-Day calendar with seconds only" call ESMF_Test((S.eq.0.and.D.eq.8.and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fractional times tests ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting a Millisecond Time write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy=2004, mm=10, dd=14, h=15, m=52, s=58, & ms=10, calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Millisecond Time Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting a Microsecond Time write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time2, yy=2004, mm=10, dd=14, h=15, m=52, s=58, & us=20, calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Microsecond Time Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting a Rational Fraction Time 1 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time4, yy=2004, mm=10, dd=22, h=13, m=45, & sN=5, sD=9, calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Rational Fraction Time Initialization Test 1" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting a Rational Fraction Time 2 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time5, yy=2004, mm=10, dd=21, h=13, m=45, & sN=17, sD=11, calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Rational Fraction Time Initialization Test 2" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting a Millisecond Time Interval write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeInterval2, s=1, ms=40, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Millisecond Time Interval Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting a Rational Fraction Time Interval write(failMsg, *) " Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeInterval4, sN=3, sD=4, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set Rational Fraction Time Interval Initialization Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test differencing two fractional times 1 ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(-)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 9980 us and ESMF_SUCCESS" timeInterval3 = time1 - time2 ! exercise Time - operator call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(timeInterval3, us=US, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimeIntervalPrint(timeInterval3, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Difference between two fractional Times Test 2" call ESMF_Test((US.eq.9980.and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test differencing two fractional times 2 ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(-)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return D=0, H=-23, M=-59, S=-59, -1/99 seconds and ESMF_SUCCESS" timeInterval5 = time5 - time4 ! exercise Time - operator call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(timeInterval5, d=D, h=H, m=M, s=S, & sN=sN, sD=sD, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimeIntervalPrint(timeInterval5, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Difference between two fractional Times Test 2" call ESMF_Test((D.eq.0.and.H.eq.-23.and.M.eq.-59.and.S.eq.-59 & .and.sN.eq.-1.and.sD.eq.99.and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test adding a fractional time and time interval ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(+)(time, timeinterval) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 10/14/2004 15:52:59.040020 and ESMF_SUCCESS" time3 = time2 + timeInterval2 ! exercise Time + operator call ESMF_TimeGet(time3, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, us=US, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time3, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Adding fractional Time and Timeinterval Test" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.2004.and.MM.eq.10.and.DD.eq.14.and.H.eq.15.and. & M.eq.52.and.S.eq.59.and.US.eq.40020 & .and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test subtracting a fractional time and time interval ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(-)(time, timeinterval) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 10/22/2004 13:44:59 29/36 second and ESMF_SUCCESS" time5 = time4 - timeInterval4 ! exercise Time - operator call ESMF_TimeGet(time5, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, sN=sN, & sD=sD, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time5, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Subtracting fractional Time and Timeinterval Test" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.2004.and.MM.eq.10.and.DD.eq.22.and.H.eq.13.and. & M.eq.44.and.S.eq.59.and.sN.eq.29.and.sD.eq.36 & .and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (>) two fractional times 1 ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time1 > time2)" bool = time1 > time2 ! exercise Time > operator write(name, *) "Fractional time1 > time2 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (>) two fractional times 2 ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time4 > time5)" bool = time4 > time5 ! exercise Time > operator write(name, *) "Fractional time4 > time5 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (<) two fractional times 1 ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time2 < time3)" bool = time2 < time3 ! exercise Time < operator write(name, *) "Fractional time2 < time3 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (<) two fractional times 2 ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time2 < time5)" bool = time2 < time5 ! exercise Time < operator write(name, *) "Fractional time2 < time5 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (==) two fractional times ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(==)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time3 == time3)" bool = time3 == time3 ! exercise Time == operator write(name, *) "Fractional time3 == time3 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (/=) two fractional times ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(/=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time1 /= time2)" bool = time1 /= time2 ! exercise Time /= operator write(name, *) "Fractional time1 /= time2 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (>=) two fractional times ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(>=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time1 >= time2)" bool = time1 >= time2 ! exercise Time >= operator write(name, *) "Fractional time1 >= time2 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test comparing (<=) two fractional times ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(<=)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return (time1 <= time3)" bool = time1 <= time3 ! exercise Time <= operator write(name, *) "Fractional time1 <= time3 Test" call ESMF_Test(bool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Real fractional times tests ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting/Getting with s_r8 on Julian Day calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return Set values and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, s_r8=-37.25d0, & calendar=julianDayCalendar, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time1, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, s_r8=S_r8, s=S, sN=SN, sD=SD, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set/Get Real (s_r8) Time on Julian Day calendar Test" call ESMF_Test((abs(S_r8 + 37.25d0) < 1d-17) .and. & S .eq.-37 .and. & SN.eq.-1.and. & SD.eq.4.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS, & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, S_r8, S, SN, SD ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting/Getting with m_r8 on Julian Day calendar ! Test to verify fix for Brian Eaton/CCSM in #2992547 write(failMsg, *) " Did not return Set values and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, m_r8=-59.0d0, & calendar=julianDayCalendar, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time1, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, m_r8=M_r8, m=M, sN=SN, sD=SD, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set/Get Real (m_r8) Time on Julian Day calendar Test" call ESMF_Test((abs(M_r8 + 59.0d0) < 1d-17) .and. & M .eq.-59 .and. & SN.eq.0.and. & SD.eq.1.and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS, & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, M_r8, M, SN, SD ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting/Getting with _r8's on Julian Day calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return Set values and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, d_r8=9.1d0, & h_r8=17.4d0, m_r8=47.75d0, & s_r8=52.25d0, & ms_r8=22.5d0, us_r8=159.0d0, ns_r8=592.125d0, & sN_i8=1234567890_ESMF_KIND_I8, & sD_i8=3000000000_ESMF_KIND_I8, & calendar=julianDayCalendar, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time1, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, d_r8=D_r8, h_r8=H_r8, m_r8=M_r8, s_r8=S_r8, & ms_r8=MS_r8, us_r8=US_r8, ns_r8=NS_r8, & sN_i8=SN_i8, sD_i8=SD_i8, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set/Get Real (R8) Time on Julian Day calendar Test" call ESMF_Test((abs(D_r8 - 9.85876949284979d0) < 1d-14) .and. & (abs(H_r8 - 20.6104678283950d0) < 1d-13) .and. & (abs(M_r8 - 1236.62806970370d0) < 1d-11) .and. & (abs(S_r8 - 74197.6841822221d0) < 1d-10) .and. & (abs(MS_r8 - 74197684.1822221d0) < 1d-7) .and. & (abs(US_r8 - 74197684182.2221d0) < 1d-4) .and. & (abs(NS_r8 - 74197684182222.1d0) < 1d-1) .and. & SN_i8.eq.5473457777_ESMF_KIND_I8 .and. & SD_i8.eq.8000000000_ESMF_KIND_I8 .and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS, & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, D_r8, H_r8, M_r8, S_r8, MS_r8, US_r8, NS_r8, SN_i8, SD_i8 !print *, "D_r8 - 9.1 = ", D_r8 - 9.1d0 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test Setting/Getting with _r8's on Modified Julian Day calendar write(failMsg, *) " Did not return Set values and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, d_r8=9.1d0, & h_r8=17.4d0, m_r8=47.75d0, & s_r8=52.25d0, & ms_r8=22.5d0, us_r8=159.0d0, ns_r8=592.125d0, & sN_i8=1234567890_ESMF_KIND_I8, & sD_i8=3000000000_ESMF_KIND_I8, & calendar=modifiedJulianDayCalendar, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time1, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time1, d_r8=D_r8, h_r8=H_r8, m_r8=M_r8, s_r8=S_r8, & ms_r8=MS_r8, us_r8=US_r8, ns_r8=NS_r8, & sN_i8=SN_i8, sD_i8=SD_i8, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Set/Get Real (R8) Time on Modified Julian Day calendar Test" call ESMF_Test((abs(D_r8 - 9.85876949284979d0) < 1d-14) .and. & (abs(H_r8 - 20.6104678283950d0) < 1d-13) .and. & (abs(M_r8 - 1236.62806970370d0) < 1d-11) .and. & (abs(S_r8 - 74197.6841822221d0) < 1d-10) .and. & (abs(MS_r8 - 74197684.1822221d0) < 1d-7) .and. & (abs(US_r8 - 74197684182.2221d0) < 1d-4) .and. & (abs(NS_r8 - 74197684182222.1d0) < 1d-1) .and. & SN_i8.eq.5473457777_ESMF_KIND_I8 .and. & SD_i8.eq.8000000000_ESMF_KIND_I8 .and. & rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS, & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, D_r8, H_r8, M_r8, S_r8, MS_r8, US_r8, NS_r8, SN_i8, SD_i8 !print *, "D_r8 - 9.1 = ", D_r8 - 9.1d0 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test adding a time and real fractional days time interval ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(+)(time, timeinterval) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 11/27/2008 03:45:40 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time6, yy=2008, mm=11, dd=25, h=17, m=15, s=40, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeInterval6, d_r8=1.4375d0, rc=rc) time7 = time6 + timeInterval6 ! exercise Time + operator call ESMF_TimeGet(time7, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, h=H, m=M, s=S, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time7, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Adding Time and real fractional days Timeinterval Test" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.2008.and.MM.eq.11.and.DD.eq.27.and.H.eq.3.and. & M.eq.45.and.S.eq.40 & .and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, YY, "/", MM, "/", DD, " ", H, ":", M, ":", S ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test taking the difference of two times to produce a real fractional ! days result. ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(-)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return D_r8=1.4375 and ESMF_SUCCESS" timeInterval7 = time7 - time6 ! exercise Time - operator call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(timeInterval7, d_r8=D_r8, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimeIntervalPrint(timeInterval7, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Test subtracting two times, resulting in a real fractional days Timeinterval" call ESMF_Test((D_r8.eq.1.4375d0.and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, D_r8 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test subracting a real fractional time and real fractional days time interval ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(-)(time, timeinterval) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return 11/27/2008 03:45:40 and ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_TimeSet(time6, yy=2008, mm=12, dd=1, h=2, m=3, s=4, & ms_r8=0.125d0, calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimePrint(time6, rc=rc) ! interval of 1+5/7 days, to 16 digits of precison call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeInterval6, d_r8=1.714285714285714d0, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimeIntervalPrint(timeInterval6, rc=rc) time7 = time6 - timeInterval6 ! exercise Time - operator !call ESMF_TimePrint(time7, rc=rc) call ESMF_TimeGet(time7, yy=YY, mm=MM, dd=DD, s_r8=S_r8, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Subtracting real fractional Time and real fractional days Timeinterval Test" call ESMF_Test((YY.eq.2008.and.MM.eq.11.and.DD.eq.29.and. & abs(S_r8-32069.7144107143d0) < 1d-10 & .and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, YY, "/", MM, "/", DD, " ", S_r8 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Test taking the difference of two times to produce time interval ! equal to previous subtraction ! Testing ESMF_TimeOperator(-)(time, time) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return equivalent timeInterval and ESMF_SUCCESS" timeInterval7 = time6 - time7 ! exercise Time - operator !call ESMF_TimeIntervalPrint(timeInterval7, rc=rc) ! calendars must match for equality test, so reset timeInterval6 with cal call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeInterval6, d_r8=1.714285714285714d0, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) !call ESMF_TimeIntervalPrint(timeInterval6, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Test subtracting two times, producing equal Timeinterval used in previous test" call ESMF_Test((timeInterval7.eq.timeInterval6.and.rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Leap Year tests ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Leap Year Test 1 call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy=2000, mm=2, dd=29, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) bool = ESMF_TimeIsLeapYear(time1, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return true and ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Time Is Leap Year Test 1" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Leap Year Test 2 year = 5000000100_ESMF_KIND_I8 call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy_i8=year, mm=2, dd=28, & calendar=gregorianCalendar, rc=rc) bool = ESMF_TimeIsLeapYear(time1, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return false and ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Time Is Leap Year Test 2" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Leap Year Test 3 call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy=2100, mm=2, dd=29, & calendar=julianCalendar, rc=rc) bool = ESMF_TimeIsLeapYear(time1, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return true and ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Time Is Leap Year Test 3" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !EX_UTest ! Leap Year Test 4 year = year - 90 ! reuse the year variable set above call ESMF_TimeSet(time1, yy_i8=year, mm=2, dd=28, & calendar=julianCalendar, rc=rc) bool = ESMF_TimeIsLeapYear(time1, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) " Did not return false and ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Time Is Leap Year Test 4" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(.not.bool), & name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! return number of failures to environment; 0 = success (all pass) ! return result ! TODO: no way to do this in F90 ? #endif ! free calendar memory call ESMF_CalendarDestroy(julianDayCalendar) call ESMF_CalendarDestroy(day360Calendar) call ESMF_CalendarDestroy(noLeapCalendar) call ESMF_CalendarDestroy(julianCalendar) call ESMF_CalendarDestroy(gregorianCalendar) ! finalize ESMF framework call ESMF_TestEnd(result, ESMF_SRCLINE) end program ESMF_TimeUTest