#include "ESMFPIO.h" #define __PIO_FILE__ "pio_support.F90" ! This module is intended for the internal use of PIO only module pio_support use pio_kinds implicit none private include 'mpif.h' ! _EXTERNAL public :: piodie public :: CheckMPIreturn public :: pio_readdof public :: pio_writedof public :: pio_fc_gather_int #ifdef NO_MPI2 public :: MPI_TYPE_CREATE_INDEXED_BLOCK #endif #ifdef NO_SIZEOF public sizeof interface sizeof module procedure sizeof_{TYPE} end interface #endif logical, public :: Debug=.FALSE. logical, public :: DebugIO=.FALSE. logical, public :: DebugAsync=.FALSE. integer,private,parameter :: versno = 1001 character(len=*), parameter :: modName='pio_support' contains subroutine piodie (file,line, msg, ival1, msg2, ival2, msg3, ival3, mpirank) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! ! Abort the model for abnormal termination ! ! Author: Jim Edwards ! ! Change History ! 20070608 R. Loy added optional args !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: pio_support.F90.in,v 1.5 2011/04/06 18:34:23 samsoncheung Exp $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: file integer,intent(in) :: line character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: msg,msg2,msg3 integer,intent(in),optional :: ival1,ival2,ival3, mpirank character(len=*), parameter :: subName=modName//'::pio_die' integer :: ierr, myrank=-1 if(present(mpirank)) myrank=mpirank if (present(ival3)) then write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': ', & msg,ival1,msg2,ival2,msg3,ival3 else if (present(msg3)) then write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': ', & msg,ival1,msg2,ival2,msg3 else if (present(ival2)) then write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': ',msg,ival1,msg2,ival2 else if (present(msg2)) then write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': ',msg,ival1,msg2 else if (present(ival1)) then write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': ',msg,ival1 else if (present(msg)) then write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': ',msg else write(6,*) subName,':: myrank=',myrank,': ERROR: ',file,':',line,': (no message)' endif #if defined(AIX) || defined(_AIX) || defined(SYSAIX) #if !defined(BGL) && !defined(BGP) close(5) ! needed to prevent batch jobs from hanging in xl__trbk call xl__trbk() #endif #endif #if (defined _MPI) ! passing an argument of 1 to mpi_abort will lead to a STOPALL output ! error code of 257 call mpi_abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) #else call abort #endif end subroutine piodie !============================================= ! CheckMPIreturn: ! ! Check and prints an error message ! if an error occured in a MPI subroutine. !============================================= subroutine CheckMPIreturn(locmesg, errcode, file, line) character(len=*), intent(in) :: locmesg integer(i4), intent(in) :: errcode character(len=*),optional :: file integer, intent(in),optional :: line character(len=MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING) :: errorstring integer(i4) :: errorlen integer(i4) :: ierr #ifdef USEMPIIO if (errcode .ne. MPI_SUCCESS) then call MPI_Error_String(errcode,errorstring,errorlen,ierr) write(*,*) TRIM(ADJUSTL(locmesg))//errorstring(1:errorlen) if(present(file).and.present(line)) then call piodie(file,line) endif end if #endif end subroutine CheckMPIreturn subroutine pio_writedof (file, DOF, comm, punit) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! ! Write a DOF to standard format ! ! Author: T Craig ! ! Change History ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: pio_support.F90.in,v 1.5 2011/04/06 18:34:23 samsoncheung Exp $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: file integer ,intent(in) :: dof(:) integer ,intent(in) :: comm integer,optional,intent(in) :: punit character(len=*), parameter :: subName=modName//'::pio_writedof' integer ierr, myrank, npes, sdof, sdof_tmp(1), m, n, unit integer, pointer :: wdof(:) integer, pointer :: sdof1d(:) integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer, parameter :: masterproc = 0 #ifdef _USE_FLOW_CONTROL integer :: & rcv_request ,&! request id hs = 1 ! MPI handshaking variable #endif unit = 81 if (present(punit)) then unit = punit endif call MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm,npes,ierr) call CheckMPIReturn(subName,ierr) call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm,myrank,ierr) call CheckMPIReturn(subName,ierr) sdof = size(dof) allocate(sdof1d(0:npes-1)) sdof1d = -1 sdof_tmp(1) = sdof call pio_fc_gather_int(sdof_tmp, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & sdof1d, 1, MPI_INTEGER,masterproc,comm) if (myrank == masterproc) then write(6,*) subName,': writing file ',trim(file),' unit=',unit open(unit,file=file) write(unit,*) versno,npes endif do n = 0,npes-1 if (myrank == masterproc) then allocate(wdof(sdof1d(n))) endif if (myrank == masterproc .and. n == masterproc) then wdof = dof else if (myrank == n .and. sdof > 0) then #ifdef _USE_FLOW_CONTROL call MPI_RECV(hs,1,MPI_INTEGER,masterproc,n,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_writedof mpi_recv') #endif call MPI_SEND(dof,sdof,MPI_INTEGER,masterproc,n,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_writedof mpi_send') endif if (myrank == masterproc .and. sdof1d(n) > 0) then #ifdef _USE_FLOW_CONTROL call MPI_IRECV(wdof,sdof1d(n),MPI_INTEGER,n,n,comm,rcv_request,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_writedof mpi_irecv') call MPI_SEND(hs,1,MPI_INTEGER,n,n,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_writedof mpi_send') call MPI_WAIT(rcv_request,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_writedof mpi_wait') #else call MPI_RECV(wdof,sdof1d(n),MPI_INTEGER,n,n,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_writedof mpi_recv') #endif endif endif if (myrank == masterproc) then write(unit,*) n,sdof1d(n) do m = 1,sdof1d(n) write(unit,*) wdof(m) enddo deallocate(wdof) endif enddo if (myrank == masterproc) then close(unit) endif deallocate(sdof1d) end subroutine pio_writedof subroutine pio_readdof (file, DOF, comm, punit) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! ! Read a DOF to standard format ! ! Author: T Craig ! ! Change History ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: pio_support.F90.in,v 1.5 2011/04/06 18:34:23 samsoncheung Exp $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arguments ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: file integer ,pointer:: dof(:) integer ,intent(in) :: comm integer,optional,intent(in) :: punit character(len=*), parameter :: subName=modName//'::pio_readdof' integer :: ierr, myrank, npes, sdof, m, n, unit, rn integer :: rversno, rnpes integer, pointer :: wdof(:) integer, parameter :: masterproc = 0 integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) unit = 81 if (present(punit)) then unit = punit endif call MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm,npes,ierr) call CheckMPIReturn(subName,ierr) call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm,myrank,ierr) call CheckMPIReturn(subName,ierr) allocate(dof(0)) ! default for pes with no dof if (myrank == masterproc) then write(6,*) subName,': reading file ',trim(file),' unit=',unit open(unit,file=file,status='old') read(unit,*) rversno,rnpes write(6,*) subName,': reading file ',trim(file),' versno=',rversno if (rnpes /= npes) then call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,'pio_readdof npes incorrect') endif do n = 0,npes-1 read(unit,*) rn,sdof if (rn /= n) then call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,'pio_readdof rn out of sync') endif allocate(wdof(sdof)) do m = 1,sdof read(unit,*) wdof(m) enddo if (n == masterproc) then deallocate(dof) allocate(dof(sdof)) dof = wdof else call MPI_SEND(sdof,1,MPI_INTEGER,n,n,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_readdof mpi_send1') if (sdof > 0) then call MPI_SEND(wdof,sdof,MPI_INTEGER,n,npes+n,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_readdof mpi_send2') endif endif deallocate(wdof) enddo close(unit) else call MPI_RECV(sdof,1,MPI_INTEGER,masterproc,myrank,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_readdof mpi_recv1') if (sdof > 0) then deallocate(dof) allocate(dof(sdof)) call MPI_RECV(dof,sdof,MPI_INTEGER,masterproc,npes+myrank,comm,status,ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call piodie(__PIO_FILE__,__LINE__,' pio_readdof mpi_recv2') endif endif end subroutine pio_readdof #ifdef NO_MPI2 subroutine MPI_TYPE_CREATE_INDEXED_BLOCK(count, blen, disp, oldtype, newtype, ierr) integer, intent(in) :: count integer, intent(in) :: blen integer, intent(in) :: disp(:) integer, intent(in) :: oldtype integer, intent(out) :: newtype integer :: ierr integer :: dblens(count) dblens = blen #ifndef _MPISERIAL call mpi_type_indexed(count, dblens, disp, oldtype, newtype, ierr) #endif end subroutine MPI_TYPE_CREATE_INDEXED_BLOCK #endif #ifdef NO_SIZEOF integer function sizeof_{TYPE}(val) result(i) implicit none {VTYPE},intent(in) :: val #if ({ITYPE} == TYPEINT) i=4 #elif ({ITYPE} == TYPEREAL) i=4 #elif ({ITYPE} == TYPEDOUBLE) i=8 #elif ({ITYPE} == TYPETEXT) i=len(val) #endif end function sizeof_{TYPE} #endif subroutine pio_fc_gather_int ( sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, & recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype, & root, comm, flow_cntl ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Purpose: !! Gather collective with additional flow control, so as to !! be more robust when used with high process counts. !! !! Method: !! If flow_cntl optional parameter !! < 0: use MPI_Gather !! >= 0: use point-to-point with handshaking messages and !! preposting receive requests up to !! max(min(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size) !! ahead if optional flow_cntl parameter is present. !! Otherwise, fc_gather_flow_cntl is used in its place. !! Default value is 64. !! !! Author of original version: P. Worley !! Ported from CAM: P. Worley, Jan 2010 !< !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !---------------------------Parameters --------------------------------- ! integer, parameter :: max_gather_block_size = 64 !---------------------------Input arguments-------------------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: sendbuf(*) ! outgoing message buffer integer, intent(in) :: sendcnt ! size of send buffer integer, intent(in) :: sendtype ! MPI type of send buffer integer, intent(in) :: recvcnt ! size of receive buffer integer, intent(in) :: recvtype ! MPI type of receive buffer integer, intent(in) :: root ! gather destination integer, intent(in) :: comm ! MPI communicator integer,optional, intent(in):: flow_cntl ! flow control variable !---------------------------Output arguments-------------------------- ! integer, intent(out) :: recvbuf(*) ! incoming message buffer #ifndef _MPISERIAL ! !---------------------------Local workspace--------------------------------- ! character(len=*), parameter :: subName=modName//'::pio_fc_gather_int' logical :: fc_gather ! use explicit flow control? integer :: hs ! handshake variable integer :: gather_block_size ! number of preposted receive requests integer :: nprocs ! size of communicator integer :: mytask ! MPI task id with communicator integer :: mtag ! MPI message tag integer :: p, i ! loop indices integer :: displs ! offset into receive buffer integer :: count, preposts, head, tail ! variables controlling recv-ahead logic integer :: rcvid(max_gather_block_size) ! receive request ids integer :: ier ! return error status integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) ! MPI status ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if ( present(flow_cntl) ) then if (flow_cntl >= 0) then gather_block_size = min(max(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size) fc_gather = .true. else fc_gather = .false. endif else #ifdef _USE_FLOW_CONTROL gather_block_size = max(1,max_gather_block_size) fc_gather = .true. #else fc_gather = .false. #endif endif if (fc_gather) then ! Determine task id and size of communicator call mpi_comm_rank (comm, mytask, ier) call mpi_comm_size (comm, nprocs, ier) ! Initialize tag and hs variable #ifdef _NO_PIO_SWAPM_TAG_OFFSET mtag = 0 #else mtag = 2*nprocs #endif hs = 1 if (root .eq. mytask) then ! prepost gather_block_size irecvs, and start receiving data preposts = min(nprocs-1, gather_block_size) head = 0 count = 0 do p=0, nprocs-1 if (p .ne. root) then if (recvcnt > 0) then count = count + 1 if (count > preposts) then tail = mod(head,preposts) + 1 call mpi_wait (rcvid(tail), status, ier) end if head = mod(head,preposts) + 1 displs = p*recvcnt call mpi_irecv ( recvbuf(displs+1), recvcnt, & recvtype, p, mtag, comm, rcvid(head), & ier ) call mpi_send ( hs, 1, recvtype, p, mtag, comm, ier ) end if end if end do ! copy local data displs = mytask*recvcnt do i=1,sendcnt recvbuf(displs+i) = sendbuf(i) enddo ! wait for final data do i=1,min(count,preposts) call mpi_wait (rcvid(i), status, ier) enddo else if (sendcnt > 0) then call mpi_recv ( hs, 1, sendtype, root, mtag, comm, & status, ier ) call mpi_rsend ( sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, root, mtag, & comm, ier ) end if endif call CheckMPIReturn(subName,ier) else call mpi_gather (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, & recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype, & root, comm, ier) call CheckMPIReturn(subName,ier) endif #endif return end subroutine pio_fc_gather_int end module pio_support