! $Id: ESMF_FieldUTest.F90,v 1.164 2011/06/30 14:49:39 oehmke Exp $ ! ! Earth System Modeling Framework ! Copyright 2002-2011, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, ! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics ! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental ! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, ! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. ! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA License. ! !============================================================================== ! program ESMF_FieldUTest !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "ESMF.h" !============================================================================== !BOPI ! !PROGRAM: ESMF_FieldTest - One line general statement about this test ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! The code in this file drives F90 Field unit tests. ! The companion file ESMF\_Field.F90 contains the definitions for the ! Field methods. !EOPI !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !USES: use ESMF_TestMod ! test methods use ESMF use ESMF_FieldGetMod implicit none !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! The following line turns the CVS identifier string into a printable variable. character(*), parameter :: version = & '$Id: ESMF_FieldUTest.F90,v 1.164 2011/06/30 14:49:39 oehmke Exp $' !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! cumulative result: count failures; no failures equals "all pass" integer :: result = 0 ! individual test result code integer :: rc = 1 ! individual test failure message character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: failMsg character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: type(ESMF_VM) :: vm real(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: minCoord(2) !type(ESMF_RelLoc) :: rl !type(ESMF_Mask) :: mask type(ESMF_Field) :: f1, fieldAlias logical:: fieldBool #ifdef ESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE integer :: cu(2), cl(2), cc(2), localrc integer :: ldecount type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid3 type(ESMF_ArraySpec) :: arrayspec, arrayspec1 type(ESMF_LocStream) :: locstream type(ESMF_StaggerLoc) :: staggerloc8 type(ESMF_ArraySpec) :: arrayspec8 real(ESMF_KIND_R8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: fptr real(ESMF_KIND_R4), dimension(:,:), pointer :: lsfptrR4Out type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid, grid2 real(ESMF_KIND_R8), dimension(:), pointer :: lsfptr,lsfptrOut type(ESMF_Field) :: f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, fls, fS, f7 real(ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: farray(:,:) type(ESMF_FieldStatus_Flag) :: fstatus integer :: ulb(1), uub(1) character (len = 20) :: gname, gname3 character (len = 20) :: fname, fname1, fname2 logical :: correct #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The unit tests are divided into Sanity and Exhaustive. The Sanity tests are ! always run. When the environment variable, EXHAUSTIVE, is set to ON then ! the EXHAUSTIVE and sanity tests both run. If the EXHAUSTIVE variable is set ! to OFF, then only the sanity unit tests. ! Special strings (Non-exhaustive and exhaustive) have been ! added to allow a script to count the number and types of unit tests. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_TestStart(ESMF_SRCLINE, rc=rc) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! several calls to field need a valid grid. these will be used in ! the grid create calls. call ESMF_VMGetGlobal(vm, rc=rc) minCoord(:) = (/ 0.0, 0.0 /) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Test Requirement FLD1.1.3 Creation without data ! Fields may be created as in FLD1.1.1 without allocating data or ! specifying an associated data array. In this case specifying the ! grid parameters and data array dimensions may be deferred until ! data is attached. f1 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with no data" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only write(name, *) "Field equality before assignment Test" write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" fieldBool = (fieldAlias.eq.f1) call ESMF_Test(.not.fieldBool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Testing ESMF_FieldAssignment(=)() write(name, *) "Field assignment and equality Test" write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" fieldAlias = f1 fieldBool = (fieldAlias.eq.f1) call ESMF_Test(fieldBool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only write(name, *) "FieldDestroy Test" write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f1, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Testing ESMF_FieldOperator(==)() write(name, *) "Field equality after destroy Test" write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" fieldBool = (fieldAlias==f1) call ESMF_Test(.not.fieldBool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Testing ESMF_FieldOperator(/=)() write(name, *) "Field non-equality after destroy Test" write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" fieldBool = (fieldAlias/=f1) call ESMF_Test(fieldBool, name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !NEX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only write(name, *) "Double FieldDestroy through alias Test" write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" call ESMF_FieldDestroy(fieldAlias, rc=rc) call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) #ifdef ESMF_TESTEXHAUSTIVE !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Testing creating a field on a locstream write(failMsg, *) "Test unsuccessful" write(name, *) "Creating a Field on a LocStream from typekind" ! initialize rc=ESMF_SUCCESS correct=.true. ! Create locstream locstream=ESMF_LocStreamCreate(localCount=10, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Create Field fls=ESMF_FieldCreate(locstream, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, & ungriddedLBound=(/1/), ungriddedUBound=(/4/), rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE call ESMF_FieldGet(fls, arrayspec=arrayspec1, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! check bounds call ESMF_FieldGet(fls, localDE=0, computationalCount=cc, & computationalLBound=cl, computationalUBound=cu, & farrayPtr=lsfptrR4Out, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Check output if (cl(1) .ne. 1) correct=.false. if (cu(1) .ne. 10) correct=.false. if (cc(1) .ne. 10) correct=.false. if (cl(2) .ne. 1) correct=.false. if (cu(2) .ne. 4) correct=.false. if (cc(2) .ne. 4) correct=.false. ! Destroy Field call ESMF_FieldDestroy(fls, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Destroy LocStream call ESMF_LocStreamDestroy(locstream, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE call ESMF_Test(((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS) .and. correct), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Testing creating a field on a locstream write(failMsg, *) "Test unsuccessful" write(name, *) "Creating a Field on a LocStream from an ArraySpec" ! initialize rc=ESMF_SUCCESS correct=.true. ! Create locstream locstream=ESMF_LocStreamCreate(localCount=10, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Set Array Spec call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arrayspec, rank=2, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Create Field fls=ESMF_FieldCreate(locstream, arrayspec, & ungriddedLBound=(/1/), ungriddedUBound=(/4/), rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE call ESMF_FieldGet(fls, arrayspec=arrayspec1, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE call ESMF_ArrayspecPrint(arrayspec1, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! check bounds call ESMF_FieldGet(fls, localDE=0, computationalCount=cc, & computationalLBound=cl, computationalUBound=cu, & farrayPtr=lsfptrR4Out, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Check output if (cl(1) .ne. 1) correct=.false. if (cu(1) .ne. 10) correct=.false. if (cc(1) .ne. 10) correct=.false. if (cl(2) .ne. 1) correct=.false. if (cu(2) .ne. 4) correct=.false. if (cc(2) .ne. 4) correct=.false. ! Destroy Field call ESMF_FieldDestroy(fls, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Destroy LocStream call ESMF_LocStreamDestroy(locstream, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE call ESMF_Test(((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS) .and. correct), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Testing creating a field on a locstream write(failMsg, *) "Test unsuccessful" write(name, *) "Creating a Field on a LocStream from an farray" ! initialize rc=ESMF_SUCCESS correct=.true. ! Create locstream locstream=ESMF_LocStreamCreate(localCount=10, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Allocate array allocate (lsfptr(10)) ! Create Field fls=ESMF_FieldCreate(locstream, farray=lsfptr, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! check bounds call ESMF_FieldGet(fls, localDE=0, computationalCount=cc(1:1), & computationalLBound=cl(1:1), computationalUBound=cu(1:1), & farrayPtr=lsfptrOut, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Check output if (cl(1) .ne. 1) correct=.false. if (cu(1) .ne. 10) correct=.false. if (cc(1) .ne. 10) correct=.false. ! Destroy Field call ESMF_FieldDestroy(fls, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! Destroy LocStream call ESMF_LocStreamDestroy(locstream, rc=localrc) if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) rc=ESMF_FAILURE ! deallocate array deallocate (lsfptr) call ESMF_Test(((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS) .and. correct), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Field that has not been created doesn't ! crash when it is destroyed call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_RC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED" write(name, *) "Destroying a Field not created" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_RC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_remove_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Get a name from a deleted created Field ! call ESMF_FieldGet(f1, name=fname, rc=rc) ! write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_RC_OBJ_DELETED " ! write(name, *) "Getting name of deleted Field" ! call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_RC_OBJ_DELETED), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Get a name from a non-created Field call ESMF_FieldGet(f2, name=fname, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_RC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED" write(name, *) "Getting name of uncreated Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_RC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f1 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with no data Test Req. FLD1.1.3" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !E-X_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! ! Verifying that an initialized Field can be printed ! call ESMF_FieldPrint(f1, rc=rc) ! write(failMsg, *) "" ! write(name, *) "Printing an initialized Field with no data Test" ! call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that the Field name can be queried from a no data Field call ESMF_FieldGet(f1, name=fname, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "default name not generated" write(name, *) "Getting name of Field with no data Test" call ESMF_Test((fname.ne.""), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! default names unique f2 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldGet(f1, name=fname1, rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldGet(f2, name=fname2, rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f1) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f2) write(failMsg, *) "default name not unique" write(name, *) "Verifying uniqueness of fields created default name" call ESMF_Test((fname1.ne.fname2), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) fS = f2 ! assignment will lead to shallow copy, use later down !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Field with no data can be destroyed call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Destroying a Field with no data Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Test Requirement ! Fields may be deleted. call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f1, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Destroying initialized Field Test Req. FLD1.4" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that printing an uninitialized Field is handled properly. call ESMF_FieldPrint(f6, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_RC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED" write(name, *) "Printing an uninitialized Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_RC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! verify that querying the name of a destroyed Field is handled properly. call ESMF_FieldGet(f1, name=fname, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Getting name of a destroyed Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.ne.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that printing a destroyed Field is handled properly. call ESMF_FieldPrint(f1, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Printing destroyed Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_RC_OBJ_DELETED), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Field can be created with a name f2 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(name="pressure", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Creating Field with name Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that the Field name can be queried. Call ESMF_FieldGet(f2, name=fname, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Getting a Field name Test" call ESMF_Test((fname.eq."pressure"), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f2) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that recreating a Field is allowed. f2 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(name="temperature", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Recreate a created Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Field can be created after it has been destroyed call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2) f2 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(name="precipitation", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Recreate a destroyed Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f2) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Grid can be created grid = ESMF_GridCreateNoPeriDim(minIndex=(/1,1/), maxIndex=(/10,20/), & regDecomp=(/2,2/), gridEdgeLWidth=(/0,0/), gridEdgeUWidth=(/0,0/), & name="landgrid", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Creating a Grid to use in Field Tests" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Test requirement Default name attribute ! The only default attribute of a field will be a name. A unique ! name will be generated if not supplied by the user. ! Test Requirement Query name ! A field shall be able to easily return its name. ! If the user does not provide a field name one will be created. ! Field names must be unique within an address ! space and it shall be possible to check this. ! Bug 705087 "Default Field names not unique" f1 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) f2 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldGet(f1, name=fname1, rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldGet(f2, name=fname2, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Field names not unique" write(name, *) "Unique default Field names Test, FLD1.5.1 & 1.7.1" call ESMF_Test((fname1.ne.fname2), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !print *, "Field (f1) name = ", trim(fname1) print *, "Field (f2) name = ", trim(fname2) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f1) call ESMF_FieldPrint(f2) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f1) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f4 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with no data" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !EremoveX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! ! Setting a Grid associated with Field ! call ESMF_FieldSet(f4, grid, rc=rc) ! write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" ! write(name, *) "Setting a Grid associated with Field Test" ! call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldValidate(f4, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Testing to see if Field is Valid" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Field with a Grid and Array can be destroyed call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f4, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Destroying a Field with a Grid and Array Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Fields may be created by specifying attributes, a grid, data array ! dimensions and descriptors, optional masks (e.g. for active cells), ! and an optional I/O specification. In this case a field will ! allocate its own data. The grid passed into the argument list ! is referenced and not copied. call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arrayspec, rank=2, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, rc=rc) write(name, *) "Creating an ArraySpec Test " call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f2 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, arrayspec=arrayspec, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & name="rh", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with a Grid and ArraySpec Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f2 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, & indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & name="rh", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with a Grid, typekind, and rank Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Test status in FieldGet api call ESMF_FieldGet(f2, status=fstatus, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "status or rc wrong" write(name, *) "Query status flag from a completed Field" call ESMF_Test(((fstatus == ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_COMPLETE).and. & (rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS)), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that destroying a destroyed Field is handled properly. call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2, rc=rc) ! should succeed, f2 exists call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2, rc=rc) ! should fail write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Destroying a destroyed Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.ne.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that destroying a shallow copy of destroyed Field is o.k. call ESMF_FieldDestroy(fS, rc=rc) ! should be o.k. write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Destroying a shallow copy of destroyed Field Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! verify we can create a 3d data on a 2d grid call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arrayspec, rank=3, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, rc=rc) f2 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, arrayspec=arrayspec, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & ungriddedLBound=(/1/), ungriddedUBound=(/10/), & name="rh", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with a 2d Grid and 3d ArraySpec" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Creation with external data ! Fields may be created as in FLD1.1.1 with a data array passed into ! the argument list. The data array is referenced and not copied. ! Verifying that a Field can be created with a Grid call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arrayspec, rank=2, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, rc=rc) f3 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, arrayspec=arrayspec, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & name="Field 0", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with a Grid and Array Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldValidate(f3, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS" write(name, *) "Testing to see if Field is Valid" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f3) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that destroying the Field did not destroy the Grid call ESMF_GridValidate(grid, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Using a Grid after the Field is destroyed" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verifying that a Field cannot be created with an uninitialized Grid ! and Array. f6 is *not* created here and should be invalid. grid2 = ESMF_GridEmptyCreate(rc=rc) call ESMF_GridDestroy(grid2, rc=rc) f6 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid2, arrayspec=arrayspec, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & name="Field 0", rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Creating a Field with an uninitialized Grid and Array" call ESMF_Test((rc.ne.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Verify that a Grid cannot be gotten from a Field created with no data f5 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldGet(f5, grid=grid3, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Getting a Grid from a Field created with no data Test" call ESMF_Test((rc.ne.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f5, rc=rc) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Return grid ! A field shall be able to return a reference to its grid. ! f3 gets created here and used thru the rest of the tests. gname="oceangrid" call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arrayspec, rank=2, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, rc=rc) f3 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, arrayspec=arrayspec, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & name="Field 0", rc=rc) call ESMF_FieldGet(f3, grid=grid3, localDeCount=ldecount, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Getting a Grid from a Field created with no data Test" call ESMF_GridGet(grid, name=gname, rc=rc) call ESMF_GridGet(grid3, name=gname3, rc=rc) print *, "Grid (grid3) name = ", trim(gname3) call ESMF_Test((gname.eq.gname3), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! ESMF_ArraySpecPrint test ArraySpecPrint public interface call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arrayspec8, rank=2, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, rc=rc) call ESMF_ArraySpecPrint(arrayspec8, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Test ESMF_ArraySpecPrint public interface" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! ESMF_StaggerLocPrint test StaggerLoc public interface call ESMF_StaggerLocPrint(staggerloc8, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Test ESMF_StaggerLocPrint public interface" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f3) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Local memory layout ! It shall be possible to specify whether the field data is row major ! or column major at field creation and to rearrange it (assumes ! local copy). !EX_remove_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only ! Requirement 1.3 Index Order ! It shall be possible to specify the index order of field data and ! also to rearrange it. ! Cannot be tested until Bug 705308 "ESMF_FieldGetLocalDataInfo not ! implemented" is fixed. ! Requirement 1.7.2 Query number of dimensions and index order ! A Field shall be able to return the number of dimensions and index ! order it has. ! Cannot be tested until Bug 705308 "ESMF_FieldGetLocalDataInfo not ! implemented" is fixed. ! Requirement 1.7.3 Query attributes ! A Field can return its list of attributes. ! Cannot be tested until Bug 705716 "Field Query attributes not ! implemented" is fixed. allocate(fptr(5,10,15)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f3 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, farray=fptr, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Create a field from grid and fortran dummy array" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldGet(f3, ungriddedLBound=ulb, ungriddedUBound=uub, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Get ungridded bounds from Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only if(ulb(1) /= 1 .or. uub(1) /= 15) rc = 1 write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Verify ungridded bounds are valid" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f3) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f3 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, farray=fptr, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, ungriddedLBound=(/3/), rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Create a field from grid and fortran dummy array" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldGet(f3, ungriddedLBound=ulb, ungriddedUBound=uub, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Get ungridded bounds from Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only if(ulb(1) /= 3 .or. uub(1) /= 17) rc = 1 write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Verify ungridded bounds are valid" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f3) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f3 = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, farray=fptr, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, ungriddedUBound=(/12/), rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Create a field from grid and fortran dummy array" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldGet(f3, ungriddedLBound=ulb, ungriddedUBound=uub, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Get ungridded bounds from Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only if(ulb(1) /= -2 .or. uub(1) /= 12) rc = 1 write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Verify ungridded bounds are valid" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f3) ! grid destroy to clear previous grids. deallocate(fptr) ! Test the new Partial Field features !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f7 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Create an empty Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldGet(f7, status=fstatus, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Retrieve the status from the empty Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "test the returned empty Field status" call ESMF_Test((fstatus == ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_EMPTY), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldEmptySet(f7, grid=grid, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Set a grid in the empty Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldGet(f7, status=fstatus, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Retrieve the status from the empty Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "test the returned gridset Field status" call ESMF_Test((fstatus == ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_GRIDSET), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldEmptySet(f7, grid=grid, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Cannot set a grid in a gridset Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.ne.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldEmptyComplete(f7, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Complete the gridset Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only call ESMF_FieldGet(f7, status=fstatus, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Retrieve the status from the complete Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "test the returned complete Field status" call ESMF_Test((fstatus == ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_COMPLETE), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) ! destroy the paritial creation field call ESMF_FieldDestroy(f7, rc=rc) ! Test 2 step partial creation !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only f7 = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Create an empty Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !EX_UTest_Multi_Proc_Only allocate(farray(5,10)) call ESMF_FieldEmptyComplete(f7, grid, farray=farray, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, rc=rc) write(failMsg, *) "" write(name, *) "Complete the empty Field" call ESMF_Test((rc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE) deallocate(farray) call ESMF_GridDestroy(grid, rc=rc) #endif call ESMF_TestEnd(result, ESMF_SRCLINE) end program ESMF_FieldUTest