.. partable:: Overview of available keywords related to wave breaking parameters alpha :advanced: :description: Wave dissipation coefficient in roelvink formulation :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.5 - 2.0 break :description: Type of breaker formulation :units: :default: roelvink2 :range: roelvink1, baldock, roelvink2, roelvink_daly, janssen breakerdelay :advanced: :description: Switch to enable breaker delay model :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 delta :advanced: :description: Fraction of wave height to add to water depth :units: - :default: 0.0 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 facrun :advanced: :description: Calibration coefficient for short wave runup :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 2.0 facsd :advanced: :description: Fraction of the local wave length to use for shoaling delay depth :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 2.0 fw :advanced: :description: Bed friction factor :units: - :default: 0.0 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 fwcutoff :description: Depth greater than which the bed friction factor is not applied :units: - :default: 1000.0 :range: 0.0 - 1000.0 gamma :description: Breaker parameter in baldock or roelvink formulation :units: - :default: 0.55 :range: 0.4 - 0.9 gamma2 :description: End of breaking parameter in roelvink daly formulation :units: - :default: 0.3 :range: 0.0 - 0.5 gammax :advanced: :description: Maximum ratio wave height to water depth :units: - :default: 2.0 :range: 0.4 - 5.0 n :advanced: :description: Power in roelvink dissipation model :units: - :default: 10.0 :range: 5.0 - 20.0 shoaldelay :advanced: :description: Switch to enable shoaling delay :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1