.. partable:: Overview of available keywords related to wave boundary condition parameters Hrms :description: Hrms wave height for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 :units: m :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 10.0 Tlong :description: Wave group period for case instat = bichrom :units: s :default: 80.0 :range: 20.0 - 300.0 Trep :description: Representative wave period for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 :units: s :default: 10.0 :range: 1.0 - 20.0 dir0 :description: Mean wave direction for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 (nautical convention) :units: deg :default: 270.0 :range: 180.0 - 360.0 instat :description: Wave boundary condition type :units: :default: bichrom :range: stat, bichrom, ts_1, ts_2, jons, swan, vardens, reuse, ts_nonh, off, stat_table, jons_table lateralwave :description: Switch for lateral boundary at left :units: :default: neumann :range: neumann, wavecrest, cyclic m :description: Power in cos^m directional distribution for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 :units: - :default: 10 :range: 2 - 128 nmax :advanced: :description: Maximum ratio of cg/c for computing long wave boundary conditions :units: - :default: 0.8 :range: 0.5 - 1.0 taper :description: Spin-up time of wave boundary conditions, in morphological time :units: s :default: 100.0 :range: 0.0 - 1000.0