.. partable:: Overview of available keywords related to sediment transport parameters BRfac :advanced: :description: Calibration factor surface slope :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 Tbfac :advanced: :description: Calibration factor for bore interval tbore: tbore = tbfac*tbore :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 Tsmin :advanced: :description: Minimum adaptation time scale in advection diffusion equation sediment :units: s :default: 0.5 :range: 0.01 - 10.0 bdslpeffdir :description: Modify the direction of the sediment transport based on the bed slope :units: :default: none :range: none, talmon bdslpeffdirfac :description: Calibration factor in the modification of the direction :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 2.0 bdslpeffini :description: Modify the critical shields parameter based on the bed slope :units: :default: none :range: none, total, bed bdslpeffmag :description: Modify the magnitude of the sediment transport based on the bed slope, uses facsl :units: :default: roelvink_total :range: none, roelvink_total, roelvink_bed, soulsby_total, soulsby_bed bed :advanced: :description: Calibration factor for bed transports :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 betad :advanced: :description: Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 10.0 bulk :advanced: :description: Switch to compute bulk transport rather than bed and suspended load separately :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 dilatancy :description: Switch to reduce critical shields number due dilatancy :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 facAs :advanced: :description: Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry :units: - :default: 0.1 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 facDc :advanced: :description: Option to control sediment diffusion coefficient :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 facSk :advanced: :description: Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness :units: - :default: 0.1 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 facsl :advanced: :description: Factor bedslope effect :units: - :default: 1.6 :range: 0.0 - 1.6 facua :advanced: :description: Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness and asymmetry :units: - :default: 0.1 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 fallvelred :description: Switch to reduce fall velocity for high concentrations :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 form :description: Equilibrium sediment concentration formulation :units: :default: vanthiel_vanrijn :range: soulsby_vanrijn, vanthiel_vanrijn jetfac :advanced: :description: Option to mimic turbulence production near revetments :units: - :default: 0.0 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 lws :advanced: :description: Switch to enable long wave stirring :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 lwt :advanced: :description: Switch to enable long wave turbulence :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 pormax :description: Max porosity used in the experession of van rhee :units: - :default: 0.5 :range: 0.3 - 0.6 reposeangle :description: Angle of internal friction :units: deg :default: 30.0 :range: 0.0 - 45.0 rheeA :description: A parameter in the van rhee expression :units: - :default: 0.75 :range: 0.75 - 2.0 smax :advanced: :description: Maximum shields parameter for equillibrium sediment concentration acc. diane foster :units: - :default: -1.0 :range: -1.0 - 3.0 sus :advanced: :description: Calibration factor for suspensions transports :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 sws :advanced: :description: Switch to enable short wave and roller stirring and undertow :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 tsfac :advanced: :description: Coefficient determining ts = tsfac * h/ws in sediment source term :units: - :default: 0.1 :range: 0.01 - 1.0 turb :advanced: :description: Switch to include short wave turbulence :units: :default: bore_averaged :range: none, wave_averaged, bore_averaged turbadv :advanced: :description: Switch to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence :units: :default: none :range: none, lagrangian, eulerian waveform :description: Wave shape model :units: :default: vanthiel :range: ruessink_vanrijn, vanthiel z0 :advanced: :description: Zero flow velocity level in soulsby and van rijn (1997) sediment concentration :units: m :default: 0.006 :range: 0.0001 - 0.05