.. partable:: Overview of available keywords related to physical processes avalanching :description: Turn on avalanching :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 bchwiz :description: Turn on beachwizard :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 flow :description: Turn on flow calculation :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 gwflow :advanced: :description: Turn on groundwater flow :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 lwave :description: Turn on short wave forcing on nlsw equations and boundary conditions :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 morphology :description: Turn on morphology :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 nonh :advanced: :description: Turn on non-hydrostatic pressure: 0 = nswe, 1 = nsw + non-hydrostatic pressure compensation stelling & zijlema, 2003 :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 q3d :advanced: :description: Turn on quasi-3d sediment transport :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 sedtrans :description: Turn on sediment transport :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 setbathy :description: Turn on timeseries of prescribed bathy input :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 ships :advanced: :description: Turn on ship waves :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 single_dir :advanced: :description: Turn on stationary model for refraction, surfbeat based on mean direction :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 snells :advanced: :description: Turn on snell's law for wave refraction :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 swave :description: Turn on short waves :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 swrunup :advanced: :description: Turn on short wave runup :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 vegetation :advanced: :description: Turn on interaction of waves and flow with vegetation :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1